The leader's mind was shocked, but turned into anger, he wanted to swallow Su Yun alive, but he was so angry that he couldn't do anything!

Immediately, the leader's right hand pinched the void, and there was a "crackling" crackling sound on the ice pick. The detector was instantly subjected to a huge force, and the metal made a sharp and piercing sound like tearing.

The detector began to report errors crazily, and it was only one step away from being damaged.

Seeing that losses are inevitable, Su Yun was about to activate the self-destruction mechanism of the spiritual core, but found that there were many gaps between the broken ice cubes, enough space for the stored Magical Item to release the stored items!

"Jiang Mu, listen up, there is still a missile in the No. 1 machine you are controlling, you release it, and I will control it later." Su Yun said in a deep voice.

Although he was in a desperate situation, he still wanted to resist.

After the small flying stick was released, it was instantly connected to the signal. Su Yun controlled it to fly out from the gap between the ice cubes, and rushed towards the leader with lightning speed.

But it didn't detonate immediately, but it still emitted strong Spirit Power fluctuations.

The leader sensed the dangerous atmosphere, showed panic, retreated ten feet in an instant, and subconsciously used his thoughts to destroy the missiles, but found that the missiles were shrouded in spiritual restrictions, unable to do anything.

At the right time, the missile rushed forward again, scaring the leader to use the light-bending Cultivation Technique to escape quickly, and the roots above collapsed one by one. fly away.

"You made the right bet!" Su Yun was overjoyed.

The leader has been bombed by a missile. It is said that once bitten by a snake, he is afraid of well ropes for ten years. Su Yun bet that he is afraid of missiles in his heart!

Although it is only a normal version of the missile, it cannot threaten the leader, but the basic deterrence is still there, and the leader cannot judge it.

However, the missile has entered an overrun state and can only be detonated!

The missile flew up, chasing the leader.

However, the ice cone quickly began to disintegrate and collapse without the control of the leader, and the three drones were able to escape.

Su Yun still commanded calmly: "I use the No. 3 machine to chase out to check the situation, and you all try to save Qi Qi, after all, everyone is here!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mu hesitated a little, "It is impossible to determine whether she is an evil cultivator through the detector..."

"You also said that if the transformation time is not long, there is no threat!" Su Yun said in a deep voice: "Rescue first, maybe you can get some information from her."

"After the missile detonates later, take her away in the chaos!"

"Okay!" Jiang Mu agreed painfully.

Unit 3 accelerated and rushed into the cave.

Then No. 1 and 2 planes flew towards the cage that trapped Qi Qi. After a shuttle bullet, they successfully destroyed the iron cage and rescued Qi Qi.

"Come up, sit still!" Wen Bai reminded in a gentle voice, and then the detector that controlled the form of the drone fell to the ground.

But Qi Qi was stunned for a while, obviously he was about to be rescued, but there was still a trace of despair in his eyes that could not dissipate for a long time.

"What are you doing, come up quickly!" Wen Bai said emphatically, not in a good mood.

Qi Qi nodded and said in a hoarse voice: "Okay~"

Afterwards, Qi Qi stepped up and sat down on the wing. Her petite body was just enough to sit upright, and she also firmly hugged the torso of the detector, while the two universal mechanical arms of the detector were also firmly restrained. Qi Qi's body.

Stealth Restrictions was activated, and the two detectors slowly turned into phantoms until they disappeared completely.

At the same time, the No. 3 machine has chased the leader to the outside of Lingfeng Mountain, and the missile is one step ahead, and it is already close to the leader.

After reaching a suitable distance, Su Yun detonated the missile directly.

There was a flash of light, and everything was engulfed in white light.

"It's now, let's go!" Su Yun found the right moment and shouted.

As soon as the words fell, the two drones drilled into the passage on the top of the cave one after another, accelerating their escape.

Su Yun kept an eye on the positions of the No. 1 and No. 2 machines, and when they all flew out of Lingfeng Mountain, he controlled the No. 3 machine to change into a sword shape, and rushed towards the leader who was wrapped in light and defensive Cultivation Technique above.

Today's No. 3 machine is seriously damaged, it might as well be honored directly!

Immediately, the middle-grade spiritual core built into the No. 3 machine entered an overload state, followed by a second dazzling flash.

Unit 3, so far, sacrificed.

Su Yun disconnected, his consciousness returned to the present world, and he used a communicator to notify Wang Fu that they should evacuate.

As a result, it took Wang Fu a long time to reply, his voice was extremely low, even a little trembling, "Junior Brother Su Yun, we may not be able to go back, we were locked by that evil cultivator at the peak of Gold Core with his divine sense... sorry... ..."

Hearing this, Su Yun's heart tightened, and he re-entered the state of spiritual connection, and substituted into the perspective of the other two detectors.

At this moment, the light from the explosion had dissipated, and the leader stood in the void relying on the escape light, and the majestic divine sense spread wantonly. Although the position of the detector could not be found, he firmly locked on to the four people hiding in the distance, and even his eyes were blind. turned over there.

He realized that he was being teased, and the expression on his face became even more gloomy, and he could only vent his anger on Su Yun's teammates.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light shone from the right hand of the leader, and finally converged into a bright golden lightsaber, which was more than ten feet long!

Borrowing the light, it quickly flew towards the four of them.

"Jiang Mu, I must take back the control of No. 1 machine." As soon as the words fell, Su Yun seized the authority.

Jiang Mu let go of the joystick, but still focused on the screen.

"Wen Bai, you hand over Qi Qi to Wang Fu and the others, and we go to stop the leader!" Su Yun turned the direction of No. 1 aircraft, withdrew to hide Restrictions, and stopped in the air.

"Understood!!" After Wen Bai accelerated, he stopped beside the four of them and put down Qi Qi, "Take her with you, let's go!!"

"But..." Wang Fu looked at the leader flying over from a distance, with a sad expression, "Can you still escape from the peak of Gold Core?"

"Why are you hesitating at this juncture? Hurry up!" Wen Bai couldn't help emphasizing his tone, "You said you wanted to contribute, and that's how you all contribute?"

The four of them were ashamed, only Wang Fu took a deep breath, collected himself, looked ashen, and bowed to the detector inexplicably, "Please tell Junior Brother Su Yun that I, Wang Fu, owe him my life."

"And...we..." Wu Siyue held Wang Chong's arm tightly, lowered her head, and said in a deep voice.

And Wang Chong had a straight face, his body trembled involuntarily, his fists were clenched tightly, and he said through gritted teeth, "I'm sorry, I was self-righteous..."

"Su Yun can hear you, let's go." Wen Bai said comfortingly.

At this time, Huang Jianbing directly put Qi Qi behind his back, and said anxiously: "Is it time to admit your mistake? Slip!"

"Junior Brother Huang, let me come, I am Realm high! Fly fast!" Seeing that Huang Jianbing offered to take Qi Qi away, Wang Fu wanted to step forward to help.

"Don't worry, when it comes to running, I'm not weaker than you!" Huang Jianbing smiled crookedly, lowered his body, Spirit Power started to operate, and actually covered himself with a blue light, and then jumped into the air, Flew out without Yujian.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Jianbing flew hundreds of feet away.

"Cultivation Technique! There are Cultivation Techniques below Gold Core Realm!" Wang Fu was surprised, took out his natal Magic Treasures, and Yujian fled.

After a few people left, Wen Bai controlled the No. 2 machine to support the No. 1 machine. At the same time, Su Yun controlled the No. 1 machine and fired the Type 2-modified ammunition at the leader at the highest rate of fire. Violent explosions sounded one after another, denser than the sound of firecrackers during the Spring Festival.

The leader was covered by the light of the explosion, and turned into a high-speed flying light spot, the speed was only slightly reduced.

Obviously, the power of Type II-modified ammunition cannot breakthrough the defense of the leader's bodyguard Spirit Power!

After a few breaths, Wen Bai also joined the battle, unleashing more intensive firepower on the leader.

The leader finally stopped walking and stayed in the air.

"Cease fire." Su Yun greeted calmly.

Then he let out a voice, and said with a smile: "Why are you, the leader? You are going to kill me, so why take your anger out on others?"

"It's just a few ants, if you kill them, you'll kill them, as long as it can make you unhappy!" The leader sneered, and the cross lightsaber in his hand became more condensed.

"Before you kill, please consider that my missile is flying this way, and its power is far greater than the one you ate last time. Killing a few ants, and then losing the strength of Gold Core Realm, you don't think it's a loss That's good." There was a hint of sarcasm in Su Yun's words.

Hearing this, the leader squinted his eyes, and the cold light shot out from the gap, which was extremely cold.

If he faced such a look in person, Su Yun thought he would tremble with fear.

"Heh!" The leader suddenly smiled, but his face was very distorted, as if he forcibly raised the corners of his mouth when someone was crying, "I lost this time, I have counted thousands of times, but I didn't count your Magical Item like this Strange, it is an unprecedented means of repairing the Immortal World!"

"It's not your fault." Su Yun said with a faint smile.

Then, the Sword Ray in the leader's hand dissipated, and the Realm fell rapidly, as if being pulled away from something, his eyes became hollow, and then lit up with a slightly dirty look, turning back to that unremarkable young man.

The escape light then dissipated, and the young Xie Xiu screamed and fell down.

But after a while, he came to his senses and started shouting ecstatically, "Hahaha! I was descended by the leader! My merits have been returned to Origin!!"

"Stupid, ridiculous!" Su Yun snorted coldly, and fired a Type II-modified ammunition, leaving no bones left, which was a relief.

From then on, the big rock hanging in Su Yun's heart fell to the ground, disconnected, and let the probe return on its own.

Consciousness returned to the present world, Su Yun got up, stretched his muscles and bones, and smiled at Jiang Mu, "Jiang Mu, you go to meet them, remember, you must investigate Qi Qi's soul... Wang Fu and the others are the same..."

There's nothing wrong with being cautious.

"Brother Su, don't worry, leave it to me!" Jiang Mu nodded, and ran off the Xuanniao excitedly, Yu Jian flew away.

Wen Bai also escaped from the soul-soul connection, leaned back, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with some fear: "Fortunately, the leader didn't kill them all, otherwise Wang Fu and the others will confess!"

Then he was a little bit aggrieved, "You said they have to come here to make trouble!"

"It's safe!" Su Yun didn't care, "At least the result is good."

Then he said in relief: "I think the leader should be able to calm down for a while now, and he will definitely find a way to deal with my methods!"

"It's likely to be like this!" Wen Bai said as he got up, took the hand that Su Yun offered, and stood up with his strength.

"Will he have a way to deal with you?"

Su Yun squeezed his chin, thinking: "If you don't understand the principle, you can only prepare some defensive measures, or find a way to intercept it!"

Afterwards, Su Yun showed a meaningful smile, "In this case, I will prepare some attack methods that cannot be intercepted! The height of the magic is one foot and one foot high, and besides the light particles, I have many methods!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yun looked introverted, and pondered: "It's just, how to completely eliminate the leader is a problem! It is also the most critical problem."

"The leader is like a ghost lurking deep in the souls of countless evil cultivators. As long as there is one remaining evil cultivator, the leader will have a chance to make a comeback."

"I understand." Wen Bai frowned, and began to explain with his own understanding, "The leader is a chronic disease, and the lesion spreads all over the patient's body. If there is any residue, this disease cannot be cured."

"Yes! Stubborn illnesses may only be solved by means at the level of the soul. Go back and ask Jiang Mu!" Su Yun sighed helplessly, suffering from the fact that own methods can only destroy the body, but cannot transcend the soul.

"It seems that sometimes to deal with cultivators, you can only use cultivator methods!"


Not long after, Jiang Mu led Wang Fu and his party to the other courtyard, and Qi Qi was among them.

"I've checked carefully. Qi Qi's soul is clear, and he has not degenerated into a cultivator. They are fine." While speaking, Jiang Mu looked at the few people opposite.

"That's good." Su Yun stretched his brows and said, then turned his gaze to Qi Qi.

He took a few steps forward, stared at Qi Qi and said, "Tell me what you have experienced!"

Qi Qi's expression was dull, his eyes were empty and gray, as if he hadn't recovered, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a word, "I..."

Wang Fu on the side spoke timidly: "Junior Brother Su Yun, I also asked some questions on the way back, but she didn't answer them. I guess she was overly frightened. It will be better if you wait a few days."

"That's it!" Su Yun pursed her lips, waved her hand and said, "Alright, you can take her to your place first! We'll talk about it in a few days."

"Go back, you must be tired too!"

Seeing that Su Yun was in a hurry to see off the guests, Wang Fu showed embarrassment. He wondered if Su Yun was angry, so he squeezed out a dry smile and said, "Haha! Junior Brother Su Yun, we are indeed reckless this time, there will be no next time, I will I swear by my soul!"

Then winked and looked at Wang Chong and the others.

"We promise too!" Wu Siyue spoke for Wang Chong.

But Huang Jianbing smiled and didn't say anything.

But at this moment, Qi Qi suddenly said: "senior, thank you."

"A few days ago, I heard that there were evil cultivators in Lingfeng Mountain, so I went to investigate, but found that Huang Silang was also among them. Accidentally, he exposed his traces and was arrested. But they didn't do anything to me, just Shut me up in the cave until this day."

As she said that, she was about to kneel down to salute, but was supported by Wen Bai, who had quick eyesight and quick hands.

She had no choice but to bend down, "Thank you senior for saving your life, the little girl has so little Cultivation Base, and I can only repay your kindness by acting like a bull and a horse!"

"It's okay, I was the one who was sorry for you and implicated you." Su Yun waved his hand and said calmly: "But there is no need for you to repay, you should continue to be your carefree Rogue Cultivators! Next time Be careful, don't be caught by evil cultivators again!"

"Senior, can you let me do something for you..." Qi Qi lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Sorry..." Su Yun resolutely refused.

Although Qi Qi has not been polluted by the leader, she is like a female knight rescued from the goblin cave. Even if she is innocent, she dare not stay!

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