Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 108: Here Comes The Little Flying Stick!

"The Emperor Yun is going to die? Why didn't I see it?" Wen Bai shook his head slightly, a little unbelievable, "I want to try to cure him! There must be a Medicine Pill!"

Jiang Mu folded his hands, shook his head and said: "There is no solution, Emperor Yun is damaged at the level of the soul."

As he said that, Jiang Mu looked at Su Yun, "Similar to my senior, Nascent Soul powerhouses have no power to recover, let alone Yun Huang, who is only a mere Foundation Establishment early stage."

"It is extremely difficult for Five Elements Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots to break through to Foundation Establishment. It seems that he is eager for quick success and quick profit, and forced a breakthrough. The price he paid is naturally unimaginable."

In an instant, Wen Bai's eyes also shifted to Su Yun, frowning tightly, "You have to be careful with me, you can't breakthrough forcibly, unlike the small Realm during Qi Refining period, breaking through a big Realm can't be done by piling up Spirit Power crazily Arrived, wait until I prepare the Medicine Pill for you!"

"Uh... I shouldn't have this problem..." Having said that, Su Yun couldn't help beating a drum in his heart, "My previous Realm breakthrough was very smooth, and there shouldn't be any barriers in the future... right? .”

"Anyway, don't be reckless!" Wen Bai continued to be serious.

"Okay, okay, listen to you!" Su Yun's words were gentle, a little helpless.

At the same time, he was very glad that he had a shortcut that would cost him nothing, not to mention the help of Wen Bai and Jiang Mu.

"However, since Yun Chungui is the king of a country, it is impossible for him not to know the consequences of doing so. Could it be due to the pressure of the situation?" Su Yun rubbed his chin and analyzed.

Then fell into deep thought.

"Perhaps, he has already thought about the way out." Jiang Mu reminded from the side.

Hearing this, Su Yun shook his head helplessly, "Is there a way out? It's all about things behind!"

"In that case, let's not worry about Emperor Yun, it's his own choice." Wen Bai interrupted suddenly.

Su Yun nodded in response.

Afterwards, Su Yun and Jiang Mu went back to their rooms.

The situation was grim, Su Yun didn't dare to delay any more, and devoted himself to the research and development of new weapons.

The means he said can kill the enemy from thousands of miles away is-missiles!

There are various types of missiles. According to the launch location and attack target, there are air-to-air missiles and air-to-ground missiles.

According to the flight mode, there are cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.

There are also many other classification methods such as the type of warhead carried, the target of attack, etc.

However, when repairing Immortal World, there is no need to divide it so finely. One missile is enough to break Wanfa!

After all, there is no need to worry about range and reload.

With the blessing of the spiritual core, the range of the intercontinental missile is casual, and the space Magical Item can be used to store the warhead, and the conventional warhead can also stack the equivalent of a nuclear bomb!

But this crazy way is good, but it's a bit expensive...

Su Yun still decided to start with the basic model equipped with one or several middle-grade spiritual nuclear warheads.

Lightweight and strong, Mithril is the perfect material for the main body.

In terms of styling, Su Yun has fully considered air resistance and stability during high-speed flight.

Combined with bionic technology, it is designed as a long strip of streamlined appearance, coupled with the silver color of the whole body, it looks like a rounder silver hairtail...

The interior was hollowed out to install various components including power system, navigation system, target recognition system, and warhead.

The power system still uses the aircraft pattern with Feiyun stone as the core to provide thrust and multi-directional flexible steering capabilities. The energy source is two low-grade spiritual cores, which can be described as economical.

The navigation system integrates the receiver of the base station positioning signal and the inertial guidance device, and the two are mutually calibrated to ensure accuracy.

There is nothing special about the warhead, but Su Yun has redesigned the structure of detonating the spiritual core, which can achieve the effect of instant detonation.

The core of the missile is the target recognition system, which also includes automatic obstacle avoidance.

This requires the missile to have considerable intelligence.

And in order to control the cost, Su Yun only used a few soul crystals, and most of the functions are realized by traditional logic Spirit Power circuits.

Su Yun deduced for a long time, and finally designed a large-scale Spirit Power chip with extremely high integration, with a peak performance of several million operations per second.

Although the computing performance is far below the level of ordinary electronic chips, which is similar to that of a single-chip microcomputer, the Spirit Power chip, like the Soul Crystal chip, has its own unique advantages. It is extremely convenient, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an operating system of divine sense!

Cooperating with Soul Crystal and other sensors, it is enough to intelligently avoid obstacles, identify targets, track targets, and achieve detonation at the right time.

After the missile design was completed, difficulties arose in its production.

Other components are easy to say, but the accuracy of the existing lithography machine can no longer meet the requirements, Su Yun had to spend five days refining and completing a new fully automatic lithography machine, with a large-scale soul crystal chip as the core, Entering the blueprints with spiritual thoughts is also using spiritual thoughts to ensure the accuracy of the operation.

The photomask also no longer uses the traditional purple clay, but replaced it with a fourth-order material black rock wafer.

The ability of heat insulation and light insulation is stronger, it is not easy to deform, and the fineness of crystal material engraving is also high, which can avoid the impact of burrs on the optical path!

Apart from being expensive, there are no other problems.

Generally, this kind of material is used as the heat insulation layer of the high rank alchemy furnace, but it took Jiang Mu a lot of effort to get this big piece of Su Yun.

But once it is used as a photomask, it is a one-time use, and the design of each chip will consume a piece of black rock crystal.

In order to save costs, Su Yun thought of a tricky way. The chip adopts a modular design, which divides the basic units that realize each function and designs them into separate modules, which can be efficiently connected to each other through lines.

The principle is similar to movable type printing.

This will greatly reduce the consumption of black rock crystals.

Two days later, the first batch of missiles was refined.

There is a basic model equipped with two medium-grade spiritual nuclear warheads, which is about the size of a silver hairtail; there is also a Plus model that can be expanded to install up to ten medium-grade spiritual nuclear warheads, which is already close to a mature oarfish in size.

Finally, there is the MAX version that can be guided by warheads and hit multiple targets!

Standing up is about the same as a telegraph pole!

The carrying capacity is also full marks, it is not a problem to put hundreds of middle-grade spiritual cores!

It can be used as a weapon of strategic deterrence!

The shapes of the three missiles are very simple and simple, that is, the elongated drop shape, or the round hairtail shape, which is the most commonly used shape for missiles in various countries.

After refining, Su Yun found Wen Bai, showed her the most basic missile, controlled the missile to fly slowly in the air, and circled Wen Bai.

The smooth curved surface reflected the picture of the whole room, and it was reflected in the orange-red color of the furnace fire, but the picture was very distorted, so Wen Bai's face was stretched exaggeratedly.

"Guess what this is?" Su Yun said quite proudly.

"Where did you catch this headless hairtail!?" Wen Bai frowned, and said angrily, "Just get to the point!"

Seeing that Wen Bai didn't buy it, Su Yun seriously explained: "Hehe, this is called a missile, and it is a new type of weapon!" "It's what I said can kill the enemy thousands of miles away!"

Hearing what Su Yun said, Wen Bai became interested, reached out to clamp the silver missile, and shook the missile, saying in disbelief: "This little flying stick can kill the enemy thousands of miles away? Use it to smash it No one has broken defenses!"

"Little Flying Stick!?" Su Yun was stunned by Wen Bai's words, but the name is really good, and it fits the harmless image of humans and animals on the surface of the missile.

It's similar to "Fatty" and "Little Boy" makes sense...

In the future, these missiles will be called Xiaofu, Xiaofei Plus, Xiaofei MAX!

However, Su Yun still has to explain seriously, "You can't be so small about this little flying stick, it is indeed a sharp weapon that can kill people! Anyone with a Gold Core or below can kill, and a Gold Core or above can also cause a certain amount of damage!"

"I'm joking with you!" Wen Bai suddenly smiled with his hands behind his back: "Can I still not understand the things you made? They are all powerful killers!"

Then, Wen Bai took out his hand from behind, held a Medicine Pill in his right hand, and stuffed it into Su Yun's mouth.

"This is the result of my period of time. It can help you with the Medicine Pill of the Foundation Establishment. Now this pill can be regarded as a foundation. Let's take it step by step to ensure that you can stabilize the Foundation Establishment!"

Su Yun wanted to thank him, but the Medicine Pill was so big that he couldn't speak or swallow it, so he had to chew and chewed it a few times before swallowing it.

"Thank you, this Medicine Pill is so sweet and delicious!"

"Sweet? It shouldn't be! Then spit it out!" Wen Bai suddenly became flustered, and blamed himself, "The medicinal materials I used can't be sweet, did they mix something else by mistake, spit it out come out!"

"The Medicine Pill is bitter, but the heart is sweet!" Su Yun said with a smile.

Knowing that he was teased by Su Yun, Wen Bai changed his face, lightly hit Su Yun's stomach, and said angrily, "Don't joke about this kind of thing!"

"Okay, okay, I won't do it next time!" Su Yun rubbed his head embarrassingly, and then asked: "But why didn't the Medicine Pill turn into medicine quickly after eating it, instead it made me... full?"

Su Yun touched his stomach, feeling a strong sense of fullness.

"I've said it's about laying the foundation. It's a step-by-step process. Naturally, you can't digest it too quickly. First, I will give you the I Ching slowly, and then the Foundation Establishment will be much smoother!" Wen Bai explained word by word.

"Slow-release Medicine Pill..." Su Yun was shocked.


It has been more than half a month since the base station and the small flying stick missile were settled. Su Yun went downstairs to find Yin Niang, and saw her holding a meeting for the selected team leaders and deputy team leaders in the conference room. Words already have the style of a female leader.

Su Yun appeared at the door, and Yin Niang also found him.

Su Yun gave her a look, beckoning her to continue.

A quarter of an hour later, when the meeting was over, Su Yun walked in, took out the textbooks on electrical engineering that had been prepared and distributed them to the team leaders, asking them to study hard.

These textbooks do not involve those difficult scientific principles, they just need to understand how to do it, it will not be difficult for them.

Technology and science are still different.

After several team leaders left, Su Yun took out two dogtooth pistols and handed them to Yin Niang.

"Go to the production line to get the bullets by yourself. They are only suitable for Type 1 Medicine Pill. Don't take them by mistake."

"Thank you, boss!" Yin Niang's hand holding the gun trembled slightly, and the heavy feel of the gun made her feel that the burden on her shoulders was a bit heavier.

"Let's go, let's see how the business has been developing during this time!" Su Yun strode out with his hands behind his back, and began to inspect Yin Niang's work during this time.

The underground Magical Item and Medicine Pill production lines are operating normally, the quantity of products is correct, and the raw material procurement records on the ledger are also extremely detailed.

On the mortal craftsman's side, the first complete power system with normal functions was manufactured by mortals, and it has been running and tested for many days, meeting the relevant technology requirements.

The management of employees is also on the right track, and the various rules and regulations of the firm are well implemented.

The shops on the lower floors of the building have also been decorated, completely in accordance with the elegant style of Immortal World, so that customers will not feel uncomfortable.

The overall style is simple and elegant, not luxurious, but elegant, with a variety of green plants placed to cover the sight and prevent messy scenes.

Moreover, the entrance and exit are separated, and customers have to go through all the counters before they are allowed to leave!

It can be regarded as a little carefulness of Su Yun.

Although there are not many products now, they will gradually become more abundant in the future.

The payment method is also different from other commercial banks. In addition to accepting Spirit Stones in cash, you can also exchange items, and you can even mortgage something and pay in installments!

As for the employees in the store, they have also been recruited and are undergoing final training in the lobby.

Everything works in an orderly manner, and Yin Niang's working ability is still trustworthy.

The leader of the training below is a female cultivator, wearing a gorgeous bright red gauze dress, covered with a veil, and has an extraordinary bearing.

"I dug these maids from various singing and dancing bars. They are all mortals with a clean background, and they are the best at observing words and demeanor, catering to customers, and the quality of service is beyond doubt!" Yin Niang stood behind Su Yun, humbly road.

Seeing that Su Yun's eyes fell on the female cultivator who was being domesticated, Yin Niang smiled softly: "She is called Wang Yue, she is a friend of mine, and now she is the lobby manager of our firm!"

"I used to be a disciple of Wuji Sword Sect."

"Wuji Sword Gate? It's a sect I've never heard of." Su Yun thought about it, but he didn't mean to offend him at all, because he really hadn't heard of it.

"Of course it's not as good as the Luoyun Sect, but the head of the Wuji Sword Sect also has a Realm of the Gold Core early stage, which is not bad in the land of Ruiguo." Yin Niang continued to explain.

"So she quit Wuji Jianmen in order to join our firm?" Su Yun asked, "Isn't that inhumane?"

"No!" Yin Niang said with a sneer, "Actually, Wuji Sword Sect couldn't maintain the expenses of many disciples, so many disciples were dismissed..."

"Although Wang Yue, as a direct disciple, is not in the ranks of dismissal, she chose to leave on her own initiative to find another livelihood!"

"That's it, all the big disciples who passed on have left!" Su Yun frowned, and said worriedly, "Will the head of the Wuji Sword Sect come over to make trouble and ask us for someone..."

Yin Niang: "..."

She didn't know if such a situation would happen. After pondering for a long time, she blamed herself: "I'm sorry boss, I didn't think carefully, please punish me!"

"Forget it." Su Yun waved his hand lightly, "It doesn't matter, I will make a move when the time comes."

After a while, Wang Yue noticed Su Yun and Yin Niang, walked up the stairs dignifiedly, reached the second floor, bowed slightly, and said with a smile, "I've seen Boss Su."

Later, she showed doubts, and found that the boss in front of her was actually only at the peak of Qi Refining, and she was inevitably a little disappointed.

Su Yun also noticed Wang Yue's strength, and said softly, "Foundation Establishment is at its peak, very good."

"Yes..." Wang Yue stood up, hesitating slightly, "Thank you boss for your compliment."

"In that case, I'll give you a new job! From now on, you will be our security captain!" Su Yun smiled indifferently.

Wang Yue: "..."

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