In the end, it was Su Yun's words that woke Wang Haichao up.

"Those of your comrades are dead, the leader is just using their remaining consciousness, try to listen to them, let's go!" Su Yun sternly shouted: "Don't risk your life, you need to think about it in the long run, and the rest will be left to you." I!"

Wang Haichao raised his head in a daze, seeing a few unfamiliar faces speaking in familiar tones, his anger became even worse, grinning his teeth, his mouth trembling slightly, and he squeezed out words from between his teeth, "Thank you fellow daoist for letting me recognize I know the truth, but I can't bear to let them live in this state! I will end their suffering with my own hands!"

"Don't be impulsive!" Su Yun dissuaded in a deep voice, while flying into the sky, "Don't be impulsive!"

If Wang Haichao forcibly kills the three soul corpses, although it can temporarily disrupt the leader's current actions, it can only be delayed for a while.

When the leader allocates more power, he will have to face the leader's counterattack.

It will be difficult to have the opportunity to strangle more soul corpses and weaken the power of the leader.

But at this time, Wang Haichao couldn't persuade him at all. He used his sword art, first beheaded three noisy evil cultivators with one sword, and then turned towards the direction of the flying boat.

Seeing this, Zhang Hongyi kept shaking her head in front of the three soul corpses, "No, senior brother Wang, there must be other ways to save them! Don't kill them!"

Wang Haichao said sharply: "Hongyi, get out of the way!"

Zhang Hongyi was so frightened that she took a few steps back, but she opened her arms to protect the three of them from beginning to end.

Seeing this, Wang Haichao raised his palm and knocked Zhang Hongyi away with a force wrapped in a wind blade. The flying boat also lost control and fell down.

Wang Haichao chased after him in the air, holding the sword in his right hand, raising the fingers of his left hand, and slashing across the blade, the cyan Spirit Power immediately gathered on the sword, condensing it!

Immediately, Wang Haichao's speed increased sharply, and he stabbed the only female cultivator, Mo Ling, who fell with his sword.

As the sword tip approached, the air was pierced.

"Sorry, Mo Ling!" Wang Haichao even closed his eyes, not daring to look any further.

But then there was no muffled sound of the long sword piercing the body, but a female voice without much emotion, "I told you to spare your life, why didn't you listen to my persuasion? If you want to attack the soul corpse, you have to stay behind." I'm going to let you down."

Wang Haichao suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils dilated, and the image of Mo Ling clamping the blue natal Magic Treasures with only two fingers was reflected in his bright eyes.

And Mo Ling in front of him, Realm has reached the pinnacle of Gold Core.

She easily grabbed the long sword and stabbed Wang Haichao's chest with her backhand. After Wang Haichao spat out a mouthful of blood, he lost his balance and fell down.

His eyes dimmed, but only a moment later, a red light flashed in his absent-minded eyes, he stopped the falling trend instantly, reached out and pulled out the cyan long sword, a wave of wood-attributed spirit power gushed out, and the injury instantly heal.

After a short period of confusion, Wang Haichao stared fiercely in one direction and roared: "Su Yun!!! It's you again!!!!"


Su Yun has a bad heart!

This Wang Haichao was also eroded by the leader. His memory was read by the leader, so he naturally knew the existence of Su Yun.

Moreover, the leader also obtained Wang Haichao's secret technique, and Su Yun, who was flying in the sky in the distance, was naturally detected by the leader.

Fortunately, Su Yun had already made preparations, and the three detectors still in the water had already locked on the target, and at the same time, the Youguang laser on the Xuanniao was also aimed downward.

In just a split second, Wang Haichao, Mo Ling, and the remaining two soul corpses that had not yet been "resurrected" were all shot through by the red laser light, and their vitality was annihilated in an instant.

As strong as the Gold Core, if the body dies, the soul can only be eliminated. Unless the Advance Grade Nascent Soul, the soul can survive the death of the body.

The sudden upheaval made Zhang Hongyi frightened and dumbfounded, her eyes were only gray, and all her emotions finally turned into a cry, "No!!! Uh uh... no..."

In this extremely short period of time, Su Yun armed the Black Tortoise mecha and accelerated to fly towards Zhang Hongyi.

At the same time, the detector hidden in the water launched an attack on the human pupa to buy time.

The Netherlight laser attacks at full capacity, but the Netherlight is a pulsed laser weapon after all, and cannot instantly destroy a large number of soul corpses.

Therefore, the airborne guns were also attacking in the water, dense explosions were constantly coming from the water, and the muddy yellow sand washed up to the surface of the water along with the spray, and the blue lake instantly turned into a muddy khaki.

But the Soul Corpse Watch still has the body protection Spirit Power, and the damage caused by the explosion is extremely limited.

Su Yun came to Zhang Hongyi's side in a blink of an eye, hugged her, and removed the hidden Restrictions, "Sorry, you could still live if you listened to me!"

Zhang Hongyi struggled and wanted to pour all her resentment and blame on Su Yun, but in the face of life and death, she suddenly calmed down.

If Su Yun hadn't appeared, they would have gone deep into the water to detect the existence of the human chrysalis, and would have spared no effort to take the three of them away, and the result of the two of them would have been the same in the end.

On the contrary, it was because Su Yun told them the truth and gave them a glimmer of life, but they didn't grasp it.

Zhang Hongyi looked at Su Yun with complex eyes. In front of the burly iron armor, she actually felt a sense of oppression. Su Yun, the "weak" cultivator at the peak of Qi Refining, is definitely not ordinary!

But at this moment, the lake below suddenly surged with huge waves, and dense figures flew from below.

Hundreds of human chrysalis have been revived. They have thousands of different appearances, and with completely different voices, they shouted in unison: "Su Yun! You must die today!!"

"Crazy, completely crazy!" Su Yun didn't know what to say for a while, so he subconsciously shouted.

Facing such a scalp-numbing scene, he didn't have the confidence to cope with it at all.

And Zhang Hongyi was so shocked that she fell into confusion again! His eyes looked down blankly.

Judging from the incoming Spirit Power fluctuations, the soul corpse Realms flying out from below are all Gold Core peaks, hundreds of Gold Core peak powerhouses, what a terrifying sight!

And hundreds of Gold Core peak powerhouses shot, and the target was only Su Yun!

Zhang Hongyi turned her head and looked at Su Yun in disbelief, "Who the hell are you!!"

"An ordinary Qi Refining cultivator." After saying that, Su Yun threw Zhang Hongyi up and handed it over to the crowd who came to meet him.

All seven of them came.

Wen Bai caught Zhang Hongyi, frowned and said, "Fly by yourself!"

"Sorry." Zhang Hongyi finally regained his composure, sacrificed his natal Magic Treasures, and hung steadily in the air.

"Hurry up, start the Xuanniao, and prepare to run away! I'm coming to the rear!" Su Yun said in a deep voice.

Due to the urgency of time, everyone did not delay and left decisively.

And with their arrival, there are various weapons on the Xuanniao!

Including two detectors, twin floating cannons, twilight lasers, and dozens of light particle emitters!

At this time, the three underwater detectors also flew up, attacking the soul corpse at the peak of Gold Core with lasers along the way.

Su Yun took a deep breath, and the mech's sensors were fully activated to lock on the enemies coming from below.

For a time, with Su Yun as the center, all kinds of means came out around, and the scene can be described as grotesque Lu Li!

The white light when the light particles are activated, the faint red laser, the lasing air waves, and the bang of the explosion are intertwined into an elegant song, which can only be described as art! Mastermind No. 2 was running crazily, calculating the best attack angles for various weapons.

Allows the Dusk Laser and Light Particle Launcher to penetrate more enemies.

The floating cannon cannot effectively kill the evil cultivator, but it can be used to limit the position of the evil cultivator, so that the other two attack methods can attack more targets at the same time!

Playing the same role, there are also Metal Storm miniature missiles!

The self-guided micro-missiles flew in the air like a swarm of bees, and finally accelerated towards the evil cultivator.

It can be said that Su Yun constitutes a three-dimensional combat network.

With the method of the leader, the flying speed of the light escape is extremely fast, and fish that slipped through the net often come close.

But even the soul corpse evil cultivator at the peak of Gold Core is still unable to breakthrough defense in front of the Black Tortoise mecha refined from fifth-level refining materials!

However, the spirit power and soul power possessed by the defeated evil cultivator will not disappear, but will be recovered by the leader. The soul corpse is completely different from those ordinary evil cultivators!

Therefore, there will be a steady stream of soul corpses waking up from the bottom of the lake to support them.

What Su Yun has to do is delay.

The people above saw the battle situation through the screen displayed on the Xuanniao, and the doomsday scene shocked them so much that they only felt that they were extremely small!

Wang Fu stared blankly at the screen, "Has Su Yun grown to this extent?"

And Zhang Hongyi, who had never seen such a method, exclaimed even more, "Is this the strength that can be achieved by the refining method?"

"Wuhu! It really is Su Yun, who can kill hundreds of Gold Core evil cultivators!" Only Huang Jianbing was very supportive.


Soon, news came from the Xuanniao that the warm-up was complete, and it could escape with maximum power at any time!

Su Yun finished the last wave of offensive, leaving behind the remaining light particle emitters, and with the remaining means, flew towards the Xuanniao at an extremely fast speed.

The evil cultivators who wanted to chase were dealt with by the light particle emitter.

In a blink of an eye, Su Yun entered the Xuanniao, closed the hatch, recovered various attack weapons, and the electric propulsion engine spewed out a faint blue flame, pushing the Xuanniao to accelerate away.

Many people have never experienced such a huge acceleration, and they were pressed tightly on the seat with panicked faces!

But Su Yun could ignore the acceleration and began to investigate the situation behind him.

Although there are evil cultivators chasing after him, they have already been thrown far away.

But right in Su Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, a "twittering" electric noise suddenly sounded, which was the receipt of a weak communication signal.

"Su Yun, so this is your real strength?" The words came from an unfamiliar voice, the tone was unexpectedly calm, but it was obvious that the leader picked up Wang Haichao's small communicator.

"Maybe my strength has risen to another level when we meet again!" Su Yun replied with a smile.

"Okay, I'll wait, but maybe you don't have a chance, hehe~ Jie Jie Jie~~"

At the end, a few cold laughs came from the communicator, so weird that they didn't seem to come from a human being.

Soon, the Xuanniao entered the stage of level flight cruising, and everyone was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Like a person who has never seen the world, Wang Fu was hooked, "Junior Brother Su Yun, your methods are really extraordinary! A group of Gold Core peak powerhouses are like paper in front of you!"

While others are still in awe.

Since the Xuanniao was accelerating steadily when it came, it was really difficult to say that the engine was fully open.

But to Su Yun's surprise, Zhang Hongyi's attention was all on Xuanniao.

Su Yun retracted the mecha, stepped forward and asked, "Are you also a craftsman?"

"Our Baiqi Sect is all craftsmen..." Zhang Hongyi withdrew her gaze, bowed her head and said, obviously still immersed in sadness, and didn't want to say more.

"It's safe now. You can leave after the Xuanniao lands." Su Yun didn't say much.

"Could it be that you want to go back?" Zhang Hongyi untied the restraints on the seat, got up and said in disbelief: "Those evil cultivators of the Chaos Sect are so powerful, they should be wiped out together with many sects. I can go back and report to the head. Will make a move!"

"This is the Sect mission of our Luoyun Sect, so it's not good for outsiders to participate." Su Yun smiled nonchalantly, "And time waits for no one, it may not be in time."

Then Su Yun smiled slightly, "How many sects do you think can match my strength?"

"This..." Zhang Hongyi recalled the situation just now. There were at least hundreds of Gold Core peak cultivators who were killed by Su Yun. They killed so many Gold Core powerhouses in a few tens of breaths, even many Nascent Soul powerhouses can't do it together!

The man in front of him is unbelievably strong!

And it is stronger than these mysterious and unpredictable Magical Items!

She recalled the rumors she heard before, and said in a daze: "Could these be the ancient Magical Items in the rumors?"

Su Yun is ashamed, why is it an ancient Magical Item again!

"Ah, yes, yes, yes!" Su Yun responded helplessly, "It seems that you still know something!"

"My Hundred Artifacts Sect is a Sect after all, so I pay more attention to these news..." Zhang Hongyi regretted it after finishing speaking. Isn't this suspected of prying into other people's secrets?

"Sorry, I didn't intend to spy on your means."

"It doesn't matter!" Su Yun waved his hands and smiled, "One day, I will make public the technical principles behind these Magical Items. This is the wealth of all mankind, and of course I can't enjoy it to myself. Don't worry, there will be such a day. "

Promoting technological development is also one of Su Yun's future plans.

As long as you are at the forefront, there is nothing to worry about.

On the contrary, the developed technology industry can help Su Yun realize some grander and even crazy ideas!

Zhang Hongyi pondered for a moment, forced a smile, "Thank you for your generosity."

But after she finished speaking, she felt baffled, how could she say this?

She had no choice but to add: "I mean, thank you for saving my life, I will find a way to repay you in the future."

"It's a small matter, but if I have the opportunity to go to the Guizong Library to study for a period of time, why don't you go back and report?" Su Yun said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will go with sincerity."

"Learn from others' strengths!"

Zhang Hongyi couldn't make a decision for her head, but promised to spread the word.

After a while, the Xuanniao dropped its altitude and speed, the hatch opened, and Zhang Hongyi was about to leave with Yujian.

She glanced at the direction of flight, and kindly reminded: "There is a dead zone not far ahead, which is extremely dangerous. There was a fellow student who strayed into this dead zone in Rui Country before."

"When he comes out of the dead zone, he is already inhuman!"

"As long as you enter the dead zone, you will be slowly sucked out of life, even with the body protection Spirit Power can't prevent it! The hair will gradually fall off, the skin will fester and blister, and the skin will fall off in pieces when you touch it lightly. It is as if a person is boiled in a cauldron, and eventually the flesh will rot and turn into water, the flesh and blood will be separated, and only the white bones will remain, it is extremely terrifying!"

After listening to the description, everyone else showed horror, only Su Yun looked excited and curious, "Really?"

"Yes, I've seen it with my own eyes, so be careful... be careful in everything." Zhang Hongyi was a little puzzled, but she still cupped her hands, bid farewell to Su Yun, jumped off the Xuanniao, Yu Jian flew away in another direction.

Seeing Su Yun's excited look, Wen Bai frowned, and guessed right away, "Su Yun, you don't mean you want to go to the death zone!"

"Hey, you still understand me!" Su Yun patted Wen Bai's shoulder and smiled.

But seeing Su Yun's smile, Wen Bai's worries disappeared, and he let out a auntie smile: "Okay, okay, it's up to you!"

"No way, Junior Brother Su Yun!" Wang Fu was terrified, "Finally escaped the clutches of the leader, and are you going to throw yourself into the dead zone?"

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