Such a magnificent and magnificent scene may have only been seen by a few Indistinguishable Dao realm powerhouses before.

But for those who cultivate the Immortal World, this is also a cruel truth. As Mu Ling said, the cultivation of the Immortal World is a ball! For the vast universe, repairing the Immortal World is nothing but a flat boat, and the cultivator's so-called "in the world, I am the most respected" arrogance seems so ridiculous.

Just as everyone was amazed at the picture displayed on the screen, the accelerometer suddenly reported an error, indicating that the gravity was abnormal!

At the same time, the restrictions on the flow of Spirit Power are gone, and the Spirit Power method can be used again!

However, according to the data sent back by the gravity acceleration sensor, the acceleration of gravity suddenly increased to 12.5 times after exiting the atmosphere, and the gravity also increased accordingly, resulting in a serious shortage of thrust for the rocket.

Su Yun checked and calculated the data repeatedly, and finally shook his head helplessly, "12.5 times the speed of Earth's first universe, this launch is a bit difficult!"

Fortunately, this time the launch was rewarding, and millions of Spirit Stones were not wasted.

Su Yun immediately detonated the hydrogen bomb on the rocket to prevent the crashed rocket from hitting people. Such a big rocket can't smash a big bag on the head?

I saw a bright spot in the sky suddenly appear, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, inconspicuous.

"Failed? It's okay, we will do it next time!" Seeing that the signal was lost, Wen Bai immediately comforted him.

"It's not a failure, because it's one step closer to success." Su Yun smiled.

After calling up all the data, he pondered: "The ban on Xiu Immortal World ended at an altitude of nearly 1.2 million meters. Who wrote it? Have there been similar records before?"

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Mu shook his head and said, "There are only three people who have successfully ascended from Immortal World to the present. Even if there are any records left, they are hard to find."

"That's true." Su Yun agreed, but there was one more thing that made him quite concerned.

Why is gravity also weakened within Restrictions? making it not much greater than Earth's gravity.

Su Yun didn't have any ideas at all, so he had to give up in the end.

Fortunately, the weakened gravity also reduces the difficulty of launching to some extent.

It's just that after the breakthrough Restrictions, you also have to face the super gravity, and the difficulty of launching can be said to be super doubled!

Originally, Su Yun thought that this big rocket was enough, but now he realized that it was far from enough.

To reach the first universe speed of 98.75 kilometers per second, there is basically no way in the atmosphere, and we can only think of a way after the breakthrough is blocked.

The front section can use the existing design, but there is still room for optimization.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yun devoted himself to a new round of R&D work.

This time is different, the goal is very clear, which is to reach a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per second outside the atmosphere, which is 243 times the speed of sound.

Su Yun constructed a model of the atmosphere in the spirit space.

It is concluded that the flight of the rocket is roughly divided into four stages.

The low altitude within 30,000 meters adopts the mode of gradual transition from aircraft to chemical rockets, and the fuel is supplied by space fuel tanks.

The medium and low altitudes from 30,000 meters to 100,000 meters are all powered by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engines. First, fuel is supplied by space fuel tanks, and then the fuel of the rocket body is gradually activated.

The altitude of 100,000 meters to 1,200,000 meters depends entirely on the rocket body, and there is no possibility of opportunism.

In the fourth stage, you can use the unlimited Spirit Power method, and you only need to use a lot of strength to fly, even if the acceleration is slow, you can still reach the required speed.

But at this stage, the aircraft pattern cannot work, which is determined by the working principle of the aircraft pattern.

Like the chemical rocket engine, the aircraft pattern also obeys the physical law of momentum conservation, but the engine generates forward momentum by ejecting matter, while the aircraft pattern is to expel the air backwards to obtain forward momentum, which is essentially the same .

There is no air in space, and the aircraft will crash.

It still seems to rely on chemical rockets.

Fortunately, there are Magical Items in space, so the fuel problem is easy to solve.

After a few more months in the spirit space, Su Yun completed the deduction of the experimental rocket No. 2.

The rocket is changed to a two-stage rocket body, and the payload and the second-level rocket are integrated.

The first-level rocket is used to push the payload out of the restricted area, and the second-level rocket will put the payload into orbit.

The second-level rocket consists of three 500-ton liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engines, fueled by ten large space Magical Item fuel tanks.

This is the result of rigorous calculations. Even these space Magical Items with a space of tens of meters have limited fuel that can be loaded, which is enough to allow the load to reach the first universe speed.

The cost has increased by several million Spirit Stones.

A second launch is scheduled for seven days later.

There is no need to install test equipment for the payload part. Su Yun refined a simple communication satellite and tried to successfully put the artificial satellite into orbit.

A small space Magical Item was also placed on this artificial satellite to release another experimental satellite to verify one of his conjectures.

Seven days later, after the wind and snow, the weather was beautiful and sunny again.

All the launch process was carried out in an orderly manner according to the procedures, and finally Immortal World's first artificial satellite was successfully put into orbit, with an orbital altitude of 2,500 kilometers!

This communication satellite is equipped with a high-precision imaging system, which can be used to capture high-resolution images and obtain images to repair the surface of the Immortal World.

But to draw a global satellite map, one satellite is far from enough!

The Space Magical Item placed by Su Yun on this satellite is used to solve the problem of launching satellites cost-effectively!

After all, Immortal World has room for Magical Items and other plug-in existences, so it is natural to make good use of them!

When the satellite flew around and returned to the sky above Canglanzhou, Su Yun sent a command to let the satellite release another satellite stored in the space Magical Item.

But the result was the same as he thought, not optimistic.

When Space Magical Item released the second satellite, the second satellite did not get the same speed as the first satellite. But the speed is not zero, but keeps the original speed before the item is stored in the storage space.

As we all know, speed is a vector, and the speed of the second satellite is the part of the speed obtained by repairing Immortal World's rotation on the ground!

To make it bigger, the speed at which the Immortal World orbits the star is superimposed. Of course, with the Immortal World as the reference system, there is no need to consider these.

The linear velocity of the items on the surface of Xiu Immortal World is much lower than the orbital speed, so the second satellite is rapidly falling towards Xiu Immortal World, and finally cannot escape being detonated.

But there is another problem with gravitational potential energy.

After the second satellite was released, it accelerated downwards and fell, which is equivalent to a part of the gravitational potential energy wasted, but the law of energy conservation is unshakable.

So, Su Yun learned.

Mobile storage Magical Item is not the item stored in it that is moved, but the mobile space itself! It is simply the same principle as the curvature engine!

The extra gravitational potential energy will definitely reduce the gravitational potential energy somewhere in the universe, or the gravitational potential energy of the universe as a whole, but he can't know it. Su Yun guesses that this is what happens in higher dimensions.

If the space is imagined as a trampoline with elasticity, several bowling balls are placed on the trampoline, squeezed together, and make a pit. Think of the depth of the pit as the size of the gravitational potential energy. If a bowling ball is taken away by the high-dimensional power of "person", the pit will become smaller and part of the gravitational potential energy will be lost.

But dropping a bowling ball of the same quality on the other side of the trampoline at the same time can press out a slightly smaller pit.

If picking and putting are carried out at the same time, from the perspective of the plane dimension of the trampoline, it is that there is some inexplicably less gravitational potential energy in one place, and some inexplicably more gravitational potential energy in the other place!

Based on Su Yun's current understanding, this is the only way to explain it.

But this caused Su Yun to think again—why does Spirit Power produce matter and energy out of thin air?

Although the matter produced by Spirit Power Good Fortune will eventually dissipate, the work done by Spirit Power really exists, and the transformed matter has completely physical properties.

This is also a violation of "conservation of energy".

Su Yun could only laugh at himself in the end, the mystery of the universe is not something he can pry into now.

However, Su Yun also thought of a wonderful idea, which can not only transport loads on a large scale through space Magical Items, but also allow the loads to obtain sufficient orbital speed after being released by space Magical Items.

That's stealing gravitational potential energy! !

If the released satellite is allowed to carry its own fuel and accelerate, it is absolutely impossible to reach orbital speed.

So Su Yun planned to release the space Magical Item used by the satellite to reach a very high altitude, and then let this part of the "stolen" gravitational potential energy be converted into kinetic energy to obtain sufficient orbital speed! !

But if this is the case, the altitude to be reached is at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and the amount of fuel that the space fuel tank needs to carry will be an extremely terrifying figure!

Su Yun's fuel factory may not produce enough fuel for a year.

Therefore, even high-quality rocket fuels such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen are not very useful.

Chemical rockets are at their limit.

Fortunately, Immortal World does not have any old aerospace, and Su Yun can directly carry out research on other types of aerospace engines.

The limitation of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel is mainly due to the low density. Su Yun immediately thought of the same type of electric propulsion engine used in the Xuanniao.

High-density working fluid can be stored in the space fuel tank, and then enter the electric propulsion engine to be intensified into plasma, which is used to propel the rocket. The advantage is that the specific impulse is extremely high, and the disadvantage is that the thrust is too small.

It is enough to repair Immortal World. Once it enters the vast stage of space, the thrust of the electric propulsion engine is a bit stretched, and it is difficult to fight against gravity.

Electric propulsion engines are only suitable for use on satellites to adjust attitude and orbit altitude. But only if the satellite has reached orbital velocity.

So Su Yun needs a more vigorous way of propulsion.

Among the current methods, the most powerful is the hydrogen bomb!

Su Yun immediately thought of borrowing the principle of the light particle emitter.

The light particle launcher is a kind of kinetic energy weapon. Most of the energy generated by the explosion of the spiritual core is converted into the kinetic energy of the space spar, which is extremely efficient.

The same goes for replacing the spiritual core with a hydrogen bomb.

It's just that at the moment of the explosion, the space spar gained huge kinetic energy, which would generate a huge pressure on the material, and ordinary materials couldn't bear it at all.

Even if a lot of space crystals are piled up to form a pyramid, the pressure at the position in contact with the bottom surface is enough to crush the sixth-order refining material.

Unless a large number of space crystals are found to make the bottom of the "pyramid" large enough, the cost will also increase exponentially!

After several experiments, the sixth-order refining materials consumed are worth several million Spirit Stones.

In the end, Su Yun had to settle for the next best thing and adopt a less efficient method.

In Immortal World, there is a sixth-order material called mirror mica, which has an astonishing reflectivity of 99.99%. It happens that most of the energy produced by the hydrogen bomb explosion in space is light energy!

A photon is a kind of existence with momentum but no mass, but with momentum, it can propel the spacecraft to accelerate.

You only need to splice the mirror mica into a specific arc shape, let the hydrogen bomb detonate at the focal point of the arc, and let the light shoot out in the form of parallel light, and you can work with the highest efficiency of this technology route and advance in pulses.

After two weeks of mundane time, Su Yun completed the spacecraft used to launch satellites.

This spacecraft is very aesthetically pleasing. When it is not unfolded, it is a flower bone. When it is unfolded, it also looks like a Lotus flower with closely arranged petals, but there are only two layers of petals, forming two superimposed semi-ellipsoids.

A space Magical Item with a large space is placed in the position of "Fa Xin", and the soul crystal chip is used to open the space gap and project a small-equivalent hydrogen bomb.

With the strength of mirror mica, it is easy to resist the impact of the plasma generated by the hydrogen bomb explosion.

It can also resist the impact of high-energy particles, and the reflectivity will not be greatly affected.

Strictly speaking, this engine is a fusion engine, and it works on the same principle as the sun, so it is called "chasing the sun" by Su Yun, which means chasing the sun.

The cost is extremely expensive, costing more than 10 million Spirit Stones.

Moreover, it is difficult to accelerate, and it is not easy to decelerate, and it is impossible to return to repair the Immortal World smoothly, so it only has a one-time operation ability.

Therefore, Su Yun will also use the carrier spacecraft equipped with the daily engine as a geosynchronous orbit satellite as part of the positioning system.

It’s just that at an altitude of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, there is a delay of more than one second, which is too high for communication, so a large number of low-orbit communication satellites are still needed.

However, it does not affect the use of sending positioning signals.

Because there is a time stamp in the positioning signal, accurate positioning can be achieved after excluding delay and clock slow effects.

After Su Yun deduced and calculated countless times in the spiritual space, and ensured that there were no mistakes, he began to develop the first batch of satellites officially launched into space.

Including low-orbit communication satellites, reconnaissance satellites, and medium-orbit attack satellites.

In this way, it took a full two months. When the development was first started, it was still a freezing season, and now the animals have begun to mate!

Fortunately, each has its own business, and Su Yun concentrates on research, so that others will not feel bored, do not disturb each other, and the years are quiet.

I just heard from Yunyao that the Burning Fire Valley has not been very peaceful during this time, and there are frequent movements, but they still dare not come to find fault.

In the end, the first batch of 30 artificial satellites was completed, and more than 70 million Spirit Stones were invested, and the 100 million Spirit Stones obtained by sending and shooting Xianjian had almost been spent.

What's more, this is only the first batch of satellites, and there will be huge investment in the future!

Fortunately, these can now meet some basic functions.

Su Yun picked a sunny and sunny day to stand the No. 3 rocket on the launch pad.

Now this piece of stone mountain is already lush green, dotted with flowers of various colors, and there are many small spirit beast activities, a scene full of vitality.

The rocket accelerated slowly into the sky, and the roar came after a long time, startling a large phaeton, and there was a harmonious beauty of technology and nature.

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