I have to say, this feeling of being in control of everything is very comfortable!

This is a brand new way of interaction that greatly expands the boundaries of divine thoughts.

Su Yun substituted the perspective into the No. 3 probe, and began to "inspect" the environment around the Great Lake from the first perspective.

Although the remote control has a considerable delay, more than a dozen milliseconds, it may not have any impact on ordinary people, but it cannot be ignored for cultivators. Fortunately, it only needs to calculate the amount in advance, and it does not affect the operation.

More often than not, it is better to let the detector work on its own to reduce latency.

Almost a month has passed, and there is still no sign of the Earth Fire dragon dragon, maybe it fled elsewhere through the abyss at the bottom of the lake.

At this time, more cultivators gathered around the Great Lakes, all of which were attracted by the news of the birth of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, but they did not increase the high-end combat power above Gold Core, at most they were cultivators at the peak of Xudan.

But most of them are Sect children who are uniformly dressed. If they really compete, if they cooperate properly, they will probably have a lot of advantages.

It is inevitable that people will pay attention to the detectors flying around.

The two Xudan cultivators who were patrolling in the air began to comment on the detector.

"Whose natal Magic Treasures are these? There are three of them, and they are twin swords! The quality looks good, but why can't they be accurately determined?"

"Furthermore, these three swords have been flying for so long, and they have never seen their master show their faces. It seems that this person is a timid person who hides his head and shows his tail, and dare not show his true colors!"

"Herring..." Su Yun had a black line on his face after hearing this, did he cringe if he didn't show up?

Obviously remote control is the biggest advantage of unmanned detectors!

Su Yun was thinking about whether to speak to them with a microphone, when one of them suddenly had a smirk on his face.

"Hey, since he doesn't want to show up, we'll lure him out! The life of the Magic Treasures is connected to the life of the cultivator, and both will be damaged. I don't believe that he can bear the attack on the Magic Treasures of his life!"

"Brother Wangcheng, quickly capture the Flying Sword!" Then he started the strategic deployment.

"Look, brother Liu Yu!" Even if Wang Chengdang used the spell, it was a rock binding technique!

The area around the detector was instantly surrounded by rocks, and the field of vision was completely black. After ultrasonic inspection, the rock binding technique wrapped a huge stone ball with a diameter of one foot outside the unmanned detector.

Other detectors rushed to support, and saw Liu Yu in the screen using swordsmanship, accumulating strength, and was about to split the stone ball with a sword. What will happen to the Flying Sword in it, of course, needless to say.

The sword is astonishing, attracting the attention of many people around.

"Brother, who is this person fighting with?" A female cultivator from the peak Realm of Foundation Establishment asked in surprise.

There is still a little baby fat on the small face, and the childishness is still there, maybe only 15 or 16 years old.

"It's with a Flying Sword of my own destiny." The person talking to him was a high rank cultivator on the first floor of Gold Core, with a handsome appearance, elegant and humble temperament, and the second highest Cultivation Base on the field.

"Natal Flying Sword? What's the difference between hurting natal Magic Treasures and directly attacking a cultivator?" The female cultivator said indignantly with a sullen face, "Shouldn't everyone cooperate sincerely to deal with the fifth-level beast?"

"Don't forget, the purpose of dealing with the fifth-level ferocious beast Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon is for the sixth-level Huoyang Demon Crystal. At the moment of interest, everyone is an enemy, so don't be kind to women!" Gold Core cultivator reminded coldly: " For the sake of Master, we must bring back the Fire Yang Demon Crystal!"

"Well, I will work hard!" Although the nun is the peak Cultivation Base of Foundation Establishment, she clenched her fists and looked serious.

At this time, Su Yun also had a cold face, not panicking at all, it's time to test the actual combat ability of the unmanned detector!

Seeing that Su Yun's expression was wrong, Wen Bai also made a guess, and immediately took out the control module for the display of spiritual thoughts, asked Su Yun to share some control authority, sat cross-legged on the ground, and joined the battle.

"Familiarize yourself with the operation first, and I'll get out of trouble first!" Su Yun directed.


Wen Bai controls the No. 2 machine, chooses to be on guard in the outer circle, and is familiar with various operations at the same time.

The cultivator's understanding is naturally not weak, and Wen Bai quickly became familiar with the use of flying, attack and defense, and various detection methods.

The No. 3 machine was trapped, and Su Yun activated the triangular crystal shield on the No. 3 machine, breaking the block of the stone ball in an instant.

The stone ball exploded into gravel, turned into dust in the air, and finally dissipated with the wind.

"Not good!" Liu Yu didn't expect Flying Sword to break free so easily, so he had to slash down with his sword hastily.

But with the speed of the detector, how can Liu Yu's sword touch it?

The detector turned into a streamer of light, avoiding the attack in an instant.

The flaming Sword Qi flew towards the surface of the lake, splitting a hole tens of feet long and two feet wide on the surface of the water. For a moment, the waves were turbulent, the air waves shot up, and the high-temperature evaporated water vapor formed a thick mist on the lake surface. It spread and blocked the nearly 100-foot lake in Fang Yuan.

Seeing Wang Cheng at the side, he was very surprised, but not because of the power of the sword, but because of the mask that just appeared on the detector.

"Brother Liu Yu! The mask on the Flying Sword just now is not a defensive Cultivation Technique, but a shield expanded by a triangular crystal! This is a handle fused with a Magical Item, integrating offense and defense! It is definitely from the hands of a master craftsman!" Wang Cheng said in surprise .

"So what if Magical Item is so powerful? The master behind it has not dared to show up, what kind of hero is he?" Liu Yu snorted.

At this time, Su Yun controlled the two detectors and flew to the two of them, and the No. 2 machine controlled by Wen Bai also surrounded them, and three identical Flying Swords circled around the two of them.

Then, Su Yun turned on the microphone function, and said coldly: "Heh, what kind of thing is it if you do something with a Magical Item that is intended to be harmless to humans and animals?"

"Who is talking? Who is it? Don't pretend to be a ghost!" Liu Yu panicked for a while, and looked around, except for the three Flying Swords, there was no one else!

At this time, Wang Cheng swallowed his saliva, stepped on the Flying Sword tremblingly and said: "Brother Liu Yu, it is the Flying Sword who is talking!!"

"Flying Sword, talk?" Liu Yu was puzzled for a while, and then showed shock, "Could it be that these swords are fairy swords with weapon spirits!!"

A talking Flying Sword is the only possibility!

In an instant, the three-handled Flying Sword became the focus of the audience.

"A Flying Sword with a weapon spirit? Or three handles? Brother, who is the master of this sword?"

"The quality of the sword is still far from the level of a fairy weapon, but a sword that can talk must have a sword spirit. I'm not sure, let's take a look."


"Oh, the water is quite muddy this time. The swords with sword spirits have all appeared. I'm afraid at least the Power of Nascent Soul Realm has made a move. We little cultivators are so cool, why don't we just stay there!"

"Then you go?"

"I do not go."



Hearing this statement, Su Yun pondered in his heart, and prepared to let Wen Bai say a few words.

After a while of internal communication, Wen Bai turned on the microphone, and said with a bit of air: "You guys attacked us for no reason, you definitely need to give an explanation, otherwise, hum!"

Wang Cheng sneered, "Sister Sword Spirit, you have a large number of adults, so let's bypass us once!"

"It's okay to go around you, but you need to pay the due price!" Wen Bai said in a tone, the momentum was quite bluffing. But at this moment, drastic changes occurred.

From below the surface of the lake, there was a distant muffled roar, and the surface of the lake also trembled, causing waves of ripples.

At the same time, there was a tyrannical aura rushing out of the water, and the spirit beast, the size of the forest around the lake, began to flee around the lake, like a scene of doomsday.

"It's the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon that appeared!" Liu Yu exclaimed, regardless, stepped on the Flying Sword and flew away.

Su Yun didn't have time to pay attention to them anymore, and turned his perspective downward.

I saw a circling black shadow suddenly appearing in the deepest part of the lake. It was huge, at least two hundred meters long, like a train.

As the giant spirit beast floated up, the texture of the scales gradually became clear.

The Earth Fire Dragon Flood is covered in blue-black, its shield-shaped scales are closely arranged, and it also has countless spikes.

There are two protrusions on the back, which look like fins but not fins, more like two rows of dense spikes.

The Earth Fire dragon writhed on the water surface, drawing countless white linear white waves.

After cruising around for a while, the Earth Fire dragon revealed its head. The head was clearly still a snake, with densely packed wart-like protrusions, which made one's scalp tingle, but it had two dragon horns with many branches, like It was two dead trees tied to his head.

One corner on the right was dyed a bright fiery red, which was the basketball-sized Fire Yang Magic Crystal.

The two big eyes of a cow are dark red, turning to the crowd of cultivators above.

Opening his mouth and roaring, the sticky and smelly saliva was sprayed up to a height of more than ten meters. The fangs in the mouth made people feel dizzy. Even if they were bitten, they could be torn into pieces with one bite.

Not to mention the scarlet snake letter!

All the cultivators on the great lake gathered together, looking down, not knowing what to do for a while.

And the cultivator on the first floor of the Gold Core looked dignified, and said in a loud voice: "So that's it! It was the sword technique of the fire attribute that attracted it just now, everyone, don't use the cultivation technique of the fire attribute again! It may irritate it! "

"Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon hates people playing tricks in front of it!"

Everyone has their own thoughts.

The person who is most afraid of this person is naturally another Gold Core cultivator. He looks much older and has the image of a middle-aged man. With a hoarse voice, he refuted, "If you don't provoke it, how can you keep it? Live? What if it escapes again?"

Then he smiled sarcastically, "Unfortunately, this is the fire attribute list Spiritual Roots, Master Lan Jun won't let me wait to make a move, isn't it too targeted?"

The person paused again, "Or do you want to rely on Gold Core's Cultivation Base to monopolize the benefits?"

The Gold Core real person named Lan Jun was speechless for a while, but his little junior sister was straightforward, pointing at the nose of the opposite person and scolding: "Zhang Qian, you are so embarrassed to say that, you are the one who covets the fire attribute Heavenly! and Mortal Treasures!!"

"Hehe! You little girl has a sharp tongue!" Zhang Qian said coldly: "It seems that there is no one in Qinghui Mountain, and the old man sent all his precious daughters out!"

"When we fight later, swords don't have eyes. If something happens to her, how can you explain to your head?" Zhang Qian sneered.

"If I was plotted against, it must be you who did it, and didn't run away!" The little girl said angrily.

Lan Jun was displeased, and said in a deep voice: "Luo Yan'er, be obedient, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

"Yes, senior brother." Luo Yan'er lowered her head, her face full of displeasure.

But now Su Yun has figured out some things.

Ever since Wang Yue from Wuji Jianmen joined the firm, Su Yun has made a special trip to learn about various sects in and around Ruiguo.

Obviously, Qinghui Mountain and Burning Fire Valley are not Ruiguo's sects of cultivating immortals, but the factions that belong to Canglan Continent on the southwest side of the mainland.

The land where Ruiguo is located is located in the southwest corner of the entire continent, and it is called Canglan Continent. Further to the southwest, there is an endless ocean, called Tianjue Ocean, with countless high rank spirit beasts, and it is extremely dangerous.

The entire Canglan Continent is separated from the main continent of Xiu Immortal World, and the northeast side is blocked by a strait, like a moat, very dangerous, even if the cultivator of Gold Core Nascent Soul wants to cross the strait, he has to fight ten times to cross the strait. Dichotomous spirit.

The strait is not only a natural moat, but also a perfect barrier, isolating the disturbances of the mainland.

Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why Canglan Continent can exist as a mortal kingdom.

However, Ruiguo is located in the middle of Canglan Continent, which actually only occupies a small area, and the concentration of Spiritual Qi is not prominent, so it will not be coveted by others. Moreover, the surrounding forces check and balance each other, which can be regarded as reaching some alliances. A chance for mortals to recuperate.

However, interests are paramount, and there are still many open and secret struggles among the cultivating forces.

Just like in front of you.

The attraction of the sixth-order material Huoyang Magic Crystal is really great.

Among the people present, no one was arrogant enough to want to kill the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, all they were thinking about was how to pry the Huoyang Demon Crystal from the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon's horn with the least cost!

It's just that everyone has their own ghosts, so no one is willing to be the first to make a move.

Su Yun used various detection methods to observe for a while, and confirmed that the Fire-Sun Demon Crystal was deeply sunken in the dragon horn. During the growth process of the Dragon Horn, most of the Fire-Sun Demon Crystal had been wrapped in it.

What's more, materials such as Fire Yang Magic Crystal are extremely hard, and it is almost impossible to break them.

The only possibility is to cut off that small piece of dragon horn!

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, the Earth Fire dragon dragon below was a little impatient, and sprayed some water, trying to tease the cultivator above.

A spirit beast of this level is more or less intelligent.

"Oh, you bastard who doesn't know what's good or bad!" Zhang Qian scolded, and then a smirk appeared on his face, "Then try the Nine Suns True Dragon Technique!"

"Don't!" Lan Jun was about to stop it, but it was still a step too late.

From behind Zhang Qian, a huge flaming dragon emerged, with a length of 100 meters, hovering in the air and emitting a dragon chant.

What echoed it was the vigilant roar of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, each sound was deafening, as if violently beating the heart.

It is both a dragon and a fire attribute, how can it not make the Earth Fire Dragon Flood angry?

Then, the flame dragon fell down, and the two dragons fought and collided directly!

The flame dragon exploded and created huge waves on the surface of the lake. The scorching heat incinerated the rising water and turned it into bursts of white smoke!

Even after a long distance, the air waves made it difficult for many people to maintain their balance.

But the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon is naturally safe and sound, playing with fire, it is the most powerful side!

Zhang Qian's actions undoubtedly completely angered Earth Fire Dragon Flood!

Longjiao stood with half of his body on the lake, roaring upwards, as if to show his majesty!

"Zhang Qian! Do you know what you did? Don't you know how many people will die when the Earth Fire dragon is angry?" Lan Jun was so emotional that he couldn't care less about Mr. Qianqian's demeanor.

"Haha, a fellow daoist can't die as a poor Taoist, it's normal to live and die after cultivating Immortal World." Zhang Qian had a smug face, and the traitor's face made people disgusted, "Besides, if you don't muddy the water, how can you touch it?" Where's the fish?"

Although Zhang Qian's behavior made Su Yun feel contemptuous, but what he said touched Su Yun's heart.

Su Yun also had the same idea!

Soon, there was a change from below, Su Yun and Wen Bai together controlled the three detectors to fly to a high place as a precaution.

The color of fire began to appear on the huge body of the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon below, and the flames shot out from under the scales. The edges of the scales were like cast iron, and they gradually became red hot under the burning of the flames!

Only the area in the middle of the scales can maintain the true color of blue and black.

The Earth Fire Dragon Jiao is like a cooked hairy crab, it has completely changed its color, and its whole body is fiery red.

In an instant, the surface of the lake boiled, and the water mist rose up, completely covering the flaming dragon's body, and even the divine sense couldn't penetrate it.

But everything that happened in the cloud was clearly captured by the detector's infrared lens.

A large area of ​​the entire Earth Fire Dragon Flood's body fell into a red-hot state, and the temperature broke through 3,000 degrees Celsius, and it was a white light in the infrared image.

The temperature at the dragon's corner is even worse, it has already broken through the 4,000 mark!

After Su Yun lowered the sensitivity of the infrared lens, he could clearly see Longjiao's movements.

It opened its mouth!

I saw a soaring hot stream jetting out from its mouth, the speed was extremely fast, and it rushed into the sky in an instant, reaching a high temperature of 4,000!

But in the optical lens, the jet is obviously transparent hot air, and there is no flame!

"It's Longyan's breath, run!" Lan Jun kindly reminded the cultivators around him that he also started to flee with Luo Yan'er.

Longyan's breath is colorless and transparent. Although the high temperature distorts the surrounding scene, it is still difficult for people to notice.

With the infrared lens, Su Yun and Wen Bai can easily capture the movements of the Earth Fire Dragon Jiao, and it is naturally very simple to control the detector to avoid the attack.

But other people don't have this ability.

As a result, many people avoided it, and were swept away by the breath, and were vaporized on the spot, leaving only a few crystal clear minerals, which were nothing but space crystals.

In an instant, more than half of the people present were lost.

It can be described as tragic.

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