Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 14 Large-Scale Eating Melon Scene

Unexpectedly, Chen Yang probably knew that he could not get anything good with his mouth, so he didn't speak harshly to each other this time, but instead showed the arrogance that a child of an aristocratic family should have.

Sure enough, the dog next to the owner is different!

"Su Yun, I've figured it out. Why should I compete with you vulgar bastard for verbal ability? The competition in Immortal World is strength, background! Tell me what you have? You're just a common man!"

"I have already entered the Inner Sect, and the status of you and I is even more disparate. Who should Junior Sister Li Su fall in love with, I don't think it is necessary to say."

"Oh." Su Yun didn't fluctuate in his heart, and stood upright, waiting for the Elder to come to preside over the assessment.

"Oh! Originally, I thought you were a bloody man, but I didn't expect that, but so much, I didn't even dare to refute a few words!" Chen Yang was so proud that he looked at people with his chin, and his eyes were full of disdain.

"Ah, that's right." Su Yun greeted him with a smile.

Chen Yang couldn't hold back anymore, he couldn't help clenching his fists, suppressing his anger, "Do you know how sad Junior Sister Li Su was when she found out about your troubled life, and I should comfort you, or it would hurt Dao's heart , do you know how much you have sinned?"

"..." This time it was Su Yun's turn to be speechless.

Isn't this the rumor you went to spread?

Hey, this kind of dude is troublesome, it's not wrong to provoke him, and it's not wrong not to provoke him now, it's really difficult to serve!

"Then, I wish you happiness!"

"...You!" Chen Yang's heart collapsed. This was not the result he wanted. He wanted someone to fight against him, so that he could use his Cultivation Base and family background to stand out in front of Li Su. What's the point of blindly obeying him?

snort! Su Yun, I, Chen Yang, vow to destroy you and make you rotten and stink in Li Su's heart!

Before Chen Yang could speak, Li Su stopped in Bengbu, turned around, and Lihua said with rain: "Su Yun, big brother, why did you become like this in only three months? It seems like a different person, the old one You never argue with others, you are always kind to everyone..."

"So are all the rumors about the meddlesome things true?"

Su Yun was ashamed, how could things develop like this? What's with the strong visual sense of dog-blooded idol drama?

However, seeing Li Su now, Su Yun was momentarily at a loss.

Compared with three months ago, he must be completely different, but Li Su's change is what he didn't expect, sometimes the influence of status on a person is really great, she is no longer the innocent little girl in Su Yun's memory Li Su is gone.

When you start to doubt a person, your trust in him has long been gone.

So when Li Su asked this question, he must have believed it subconsciously.

In the past, Li Su would say: How is it possible, my Su Yun big brother is not such a person!

After a relieved smile, Su Yun replied: "If you choose to believe it, you can believe it, but please don't use the word 'excuse me', it's disrespectful."

"I understand, Su Yun...nephew..." Li Su nodded to Su Yun, the last tear fell from the corner of his eyes, then his eyebrows raised, his eyes became firm, "The assessment is coming soon, we are competitors Come on, you have to work hard!"

"Well, Uncle Li Su." Su Yun didn't have any special emotions, but felt that Li Su had indeed grown up, and thinking about it carefully, no matter what happened before, but now his friendship with Li Su is actually more Brother and sister love each other.

Now that Li Su has been promoted to the Inner Sect, the future is limitless, Su Yun is gratified from the bottom of his heart, and happy to replace her.

But... If Li Su's fresh and tender baby dish is raped by Chen Yang, a stupid pig, he will be absolutely unwilling!

At this time, Chen Yang was naturally happy, "Haha, you heard what Junior Sister Li Su said clearly, Nephew Su Yun!"

"After all, there is a difference between superiority and inferiority. You should stop bothering Junior Sister Li Su in the future. No, there is no future! With your strength, it is impossible to pass the examination. Obediently get out of Luoyunzong and go back to your small mountain village! "

"Enough!" Li Su stopped Chen Yang suddenly, "I hope you don't care too much, Senior Brother Chen Yang."

Afterwards, Chen Yang gave Su Yun a deadly stare. After his eyes threatened, he walked to Li Su's side, behaved like a pug dog.

"Tsk tsk..."

But at this moment, there was a commotion from the disciples behind. Su Yun thought it was the Elders coming, but it turned out that a thin figure of a woman appeared in the sky.

"Wen Bai!"

Naturally, "Wen Sang" instantly became the focus of everyone. How could one not eat the melons that were brought to their mouths? !

"What is she here for? Isn't she a disciple from the previous session? And she doesn't need to come for the assessment?"

"Don't make it, maybe it's here to cheer up Madman Su!"

"Will the erysipelas on her body come out? I'd better stay away..."


Wen Bai put his sword back on the ground, and everyone naturally gave way to Su Yun.

Everyone's strange behavior made Wen Bai confused for a while, what happened?

And their unfriendly eyes and critical words made Wen Bai more and more confident as he walked, and gradually lowered his head, for fear that someone would slander her appearance and call her ugly.

With his head down, he didn't take a few steps, and Su Yun's laughing voice appeared in front of him, "I boldly guess, you are here to look for me! Hee hee."

Wen Bai raised his head to realize that it was Su Yun who walked in front of her without a sound.

There was a moment of panic.

"Ah, yes, yes, you left something behind!" Wen Bai hurriedly took off the universe bag from his waist, then searched for things, but couldn't find it, and took off another universe bag. What he was looking for was the Bibo sword that Su Yun refined.

"You are too careless, come to participate in the assessment, you can forget your own saber?"

"Huh? Bibo Sword! Thank you." Su Yun also suddenly felt embarrassed. He usually put Bibo in the Immortal Cave and let it warm and nourish himself. Forgot to bring.

And from Su Yun's point of view, the things he relies on are actually two hot weapons, namely Silver Moon and Spike, but it is indeed a big mistake to forget Bibo.

The means of saving one's life are not too many!

Eh, no! Su Yun realized later that Bibo was obviously placed in the Immortal Cave!

"What are you doing in my Immortal Cave? Although I don't mean to be unwelcome, I just want to ask..."

"Just..." Wen Bai faltered, hesitated for a long time and said: "Seeing that your Immortal Cave is so messy, I just wanted to clean it up, that's all, I didn't mess with your things!"

"Hahaha, thank you very much."

Su Yun wanted to clean it too, but he was too lazy to move... Anyway, it doesn't affect anything...


However, in Li Su's eyes, all of this had another meaning.

This sword was refined by Su Yun for her at the beginning, but now it is held by this woman named Wen Bai.

Out of breath for a while, she took out the middle-grade treasure-level "Cangchi" sword given to her by her master from the Qiankun bag, and silently carried it behind her back.

But at this moment, a vast and mysterious aura came from above, the head of the black-haired and white-haired sect walked through the air, accompanied by a group of Gold Core Elders with swords.

"Is this the powerhouse at the Nascent Soul level? Walking through the air, it's terrifying!" Su Yun was amazed.

I heard that the head of the Hundred Years was already the third floor of Nascent Soul Returned to Origin, and later closed Door Training was not available, so he devoted himself to cultivation. Now that he is out of the customs, it must be the Realm breakthrough to the Nascent Soul middle stage.

All the disciples bowed down.

"You're so lucky this year, the leader actually came to the Outer Sect assessment in person!" Wen Bai said in a low voice.

"Is there any benefit?" Su Yun asked curiously: "Is it necessary to send Spirit Stones to each disciple in order to celebrate the breakthrough?"

"It's vulgar! Didn't you feel the aura emanating from the head? This time I got lucky, and I feel faint signs of hitting the peak of Qi Refining!" Wen Bai was overjoyed.

It turns out that the reason why the head master releases the breath of own is to let the disciples have some insights, but Su Yun thought the head master was to make the appearance of own more compelling...

"I did feel the breath just now, but that's all..."

"Oh, I almost forgot that your aptitude is not good, and your Cultivation Base is also low, so naturally you can't get any benefits... Hehe."

"Shrimp and pig's heart!"


After delivering the meeting ceremony, the head of the sect got straight to the point, and the words spread throughout the audience with the vigorous Spirit Power, "All new disciples, follow me to the forbidden area to participate in the assessment!"

Wen Bai hurriedly threw Bibo to Su Yun, then watched Su Yun fly away with Yujian, and said silently, "You can definitely..."

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