After Su Yun pondered for a moment, he told about Azhu Alian and his own thoughts.

After listening, Jiang Mu kept shaking his head, "Brother Su, I understand your feelings very well, but people cannot be resurrected after death. Under such circumstances, the dead cannot be revived."

"It's meaningless to make a corpse puppet, and sealing up the incomplete soul can't change anything."

Su Yun has deep eyebrows and firm eyes, "The cultivator method won't work, so I will use scientific methods. If it doesn't work now, then wait until the future!"

Seeing that Su Yun was so determined, Jiang Mu also nodded heavily, "I will do my best to help you."

"It's just that I don't know what the situation is right now, but I have to try what I say. Let's go as soon as possible. Call Wen Bai." Su Yun said urgently. At the same time, he took out Wang Fu's map and converted the marked position into Base station coordinates for easy navigation.

Su Yun first called Yin Niang and asked her to take care of all the affairs of the firm.

After a while, the three of them prepared their expenses and planned to set off.

"How do we get there? Brother Su, you also know that I'm not good at escaping. If I fly by myself, the speed is too slow, and I'm afraid it will delay the trip." Jiang Mu said apologetically.

"Sit here." Su Yun directly took out a small flying stick MAX, took off the cover of the machine, revealing the internal space that was hollowed out and then filled with various equipment, removed the warhead, and left a place for people to stand.

The shiny silver-white metal looks a bit like a canoe, but it's not very comfortable to stand on.

Su Yun also replaced the low-grade spiritual core that provides flight energy with a medium-grade spiritual core, so as to maintain a high flight speed when manned.

Soon, a missile was converted into a temporary airship, and it was not a problem to carry three people.

"It is necessary to develop a flying vehicle." Su Yun muttered, silently writing down the matter.

Sitting on the temporary airship, Su Yun entered the coordinates, and the missile intelligently planned its route and flew towards the target.

Before Su Yun accelerated, he unfolded the shield of the sea crystal on his chest to protect the three of them.

Although the spiritual core was replaced, the weight increased and the streamlined shape could not be maintained, and the wind resistance was greatly increased, so that the cruising speed dropped to about two Mach.

The speed of sound of Immortal World is about 1,480 kilometers per hour, and the journey of 8,000 miles took more than an hour.

After arriving at the marked spot, Su Yun slowed down and landed, and finding someone became a hassle.

It's a small circle on the map, but it actually covers hundreds of miles.

Su Yun hovered in the air, looking around, there were green and dense forests, and the occasional gust of wind, slightly cold, brought the fresh smell of forest tops.

For a moment, he felt very confused.

He originally thought that there were enough means of owning, and they were rich enough, but now under such circumstances, it is impossible to find two people.

"Su Yun, Su Yun!" Wen Bai urgently reminded in Su Yun's ear: "Let's split up and find someone!"

At this time, Su Yun woke up from the state of trance, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, we will separate and contact you at any time!"

The three chose their own directions, and Yu Jian flew to find the Chaos Cult stronghold where the battle took place.

Su Yun Divine Sense is fully turned on, and all the scenes within hundreds of meters can be seen.

With so much scientific knowledge, how ironic is it to find people with the help of cultivator’s Divine Sense?

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Mu's voice came from the earphone, "I found the target, and it's here."

Su Yun glanced at Jiang Mu's position, not far away, and then accelerated to fly there.

When he arrived, Wen Bai had just arrived.

In front of the three of them was a mine excavated by the mountain, which went deep into the ground. It had been abandoned for a long time, but some black metal ores could still be seen scattered at the entrance of the cave, and the surface was covered with dark green moss.

"There are Restrictions here to isolate the divine sense, and there is also a bloody smell." Jiang Mu looked at Su Yun and said in a low voice: "But I used the divine power to control the soil, and it was surprisingly quiet. They must have given up on this stronghold. .”

"But don't be careless." Su Yun silently took out the Five Elements sword, and put the Thunder machine gun on his back, ready to shoot the incoming enemy with a burst of bullets at any time.

Wen Bai took out the newly refined fire willow sword, a low-grade treasure, and also had a few pills of Cultivation Technique Medicine Pill in his mouth, which he could swallow at any time.

Her mouth was full, and she said vaguely: "It's not too late, let's go!"

"Our purpose is only to retrieve Azhu Alian's body. If there are still remnants, don't bother to fight. Their strength may instantly rise to the level of terror!" Su Yun said in a cold tone: "When we exit, we will leave this place Boom it upside down!"

Entering the mine, you can see the sword marks left after the battle everywhere, and the fight is back and forth, it's not a one-sided situation.

It seems that the information is correct, only the stronger ones appeared in the strongholds around Yanyun City.

It is not worth the "coming" of the leader here.

But even so, for low-level disciples, this place is dangerous enough to die...

After going deep, Su Yun saw many corpses, most of them were cultivators of Chaos Sect. It seems that Chaos Sect had indeed abandoned this stronghold.

Until walking into a corner, Su Yun saw a few bright colors, from A Zhu and A Lian's bright light vermilion and lotus blue gauze skirts.

Half of A'Zhu dragged a trail of blood, and finally died on A'Lian's body.

The two hugged each other, with their eyes tightly closed, the expressions on their faces were as calm as water, and there was no trace of fear before death.

Jiang Mu went up quickly, checked the situation, and came to a conclusion after a while, "The time of death is not too long, and the probability of success in refining is very high, but still the same sentence, it is not necessary to refine your friend into a corpse puppet." any sense."

"Refining into a corpse puppet just seals the remaining soul in the body, it just becomes a container, and it is still a dead corpse in essence."

Su Yun sighed, "I understand the truth, but I want to try it! Sorry to trouble you."

Hearing Su Yun's polite words, Jiang Mu smiled wryly, took out two coffins of appropriate size, and began to store their bodies.

Jiang Mu's movements are gentle and pious, and he has full respect for the dead.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun felt even more unhappy.

"Su Yun... Long time no see..."

Suddenly a strange voice resounded in the cave, the voice was hoarse, and it was hard to distinguish male and female. Su Yun's scalp felt numb and he became alert.

Wen Bai also held his sword and began to guard.

The voice came from behind the two of them. When they turned their heads, they found that there was only one dead body of an evil cultivator in that direction. It was lying in a corner, sitting and leaning against the stone wall, with long hair hanging loose and head drooping lifelessly. The fluctuation of Spirit Power was minimal. .

But this thin corpse slowly raised its head under the gaze of the two, its cloudy eyeballs turned white, and after turning around a few times, it glared at Su Yun.

A sharp and strange smile came out of his mouth, "chirp..."

The words were also difficult to distinguish, "Su Yun, if I knew they were your friends, I would have spared their lives! Then torture them, hehe!"

Su Yun's mood was unexpectedly calm, and he hesitated for a moment and asked: "Are you... the leader?" The evil cultivator's corpse said with a strange smile: "Hey, I thought you would stay in Yanyun City forever... If I knew you would be here Appear, I will not transfer this stronghold, otherwise I will not have to borrow this damaged body to talk to you... but let you be buried here."

At this time, Jiang Mu, who cleaned up the body, came to Su Yun's side, looking at the strange talking body, his eyes were unavoidably frightened, "Brother Su, let's go."

Su Yun thought for a moment, put away the thunderbolt, and directly took out a medium-grade spiritual core modified by information technology, and threw it in front of the evil cultivator's corpse.

"You have such a broken voice, what you say is so ugly, you'd better take a break."

After speaking, Su Yun picked up a coffin and hurried out.

Without saying a word, Jiang Mu picked up a coffin and left, not daring to say more.

"Su Yun!" The leader roared from behind, laughing wildly, "Do you think you can escape? The Lord already knows you, and the Lord will come eventually!"

The corpses of other evil cultivators along the way also came to life one after another, and began to say some unclear words with different voices.

"Haha, do you know how desperate your two friends looked when they died? They want you to save them, not to collect their bodies!"

"Weak son Su Yun! Don't you dare to talk to me?"

"Jiejiejie! Su Yun, do you think what you are doing is meaningful? Everything is meaningless! You cannot stop the coming of the Lord!"

"The children of Serabbi are about to wake up!"


The words of the leader echoed in the mine, but Su Yun still kept his head on the road without stopping. He would not be fooled by the leader and be held back by a few words.

But there are some things that Su Yun has to care about. One is that the leader regards himself as the target at all. It stands to reason that Jiang Mu, who has had a direct confrontation with the leader, is the more threatening person!

Second, it seems that the Lord in the mouth of the leader is not a fictitious god, not a fabricated object of belief to attract believers, but a real "god"!

While thinking, Su Yun used the suppressed divine thoughts to control the communicator, and activated the detonation mechanism on the middle-grade spiritual core.

A dangerous red light began to emit from the middle-grade spirit core, and a dangerous aura was brewing inside.

After the evil cultivator's corpse glared at the middle-grade spiritual core for the last time, his head drooped, and the leader "left".

The three of them left the mine, quickly tied the coffin to the temporary flying boat, and accelerated to escape from the stronghold here.

As soon as it took off, there was a muffled sound from the ground, and the mountain above the center of the explosion was lifted several feet, and finally fell down again, turning into waves and spreading to the surrounding mountains and forests, causing countless small spirit beasts to flee in panic, forming a dense mass of darkness.

Not long after the three of them left, a blood-colored ray of light instantly slowed down and stopped above the stronghold of the explosion. It was a middle-aged man with a fair face and a proper Gold Core middle stage Cultivation Base, but he was wearing an evil cultivator black Taoist robe.

He murmured to himself: "Heh, he ran really fast! He was already within 20 li of Fang Yuan, and he is indeed the one called by the Lord to kill!"

But at this moment, he noticed a light spot flying from below, the speed was extremely fast, a few points faster than his escape light.

"What is it?" Xie Xiu locked onto the flying object with his divine sense, and grabbed it with his hand.

It was a silver stick, longer than a person, and the round head had been pressed out of the pit by the evil cultivator's hand!

This is a medium-sized missile - the Small Fly Stick Plus.

Su Yun left it behind when he left, through the blurred image sent back by the sensor, Su Yun determined that the person who came was an evil cultivator, an evil cultivator who concentrated a large amount of Cultivation Base!

They locked him and launched an attack.

But the leader has never seen this thing before, and is still looking at it carefully.

But in an instant, a white light flashed, and before Xie Xiu realized it, the ten middle-grade spirit cores in the missile were detonated almost simultaneously under the control of the Spirit Power chip.

Even with a Gold Core level of Spirit Power protection, it is impossible to be safe and sound under this strike.

After all, the power of ten middle-grade spiritual core explosions is not much worse than that of a Gold Core early stage cultivator self-exploding Gold Core.

By the time the mushroom cloud rose, the evil cultivator had been blown away and landed a hundred miles away.

Limbs were shattered, even half of the head was cut off, only the chest of the torso still had a slight ups and downs.

The only remaining eye slowly lost its spirit, and he was finally abandoned by the leader, becoming an empty shell.

At the same time, the Chaos Cult stronghold in that mountain was also razed to the ground.

Looking at the rising clouds in the distance, Su Yun felt a lot more at ease. Even if this sneak attack can't hurt the foundation of the leader of Chaos, it can still cut off part of his strength.

Unless the speed of the chaos leader's escape from the body is faster than the explosion of the spiritual core!

Of course, the more important thing is to act as a deterrent, so that the leader can weigh the pros and cons to some extent!

After confirming that no one would follow them, Su Yun opened a cave in the mountain, took them into hiding, sealed off the passage with the outside world, and prepared various Restrictions.

"Without further delay, Azhu Alian will leave it to you." Su Yun cupped fist at Jiang Mu.

"Brother Su, you're born." Jiang Mu said lazily with an old-fashioned face.

However, it involved Jiang Mu's secret, Su Yun took Wen Bai consciously to the other corner of the cave.

Wen Bai's face showed worry, her brows were almost twisted into a character horoscope, she gently held Su Yun's hand, and said with concern: "You are being targeted by the leader of Chaos, it is very dangerous, you should be more careful in the future!"

"That's natural!" Su Yun also gently squeezed Wen Bai's hand, thinking: "But I can't figure it out, why me? It is clear that Jiang Mu, who has the spirit of Nascent Soul, is more threatening, or are they After the first confrontation, Jiang Mu has already lost, so the leader no longer fears him?"

"Think about it again, what caught the attention of the leader of Chaos?" Wen Bai asked urgently.

Hearing this, Su Yun recalled the scene when he was in the stronghold in Qixia Town. At that time, he must have never attracted the attention of the leader.

Could it be because of the gun? Is the leader of Chaos Cult still the ambassador of Immortal World's ban on guns?

Putting aside this absurd idea, Su Yun shook his head helplessly, "Since then, I have never had any contact with the Chaos Cult. I guess he thinks that I am talented and intelligent, and I must be a threat to him in the future, so I think so seriously!"

"Haha!" Su Yun shook his head, and said in a joking tone, "Isn't there a saying - this kid must not be kept!"

"You know you are poor!" Wen Bai helplessly shot Su Yun a look.


Soon after.

A'Zhu and A'lian had been refined into corpse puppets, and they were lying safely in the same jade coffin prepared by Jiang Mu.

The mutilated body was also stitched up, fed with a grain of real wood Yangyuan pill, and the body finally returned to its flawless state.

But their expressions were all frozen for the last peace before their death.

Looking at the faces of the two, thinking about their voices and smiles, Su Yun asked calmly: "Jiang Mu, do you think consciousness comes from spirit or matter?"

Jiang Mu stood on tiptoe on the edge of the coffin, looked at Own's "work", and said indifferently: "Naturally, it's a soul, why does Brother Su have such doubts?"

"But before Nascent Soul is cultivated, the soul is highly integrated with the body. The soul is the consciousness itself, but the body is also the carrier of consciousness. Perhaps, there is another way to activate their consciousness!" Su Yun's face was lifeless, But the words were very passionate.

"Your spirit method is not acceptable, I will find a way to use scientific means to revive them in a new form!"

"I think this secret is hidden in the brain!" Su Yun looked at Jiang Mu, with some confidence restored on his face!

"When can it be done?" Jiang Mu's emotions also became agitated. He was more interested in this method than Su Yun.

"I don't know." Su Yun shook his head with a sudden smile, and then laughed more and more madly, "Hahaha, but one day it will be possible! Technology needs to be accumulated!"

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