After Xiaolan remembered what Chushan said, she wiped her tears and turned to walk out of the playground. However, she had a strong feeling in her heart that Shinichi would be far away from her.

"No, Shinichi still has to go to school, he won't leave like this, no."

Xiaolan said silently, but she herself was unsure.

At this moment, Chu Shan ran for a while, took out a cigarette from his bag, lit it, and slowly walked towards the place where the accident happened.

At this time, Kudo Shinichi chased the two people from the Black Organization and saw Vodka trading with an old man. He didn't think much about it, but watched the incident closely.

When he saw the suitcase in Vodka's hand and heard the old man say 100 million yen, he was surprised.

"One hundred million yuan?"

At this moment, a man in black clothes and long hair appeared from behind him and knocked Kudo Shinichi unconscious with a stick.

""Brother, isn't this the detective boy? Just kill him."

Vodka took out a gun from his arms and wanted to kill Kudo Shinichi directly, but Gin stopped him and took out a small box from his arms. In Vodka's puzzled eyes,

"There are police patrolling around, so use the new poison developed by this organization......."

He took out a capsule from the box and put it into Kudo Shinichi's mouth. After doing all this, the two of them wanted to leave, but at this moment, Gin's sensitive nose smelled the smell of smoke.

"Who? Who is there? Come out quickly."

Gin took out his pistol and looked in a certain direction nervously. Chu Shan had been here a long time ago, but he did not show up, and the main thing was that he did not want to ruin the plot. If

Kudo Shinichi did not shrink, there would be no Conan, and without Conan, would the world of science still be a world of science?

So Chu Shan did not intend to intervene and let the plot go on smoothly.

He did not appear until Gin knocked Kudo Shinichi unconscious and fed him medicine according to the plot.

This was for a purpose. After Gin found him, Chu Shan turned and left, and Gin hurriedly chased after him with vodka. When Chu Shan felt that he was a little far away from the scene of the incident, he turned and looked at Gin and the two of them.

"What did you see? Tell me."

Gin came forward with a gun in his hand, pointed the gun at Chu Shan and asked him, but Chu Shan's indifference made Gin very crazy, and he felt that the man in front of him was despising him.

Then Gin secretly wanted to kill him, and at this time he didn't care whether there were police around.

""Bang" a gunshot sounded, and Chu Shan's figure was still there.

"Big brother, that guy is behind you, behind you."

Seeing this, Vodka hurriedly took out his pistol and shot at Chu Shan. Anyway, it was already like this, so why bother with anything else.

But to Gin's disappointment, their bullets did not hit the man who dodged like a ghost. Chu Shan stretched out his hand and the sword appeared in his hand.

"The bullets have been used up, so it’s my turn now, right?"


"Where did he take it out from?"

Gin and the others looked at Chu Shan and the sword in his hand in surprise.

Gin quickly changed the magazine and raised the gun in his hand to shoot again, but Chu Shan did not give them a chance this time.

""Shua shua" sound was heard, and Chu Shan's two swords cut the pistols in their hands in half. Chu Shan's control of the sword can be said to be perfect. If it was just a little bit, it would hurt their fingers.

"Is this still a human?"

Gin was stunned, looking at the gun in his hand in disbelief.

Vodka almost collapsed, but Chu Shan did not kill them, he just knocked them unconscious.

"One hundred million yuan? Thanks to Gin and Vodka for their support, I won't be polite."

Chu Shan came over, snatched the box full of money from Vodka, and then searched on Gin's chest. When he touched a small box, he knew that this was what he wanted.

The purpose of his coming here was just for the blue pill that Miyano Shiho was researching, but if he didn't take the money, wouldn't he be a fool?

You say he is financially free now?

But have you seen that rich man who thinks he has too much money?

The place Chu Shan chose is very interesting. It is in the middle of nowhere. It is possible that no one will find him here for a day or two.

Then Chu Shan returned to the place where Kudo Shinichi fainted. He is a reputable person. , and he also accepted the payment from the mother, and promised Yukiko to protect Kudo Shinichi's life.

But he couldn't do anything about the fact that Kudo Shinichi turned into Conan.

He said that he could only save his life, and he didn't agree to be a babysitter.

If there was an accident in the middle of the journey, and the butterfly flapped its wings, what would happen if Kudo Shinichi's life was in danger? The most important thing was that if there was an accident, it would be difficult for him to ask Yukiko for payment next time.

It's that simple.

But nothing unexpected happened. An hour later, the people patrolling around found him. After Kudo Shinichi woke up, he looked around in confusion. When he heard them say that a child was found here

""Child? Who is it?"

Then he left here, stumbling on the street. When he found that he had become smaller, he couldn't believe it. Finally, he returned to his villa, but he couldn't open the door. He was too short, and in the end, it was the doctor who made black technology who found him. After a series of confirmations, Chu Shan left here.

Not long after Chu Shan and Kudo Shinichi, no, now it should be called Conan, left with Conan, Gin and Vodka woke up.

"Brother, just now?"

"I don't know what happened either."

Gin is still confused. He and Vodka were trading with someone, and the detective boy they had just seen appeared at the scene. He knocked him out, and a third party appeared at the scene again.

Then they shot at the guy who was not sure whether he was a human or a ghost, but it seemed to have no effect on that guy. Then he cut off his pistol with a sword. Right, the pistol.

Gin thought of the pistol, looked at his hands, and indeed saw only half of the pistol left.

Then the two of them were knocked out. This series of blows made Gin unbelievable and he thought he was dreaming.

""Big brother, it's bad, the suitcase is missing."

At this moment, Vodka shouted in a hurry, and Gin hurriedly got up to check. When he touched his chest, he found that the box of newly developed drugs was also missing.

After a thought flashed through Vodka's mind, he hurriedly said:"Big brother, did we meet robbers?"

This is really a joke played by God on them. They are the members of the Black Organization, which is many times more powerful than the robbers, but today they were robbed.


Raindrops fell all over the sky, and Gin shouted in disbelief.

Now this was the only explanation that made sense, otherwise who would be so bored as to ambush Gin?

"Brother, the police."

At this moment, Vodka rushed over and covered Gin's mouth.

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