"Actually, I just wanted that girl to apologize, to apologize to my dead son, to comfort his soul in heaven. This was the only thought I had at the beginning, really......."

The criminal finally admitted his crime.

At this moment, the lights came on and Xiaolan found this place.



Looking at the two people hugging each other, Chu Shan touched his nose and stood still, looking at Officer Megure. I have to say that this guy was really handsome at that moment.

At this time, Officer Sato and others also came. After seeing Officer Megure

"Officer, you're amazing to have found this place.".

"It's nothing, I was just led here naturally."

Officer Megure squatted down, picked up the items on the ground, turned around and said to Sato Miwako

"These stones led me here."

"Officer, are you okay?"

Looking at the blood on Officer Megure's head, Officer Sato hurried over and asked anxiously

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. It's just an old wound that has split open. It's an old wound that I didn't treat well in the past."

22 At this moment, Fatty's figure has become much taller, but it was only for a quarter of an hour.

"Okay, stop trying to hold on if it hurts. It's not real."

Chu Shan came over and helped Officer Megure

"Brother Chushan, thank you."

Of course, Officer Megure knew that Chushan's strength was unimaginable. After all, he had seen it before. But Chushan found the criminal attacking them from behind, and did not attack him, but let him go.

A group of people sent Officer Megure to the ambulance. Chushan looked at Yuanzi beside him. She was probably scared and clung to Chushan.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Chushan drove his car and let Yuanzi go back.

He just checked Yuanzi's feet. There was nothing wrong with it. He just needed to apply ice when he went back.

Along the way, Yuanzi finally turned back into the happy Yuanzi, chattering and chatting with Chushan about happy things.

When they arrived outside the Suzuki family's villa, Yuanzi was holding the bag in her hand, looking at Chushan, and kissed Chushan on tiptoe

"I love you, Chu Shanjun"

"Yeah, I know."

The two of them were intimate, and Yuanzi handed the shopping bag in her hand to Chushan, and turned to go to the Suzuki family's villa.

Chushan carried the bag and watched Yuanzi enter the villa before driving away.

"Let's go."

At this time, a car light suddenly lit up in the dark place, and the next moment a pleasant voice came from the car.

Suzuki Tomoko watched the red 911 leave. She had just arrived, but after seeing her daughter and Chushan, she asked the driver to stop the car and not to disturb them until they left.

Suzuki Tomoko asked the driver to drive the car into the villa.

The next day, Chushan picked up Xiaolan and Sonoko at school, followed by Uncle Maori and Conan, and the group came to the hospital.

They met Inspector Matsumoto, and then went upstairs together.

Halfway through, Uncle Maori also asked why Inspector Megure was so desperate.

"What, that's an old wound from a past case?"

"Megure wears it wherever he goes just to hide the scar on his head......."

Listening to the conversation between Uncle Maori and Inspector Matsumoto, Chushan and the others understood why Megure was so nervous about this case.

Inspector Matsumoto also talked about the details of the case 20 years ago.

"That's why Officer Megure is so against Officer Sato's plan to lure the criminal out."

"That's why he didn't want anyone else to die like that girl."

Ran and Sonoko were emotional. After hearing what Superintendent Matsumoto said, they shed tears. This made Superintendent Matsumoto a little embarrassed. He quickly turned around and looked at the two of them.

"Please, although he was seriously injured in the head and body, he is not dead."

Superintendent Matsumoto's words surprised the two women, and then Superintendent Matsumoto continued

"She later became Megure's......"

"Inspector Matsumoto, you came to the hospital to visit the patient in person, right? You came just in time. Officer Takagi and Officer Sato just left ten minutes ago."

A beautiful figure appeared and said to Inspector Matsumoto

"Oh, they're both here too?"

"Yes, they said they were partners at work after all."

Mrs. Megure was talking to Inspector Matsumoto when she saw Chushan and his group behind him.

Especially when she saw Chushan, her eyes were filled with surprise.

"Come, come, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Maori, a famous detective. He used to be a criminal policeman and was a partner with your husband Megure, but he resigned and stopped being a criminal policeman.

This is his daughter, Maori Ran, and this is Suzuki Sonoko who was rescued by Megure last night.

This child is Edogawa Conan who is staying at Maori's house."

Inspector Matsumoto introduced them one by one to Mrs. Megure.

After they greeted each other, they came to Chushan. Matsumoto Kiyonaga was about to say something, but Mrs. Megure interrupted him.

"I know this person, Mr. Chu Shan, right?"

Chu Shan was stunned. How could the other party know him? He originally thought that he knew it from Officer Megure, but Chu Shan saw that there seemed to be a fire in this woman's eyes. It seemed that things were not so simple.

"Yes, hello, Mrs. Megure."

The two shook hands, but did not bow.

When Chu Shan pulled his hand back, he felt itchy in his palm. He thought he had seen it wrong, but when he looked up and saw the fire in Mrs. Megure's eyes, it seemed to be even hotter. After the few people got to know each other, Mrs. Megure took them into the ward.

At this time, in Officer Sato's car, Gao Mu, who was driving the car, looked at Sato Mi863 and Zi a little strangely.

Just now, she received a call.���Her face looked a little ugly, or more accurately, a little shy.

"Officer Sato, what's wrong with you?

Gao Mu couldn't help but ask.

"No problem, go to this address......"

At night, Miwako Sato, dressed in a police uniform, appeared in front of Chushan's house again. After saying hello to Haruko Miyamoto, she went upstairs, which made Haruko Miyamoto very strange.

She knew in her heart that there must be something going on between Officer Sato and Chushan, but she couldn't understand why Officer Sato was still wearing a police uniform so late at night?

Although Haruko Miyamoto was very strange, she would not go up to ask. After all, Chushan had almost made her linger during this period of time.

At this time, on the third floor, Chushan was pretending to be holding a book with a pair of glasses on his face.

"The door opened, and the next moment, Sato Miwako, who was wearing a police uniform, came in. Seeing Chu Shan's expression,

"Wow, our Chu Shanjun is actually reading a book. How about I go and see if the sun rises from the west?"

""Stop, witch, surrender."

Throwing the book aside, Chu Shan transformed into a demon hunter, picked up a magic weapon and chased after the witch Sato Miwako.

It must have been a while since they last met, the two of them were as close as latex and iron. They played all kinds of games, such as Taoist fighting witch, police catching thieves, etc.

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