A small table was set up in the other courtyard, and several plates of simple but not simple delicacies were placed among them. The three of them each had a bowl of millet porridge.

While eating, Su Yun's eyes became more gloomy, and he hesitated a little when he sipped the millet porridge.

He suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said, "I remember that Huang Silang was not a cultivator before. Aren't you curious about how the leader of Chaos Sect transformed an ordinary cultivator into a cultivator?"

Jiang Mu was shocked, and suddenly realized this problem, "The spirit and soul of the evil cultivator are fused together, but they have their own personalities, not like puppets being manipulated, but rather like being eroded by some kind of existence from the inside of the spirit or soul. ,Infect!"

"This is what makes them have something in common, and the spirit and soul blend together at the bottom!"

"Infection?" Su Yun frowned, he was particularly concerned about these two words, and couldn't help but think of what happened to Fang Ming in the forbidden area.

It's hard not to associate the two together.

Is the leader the one whom even the sect leaders fear?

"Could this be the final fate after being infected with the heart-wrenching epidemic?"

Wen Bai picked up the bowls and chopsticks, shook his head, and reminded with a soft hum: "Uh~hmm~ You forgot? The heart-wrenching epidemic can only harm mortals, it is useless to cultivators!"

"At least it's a similar evil method." Su Yun propped his head on his arms, thinking.

"However, I can be sure that Huang Silang's 'transformation' is not deep, and he can't gain too much strength through trance, which is why I rest assured that you can go see him, Brother Su." Jiang Mu bit his chopsticks and said.

"What's the plan of the leader of Chaos Cult?" Su Yun fell into deep thought, staring blankly at the dishes on the table, "We still need to find out."

"So you know you're tricky, but you still plan to save people?" Wen Bai tilted his head, squinted at Su Yun, and said angrily.

"Save, how can we not save!" Su Yun smiled slightly, and he had already made up his mind, "Isn't the unmanned detector just used to replace humans to do some dangerous things!"

As soon as the words fell, there was movement from the Xuanniao in the courtyard, the weapon bay opened, and three Xingyun unmanned detectors flew out one after another. .

Then it went straight into the sky, only to see a series of white sound barriers produced by the acceleration of the sword body flashing past.

"Five hundred miles to the west of Yanyun, Lingfeng Mountain..." Su Yun looked away, lowered his head and muttered, "Did there used to be a stronghold of Chaos Cult here?"

"It seems to be newly established?" Jiang Mu couldn't be sure, shaking his head lightly.

Wen Bainu pursed his lips, and said, "It seems that the Chaos Sect is quite serious in order to deal with you!"

"I can't bear it..." Su Yun pouted, his face full of helplessness.

Not long after, a group of figures flew from the direction of Yunfeng, hurrying towards this side.

"Wang Fu? What are they doing here?" Su Yun asked puzzled while packing up his things.

"Is there a possibility that it is also for the affairs of Chaos Sect!" Wen Bai raised his brows and guessed.

From a distance, Wang Fuxing shouted: "Brother Su Yun~ The Chaos Sect, which has been silent for a long time, has started to move again! Lingfeng Mountain is just five hundred miles away! During daily inspections, I found that there are The traces of evil cultivators!"

A group of people waited to fly close, Su Yun's expression was indifferent, and he replied lightly, "Oh, what instructions do you have?"

"Hey!" Wang Fu had a bright smile on his face, with his mouth open, he could see his back molars, "No, no, it's Junior Brother Su Yun, what's your order?"

"Order? Don't dare to do it." Su Yun bowed his body and said politely: "But brothers and sisters, please go back to rest. It's time to practice and practice, so what to do! Leave everything to me."

"Okay!" Wang Fu agreed habitually, but then he realized that something was wrong, squinted his eyes and smiled coyly, "Junior Brother Su Yun, this is not very good, it is our team's task to deal with Chaos Sect, you don't have to take on these tasks alone .”

"Senior brother Wang Fu, since Su Yun dares to say this, he must be sure, so let's not hold him back!" Wang Chong folded his hands, looked at Su Yun vigilantly, and then said in a deep voice, "I'm on time. It's time to practice meditation at the threshold of breaking through the Void Core Realm, so let me say goodbye."


Afterwards, Wang Chong pulled Wu Siyue and left the team, leaving Wang Fu and Huang Jianbing with helpless faces.

"Junior Brother Su Yun, don't you really need us? Hehe!" Wang Fu asked with a wry smile.

"I've already taken action to solve it, don't worry!" Su Yun returned with firm eyes, and said softly, "Go back."

Wang Fu and Huang Jianbing looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally took their leave and left. The two murmured along the way, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

Immediately, Su Yun's face darkened, because at this moment, three unmanned detectors had arrived at their destination and were on standby.

The three boarded the Xuanniao, and Su Yun sat down firmly in the cabin, "Wen Bai, it's still the same, you control the No. 2 plane!"

"Okay!" Wen Bai took out the divine mind conversion chip as he spoke, and entered the connection state. His consciousness seemed to fly five hundred miles away in an instant, turning into a machine.

Seeing that Su Yun hadn't connected yet, Jiang Mu rubbed his head and said coyly, "Brother Su, I want to play too... No, I want to help too!"

"I thought of it for you!" Su Yun pointed to the console of the Xuanniao, "Although there are not enough soul crystals to refine the spiritual conversion chip, the console of the Xuanniao can also control the flight of the unmanned probe. .”

I saw a circle of screens on the Xuanniao automatically folded around the main driver's seat in a semi-wrapped shape, which can provide a wide field of vision of 270 degrees. Various operating levers and buttons are also mapped to the unmanned detector one by one. on the number machine.

Although the sense of immersion is definitely not as good as the divine mind conversion chip, it is not a problem to complete the basic operations.

Jiang Mu sat up excitedly, fiddled with the joystick, and quickly figured out the operation. The excitement on his face was hard to hide, and he was already impatient, "Brother Su, when will you make a move!"

Hearing this, Su Yun slowly closed his eyes, his mind sank, "Right now."

Immediately, the three unmanned detectors moved and approached in the direction of Lingfeng Mountain.

Different from some unnamed peaks, this Lingfeng Mountain is still famous near Yanyun City. The Spiritual Qi here is much more abundant than other places, so it has become the place where many Rogue Cultivators opened Immortal Cave to practice.

But when there are many people, the Spiritual Qi is lacking instead, and where there are people, there will inevitably be fights. Gradually, the popularity of this place has dropped, and only some Rogue Cultivators with decent strength are still practicing here.

But it was because of someone that Su Yun was worried.

If this place becomes the stronghold of Chaos Cult, it is not difficult to guess what happened to those Rogue Cultivators.

"Hide first, don't shoot, and find out the situation before we talk!" Su Yun reminded in the communication frequency band.

After controlling the unmanned detector to hide its tracks and patrolling at high altitude, Su Yun's guess was verified.

Although there are mostly Rogue Cultivators in different outfits underneath, it is not difficult to find traces of black-robed evil cultivators. Judging by their strength, they are still Elders from the Foundation Establishment period.

Of course, the strength shown on the surface is meaningless to evil cultivators.

And a group of Rogue Cultivators acted surprisingly uniformly, standing guard everywhere, as if welcoming Su Yun's arrival.

They have undoubtedly become part of the evil cultivation. However, no sign of Qi Qi has been found yet.

"All detection methods are fully activated, first count the number of evil cultivators, and then find Qi Qi's location! Don't act rashly." Su Yun commanded calmly.

"Understood!" Jiang Mu said emotionally.

"Rookie, don't press the wrong button!" Wen Bai laughed in a gentle tone.

Jiang Mu smiled confidently, "Don't forget that I am the soul of Nascent Soul, how could I make mistakes!"

Then, the three unmanned probes dispersed separately.

Since the detector's flight speed is not fast, it hardly makes any sound, and it is invisible from the perspective of vision and spirituality, making it even more difficult to detect.

Therefore, the detector can be said to be in the land of no one!

Cultivator houses and Immortal Caves can be seen everywhere in Lingfeng Mountain, so the scope of investigation is not small.

They are not in a hurry, but try their best to not let go of everything.

Every place the probe flies over will be scanned by the microwave radar as a 3D model, transmitted to the main brain, and drawn as a 3D map.

And under the thermal infrared detection, every evil cultivator has nothing to hide, and their location will be marked on the three-dimensional map.

But after searching for a long time, no sign of Qi Qi was found.

"Could it be that the evil cultivator hid Qi Qi?" Wen Bai was somewhat anxious after not finding the target for a long time, "If that's the case, can we just wipe them all out first?"

"Maybe this temporary stronghold has also opened up an underground cave." Su Yun said after a moment of analysis: "But now it seems that there is indeed a lack of means to detect the interior."

"It can only be hard!"

"Brother Su, wait a moment, someone is coming later!" Jiang Mu reminded cautiously.

"Well, the infrared band has been detected." Su Yun said in a deep voice, and then controlled the detector to point the lens towards the target.

After advancing the focal length, Su Yun was stunned for a moment, "Isn't this Wang Fu and Huang Jianbing? Why are they here to make trouble?"

Wen Bai didn't take it seriously, and said lively: "Maybe you came here sincerely to help?"

While talking, he watched helplessly as the two fell into a hill, hid behind a boulder, poked their heads out cautiously, and looked in the direction of Yunfeng.

"If you help, will you cower behind the big rock?" Su Yun was speechless for a moment, "Let's go and have a look."

The three detectors lined up and quietly touched behind the two of them.

"Didn't Su Yun say that he has already made a move? Why is there no movement? Could it be that flying stick from last time?" Wang Fu frowned and asked in surprise.

"Oh! Senior Brother Wang Fu, you still have short knowledge!" Huang Jianbing smiled triumphantly, "Su Yun has a lot of tricks! Haven't you seen that there are many new gadgets on the shelves of the world's number one store! Presumably, he hid There are even more ways to do it!"

Wang Fu, who was lying behind the boulder, poked his probe forward again, and said in a deep voice, "I never doubted this, let's take a look first! Maybe Su Yun will come later!"

"But brother, have you noticed that these evil cultivators are actually in the same situation as they were during the inspection. They don't seem to be doing their own thing, but pretending. What are you waiting for?" Huang Jianbing suddenly frowned.

Hearing this, Wang Fu nodded, "It makes sense! Their behavior seems to have been carefully rehearsed..."

After thinking for a while, Wang Fu showed shock, "No, this is a trap, I have to remind Su Yun immediately!"

After speaking, he immediately took out the Wanli communicator and connected to Su Yun's number, but he was not connected for a long time.

Su Yun just felt that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was about to show up directly, but the infrared sensor sounded the alarm again.

At the same time, Wang Fu also received the communicator, restrained his breath, and looked in one direction vigilantly.

At this time, two more cultivators passed over the forest in the distance, bringing up a group of startled birds, and came towards this side at high speed.

Wang Fusheng was afraid of being exposed, so he didn't dare to release his divine thoughts. He only waited for the person to approach before he could clearly see the appearance of the person coming, and his face was instantly filled with doubts.

"Wang Chong and Wu Siyue?"

Immediately, Wang Fu released his divine thoughts, arousing the awareness there, Wang Chong found Wang Fu, and naturally brought Wu Siyue to join him.

Su Yun held his forehead, feeling helpless, "Did they discuss it? Everyone came here?"

Wang Fu was also in doubt.

"Junior Brother Wang Chong! Aren't you planning to break through to Xudan! Why are you here?"

"Brother Wang Fu, you are already in the Void Core Realm, so you naturally know how difficult breakthrough is! How can breakthrough be so easy? I just want to see what methods Su Yun is using to solve the Chaos Sect, maybe I can catch it from it. It's time for a breakthrough!" Wang Chong pressed his body and said seriously.

"That's not all!" Wu Siyue also chimed in from the side: "And if Su Yun thinks this way and leaves us alone, won't it be all his credit at that time?"

"It's a small matter to fight for credit, but what if Su Yun finds out the benefits and won't let us come? He dares to kill Chen Yang for a low-grade treasure, what else can't he do?" Wang Chongfu Touching Wu Siyue's shoulder, she said sarcastically.

"Hush! Be careful!" Wang Chong looked flustered and made a silent gesture, "Don't talk nonsense about some things, the matter between him and Chen Yang is not easy! There must be something hidden in it! It's better not to speculate randomly! !"

"I just said it, so what? Can he still hear it?" Wang Chong hugged Wu Siyue with his arms, and asked with a majestic expression.

Hearing this, Su Yun was so angry that he simply let the No. 3 machine under his control appear, and at the same time expanded the scope of effect of Restrictions to include several people.

Then a voice came from behind the whispering people, "I can hear you..."


"who is it?"

The few people were taken aback, and realized instantly, they saw a big silver sword standing behind their backs, all their hairs stood on end, Wang Fu even sacrificed his own natal Magic Treasures!

"Wait!" Only Huang Jianbing remained calm, stopped in front of everyone, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't it be Su Yun's voice just now? It's slightly distorted, but it should be him!"

"Yes, it's me, Su Yun!" Su Yun's correct words sounded again, followed by a joke, "Hehe, how can you speak ill of people behind their backs!"

"And me! Wen Bai!"

"Jiang Mu!"

The other two detectors also appeared one by one.

Seeing this situation, Wang Chong folded his hands, kept his face straight, and pretended nothing happened without saying a word. Wu Siyue looked at Wang Chong, then at the three Flying Swords, and finally squeezed out a dry smile.

Wang Fu suddenly began to smooth things over and said: "Ha ha! Junior brother Su Yun, your method is really unpredictable, what is this sword?"

"Hey!" Su Yun sighed and explained briefly.


"In short, you just treat this Flying Sword as an incarnation outside the body, an attacking Magical Item with the ability to act independently!"

"Go back, this trip is dangerous." Su Yun patiently advised: "That's why I used unmanned probes to destroy the Chaos Cult stronghold. It doesn't matter if the probes are destroyed, but if you want to risk your life, I will not will stop."

"So..." Wang Fu looked dazed, confused for a moment, "So we were replaced by Magical Item?"

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