It took a lot of effort for the three of them to counteract the inertial speed, stabilize their figures again, and climb onto the stone platform under the stone gate.

There were Restrictions on the stone platform, and they quickly regained their balance, stopped in the air and moved slowly, becoming the only place they could land.

And in the distance, the leader didn't even need to approach, the strong sense of oppression made the three of them breathless!

"Su Yun! You amaze me, you can survive until now!" The leader's voice pierced into the minds of several people like a magic voice, as if there was only this voice in the world.

Just these words reverberated in Su Yun's head for a long time. He took a deep breath, forced out a sad smile and said, "Heh! You are not bad, I didn't expect to have such a background!"

"If I'm not mistaken, you guys invaded and repaired the Immortal World from the gap in the space!"

"Unfortunately, I should be one of the same kind who killed you, and it is not impossible to kill you again!"

The leader didn't change his mood at all, or he couldn't see normal emotions, "It's just killing a hatchling, I want to see, how do you kill me?"

After receiving the affirmative answer from the leader, Su Yun frowned, "Who the hell are you?"

"Existence that you can't spy on." The leader smiled distortedly, and the body changed accordingly. The human skin turned into a cocoon, and something inside seemed to break out of the body, struggling, stretching the human skin out of shape.

Soon, the human skin ruptured, a pool of blood splashed into the air, and a flesh-colored monster "broke out of the cocoon", but apart from the human skin, the internal organs that should have also squeezed out. , The red viscous liquid dripped down.

In a blink of an eye, the flesh and blood began to shrivel, the bright red faded, and the brown-black color began to emerge. The internal organs and flesh and blood swelled and liquefied, just like a rotting corpse, and finally the soft flesh began to fall off, revealing the white bones.

In the end, the white bones fell apart and fell downward.

"The leader just died like this? The vitality is completely wiped out!" Looking at the inexplicable scene in front of him, Wen Bai asked in surprise, "Why is he so overwhelmed?"

"He didn't die, but he abandoned the human life form and returned to his original appearance!" Su Yun looked ahead vigilantly and said anxiously.

Wen Bai followed Su Yun's gaze, but he didn't see anything, and felt even more weird, "But there's nothing, if it's the soul leaving the body, at least there's the wave of the soul!"

Su Yun noticed the clue and looked at Jiang Mu, "Can't even you feel it?"

"No, there is nothing. Spirit Power, vitality, and spirit are all gone, and they are... completely dead." Jiang Mu frowned, shaking his head slowly.

Su Yun turned around and stared in the direction just now.

Others couldn't perceive it, but Su Yun clearly felt a mixed and filthy atmosphere, which was exactly the same as the soul that invaded his sea of ​​consciousness last time.

Full of mania, darkness, and filth, with some kind of spiritual pollution ability.

It's just that apart from being able to feel His existence, there is no other way to detect Him.

Perhaps this is the original form of existence of the leader!

Until a deep voice sounded in my ears, like a raving from nowhere in the middle of the night, "Su Yun, I am more and more interested in you, you can actually feel my existence~"

"Hey! You are different from them, you are all different! Could it be that you are the main one looking for?"

"Stop pretending to be a ghost!" Su Yun scolded, while looking around in a panic, he couldn't find the figure of the leader at all, but he could feel the aura of the leader all around him, surrounding him like smoke.

This time Su Yun really panicked and couldn't calm down.

In the face of an existence beyond common sense, he doesn't even know what the enemy is, let alone defeat him and escape.

Naturally, something that does not exist cannot be defeated, as if it has a higher dimension.

But in the eyes of Wen Bai and Jiang Mu, Su Yun was talking to himself.

Although they don't think Su Yun is crazy, they can't understand what Su Yun is going through.

"Su Yun, are you okay?" Wen Bai stepped forward to hold Su Yun's hand, leaning close to him, as if using contact to reassure Su Yun.

Su Yun shook his head solemnly, signaling Wen Bai to stay away from him, and turned to look at the emptiness around him, almost shouting: "What the hell are you!"

"Don't try to understand us, just like I still can't understand you humans." The leader's words can't hear the slightest emotion, "Because you humans have something called emotion, which will disturb your emotions and make you Fall into greed and madness!"

"Do you still think that the people I influenced went crazy because of me?"

"Since I came to this world for a thousand years, I have absorbed more than a hundred thousand human beings? But I still don't know what your human emotions are."

"For the universe, emotion is the most useless thing, meaningless, and will eventually return to chaos."

"Of course, you're just a filth, so you don't understand what a human being is and what an emotion is!" Su Yun snorted.

The leader laughed inexplicably, at least the voice said, "You should be thankful that I still have emotions. If I strip away all human spirits, you will have no hope of living."

"Can you still let us go?" Su Yun asked tentatively.

The leader smiled coldly, "It can give you a chance, I think you are interesting, I want you, I want to be you, hehe!"

Su Yun couldn't help frowning, "I'm here now, you come, just like last time."

The leader was silent for a moment, and then the voice moved away from Su Yun, and came from Wen Bai, "You know, I can't help you, but their souls are not as perfect as yours, hehehe!"

"Su Yun, I won't kill you, I will let you see with your own eyes the people around you being devoured by me one by one! Emotions are the greatest weakness of you humans."

Su Yun's complexion changed, his heart beat violently, his throat tightened, his head shook involuntarily, and his tone gradually increased, "Don't, don't!"

Wen Bai on the opposite side frowned, he saw the fear in Su Yun's eyes, and comforted him worriedly: "Su Yun, are you okay?"

Su Yun's mind was blank, and he didn't dare to imagine what would happen next, but he clenched his teeth, and his teeth chattered a little when he spoke, "I'm fine... fine..."

But for a moment, Wen Bai looked away, looked left and right, buried his head slightly and said: "Su Yun, does the leader think... Su Yun, he must kill me, I don't want to become like a ghost... "

As soon as the voice fell, Wen Bai's words froze, and the expression on his face froze immediately, Su Yun could feel the turbid breath pouring into Wen Bai's body.

"Fuck you, bastard!" Su Yun roared, his eye sockets turned blood red, he pulled out the Five Elements sword, rushed to Wen Bai's neck, but couldn't let go.

Slashing Wen Bai with his hand, and Wen Bai being swallowed by the leader and reduced to a puppet, are things he cannot accept.

She was clearly standing in front of Wen Bai, but Su Yun felt that she was receding towards infinity.

Because of the trembling in Su Yun's hand, the black long sword exuding a cold light rubbed blood marks on Wen Bai's smooth neck.

Jiang Mu hurried forward, clamped Su Yun's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Su, don't be impulsive! Don't give up until the last moment!" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Su Yun cried.

His eyes were bloodshot, and the scene in front of him became blurred. It was obviously extremely sad, but his eyes were dry, and he couldn't shed a single tear.

For a moment, Wen Bai raised his head slowly, looked at Su Yun with some complaints, held the blade between his slender fingers, pushed the Five Elements sword away, and said with a sweet smile: "What are you doing! What are you crazy about, I haven't been caught yet. The leader is infected, you want to kill me?"

Familiar eyes, familiar tone, the person in front of him is indeed Wen Bai.

Su Yun asked in astonishment: "Aren't you swallowed by the leader?"

"That's for sure, I'm a good girl with a pure heart!" Wen Bai said jokingly.

Then Wen Bai took the initiative to hug Su Yun into his arms, still warm.

"That's good, that's good." Su Yun's fast beating heart calmed down, and just about to reach out to hug Wen Bai, when he heard a word, his heart burst into severe pain!

"Hey, am I still learning?"

The warm white voice became cold, without any tenderness.

Wen Bai in his arms raised his eyes, revealing the eerie and eerie smile of the leader.

"Uh~~ah!!!" Su Yun suddenly pushed Wen Bai away, and slashed at her with a sword, but Wen Bai's figure turned into a ghostly black mist, dodged the attack, and appeared beside Jiang Mu instead Appear.

"Black mist escape! Jiang Mu!!"

This black mist is the escape method that Jiang Mucai used.

Su Yun's eyes quickly focused on Jiang Mu, and what greeted him was still the weird smile of the leader.

This smile is like a non-human creature deliberately imitating human expressions, and the facial features are not coordinated.

Jiang Mu tilted his head, bent his neck into an unbelievable angle, and then returned to the right way: "Compared with this kid, your good friend is more pure in spirit, which made me spend a lot of effort!"

"Do you know what the flaw of this girl's soul is? It's you! Hahahaha!" The leader who turned into Jiang Mu laughed.

Hearing this, Su Yun's heart twitched even more, as if being pinched by someone, he suppressed his sadness, looked at the familiar face in front of him, and thought in his heart.

"Calm down, calm down! I want to avenge Wen Bai and Jiang Mu, I want to avenge Wen Bai and Jiang Mu!! Can't fall into the arms of the leader!! His purpose is to let me reveal the flaws of my soul!!"

Su Yun gritted his teeth tightly, making a creaking sound as he rubbed his muscles trembling. He raised his eyes and stared at Jiang Mu's eyes with extremely cold eyes.

At this moment, Su Yun felt that his eyes were plunged into darkness, and his consciousness was forcibly pulled into the space of the sea of ​​consciousness. Like last time, the sea of ​​consciousness was pitch black, even darker.

And Su Yun was able to see the true deity of the leader.

It was a black phantom like coal balls, black tentacles stretched out continuously, and black tentacles died at the same time. The whole black shadow was in constant change, without stopping every second.

And on each tentacle that appeared and disappeared, there was a black shadow in the shape of a human.

The entire sea of ​​consciousness space is occupied by tentacles, the senior's living soul has long been absorbed by the leader, and even Su Yun's own soul power is constantly losing.

He felt that he was gradually being swallowed by darkness, and the candlelight of consciousness was vulnerable to the storm.

Until his consciousness was like an inconspicuous star point in the dark sky, the darkness stopped encroaching on him.

The most original thing in Su Yun's soul has not been wiped out!

But his spirit has been extremely weak, even in the sea of ​​own consciousness, his thinking is a little stagnant, he cursed with all his strength: "Come again, why don't you come again?"

The leader expressed in the form of consciousness information flow: "Even at this point, the soul is still invulnerable. It seems that I have not done enough!"

"By the way, who else is there?"

Immediately read out a string of names, "Yin Niang, Mu Ling, and your useless teammates, who will be the last straw to crush you? Hahaha!"

In an instant, the sea of ​​consciousness returned to clarity, and all the darkness was pulled away, but unlike last time, this time it was the leader himself!

The power of the soul was taken away, and Su Yun's original consciousness was extremely weak, and he couldn't even wake up. He felt like he was floating in a cold ocean current, and he would sink to the bottom of the dark water at any time.

In the outside world, Wen Bai and Jiang Mu looked at Su Yun who was fainting on the ground expressionlessly, then turned and left, leaving Su Yun alone.

The monster squirmed its huge body, brought its eyeballs closer to Su Yun, and at the same time shrank its pupils, using an incomprehensible means, the space around Su Yun was imprisoned, and the dust stopped moving.

The world seemed to stand still.

Only the token on the stone gate made a slight clicking sound, showing that time was still flowing.



"Click... da..."



Until a clear prompt sounded, this is the prompt issued only after the token detects the smooth flow of Spirit Power, and the calculation stops at the same time, indicating that the Restrictions have been cracked.

The wooden latch fell off and fell on the stone platform, and the heavy stone door creaked open, revealing a vast white space.

Sensing a burst of space fluctuations, the giant beast's pupils shrank inward, and let out a terrifying roar in a hostile manner!

Just under its big eyeballs, Su Yun's body floated, ignoring the space restrictions of the giant beast, and floated into the white space inside the stone gate, and then the stone gate was closed heavily.

"Hiss~ow~~" the giant beast roared, and slapped the stone gate with its huge body, but it couldn't shake the stone gate at all.

Even if the stone platform is crushed into powder, the stone gate still stands still.


Within the Shimen space, there is a vast expanse, no gravity, no heaven and earth, as if all rules do not exist, only light and endless space.

Su Yun floated in it, and the power of the soul from nowhere nourished him gently.

He opened his eyelids and woke up faintly.

The soft light in front of him and the comfortable surrounding environment made Su Yun temporarily forget the pain, as if everything that happened just now was just a nightmare.

He drifted aimlessly for a while, and countless translucent figures suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

But unlike the leader, these phantoms are bright and soft, exuding pure Spirit Power fluctuations.

When a figure approached, Su Yun was dumbfounded when he saw it. He thought he was looking in the mirror, but he wasn't.

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