But Ayumi obviously didn't know. She was still holding Chu Shan tightly, wanting Chu Shan to leave. Chu Shan squatted down.

""Ayumi, don't be afraid. I have already hunted it. It won't hurt anyone anymore, okay?"

Chu Shan patiently consoled her. This gentle consolation made Ayumi stop wanting to pull Chu Shan away from here. She turned her head carefully and looked at the big wild boar lying motionless on the ground.


"Really, if you don't believe it, come and see."

Chu Shan brought her over, and she was happy when she found that wild boars really wouldn't attack people.

Conan was relieved at this time. Since Chu Shan was here, it meant that they would not be in danger.

After all, he knew Chu Shan's strong strength.

At this moment, he wanted to say something to this direction, but the next moment Chu Shan raised his shotgun..

"Conan, get out of the way."

Chu Shan's words made Conan stunned for a moment, but he still believed Chu Shan and hurriedly hid to the side.

The next moment, he saw a man jumping out from the woods.���A huge black bear was staring at everyone.

Especially its two eyes, no, it should be a single eye, staring at the people holding guns.

""Roar, roar, roar!"

The black bear roared at the sky, and then jumped up and headed towards the hunters.

First, it knocked the hunting rifle in the hands of the hunter standing next to Mr. Yasaka away, and then it looked at Isogai Nagisa next to Chu Shan and headed towards her.

At this time, Isogai Nagisa was scared and held the gun tightly in her hand and dared not shoot. Seeing this, Chu Shan aimed at the black bear's head and was about to shoot it to death.

"Sir, please, don't hurt it, it won't provoke you, please."

Saga Matasaburo suddenly started to plead with Chushan, and his knees softened and he knelt down.

Chushan had no choice but to point his gun at the sky.


A gunshot was heard, and everyone held their breath, afraid to see Isogai Nagisa being hurt by the black bear.

But the gunshot was wrong, and when they looked again, they saw that Chu Shan was firing bullets into the sky.

The big black bear Jubei was probably frightened and did not continue to attack Isogai Nagisa, but just stood there for a moment.

Then it waved its bear paw and slapped the gun in Isogai Nagisa's hand, but at this time Isogai Nagisa had not come back to her senses, and still held the shotgun tightly in her hand. This bear paw slapped down.

It is estimated that Isogai Nagisa's hands are going to be broken, how could Chu Shan watch it.

Chu Shan threw the shotgun in his hand aside, took two steps back, and then used all his strength to punch the black bear Jubei's hattori fiercely.

Isogai Nagisa, who came back to her senses at this time, was also scared silly. She didn't expect the big black bear to attack her, but the next moment she heard the sound of wind coming from her ears, and saw a black figure going towards the big black bear.

"No, Chu Shanjun, don't bother me, get out of the way."

When she saw the black corner of the clothes, she knew it was Chu Shan. After all, the hunters on both of them were chosen by her personally, and she knew the clothes on Chu Shan. What she didn't expect was that Chu Shan would do such a dangerous thing for her.



Two loud noises were heard, the first was from Chu Shan's fist hitting the big black bear Jubei, and the second was the big black bear Jubei's cry of pain. The big black bear was roaring.

In that intact eye, it was staring at Chu Shan closely, with fear in its eyes.

That's right, the big black bear Jubei was afraid of the man in front of him. It was too painful to be hit by this man's fist.

But animals are animals after all. Although there was fear in her eyes, it still aroused her ferocity. She wanted to attack Chushan again. Chushan was ready at this time, wanting to duel with it. But at this time, Conan, who was watching the whole scene, suddenly shouted in a certain direction:"Haibara, let the little bear out quickly, do you hear me, let it out quickly."

When Huiyuan, who was hiding in the dark, heard this, he also came back to his senses from the shock. The main reason was that the scene just now was too shocking. A human dared to fight with a black bear.

And it was an adult black bear. Is it still a human?

This is also the question that everyone at the scene wants to ask, is Chu Shan still a human?

The next moment, a little bear jumped out of the bushes with a naive look. It had short arms and legs.

It came to the big black bear and roared at it in a baby voice, as if it was saying something. Then it came to Chu Shan and shouted at Chu Shan in a baby voice.

This made Chu Shan calm down, and the strength in his body slowly dissipated.

He was actually confident that he could get rid of the big black bear in front of him with his bare hands. This was his confidence, and it was also the confidence given to him by the system.

After everything calmed down, Chu Shan squatted down and stroked the big head of the little black bear.

"¨¨ Okay, I understand what you mean. I won't hit your mother anymore. Go and live a good life with your mother."

The big black bear Jubei saw Chushan squatting down, and was afraid that he would hurt his child, so he ran over in a hurry. The little black bear probably felt his mother's anxiety, and turned his head to shout something at him in a baby voice.

The big black bear quieted down, and the little black bear rubbed Chushan with its big bear head, and then returned to its mother.

At this time, Isogai Nagisa came back to his senses from the shock, and ran over in a hurry, and began to check Chushan, checking his whole body.

"Honey, where are you hurt? Wait a minute, I'll call an ambulance, wait a minute."

As she said this, she frantically looked for the phone, tears welled up in her eyes, she was so anxious.

She didn't expect that the man she found would fight for her. This was something she didn't expect. Don't they all run away when disaster strikes?

But why would Chu Shan fight for her?

"Well, haven't you checked it all? I'm fine, don't worry, I'm fine even if there's a big fight now."

Chu Shan whispered the last sentence in Isogai Nagisa's ear, which made Isogai Nagisa stunned for a moment, but then she looked at Chu Shanyu unhappily.

"It's already this time, and you're still thinking about this."

Chu Shan took her phone and the matter was dropped.

Who is Chu Shan? Would he joke about his own life?

The system had already checked it, and he was fine, just a slight sprain of his fist. After all, Jubei's body was really tough.

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