Facing the current situation, Su Yun naturally wanted to understand the stakes. Just like he wanted to find the person who sent the fragments of the Magical Item, the people outside also wanted to find the three flying Magical Items. And the one who won the Fire Yang Magic Crystal!

It's just that the starting point is different, Su Yun is for the truth, they are for profit.

Seeing the ever-increasing auction prices, Wen Bai reached out and touched Su Yun's sleeve, with a worried expression on his face, "Why is the bidding for Magical Item fragments so fierce? Is this normal?"

Su Yun shook his head helplessly, "I think, because the fragments of the ancient Magical Item came out, in their eyes, the owners of the three flying Magical Items picked up the complete Magical Item just by chance."

"Afraid that the secret of the flying Magical Item will be revealed, they will definitely take the fragments of the Magical Item at a huge cost, so they will interfere with it and raise the price."

"The higher the final auction price, the higher the possibility that the buyer is the owner of the Magical Item!"

"Even if you can't attract the owner of the Magical Item, if you win the Magical Item, it won't be a loss if you can get a glimpse of its secrets."

Wen Bai thought for a moment, and said with a small face in surprise: "This will be troublesome! Why don't people raise the price crazily?"

"The price increase to make trouble is actually not the most important thing, they are waiting on the sidelines..." Su Yun pondered for a moment, and then a mean smile appeared on his face, "Then let's do it! After all, I just want to know where A probe traveled back to ancient times."

"Aren't you afraid that the technology secrets of the detector will be exposed?" Wen Bai seriously reminded: "Don't underestimate other refiners!"

Su Yun turned his head, looked at Wen Bai with a smile, and comforted him: "The fragment is not a core component, it only has some Spirit Power lines, and there are no secrets."

Xu Mo who was outside the screen heard the voice, turned around, frowned and asked tentatively: "So, don't shoot anymore?"

"Shoot! But don't buy." Su Yun said boredly: "How to maliciously raise the price, I think you should know better than me!"

Xu Mo was dumbfounded for a while, then raised the corner of his mouth, and nodded slightly, "Understood."

Immediately, Xu Mo spoke in a majestic voice, overwhelming the audience, "500,000 Spirit Stones!"

Xu Mo's offer was like a bomb exploding on the water, and the atmosphere of the audience was pushed to a new level.

"Nearly 200,000 Spirit Stones were directly added, it seems that the guests here are bound to win!"

"Could it be, is it really him?"

"Hmph, if you want to take it away so easily, there's no way! Increase the price, 600,000!"

"610,000 Spirit Stones!"


Bidding among guests in various VIP rooms was particularly intense.

However, rather than saying that it was Su Yun who ignited the atmosphere in the auction house, it was better to say that Su Yun "got the bait". After all, she was the most "suspected" person who was received by Xu Mo himself.

Soon, the price of a Magical Item fragment was breakthrough million Spirit Stones, which was an outrageous price for a fragment.

Xu Mo whispered outside the screen: "This price should be about the same."

"Yes." Su Yun said softly.

Receiving Su Yun's instruction, Xu Mo returned to the box silently, and the atmosphere on the field immediately cooled down. There was a long silence, and no one made an offer.

"What? No more shots?" Zhang Qian, who had just called out a high price of one million, looked at Minghuo Elder in panic, but only got a cold look.

With the voice of the auctioneer counting down, he quickly became the focus of the audience. However, most people were watching the excitement, and did not think that the two people in Burning Valley were the owners behind the Magical Item.

Soon, the sound of falling hammers resounded throughout the audience, followed by the professional words of the auctioneer, "Congratulations, both of you, for winning the auction of the ancient Magical Item fragment!"

"Hmph, congratulations!" Zhang Qian gritted his teeth, clenched his fist and hammered the armrest of the chair. Even if he didn't exert all his strength, he smashed the golden stone chair out of the cracks, and his cold eyes glanced at the place where Su Yun was. box.

"If you shoot it, you will shoot it." Minghuo Daoist squinted his eyes slightly, but his expression was extremely cold, "We have the fragments of the Magical Item in our hands, so we need to make good use of it! Do you know how to do it?"

Immediately, his eyes slanted to Su Yun's side.

"Yes, Elder." Zhang Qian's eyes also turned cold.


The starting prices of subsequent auctions increased sequentially, but the final transaction prices were not higher than the Magical Item fragments.

Among them, Su Yun made a move once, and bought a huge columnar ruby ​​crystal at a price of 900,000 Spirit Stones.

This piece of ruby ​​is only a fourth-order material, but the crystal is huge, more than ten feet long, and extremely pure, almost without a trace of impurities, which is really rare.

For Immortal World refiners, this kind of material without specific Spiritual Qi properties is not very useful, but its hardness and durability are good, so it is often used as a container.

But in the hands of Su Yun, the ruby ​​can display its true value!

Immediately afterwards, the Underworld Flower was put on the auction stage, and the auction started with a price of one million Spirit Stones.

Even the sixth-order Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, a medicinal herb that has no obvious use, did not attract many people. In the end, it was only sold for 1.2 million, which was acquired by Su Yun.

Soon, the blockbuster auction arrived, and the bidding became fierce.

When the Huoyang Magic Crystal appeared, the atmosphere of the venue was directly pushed to a climax, the price was called one after another, the price climbed all the way, and soon broke through the tens of millions mark!

Even Su Yun was taken aback, and couldn't help asking Xu Mo: "When did the value of the Fire Yang Demon Crystal become so high?"

Xu Mo leaned slightly, and said with a smile: "Firstly, the Fire Yang Magic Crystal is a rare treasure that is hard to find, it can help the cultivator breakthrough, especially for breaking through to the God Transformation Realm realm; Fu Xing found that there are very few fire-yang magic crystals in the world recently, and yours is still the largest one, so we must work harder when we operate."

"Today, many forces on the mainland have sent people here! Otherwise, this auction would not have been prepared for so long."

After saying that, Xu Mo covered his mouth and chuckled a few times.

"Heh, you guys at Qingfuxing are so smart!" Su Yun had to admit that the gang at Qingfuxing had business acumen and was good at maximizing profits.

But only looking at benefits is not a good thing.

"It seems that you didn't spread the news about the Fire Yang Demon Crystal on the Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, and that's because of your own considerations?" Su Yun raised his eyes and smiled, looking at Xu Mo.

"It's a kind of tacit understanding. The news is only spread among the forces in Canglan Continent, which is good for everyone." Xu Mo squinted his eyes with a smile, and said in a cheerful tone: "If the strong on the mainland know, just send a Divine With the powerful Transformation coming, will the forces in Canglan Continent still have a chance to reap the treasure?"

"In other words, you won't be able to get this fire-yang magic crystal, and our Yanyun Qingfu business won't be able to earn a commission from you!"

Su Yun thought about it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this matter.

As a result, there are not many strong people among the people who went to fight for the Fire Yang Magic Crystal, at least on the surface, and the people hiding around the great lake are unknown.

In the end, he took the advantage of surprise and picked up the leak.

"Wonderful! Everything is in your calculations." Su Yun looked at Xu Mo differently, and felt that this woman was not simple.

"Hehe~" Xu Mo chuckled a few times charmingly, and said in a joking tone: "Shouldn't I have to work for you from now on?" Su Yun frowned, raised his hand and pinched his chin, thinking: "So what do you say?" , I really don’t dare to hire you anymore! I’ll think about it again.”

"Boss Su, you can tell some jokes." Xu Mo was not worried at all, but continued to joke, "Boss Su has figured out everything about the little girl, so there is no reason for you to be irresponsible. "

Su Yun: "..."

Wen Bai looked alert.


The auction of the Fire Yang Magic Crystal became more and more intense, and the 15 million mark was quickly broken through.

However, the VIP room where Su Yun is located is always the focus of everyone's attention.

Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry immediately, and complained to Xu Mo: "I think the rules of your auction house should be changed. It's very unreasonable that senders can't bid! This is not the case here. Don't you have three hundred taels of silver?"

Xu Mo could only make an apologetic smile from the sidelines, "Boss Su, the senders in the past were not as eye-catching as you."

Hearing this, Su Yun blushed, "It's mine, isn't it?"


As time went by, there were only three companies left to participate in the auction, and the price stayed at the 18 million level, and the price increase in the future was very cautious.

Qinghui Mountain, represented by Lan Jun and Luo Yan'er, was the first to lose.

The other two are forces that do not want to disclose their identities, hiding behind the light curtain.

It was probably what Xu Mo said, the forces from the mainland.

Su Yun is also happy to be bought by them, at least he won't face those twists and turns.

In the end, the Huoyang Magic Crystal was sold at a price of nearly 19 million Spirit Stones, which greatly exceeded Su Yun's expectations.

And the inner alchemy of Earth Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, the transaction price is not low, more than six million Spirit Stones, which is considered a normal price.

At the end of the auction, those who came to join in the fun left one after another, but those who had business were still waiting.

Not long after, Xu Mo personally packed the two auction items that Su Yun had won in a space Magical Item, and handed them over to Su Yun and Wen Bai.

Then they took out three small boxes and lined them up in front of Su Yun, "Boss Su, these are the three kinds of space Magical Item guide materials transferred according to your description, see if there is anything you need?"

Su Yun picked up the three boxes and began to examine them carefully.

The three boxes are all good sixth-order materials, and they are all almost completely colorless and transparent space Magical Item guide materials, but there is a world of difference between the three.

After distinguishing for a long time, Su Yun finally smiled and accepted one of the boxes, "Miss Mo, I'm sorry."

"You're being polite, I should do it." After Xu Mo saluted, he looked up at Su Yun and smiled restrainedly, "After the accounts are settled, the remaining Spirit Stones will be delivered immediately."

"And then, what about my departure from Qingfu Bank?" Xu Mo asked tentatively with a smile on his face.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Yun continued, "After deducting the five million you redeemed, how much is left?"

Xu Mo didn't answer directly, but talked about him from left to right, buried his head in a smile and said, "I guess, Boss Su, that you are looking for space Magical Item guide materials to refine high-grade space Magical Items, so I also sent someone to get six The first-order space Magical Item controller material, as well as other corresponding fragmentary materials, if necessary, can be packaged and sold to you."

"Okay! You arranged it very clearly!" Su Yun said with a half-smile, "However, you have your heart, and I have such a plan!"

"However, you need to make up this amount." Xu Mo took out the bill, which was clearly filled with the details of various transactions, including the money to redeem her and the entries of various high rank space Magical Item materials.

There are not many Spirit Stones that need to be replenished, only more than 500,000, and the prices of various materials are reasonable, Su Yun is willing to pay.

Although I have sold two pieces of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, I still have to pay for it, but at least I have the Magical Item in my own high rank space!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Mo knelt down, saluted Su Yun, buried his head on the ground, and said solemnly: "Little girl Xu Mo, meet Boss Su!"

"You're welcome, get up." Su Yun pursed her lips, bursts of helplessness, "Feudal ethics are bad, and you are not allowed to kneel here."

"Thank you, boss." Xu Mo's face was full of joy, and then he said: "My former boss still wants to talk to you."

"Gu Yan~" Su Yun's eyes narrowed, and he said with a slight smile, "Lead the way."

After a while, Su Yun came to an inconspicuous room in Qingfu Xing. Gu Yan stood with his hands behind his back, looking out the window, his back looked thin and lonely.

Su Yun walked in, Xu Mo left consciously and closed the door.

I saw Gu Yan turned around and smiled gently at Su Yun. He was full of bookishness, and his eyes were extremely calm, which was not what a person of his age should have. "Su Yun, welcome to Qingfuxing. I like simplicity, if there is something negligent, please also ask Haihan."

"It's okay, I wonder what orders Boss Gu has?" Su Yun said politely.

"Brother Su Yun, you are serious. I just want to make friends with you." Gu Yan smiled deeply, and spread his hands to lead Su Yun to the tea table.

While pouring tea, he said with a calm smile: "Otherwise, I wouldn't be willing to let go of my capable generals, would I? My sincerity is okay!?"

"I still have to thank Boss Gu for his kindness." Su Yun said in a flat tone, "However, as far as I know, Xu Mo should be sent by the Qingfu Bank."

"A servant like her who has been working hard for a long time and has earned enough money for the Qingfu Bank, and no matter how difficult it is for the Cultivation Base to go further, has actually become a commodity, and the price is clearly marked, so you can't interfere."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Yan's face became more embarrassing, but he still put on a smile, "Brother Su Yun, don't be so aggressive, I just want to take this opportunity to make a statement! Come drink tea and calm down!"

Then he handed Su Yun a cup of tea.

Su Yun wouldn't turn Gu Yan's face away, took the teacup with a smile, but didn't drink it, but said bluntly, "Boss Gu, if you have something to say, just say it."

"Forget it." Gu Yan was no longer polite, but put down the teapot, straightened his eyes, put away the smile on his face, and said seriously: "Su Yun, then I'll be blunt."

"Su Yun, you have no family background to speak of. The first few years in Luoyun Sect were mediocre, and you even got the name of a freak."

"I don't know what kind of opportunity you got to grow to such a degree. It doesn't matter if you are taught by an expert, or you can get an ancient Magical Item, but..."

Gu Yan paused, and said in a reproachful tone: "But you want to influence the situation in Ruiguo now, so I have to remind you a few words."

Seeing that Gu Yan had investigated him, Su Yun didn't care, but he still took the bait and asked, "Are you and Chen Zhen on the same team?"

"No, I'm just thinking about the situation in Canglan Continent." Gu Yan frowned tightly, "There will be chaos in Ruiguo, and many surrounding forces will be ready to move. It will be difficult for peace then."

"I'm not thinking about the livelihood of the common people. It's just that if things are in chaos, business will be hard to do."

Gu Yan sighed, "Brother Su Yun, you are also a businessman, you should understand what I mean."

"Naturally." Su Yun smiled from the bottom of his heart. He only thought that Gu Yan was quite interesting, but he still sneered, "However, if that's the case, shouldn't you tell Chen Zhen?"

Gu Yan picked up the teacup, looked at the tea leaves floating in the water, and said in a deep voice: "The Chen family has many forces involved behind it, such as his dao companion, who is the daughter of the head of Burning Fire Valley, let alone the Many other forces have intricate ties, at least he has the ability to stabilize the situation."

Then he glanced at Su Yun with deep eyes, "It's hard to change to someone else."

"You just don't believe in my strength." Su Yun expressed Gu Yan's doubts to the point.

"I believe you can kill Chen Zhen, but that's all. At that time, those forces will get in the way and attack you, and the chaos will regenerate." Gu Yan said, taking a sip of tea.

Having said that, Su Yun cupped his hands towards Gu Yan, "Thank you for reminding me, but I'm not afraid, I hope Brother Gu can do business with peace of mind in the future, and we will often cooperate in the future!"

"I've kindly reminded you, I don't care about anything else!" Gu Yan smiled, reached out to get something from his sleeve, and took out a soul crystal the size of a small fingernail in a blink of an eye.

"Part of Xu Mo's soul is in it, and it's yours now."

Seeing the soul crystal, Su Yun was not surprised. This is an irreversible control method, just like Jiang Mu's method of dividing the birth soul.

"Thank you." Su Yun nodded expressionlessly, "Farewell."

"Please." Gu Yan narrowed his eyes, smiled and sent Su Yun out of the room.

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