Mr. Yoshikawa's words almost made Officer Yokomizo burst out laughing, but he still said seriously

"You must know these two. One is the sleeping Mr. Maori Kogoro, and the other is Mr. Chushan, a famous detective who is as famous as Mr. Maori. Do you think they could have committed a crime?"

Officer Yokomizo explained helplessly.

At this time, the other people in the room were shocked. These two are very famous. It's a pity that they really know each other..

"And that is Mr. Maori's daughter, the child next to her is Conan who is staying at Mr. Maori's house, and the lady over there, could she be Mr. Chushan's wife or girlfriend?"

When Officer Yokomizo introduced Ikenami Shizuka, she was a little surprised.

After all, Ikenami Shizuka was standing next to Chushan at this time, and they looked like a couple. Hearing this, Ikenami Shizuka was a little embarrassed. She didn't expect

"You misunderstood, I want to find my friend Mr. Shibata Shiro, whom I haven't seen for many years. My surname is Ikeba, and the reason I'm looking for Mr. Shibata is that I want him to return the old photos he took thirty years ago to me so that I can keep them as a souvenir."Ikeba Shizuka hurriedly explained, although she was very happy in her heart that others said she was young. After all, Chu Shan was only 21 years old this year, and how much older could his female companion be?

"Oh, the photo she mentioned should be the photo held in the victim's hand."

At this moment, Conan pointed at the victim and said, Xiaolan saw Conan so close to the victim, afraid that he would be blamed, so she hurried over and took Conan away, making Chu Shan, who was standing beside him, almost burst out laughing.

"Oh, Sister Xiaolan, I have actually seen it just now."

"What is this?"

At this time, Officer Yokomizo and Uncle Maori had already come to the victim. They took out the photo from the victim's hand and

"Yes, this is the photo I was looking for."


The two were shocked. They didn't expect such a coincidence.

"But how could Mr. Shibata hold it in his hand?"

Chu Shan, who was standing next to Ikebo Shizuka, seemed to be talking to himself.

"Why is he holding this photo? Is he so infatuated?ˇ ?"

Ikebo Jinghua blushed when she heard this. This guy is still talking nonsense at this time.

"No, we are just ordinary friends."

"Oh, can I have a photo of you when you were young? We are friends now, right?"

This was of course a joke from Chu Shan, but Chibo Jinghua next to him glanced at him, and this glance contained a lot of things.

As for Uncle Maori, at this time, the two of them were also looking at the photo in their hands and the victim on the ground with a bit of surprise.

"Then why would he hold a photo in his hand?"

The two of them started discussing. This really didn't make sense. Even if he was the object of his secret love, could he have taken a look at it before he died?

"In my opinion, this photo should be the death message left by Mr. Shibata before his death."

"Ah, this matter should have nothing to do with Miss Jinghua......"

Seeing the two of them discussing the photo, Chu Shan almost laughed out loud. Who doesn't know what Uncle Maori is thinking?

"Miss Jinghua, you are really charming. Even here you have suitors, haha."

Pochi Jinghua was thinking about what was hidden behind all this. She really had no way to deal with Chu Shan. Could this guy be her nemesis? Just a few words made her lose face.

"Really, did I invite you here just to make fun of me?"

Ikeba Jinghua could no longer bear it and said with gritted teeth.

But Chu Shan had already walked forward. He couldn't stand it anymore. Uncle Maori and Officer Yokomizo were there analyzing boringly.

"Hey, you two, stop for a moment, don't you have any other discoveries?"

Conan, who was held by Xiaolan, stopped struggling at this time, and everyone looked at Chu Shan.

"There is something under the body, go and have a look."

Chu Shan said helplessly, which made Officer Henggou hurriedly order someone to come over and move the body away.

"What is this? A novel, the description is called Thundergod's Gate."

Uncle Maori seemed to remember something and turned his head to look at Ikeba Shizuka.

"Is this the book you are returning?"

"Yes, this is the novel......"

After confirming that this book was the one that Shizuka Ikebo returned to the deceased thirty years ago, Officer Yokomizo looked at Shizuka Ikebo in confusion.

"Could it be that......"

"Wait a minute, don't be impulsive, this is too much of a coincidence, this novel, this photo fell on the floor at this time?"

Uncle Maori organized Officer Yokomizo, he was thinking, how could such a beautiful woman be the criminal?

"I remember that he received a strange phone call the day before yesterday."

At this time, Mr. Yoshikawa seemed to remember something and said while stroking his chin.

"How do you say that?"

"¨¨ I remember that he said this novel is very good and you must read it. He was in this living room at that time......."

"Yes, after my husband finished speaking, he found the book on the bookshelf and kept saying,"I found it, I remember it is there, huh?"

Mrs. Shibata pointed to the bookshelf, but many books fell to the ground.

Conan was next to the forensic officer at this time. He wanted to borrow the book, but how could the forensic officer lend the book to a child?

"It's okay, you can bring it here, I can understand it."

At this time, Chu Shan appeared and said to the forensic personnel. Although the forensic personnel were very confused at this time, they still handed the book to him. After all, they knew the other party's identity very well.

Of course, they also knew that Chu Shan was from Daxia.

"I know what you want to know. There is no character called Li Zi in this book.��

Chu Shan flipped through the book casually, of course he was wearing gloves.

Hearing this, Conan turned his head and looked over there, as if Chibo Jinghua was a white goose. He was very sure that this woman lied, but why did she lie?

After that, Chu Shan returned the novel to the forensic personnel, and ignored Conan, but began to casually check everything that puzzled him.

Slowly, Chu Shan actually walked out of the room and came to the outside of the room.

He originally wanted to smoke a cigarette at the stairs, but he saw an interesting thing next to the door.

Holding this thing, Chu Shan returned to the room with

"Officer Henggou, look what I found."

Originally, Officer Henggou was still thinking about all this. When he heard Chu Shan's voice, he looked up in confusion.

"This wooden sword, the murder weapon?"

Yes, Chu Shan was holding a bloody wooden sword in his hand.

This was what he had just found by the door at the staircase. After seeing the wooden sword, Officer Yokomizo began to question Mrs. Shibata.

Chu Shan handed the wooden sword to the forensic personnel.

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