Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 100 The Germination Of Capitalism

Facing Su Yun's conceited arrogance, Yun Yao felt from the bottom of her heart that he was not talking big, but she was still unconvinced, "I think you are just looking for reasonable excuses for your Spirit Stones business!"

"Let's wait and see!" Su Yun raised the corners of his mouth, raised his head slightly, and grinned.

"By the way, can I borrow a few people from you?"

"Borrow who? My personal guards? They all have official duties, so they can't leave." Yun Yao asked suspiciously.

"Help me find some mortal craftsmen who are quick to work and have bright minds. I need more blacksmiths, pottery craftsmen, and painters." Su Yun counted on his fingers: "Remember to tell them that I am a couple of people who work according to the market price. Double the wages!"

Faced with Su Yun's bossy orders, Yun Yao was very unhappy, but she had to cooperate, so she had to sullenly say, "How much do you want?"

"Come to a few rooms!" Su Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"A few rooms..." Yun Yao gritted her teeth and said heavily, "Okay~~"

"Thank you!" Su Yun thanked casually, looked at Wen Bai, and said with a smile, "Go, go to my room!"

"Why? I'm going to set up the stove for pill refining!" Wen Bai tilted his head and asked, but he had already walked to Su Yun's side while speaking.

"Of course it's helping you with the pill refining!" Su Yun smiled meaningfully, and pulled Wen Bai into the room.

"Help me with pill refining?" Wen Bai didn't understand why, but he didn't ask any further questions, and obediently followed.

Seeing the tired and crooked two people, Yun Yao rolled her eyes, turned around and left with her sword.

Huang Jianbing looked at the courtyard a few times, and flew away with his sword to look for Wang Fu.

After entering the house, Su Yun closed the door and opened various Restrictions, and the small courtyard became calm again.

Bored, Jiang Mu returned to his own room, opened the coffin board, and fell asleep.

In the room, the white light of the fluorite lamp was soft and bright, illuminating the two sitting on the futon facing each other.

"So... what are you going to do? Let me sit here?" Wen Bai frowned, staring at Su Yun and asked.

Su Yun stretched out his right hand, kept rubbing his index finger and thumb, and said with a smile: "Of course it is to earn Spirit Stones! Earn a lot of Spirit Stones!"

"Don't count on me! Even if my alchemy furnace smokes, the output is limited. It's fine to make a little money, but it's hard to get rich!" Wen Bai thought for a while, shaking his head, "Unless I can refine A high rank Medicine Pill is priceless, but... with my current Foundation Establishment early stage Realm, I can barely refine some fourth-rank Medicine Pills, that's all."

The Foundation Establishment early stage can refine the fourth-order Medicine Pill, which is quite like Versailles, and many pill refiners of Void Core Realm are still working on the third-order Medicine Pill...

"Then let you see something first!" A slight smile crossed Su Yun's face.

Immediately, the floor where the two-person futon was located sank, as if they were taking an elevator, bringing them into the underground production workshop.

The two got off the floor and walked a few steps.

The pre-installed fluorite lamps were turned on one by one, illuminating a cavern the size of several football fields.

Since the bedrock under the imperial city is a solid piece of white marble, the walls of the caves opened up are also smooth and smooth, so that the whole workshop looks very bright.

The two production lines are running at full speed, and the production line of tens of meters is very small in comparison. It is like two strokes on a piece of white paper in the workshop.

Su Yun led Wen Bai closer, and Wen Bai understood at a glance that the iron bumps in front of him were refining Magical Items.

The finished products include Flying Sword, and the kind used by the firearm Magical Item - bullets.

"These are Magical Item production lines. It can separate each step of the process to form an assembly line, so as to complete each process efficiently! Only need to input materials and spiritual cores, and the Magical Item will be continuously and automatically refined."

"For this Yunzi No. 1 Flying Sword production line, according to the market price, you can earn 1,300 Spirit Stones a day, and the Flying Sword can even be sold at a higher price in Yanyun City."

"The other one is the ammunition production line, which can produce 500 bullets a day, but..." Su Yun smiled bitterly, "500 bullets per day is still far from meeting the demand."

"Therefore, I am going to expand more production lines!"

"Same." Su Yun paused, put his hands on Wen Bai's shoulders, looked into her eyes, and said seriously: "We can also develop a Medicine Pill production line and mass-produce Medicine Pills!"

"When our Magical Item and Medicine Pill are launched on the market, Spirit Stones will pour in in droves!"

The grand blueprint slowly unfolded under Su Yun's narration, Wen Bai was stunned for a while, she felt that Su Yun was doing something unprecedented in Immortal World!

Then, she stretched out her hand to stroke the blue hair, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in her eyes, she nodded and said: "It's a way to get money, you can try it!"

"In the future, you can choose a few original medicine pills. If you want a medicine pill that has better efficacy than the same kind of medicine pill and lower cost, it is best to use a higher consumption and have a larger market." Su Yun touched his chin Thinking: "Then carefully disassemble the various processes of pill refining, and then we will contact again. I try to use Magical Item instead of labor to build a production line."

"Leave it to me! It's not difficult to create some pill recipes without a suitable Medicine Pill!" Wen Bai clenched his fists, nodded heavily, and ignited unprecedented fighting spirit!

Wen Bai returned to his own room and began to ponder the Medicine Pill process, while Su Yun stayed to refine the new production line.

Now there are quite a few mid-range Spirit Stones, and Su Yun has also arranged a production line for "Type II-Changed" ammunition, with a daily output of 50 rounds, which basically meets the demand.

The production line of Type 1 ammunition has been expanded to four, reaching a production capacity of more than 2,000 rounds per day.

Even if Su Yun's Realm is improved, his spiritual sense is enhanced, and his refining speed is greatly improved, it will be two days after all these are done.

Wen Bai didn't get any results yet, but Yunyao first contacted Su Yun with a messenger, saying that the craftsman had found it.

After doing some finishing work, Su Yun left the cave, and he couldn't help being surprised by the lively scene outside the courtyard.

"so many people?"

It was early in the morning, it was still daylight, but the open space outside the other courtyard was already crowded with hundreds of people, all mortals, both men and women, some were still young, and some had passed the age of destiny.

Yun Yao is trying to maintain order, but she has little experience, she can't hold back, her voice is hoarse, but no one listens to her.

Many artisans are bustling, eagerly discussing the double recruitment of Spirit Stones.

"Who is willing to pay double the salary to hire us craftsmen!"

"No matter what, to own such a house at the foot of Yunfeng must be someone with a prominent status!"

"Then why invite us mortals? Wouldn't it be good to hire some craftsmen?"


Su Yun walked to Yunyao's side, before she could speak, Yunyao gave her a look, and then she said angrily, "Is the craftsman you want enough? They are the blacksmiths I bought from all over Yanyun City, A master recruited by pottery workshops and furniture stores!"

"Enough is enough, and there are even more." Su Yun looked ahead, counting the specific number of visitors, and then asked suspiciously, "Why don't you ask your subordinates to help, you have to do it yourself?"

"Let's go, after all, they used to be my bodyguards, and now they have their own responsibilities, so it would be nice if they could help out for a while!" Yun Yao squinted at Su Yun with a displeased expression on her face.

"You, the third princess, are so miserable!" Su Yun shook his head again and again, then left Yunyao behind, stepped forward a few steps, stood on the edge of the steps, and said loudly, "Everyone, please be quiet!" Everyone's attention was instantly attracted, Looking at the man in front of him.

"All craftsmen, let me introduce myself. My name is Su Yun, and I may be the future employer of some of you!" Su Yun said in a confident voice.

"Some people?" A sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man retorted, "You called us here, but you didn't hire all of them. What's the matter?"

Su Yun was silent for a moment, turned his hands away, and said calmly: "You think double wages are so easy to earn? You must meet my requirements to stay!"

"Your request? Who do you think you are? I won't wait for the heavenly king daddy!" The man was very unconvinced, turned around and squeezed out of the crowd, and walked out.

Su Yun didn't feel angry, but just raised his voice, "It's because I pay your wages! It's because I only work five hours a day, eight days of vacation every month, and one month of annual leave every year!"

"Double wages during holidays, and overtime pay will be calculated separately."

"Heh, exploiting you won't kill you!!"

Hearing this, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stopped for a moment, turned around and showed a snobbish smile, "Hehe, boss, I admit that I just said it a little loudly, forgive me!"

He was afraid that Su Yun would chase him away, so he patted his chest and said, "Boss, don't look at my physique, I'm a good blacksmith!"

"My words are not proven, I have my own means of testing." Su Yun said nonchalantly.

His eyes turned to the crowd again, and Su Yun was satisfied when he saw the crowd waiting for him to submit instantly.

Wanting to make people obedient is nothing more than coercion and lure, and lure is obviously a more effective method, which can mobilize their subjective initiative.

"Does anyone have any comments?" Su Yun looked down with his eyes.

All the people waited in silence, no one dared to have an opinion, and having an opinion is a problem with money!

Some people who know the world even flatter.

"Hey, it's all up to the master's orders. The master tells us to go east, but we dare not go west!"

"My boss is wise and mighty, let me send you around!"


"Then line up and register one by one." Su Yun waved his hand like a boss.

Then, under the micro-manipulation of Shenwei Yutu Jue, stone tables and benches were automatically raised on the square, such a method caused mortals to exclaim.

"It turns out that the owner is still a cultivator, no wonder his bearing is so extraordinary!"

"I don't think those ordinary fairy masters have such skills! My boss is really surprised by Deva!"


Seeing this scene, Yun Yao frowned, she was fascinated, and she couldn't figure out how Su Yun did it.

"Hehe, what are you doing, go to register!"

After regaining her senses, Yun Yao suddenly realized that Su Yun was actually ordering herself, and she was instantly unhappy, "What? Are you still pushing your nose on your face? Are you used to ordering me?"

"Hey, I'm doing this for you, the people of Ruiguo! Some people don't understand my good intentions!" Su Yun looked at the sky and said with a disappointed face.

Yun Yao bit her lip, feeling aggrieved, "You know how to use my identity to frame me, bad guy..."

"Isn't this an opportunity for you to practice at the grassroots level? You will thank me in the future." Su Yun was earnest throughout.

With a stern face, Yun Yao sat on the stone board, twitched for a while before changing into a comfortable position, took out the pen and paper she carried with her, and started to register with a smile on her face.

"Remember, you need to register your name, gender, resume, type of work, and what you are good at." Su Yun guided from the side.

"I know!" Yun Yao replied helplessly.

The personnel registration was carried out in an orderly manner, and Su Yun returned to the house and began to prepare the things needed next.

There are a lot of knowledge points involved in the power system, and it is unrealistic for the craftsmen to learn them all, not to mention that they do not understand the basic scientific principles, so learning will only be in the fog.

However, it can be like an assembly line, allowing these workers to master one of the processes.

For these skilled craftsmen, it should not be difficult.

Su Yun first sorted out the process of manufacturing the entire power system by category.

The entire system, from generators and cables to transformers and lamps, requires casting of 120 large parts and more than 200 small parts.

It also includes the production of rubber cables, the manufacture of enameled wires, and the firing of insulating ceramics.

There are also more than 50 assembly processes, including late stage debugging and maintenance work.

But the first thing to do is to start from scratch, wait for the workers to be able to manufacture the power system proficiently, and then select craftsmen with strong learning ability from among them, let them learn and master all the processes, and then ordinary craftsmen can complete the debugging and maintenance work alone.

The forging patterns and techniques of each component, each assembly process, as well as various technical details and precautions, were all recorded in detail by Su Yun on paper, and they all used easy-to-understand descriptions to facilitate their learning.

Su Yun selected some representative crafts as the selection test questions.

As long as you can pass, you can basically do all kinds of work.

At this time, the registration work has almost come to an end.

Yun Yao sat upright on the stone board, with a serious expression, she didn't care if the corner of her skirt was swept on the ground, she patiently asked the craftsmen who signed up, she calmed down a lot, and stopped bluffing.

After the last person completed the registration, Su Yun stepped forward, asked everyone to line up in the order of registration, took out the rubbings of the exam questions, and distributed them according to the registered type of work.

"Please forge fine iron parts according to the pattern... But this kind of iron has never been seen before! What are you doing?"

"Whatever it is for, can't we forge it? With my craftsmanship, it can be said to be easy!"

"Please mix up a transparent varnish... It is required to be able to cover the copper wire stably! What kind of strange request is this, shouldn't the varnish require all kinds of bright colors?"

"Please make copper cables wrapped in rubber... what is rubber?"

"Rubber is the product of latex processing. The specific processing method is described below." Su Yun explained.

"I said it was the sap of the gum tree! I have a lot of it!" the painter said proudly, feeling that he had a better chance of winning.


After getting the exam questions, everyone had different expressions. When they learned that the results would be handed in at this time the next day, they all dispersed.

Yun Yao stretched her waist, and muttered: "I didn't expect to be so tired, why don't you let me help kill the evil cultivators!"

"You are the third princess, how could you do such a rude thing?" Su Yun smiled shyly.

"The dignified third princess should run errands for you, right?" Yun Yao asked with squinting eyes.

"No, I call this a co-founder!" Su Yun shook his finger and said with a deep expression, "However, do you need to apply for a business license or something to do business in your Yanyun City?"

"All you need to do is to register for taxation at the Chamber of Commerce under the jurisdiction of the palace." Yun Yao said indifferently, but when she saw Su Yun's earnest eyes, her face was darkened instantly, and she said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll help you." ! But the basic information must be there! What is the name of the store, and the business."

"And you need a store anyway!"

"This is easy!" Su Yun smiled slightly.

Yun Yao instantly had an ominous premonition.

On the stone door frame of the other courtyard, under the eaves of the blue tiles, a white marble plaque suddenly appeared, with the inscription - Yunbai Trading Company!

Immediately afterwards, two white marble statues rose on both sides of the gate.

One is a three-legged golden toad, and the other is a beckoning cat!

"Su Yun, don't go too far!!" Yun Yao's complaint resounded throughout the courtyard.

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