"What's the matter?" Wen Bai stamped his feet, looked back at the direction Su Yun was looking at, and asked, "Is there anything else you haven't done?"

"I seem to have sensed something, let's go and have a look first!" Su Yun stretched out his hand to close the stone door, took the two of them on the Black Bird, and headed towards the direction he sensed.

The existence in the induction is hazy, and I don't know what it is, but what I can know is that they are far away, far beyond the range of Su Yun's divine sense.

Su Yun showed the map of the ancient battlefield drawn by the detector, only to find that the ancient battlefield was as vast as a continent, with an area of ​​seventy to eighty percent that of Canglan Continent. The outline looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it at the moment.

And the sensed thing is thousands of miles away.

As the distance approached, the connection in Su Yun's heart became stronger and stronger.

When approaching the range of a hundred miles, Su Yun had a sudden epiphany, a stream of information flooded his mind, and his eyes were horrified, "It's the sword! The natal Magic Treasures of Fairy Die Ling! Pink Butterfly Sword!"

The sudden enlightenment made Su Yun understand everything.

Practicing Sword Technique with Fairy Die Ling allowed him to gradually acquire the inheritance, and even unlocked the soul connection with Fairy Die Ling's natal Magic Treasures!

The Xuanniao flew close and stopped above a ruin.

There seemed to be some magnificent buildings here, but now they have been buried in the dark floating soil.

Su Yun came out of the hatch, hung in the air, trying to grasp the ray of soul-soul connection just now, with a thought, several pink light spots flew out from the ruins.

It was a broken blade that had been broken into three pieces. The complete length was three feet. The whole body of the blade was metallic pink and relatively slender. The hilt was wrapped with strips of cloth. As if dancing lightly.

Even though the Pink Butterfly Sword is a broken blade, the aura it exudes is still extraordinary, a proper level of immortal weapon.

Su Yun can manipulate it at will, but cannot incorporate it into the body, because the Realm has not reached the virtual core, and the hardware conditions do not allow it.

However, the broken blade of the Pink Butterfly Sword cannot be placed in the storage space, which only shows that the sword still has a sword spirit that has not dissipated!

Among the fairy artifacts, there are only a few fairy artifacts that can give birth to sword spirits, let alone a broken sword! The weapon was destroyed and people were killed, and after Thousand Years, the sword spirit should have dissipated between the heaven and the earth long ago.

The other fairy artifact fragments of this ancient battlefield can be put into the storage space at will.

There must be something strange about this sword!

Jiang Mu was also amazed when he and the two of them found out, "It seems that this sword is alive! It can operate the Spirit Power by itself without relying on the sword owner."

"Living sword?! Dead sword!" Su Yun was quite surprised by Jiang Mu's statement, but he was inspired a lot.

In his opinion, Magical Items only have the difference between intact and damaged, but if the concept of "death" or "life" is added, it will rise to another level!

A traditional immortal weapon can have a spirit, so own scientific Magical Item can also have a spirit! Such a scientific Magical Item can also have its own "life"!

"Hahaha! Wonderful, wonderful!" Su Yun couldn't help laughing out loud.

But it is not easy to achieve this!

A new technology that connects spirit and matter is needed.

The first medium that Su Yun thought of was the soul crystal!

The original use of the soul crystal is to store the soul.

And Su Yun has mastered the use of soul crystals in divine sense.

However, the divine thoughts themselves are signals that contain meaningful information. Unlike divine thoughts, the divine soul is a void existence. How the divine soul attaches to the body is still unclear, and the mechanism of the divine soul's connection with the outside world or information exchange is still unclear , so now it is still impossible to use scientific means to read or send information to the spirit.

It is also impossible to bridge the soul representing "life" with the scientific Magical Item.

But science is a process of continuous exploration, and now there is a living test product in front of us!

Wen Bai looked at the Fendie Sword, raised his eyebrows, and his eyes sparkled with stars, "The sword spirit of this sword must be very beautiful!"

"Brother Su, why don't you try to call him out!" Jiang Mu reminded.

"Okay." Su Yun replied lightly, and immediately entered the state, and began to try to draw out the sword spirit through the connection with the soul of the Fendiejian.

Su Yun's eyes were slightly closed, and the pink light on the floating broken blade was even more dazzling, making the faces of the three of them pink.

In the dark, Su Yun could feel that there were three groups of good breaths in the Fendie Sword, but they were very quiet, as if they were sleeping and could not wake them up.

As for what the sword spirit looks like, Su Yun has no way of knowing.

He tried to get more information from the Butterfly Fairy, but to no avail.

Opening his eyes, Su Yun shook his head slowly, pouted and said: "The sword spirit fell into a deep sleep state and couldn't be awakened, and there seemed to be three of them! One for each."

"It seems that this is the reason why the sword spirit has not dissipated. There should be some kind of Spirit Power flow among the three, but with three sword spirits, this sword is indeed extraordinary." Jiang Mu nodded.

"Because the triangle is the most stable?" Su Yun nodded with a vague understanding.

"Hehe!" Jiang Mu blushed, and then laughed: "When you open up the inner mansion, you can bring the fairy sword into the inner mansion to warm up, restore the fairy sword, and maybe you can awaken the sword spirit!"

"That's right, it seems that the Realm needs to be upgraded as soon as possible!" Su Yun nodded in agreement.

He is now more and more aware of the importance of his own Realm. With his current Qi Refining peak Realm, it has begun to struggle against cultivators above Divine Transformation...

"Let's go! There is no place to stay in this ancient battlefield, let the sages rest here, and never come again." Su Yun sighed, looked back at the desolate ancient battlefield, and said.

After taking some time, the three of them returned to Shimen.

The space around the stone gate is distorted, so the Xuanniao can also come out smoothly.

When the Xuanniao flew out of the ancient battlefield, the Shimen space dissipated automatically, making it hard to find any traces.

And the teleportation formation established by the leader is still there, Su Yun destroyed it, and no one will disturb the peace of the sages in the future.

After returning to the outside space, Su Yun felt a rare sense of relief, and the air was much sweeter.

After connecting to the base station signal, a series of shelved messages came.

Most of the news came from Wang Fu, almost every few hours.

Su Yun quickly called back.

The call was connected, and Wang Fu's rambling words sounded, "Junior Brother Su Yun, Junior Brother Su Yun! I haven't been able to contact you for so long, what's going on with you?"

"It's resolved." Su Yun said in a flat tone, as if talking about a trivial matter.

"What is solved? What is it solved?" Wang Fu's doubtful voice sounded.

"The leader has been dealt with by us, and the Chaos Cult is gone." Su Yun said word by word.

Then he picked and picked, and gave a general account of what happened in the ancient battlefield.

And Su Yun also learned from Wang Fu that the banned ancient battlefield was probably the original continent of Xiu Immortal World, and it was located in the southwest of Canglan Continent, where Jueyang is today.

Looking at the map, Su Yun found that the ancient battlefield and the coastline on the southwestern edge of Canglan Island corresponded almost perfectly. That is to say, the current Tianjue Ocean was formed only after the continent where the ancient battlefield was located was removed. Who can move a continent and seal it into a separate space, which Power is it?

Su Yun couldn't figure it out.

After Su Yun finished speaking, Wang Fu was silent, and he spoke after a while, "Junior Brother Su Yun, so...there is nothing wrong with us, right?"

"Haha! It shouldn't be a big deal, but there are still some little guys you can deal with!" Su Yun laughed.

The other side was silent for a long time before continuing: "That's right, with the strength of the few of us, we are completely unable to deal with the situation you are facing, Junior Brother Su Yun."

"That's all!" Wang Fu instantly felt relieved, "Fortunately, there are some miscellaneous fishes that can be dealt with, otherwise, without the achievements of beheading a few enemies, I wouldn't be able to report to the leader when I go back!"

"Senior Brother Wang Fu, wait a minute!" At this moment, Jiang Mu suddenly joined the channel and hurriedly said: "Senior Brother Wang Fu, I may have another way to deal with these evil cultivators!"

Wang Fu: "..."

After a long time, Wang Fu's weeping voice came from the communicator, "Okay, I'll leave it to you, woo woo woo~"

Not long after, Su Yun came to Wang Fu's place. Hearing what Wang Fu said, other members were also rushing towards him.

A team of believers led by dozens of evil cultivators is still marching towards the stronghold of Chaos Cult.

The evil cultivator was still in high spirits, and seemed unaware of the fall of the leader.

It's like a batch of offline terminals, only knowing the instructions obtained from the last connection.

A group of people stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the team from a distance who worked tirelessly and traveled thousands of miles to make a "pilgrimage".

Wang Fu brought Wang Chong and Wu Siyue who arrived first, and put some distance away from Su Yun.

"Who are you?" Su Yun was slightly surprised.

"It's okay, it's okay, we won't bother you, don't bother you." Wang Fu waved his hands hastily, and said with a sneer, "You guys do what you want."

"Okay~" Su Yun smiled helplessly.

Wang Fu seems to be suffering from "Su YunPTSD"...

Straightening his mind, Su Yun stared at Jiang Mu, "Tell me, what else do you have to do?"

Jiang Mu looked back at Su Yun, and then pondered: "These evil cultivators and believers have been bewitched too deeply, and their beliefs are ingrained and cannot be erased. The place where the soul is still deep is called the soul seed."

"I only realized this after comprehending the inheritance of the master of the Yanghun Palace."

"It can be said that everyone's soul-seed is a unique existence in the world, which determines that you are you, and Wen Bai is Wen Bai!"

"The unique identification code at the bottom, I understand." Su Yun nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Jiang Mu then explained: "And the leader relies on the control of the soul-seeds to more or less pollute and transform the soul-seeds of these evil cultivators or believers."

"But because it doesn't affect the three souls and seven souls, they won't be aware of it themselves, and it won't affect their personal autonomy. They will only feel that it is the inspiration of the five-eyed true god! God is borrowing their bodies!"

After listening to the narration, Su Yun was shocked for a while, and after digesting it completely, he asked: "So what are you going to do? What can you do?"

Jiang Mu paused, and put on a meaningful smile, "Brother Su, I have also realized the similar Supernatural Power, although I can't be as miraculous as the leader, I can't use the method of 'going down', and I can't transfer it at will." strength."

"But I can take over their soul-seeds and reverse their beliefs!"

"Damn! Thought seal! They are stamp clan!" Su Yun was shocked.

Jiang Mu hadn't heard the words in Su Yun's mouth, but he could understand the meaning and nodded, "Although this method is a bit inhumane, but they have been polluted by the leader. Rather than destroying them directly, it's better to go with the flow and make good use of them."

"How sure are you?" Su Yun frowned and asked cautiously.

"Ten percent!" Jiang Mu patted his chest and said, "They are just low-level cultivators after all."

Then he scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly, "But how these people should be arranged is still up to you, Brother Su."

"You start first, I'll think it over." Su Yun pinched his chin and began to plan.

It was too late to say it, but Jiang Mu acted quickly. He flew over in the air, randomly caught one of the Foundation Establishment evil cultivators, and took him to the sky like a chicken.

A powerful enemy attacked, and the evil cultivators below were not only not afraid, they even flew up with their swords and surrounded Jiang Mu.

"Who is so bold? Dare to do something in front of our Chaos Sect!" A young cultivator said brazenly, "When our leader comes, you won't even have the chance to beg for mercy."

"Oh! Your leader?" Jiang Mu snorted coldly, "He's already dead!"

"Our leader, Cultivation Base Tongtian, how could he fall! You want to die!" The evil cultivator next to him sneered.

Immediately afterwards, a group of evil cultivators launched an attack.

Seeing this scene, Su Yun shook his head helplessly, and said in astonishment: "The fanatical belief even made them forget what fear is."

But where are they Jiang Mu's opponents!

Black smoke spread from the space, quickly condensed into chains, and imprisoned dozens of evil cultivators.

They had no power to fight back, and even their expressions began to become sad.

One tremblingly said: "Master! The Master has not come! The Lord...the Lord has not appeared either!"

"Is the leader really dead?"

Soon, panic spread among the cultivators.

Some obsessed cultivators shouted: "Impossible, the leader is supreme, how could he die? If you don't come to help us, it must be because of some delay!"

"But the leader has never been late! Could it be... have we been abandoned by the leader?"

"Master, why did you give up on us..."

Despair spread on the faces of all the evil cultivators, and even the mortal believers below began to feel uneasy, spontaneously chanting some meaningless words and phrases, in an attempt to deepen their faith.

"It's time." Jiang Mu closed his eyes, and after an invisible wave of spirit and soul condensed, it penetrated into the forehead of the evil cultivator of Foundation Establishment in front of him.

Soon, his eyes lost their luster, but after a while, the light returned, and the earlier turbidity was long gone.

Because these evil cultivators and believers have formed a huge network at the soul-seed level, like a complicated root system of aquatic plants, the process of reversing the belief is like a chain reaction, and soon swept all the evil cultivators and believers.

Even across the distance limit in an instant.

Not long after, Jiang Mu returned to Su Yun's side, and said in a somewhat vain voice: "Brother Su, it's done! I erased the influence imposed on them by the leader, as long as the control state is ended, they can regain their sense of autonomy."

"But before that, Brother Su, you have to decide what to let them do?"

Su Yun's eyebrows were deep, and he asked, "How many people are there?"

Jiang Mu answered quickly without any hesitation, "There are 5,231 evil cultivators in total, including 375 Foundation Establishment cultivators."

"There are a total of 127,505 mortal believers."

"So many!" Wen Bai grabbed the conversation and said lively: "Then let them go to our No. 1 business in the world as free labor for life, think about it! How many Spirit Stones did we spend to destroy the leader! My those Medicine Pill, the raw materials alone cost millions of Spirit Stones! Let them work to pay off their debts!"

After speaking, Wen Bai still had an angry expression on his face.

Su Yun leaned over, stared at Wen Bai, and said in shock, "You understand capitalism..."

Then, with a serious face, he said calmly: "However, I already have an idea, and I want to establish a sect! It's called Scientology!"

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