After sending Suzuki Ayako off, Chu Shan rushed home. On the way, he saw Conan and other children.

Ayumi, who was concentrating on thinking about something, suddenly seemed to remember something. She looked up and saw Chu Shan's 911. Seeing this, Ayumi was so happy that she waved her hand and said,

"Brother Chushan, Brother Chushan......"

Chu Shan, who was driving the car, saw Ayumi waving. After Chu Shan stopped the car, he got out and came to Conan and the others.

"Well, why are you here?"

Chu Shan touched the heads of the children one by one. Although he was very unhappy, Conan still acquiesced to Chu Shan's big hand reaching out to his head.

Yuan Tai and Mitsuhiko seemed to enjoy being touched on the head by Chu Shan. Seeing this, Chu Shan smiled slightly. After all, these children were very interesting.

Until his hand came to Huihara Ai's head, Huihara hurriedly stepped back, but how could Chu Shan let her go? Chu Shan came forward and not only touched her head. He also stretched out his hand and pinched her little face, which made Huihara~ feel bad.

"That's enough. Don't go too far.-"

At this time, Huiyuan had already left Ji Xiao's side, and Chu Shan followed him.

Chu Shan squatted down and looked her straight in the eye.

"If you act like an adult every day, Gin will definitely notice you."

Chu Shan smiled and said to Huibara. Seeing this smile, Huibara felt very uncomfortable, especially when she saw the cherishing look in Chu Shan's eyes.

She felt even more uncomfortable and said involuntarily,"Zhizhi knows."

For some reason, Huibara answered like this.

It's true that Huibara is at the forefront of fashion.

Her clothes are really beautiful, especially when paired with her short hair, she is really cool.

But the next moment, she remembered how Chu Shan treated her when she became Shirley. Thinking of it, she was so shy.

"Ayumi, why are you here?"

Chu Shan looked at Ayumi and said, but Ayumi looked at Chu Shan very happily.

"Last night, my mother and I went out shopping. When I was buying toys, I saw a very strange person. The more I thought about it, the more I thought about it. Then Conan and his friends said that there was an arsonist who looked like the person I saw, so we decided to go to the Metropolitan Police Department and talk to Officer Megure."

"Oh, so that’s how it is. Do you need me to take you there?"

""I want" × 3

"No, yes."

The first three were said by Ayumi and the others, and the last one was said by the cool Huiyuan Ai.

After noticing Chu Shan's gaze, Huiyuan saw his threatening gaze and his waving hand at any time. Her face turned red, and of course she knew what the other party meant, that is, he wanted to slap her.......Butt.

Seeing Chu Shan's warning look, she had to change her words immediately. After all, the situation was stronger than the person.

Chu Shan was very satisfied and then asked them to get in the car.

Conan did not express his opinion, but of course he was very happy to take the car.

After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Chu Shan took them to the Investigation Division 1 with ease. After all, this case was the responsibility of the Investigation Division 1.

"Chu Shan, why are they looking at you like this?"

Guang Yan asked Chu Shan curiously. After arriving at the floor where the first investigation section was located, they all found that the passing police officers looked at Chu Shan with questionable eyes.

"Well, they are probably jealous that I am more handsome than them."

Chu Shan certainly couldn't say it was about Sato Miwako, he picked the most beautiful flower in the Metropolitan Police Department, of course everyone had opinions.

Pushing the door and entering the office of the First Investigation Division, Officer Sato happened to pass by at this time. After seeing Chu Shan, she was very nervous, thinking that the other party was looking for him or her, so she hurried over.

Pulling Chu Shan to the side, Chu Shan held her little hand in his backhand. The slender little hand was a little cold. Sato Miwako noticed this situation and wanted to shake off Chu Shan's big hand, but how could Chu Shan let her get rid of it easily? Officer Sato had no choice but to do this.

Arriving in the secluded office, Officer Sato asked anxiously:"If you have anything, won't you call me? What are you doing here?"

Officer Sato was very nervous at this time. She didn't want others to know about her relationship with Chu Shan.

After all, in her heart, this job was more important. Of course, Chu Shan had a high status in her mind. She was mainly shy.

Looking at Miwako's tempting lips, Chu Shan almost bit them. Fortunately, he remembered that there were a few children following him, so he didn't do it.

·· ··Request flowers· ········

"Uh, Officer Sato and Brother Chushan, them?"

"They should be in love."

Mitsuhiko and Genta started to discuss. Their voices were not loud at first, but in this quiet environment, Officer Sato still heard them. When she noticed the two children, she hurriedly stepped back.

The main reason was that they were too close now, especially when she heard the two children's discussion, she was even more shy.

"Conan? Why are you here at the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Of course I brought them here. Ayumi, tell me why you came here."

"Okay, Brother Chushan, Officer Sato is like this......"

After hearing what Ayumi said, Sato Miwako took it seriously. She seemed to remember that Inspector Megure seemed to have said that Conan and his friends would indeed come and asked her to receive them.

......... 0

But after seeing Chu Shan, she forgot to look at the few children behind him.

Back in the office, Officer Sato first poured a glass of water for Chu Shan and the others, and then asked Ayumi to start describing it.

But the final product made Chu Shan almost laugh. Is this a comic?

"Humph, what are you laughing at? If you can do it, then do it."

Officer Sato said to Chu Shan unhappily. Hearing this, Chu Shan was not polite and took the notebook and pen from her, and asked Bu Mei to describe the person she saw again.

Chu Shan was certainly not messing around. He had brushed out sketches and profiling from the system. Although he did not have master-level skills, it was more than enough to deal with this.

Sato Miwako did not care at first, until Officer Takagi and Officer Shiratori came in and saw Chu Shan and the pen and notebook in his hand. They stood behind him curiously and watched. As Chu Shan wrote a few strokes, they were all surprised.

At this time, Sato Miwako knew that Chu Shan, this guy, was really good.

"Look, isn't this very simple?"

Chu Shan said very simply after returning the notebook to Officer Sato.

Gao Mu and others were speechless. Is this simple?

"Well, it does look like that, Ayumi, take a look, is it the person you are talking about?"

Officer Sato looked a little embarrassed at this time, after all, the other party was really strong.

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