
"Read these words with the teacher."

Judy stood on the podium, looking calm on the surface.

This was entirely because she had received strict training from the FBI!

In fact, beneath the calm surface, my eyes would inadvertently glance at the corners of the classroom.

Just yesterday... her vagina was almost blown up by Su Yi!

She didn't even think that some things could really go to the end.

She seemed sober last night, but in fact she was already drunk, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to go to bed with Su Yi so easily. She was careless!

She thought she could drink a lot, so she decided to have a couple of drinks with Su Yi.

Unexpectedly... she was the one who fell down in the end.


"That's all for today's English class."

"See you tomorrow!"

Judy stood there and was glad that she didn't reveal some secrets when she was being fucked last night.

For example: her identity!

?Even so, this matter had to be kept a top secret.

Otherwise... once the FBI knew that the first thing she did when she arrived in Tokyo was to go to a hotel with her students, then she might not be far from being transferred back to the headquarters.

"Gone...just now?"

Su Yi thought Judy would call him to the office again to talk about yesterday's events.

At the very least, she would say a few words or look at him.

But she didn't!

This is the real heartlessness!

"Su Yi, your phone is ringing."

Xiao Lan's reminder made him see the phone screen in the hole in the table light up.

Then he realized that the phone had not been switched back to silent mode.

The reason for the silent mode was to be able to have an undisturbed study environment with Teacher Judy last night.


"What's wrong?"

The person who called was none other than Huiyuan Ai.

This little Lolita never contacted him after she was fucked by him.

Something must be wrong at this time!

Of course...

Even when she wasn't fucked, she didn't like to talk about it.

She was so cold!


"I have something going on here."

"Do you want to come over here?"

Su Yi immediately said on the phone that he could be there within half an hour.

Haibara Ai wanted to see him, and it was something that was not convenient to talk about on the phone.

It must be that the research progress of the Hulk serum was effective.

Xiao Ai is very capable!

Su Yi guessed that he should be asked to test the effect of the antidote that was developed.

Half an hour later... when Su Yi was in front of Huiyuan Ai, he found that things were not as good as he imagined.

Huiyuan Ai's scientific research did not make progress, but on the contrary, it was stuck in the difficulty of stagnating.

"How much do you need now?" Su Yi asked.

Huiyuan Ai stretched out five not very long fingers and said,"Five hundred million."

The reason why she came to Su Yi was because she was short of money for her scientific research.

"Five hundred million?"

"So much!"

Did Haibara Ai need so much money in the original work?

Of course!

It is also possible that Haibara Ai now has a full set of scientific research data of the Black Organization.

In addition, this little Lolita thinks she has the ability to get money, so she decided to do scientific research unscrupulously.


Haibara Ai's expression does not look like she is joking!

"What do you think?"

"I don't know how much money the Black Organization has invested in scientific research over the years."


"If you can come up with 100 million yen temporarily, you can deal with it for a while."

"But this is only temporary!"

Su Yi laughed!

Not to mention 100 million, he can't even take out 10 million now.


"elder brother!"

"You didn't spend all your money on a car like this, did you?"

Ai Huiyuan showed a fake smile on her face, and when she saw Su Yi's smile, she understood.

She guessed right!

Su Yi took out all his money and bought a Porsche supercar.


"I'll find a way to deal with this matter."

It's not very difficult to make money in the world of science.

Five hundred million... there's a big chance!

At this moment, Su Yi's eyes fell on Miyano Akemi who was sitting on the sofa.

"No way!"

Miyano Akemi rejected this crazy idea before Su Yi even opened his mouth. The reason why she was able to escape unscathed from the last bank robbery was because she was an insider in the bank.

If she wanted to repeat the same trick this time, it would be almost impossible!

"I didn't say I was going to rob a bank."

"I want to ask if you got to know the wealthy people in Tokyo during your time working at the bank."

"We can go rob... borrow a few hundred million for temporary use."

He's not stupid!

Robbing a bank is undoubtedly sending oneself to a dead end.

Miyano Akemi's last bank robbery seemed very successful, but the final result was the death of two accomplices and her being wanted.

"Rich people"

"I do know one."

Huiyuan Ai's mouth slightly raised, revealing an intriguing smile.

"Are you kidding!"

"The people of the Suzuki Group are not as easy to deal with as you think."

After all, this is one of the largest groups in the island country, and it makes a significant contribution to the GDP of the island country every year.

Once there is a little disturbance... it is estimated that it can attract the security team!

"Are you reluctant to part with it?"

Huihara Ai had a wicked smile on her face.

Although the funding problem has not been solved yet, Su Yi's assistance seems to make her feel good.

At this time...

Su Yi suddenly pounced on Huihara Ai like a tiger and pressed her down on the sofa.

"You really deserve sex."

Don't think he can't see it...

Huiyuan Ai deliberately provoked her in an attempt to arouse his desire.


He is now in a state of hatred.

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