After Gin heard this, especially after hearing about that guy, he knew who the guy was that Vodka was talking about, and he couldn't help but get even crazier. He even raised his pistol and pointed it at the sky.


"Come on, come out, I'm not afraid of you, if you dare to come out, I will kill you directly."

Although he said this, Gin's other hand did touch his waist, which is the representative of being tough.

It is estimated that he is still unsure at this time. Huiyuan is a little confused at this time. What is going on?

Her arm was scratched, and she covered the bleeding place

"Oh, are you looking for me?"

At this moment, a coordinated voice sounded, making Gin, who was still in a frenzy, tense up and look around.

"Since you are here, then come out, you rat who can only hide in the gutter."

Gin fired bullets around frantically, and Chu Shan came out from the darkness. This was not what he wanted, but he was wearing a mask on his face at this time, just in case.

Chu Shan didn't want to say that he didn't like trouble. After all, his handsome face was like a firefly in the dark night, so attractive that you can't forget it after seeing it for a long time.

"Hahaha, you actually came out, you actually dared to come out, look at the gun."

This time Gin got smarter, he no longer dueled with Chu Shan, he knew he was no match for Chu Shan, so he took the initiative and shot the bullets in his hand as if they were free.

""Bang , bang, bang."

Vodka next to him also understood what his elder brother meant, so he raised his gun and shot.

Another thing is that he didn't want to experience the feeling of being served by a thick black stick again. It was too painful.

So taking the initiative was the best choice for the two of them now, but soon they were dumbfounded. They saw Chu Shan swaying left and right like an elf in black clothes.

And the bullets they shot seemed to have eyes and avoided Chu Shan. That's right, it was as if the bullets deliberately avoided Chu Shan.

Looking at Chu Shan who was getting closer and closer, Gin's eyes were more panicked and unbelievable. He didn't expect this problem to arise.

Is it possible? Do you know that you have to carry a bazooka next time to deal with the man in front of you?

Chu Shan really overturned Gin's cognition for decades. He could actually dodge bullets!

The barrel of the gun was very hot at this time, but he still didn't dare to stop. He was afraid that Chu Shan would suddenly take out the long, thick and black stick again and hit him with it. That would be uncomfortable.

The same goes for Vodka. He was in pain for several days after being hit by Chu Shan's sticks last time. This time, he would not be given a chance no matter what.

The two brothers did not expect to subdue or kill Chu Shan now. They just hoped that Chu Shan would not get close to them.

But Chu Shan's ghostly steps still approached step by step.

""Vodka, retreat."

Gin whispered to Vodka beside him. After that, he didn't care whether the other party heard it clearly or not. Anyway, he had reminded him. Then he shot and retreated at the same time.

Vodka was not a fool. Seeing his elder brother retreat consciously, he certainly followed him. So, Chu Shan stepped forward and the two of them retreated.

Chu Shan was also nervous at this time. He was a human, not a god.

So he could only get closer to Gin and the others in a limited space.

But it was obvious that the two guys were not stupid. They were also retreating.

"I said, you asked me to come out, now I am here, but you want to escape, this is too much of a joke, stop, wouldn't it be better for the three of us to have a good chat?"

Chu Shan said to Gin and the others, and while saying this, he wanted to spread his hands, just to make the two of them stop and talk.

But it was obvious that Gin saw that Chu Shan was trying to fish, and the fish he was fishing for were the two big fish.

"Tsk, you think I'm an idiot, as long as I stop, you will never let us go, the last two times, I asked you not to hit my face, you still hit me, I won't trust such a person without credibility, right, brother?"

"Damn you, don't be distracted. Be careful that he takes the opportunity to get close to us, then we will be in trouble."

Gin, who was concentrating on firing a pistol, responded unhappily after hearing what Vodka said.

These words made Chu Shan a little embarrassed. He is a trustworthy person. Why does it seem that he doesn't keep his word when he hears them?

Oh, he remembered that last time in the warehouse where Chu Shan Mingmei was rescued, Vodka did ask him not to slap him in the face.

It was because of Vodka's big face that he finally hit him in the face.

Who made him not look like a good person when he smiled? Chu Shan was getting rid of harm for the people.

At this time, Gin and the other person were already close to the edge of the rooftop. If they retreated any further, they would fall down.

Why didn't Gin take Shirley as a hostage?

The reason was that Chu Shan forced them to leave Shirley intentionally or unintentionally, and in order to prevent them from shooting at Shirley, Chu Shan's steps moved even faster.

In this way, they were a little cautious and had no time to shoot at Shirley.

"Brother, what should I do?"

"What else can I do? Jump."

Gin jumped down from the rooftop. Seeing this, Vodka didn't dare to stay and jumped off the rooftop.

"Not really? Just jump down like that?"

Chu Shan didn't expect these two guys to be so timid, just jump down like that?

He couldn't help but come to the edge of the rooftop, and there was no trace of Gin and the others below.

Shirley looked at Chu Shan at this time, and her eyes were a little frightened.

"Is this still a human being?

She couldn't help but wonder in her heart. When Chu Shan came to her side and checked his wound, he was relieved to find that it was just a scratch.

"Chu Shan, you are Chu Shan."

Shirley said affirmatively, which made Chu Shan a little speechless. Is his disguise so bad?

Shirley's words made Chu Shan still confused. He just changed a set of clothes and even changed his hairstyle, but now Shirley saw through it at a glance.

"How did you know?"

Helplessly, Chu Shan took off the mask on his face and looked at Shirley.

But as he looked at her, Chu Shan's eyes changed, and Shirley didn't notice it for a while.

"Smell, you have a smell that people can't forget once they smell it."

Shirley's words shocked Chu Shan, and he couldn't help but smell it.

He is a new-age man who loves cleanliness. He takes a shower every day, even in the winter. Where does the smell come from?

Shirley looked at Chu Shan's puzzled eyes and couldn't believe that she smelled the smell on her body, and couldn't help but laugh:"You can't smell it yourself. The smell is very strange. Only the opposite sex who really get close to you can smell it."

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