When the strong men chased out, Chu Shan and Fei Yingli were nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, if you keep doing this, even if Mr. Liu Xiahui came, he couldn't achieve the state of meditation. Don't tempt me."

Chu Shan was riding a motorcycle, but the person behind him was very dishonest at the moment, and he was like a beautiful snake, which made Chu Shan feel miserable.

If he continued like this, he might have an accident..

"Hmm, is it God's will?"

Chu Shan just stopped the motorcycle and turned his head to see a fast hotel. And Fei Yingli, who was just stopped by him, came to pester him again.

""Forget it, I'll take you in to heal your wounds. Who can blame me for being kind?"

After that, Chu Shan carried Fei Yingli to the express hotel. At this moment, the front desk staff of the hotel saw Chu Shan and Fei Yingli in his arms, and they were all amazed at Chu Shan's arm strength. They also envied Fei Yingli. After all, for someone with such arm strength, the effect would probably be like drilling a well, endless.

After completing the check-in procedures, Chu Shan brought Fei Yingli to the room. After arriving , Chu Shan just put Fei Yingli on the bed.

The next moment, a beautiful snake wrapped around him. Chu Shan could only helplessly raise his hands and let the abuser abuse him.

It's just that he accidentally touched the mobile phone, and he didn't know if it was because his hands kept moving. Since he clicked on the video function, Chu Shan passively participated in the invitational tournament.

"You can't blame me afterwards. I didn't do anything. You took the initiative. There's video to prove it......."

In Chu Shan's weak words, he actually passively enjoyed it.

The moonlight tonight is particularly rich, and the whole land is shrouded in the night. The female killer in the bar, whose real name is Matsushita Kentaro.

He never uses his real name in the bar. With this melancholy and sad expression, he is always successful in the bar. In fact, his real identity is a supporting actor, commonly known as a dead supporting actor.

And these expressions were learned when he was filming. He didn't make much progress in his career, but he was always successful in the love field.

It's just that he lost to Eri Kisaki today, and was frightened by Chu Shan to urinate incontinence. It's embarrassing to think about it. After Chu Shan left, he also quietly left the bar, just to evacuate in time.

After all, as a supporting actor, his salary is not enough to make his life much better. Only by defrauding the money from the women he successfully hunted can he live the life he wants.

And there are many of his customers in the bar. If they know that they were scared to pee.

How can he survive in the future, so he evacuated the bar tactfully.

But what he didn't realize was that after he came out of the bar, there was a tail following him at a leisurely pace, but he was still immersed in the fact that Chu Shan scared him to death. He didn't notice the tail behind him, so he came to a dark alley. He came here to solve a personal problem.

But Matsushita Kentaro didn't realize that there was only one tail behind him just now, but more and more came one after another.

Baimao came to the place where the little brother who was following Matsushita Kentaro was.

"Kenzo, where is that guy?「 ?"

"Right there."

Soon he came over with the white-haired gang. Matsushita Kentaro was looking at the automatic bifurcated drainage system, and he was a little annoyed.

"Oh my, what happened to me? Why did I split? It's all that guy's fault. And Baimao is also a loser. I gave him so much money, but he didn't get anything done. What a loser."

""Haha, we are trash? Then what are you?"

Baimao was very angry when he heard what Matsushita Kentaro said, and he couldn't help but curse at him.

But Baimao soon paid the price for his anger. Matsushita Kentaro, who was still studying the bifurcation problem of the drainage system, was startled and turned around.

If there was no one behind him, it would be fine, but at this moment, Baimao and his little brothers surrounded him, and the result was

"Ouch, this guy is plotting against us."

"Disgusting, so disgusting."

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you."

Very evenly, from Baimao to his little brothers, everyone's shoes, and even their pants were wet. They immediately started shouting and screaming. Baimao couldn't believe it at this time. He was actually wet with urine?

After a while, he stared at Matsushita Kentaro with wide eyes.

"Beat him to death."

Baimao said to the younger brother beside him, and then a group of people rushed forward. This guy was really too much. It would be hard to relieve the hatred in his heart if he didn't beat him up. He would settle the old and new accounts together.

Immediately, Matsushita Kentaro was beaten to tears. Baimao finally emptied all the money on him, and only the miserable Matsushita Kentaro was left there.

The whole person lay on the ground as if he had just come out of a refugee camp.

Looking at the stars in the sky, he regretted it very much at this time. Why did he do what he did after Kisaki Eri rejected him?

If he hadn't done it, would such a thing not have happened?

But there is no regret medicine in the world, he can only blame himself for his bad luck.

Kisaki Eri felt that she had been in the clouds, surrounded by soft clouds.

The next day, Kisaki Eri woke up, and when she felt something strange, she knew what happened. After all, she was not a child anymore.

She still had some impression of what happened last night.

So he became even more embarrassed, and he glanced at the people around him carefully.

".〃 Is it him?"

Although Chu Shan's appearance had changed a lot at this time, she still recognized him. Isn't this the child from the family opposite the Maori Detective Agency?

And she also knew Chu Shan's deceased parents, which was embarrassing.

What was even more embarrassing was her current posture. She was hugging the other person like a koala. She quietly loosened her hand and planned to escape from here without Chu Shan waking up.

Trying not to make any sound, stepping on the ground, Fei Yingli was in a trance and almost couldn't stand.

Thinking back to last night, she and Chu Shan played an invitational match for several rounds.

Fei Yingli is such a person. She is really bad and likes to play. After losing each round, she would fight again.

As a result, she didn't have any strength in the end and lost to Chu Shan.

"Oh, you want to pull up your pants and not recognize me."

What you fear will come true. Chu Shan woke up when she was moving. He didn't say anything because he was afraid that she would be embarrassed, but he couldn't help it in the end.

"Haha, you are such a jerk."

Since Chu Shan has woken up, she has nothing to pretend. After all, she is the queen of the legal world. She responded to Chu Shan calmly.

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