Entering the forbidden area is the beginning of the assessment.

Chen Yang, who was one step ahead, found the three little ones who had been tricked by Su Yun, and began to make up some things.

"Are you willing to be put on by that lunatic Su?"

"I heard that the Elder, even the head, will never enter this forbidden area, that is to say...we can use whatever means we want!"

The most cowardly of the three, that is, Fatty, resisted: "Although I have a bit of a feud with that lunatic Su, it is a big taboo to mutilate my fellow disciples, and we won't be able to go around without it!"

"What harmed fellow disciples? It's obviously because of his poor Cultivation Base, and he couldn't beat the spirit beast. The forbidden area is dangerous, and this year it's even worse. It's common for one or two to be killed or injured, and no one will hold them accountable!" Chen Yang continued to urge.

The three of them were hesitant at first, but when they heard that there was no need to take responsibility, they looked at each other in blank dismay, then changed their attitudes, gritted their teeth and showed a cruel look.

"Even so, Crazy Su is not guilty of death, just teach him a lesson!"

"Then let's teach Crazy Su a lesson this time, and let him have a hard time!"

"That is, the humiliation taught by the Elder must be recovered from him, let's see if he dares in the future?"

The three said one by one.

Seeing the success of the trick, Chen Yang smiled on the surface, but in fact he had other plans in his heart.

Heh, Crazy Su, I don't just want to teach you a lesson, I want to make you come and go!

"Everyone, why don't we..."


For some reason, Su Yun suddenly sneezed twice, usually because of being scolded or jealous.

But no matter what, the immediate assessment is still important.

No matter what kind of assessment, the most important thing is to review the questions. The leader talked about obtaining the inner alchemy of the spirit beast, but he didn't say how to obtain it. You can hunt and kill the spirit beast, or you can grab it from other disciples. It seems that fighting within the same sect is allowed in the forbidden area, as long as there is no excessive disturbance. big consequences.

Of course, infighting in an environment that is inherently unsafe is something that harms others and does not benefit oneself.

Working together is the best solution, so many people have formed a team and started to go to various places in the forbidden area to complete the task.

Originally, Su Yun paid special attention to Li Su, but she didn't seem to care about owning her intentions. She never looked at her directly from the beginning to the end, and it was not easy to rub her hot face with her cold ass.

But other than that, I don't have any acquaintances, and I can only be a lone wolf!

That's fine, the own method will not be known to others, and you can keep your hole cards as much as possible in front of outsiders.

Looking around, Su Yun noticed the four people cowering in the back, sneaking around, and glancing at him from time to time, they must be holding back!

Better go first!

However, without being familiar with the environment, Su Yun didn't dare to go deep into the forbidden area, so he had to go to the outer area in the direction of another boundary marker.

As expected, not long after Su Yun flew out, the four of them all followed, chasing each other for a while.

"The fourth floor of Qi Refining, how dare you use an axe, hum, want to escape?" Chen Yang only used a little more Spirit Power, and caught up with Su Yun.

What's more, what's under his feet is a low-grade treasure, and Yujian's flying speed is naturally not slow.

Su Yun saw the four people chasing him from the corner of his eye, but he didn't panic at all. He just used his own Spirit Power to fly with the sword, but he didn't use the Spirit Power in the Bibo Sword Spirit Core at all!

Immediately, Su Yun lowered his figure, his upper body was almost parallel to the blade, and the Spirit Power in the four spirit cores was ready to go.

"Four forward!" Su Yun Zhong Er yelled loudly, and then the Spirit Power of the four spirit cores surged out, and even the man and the sword flew 100 meters in the blink of an eye, making a booming sound of piercing the wind.

And this is not the limit of the Spirit Power output, it can only be regarded as the mid-range. When the Cultivation Base goes up in the future, it can withstand the huge impact of the physical body breaking through the sound barrier. He wants to try how fun it is to fly at full speed!

Then Su Yun made a Flying Sword turn, almost at a right angle, and flew towards the depths of the forbidden area, and got rid of the trail of the four in a few breaths.

Chen Yang was shocked by Su Yun's operation, and now he can't catch up even if he wants to!

"The future will be long, Su Yun, just wait for me!!" Anger could only turn into a roar, startling everyone.


After getting rid of Chen Yang's entanglement, Su Yun returned to a relatively safe place on the outskirts. He really has little combat experience, so he plans to find a first-order spirit beast to practice his hands first.

But the first-order spirit beasts encountered along the way are rare, and most of them are being hunted by other Outer Sect disciples.

It took three hours to shop around several times, but I couldn't find a suitable first-order spirit beast.

After roughly counting the data in his mind, Su Yun suddenly realized that this is a trap set by the head!

They met a total of thirty-five spirit beasts along the way, thirty of them were second-order spirit beasts, and only five were first-order spirit beasts. This is still the outskirts of the forbidden area where spirit beasts are of a lower level!

According to this ratio, the first-order spirit beast inner alchemy is a scarce thing. To collect ten first-order spirit beast inner alchemy is even more difficult than obtaining one second-order spirit beast inner alchemy.

This is to force the disciples participating in the assessment to face the second-order spirit beast, which is equivalent to the existence of the human Foundation Establishment cultivator.

After trying to understand this point, Su Yun realized why the sect leader suddenly added a round of assessment. A disciple like him who can reach the Qi Refining middle stage Cultivation Base is probably giving away his head.

But just to be on the safe side, now we still need to find a first-order spirit beast to test the own strength, and everything will be safe.

After wandering in the "wild area" for a while, it can be regarded as finding a suitable spirit beast for him to fight in close quarters.

This is a crocodile, huge in size, more than one foot long, covered with brown-green patterns, shaped like rotten leaves, and often attacks passing spirit beasts by ponds and streams.

If it weren't for the Divine Sense, it would be invisible to the naked eye.

The strength is quite satisfactory among the first-order spirit beasts.

This kind of silly spirit beast with only brute force is the most suitable for testing strength.

Su Yun first used only his Qi Refining level 4 strength to perform a move called Huowu Sword Technique. Bibo is a water-attribute spiritual weapon, and the sword moves used to release other attributes will not be boosted, so it can reflect Su Yun's most real strength.

After luck, a blazing tongue of fire burst out from the blade, and as the long sword danced, the tongue of fire turned into a flame Sword Qi and attacked the water crocodile.

In an instant, Sword Qi collided with the water crocodile, and the heat wave spread with the muffled sound of the explosion, and the surrounding weeds that were one person tall were uprooted, and there was a huge momentum for a while.

After the water vapor dissipated, the Fire Dance Sword Technique successfully evaporated the water on the water crocodile and angered the water crocodile...

Not to mention hurting the crocodile, they couldn't even break the defense. The only one who broke the defense was Su Yun himself.

"Is my own strength really so miserable?"

Although the water crocodile is considered a rough-skinned and thick-skinned existence among the first-order spirit beasts, Su Yun's performance is still too bad.

But it is also a good thing to know the lower limit of own, and be brave after knowing the shame.

After evading the bite attack of the water crocodile, Su Yun jumped up, and volleyed again with the sword Fire Dance Sword Technique, but this time he used a spiritual core built into the sword body.

After this sword move is urged by the vigorous Spirit Power, the power will be a world of difference, and the Sword Qi will extend to ten feet!

Even if it is not a water attribute sword move, this sword still has the power of a Qi Refining late stage cultivator strike.

Sword Qi hit the back of the water crocodile, and it let out a roar immediately, the rough crocodile skin was cut open to the bone, and it was also burnt brown.

With the help of Wujian's staying in the air, Su Yun swung three more swords in a row, using two, three, and four spirit cores respectively!

One sword is more lethal than one sword, and because Su Yun doesn't need to run Spirit Power by himself, the connection between sword moves is extremely smooth.

The scars made by Sword Qi became deeper and deeper. The water crocodile made the last struggle, and finally twisted and jumped high, trying to bite off Su Yun, but it was the last four times Enhancement Sword Qi that greeted it .

The mouth was its weak point, and when it hit the fourth Sword Qi, half of the crocodile's head was cut off, and the last two parts of its body fell into the swamp one after another, splashing a large amount of mud.

This is the first time that the Bibo Sword with the blessing of the spiritual core has actually fought, and the power displayed has surprised Su Yun!

What's more, this is not the full power of Bibo, the two spirit cores in it are not full of spirit power.

Using the water attribute Sword Technique, the power can be doubled again!

Then came the joyful process of licking the bag. However, the spirit beast is not the same as the cultivator. The skin and flesh of the spirit beast are still strong after death. It took Su Yun a long time to dig out the inner alchemy.

The cultivator mainly relies on Spirit Power to protect the body. After the Spirit Power dissipates after death, the body is still a mortal body. If you insist on classification, spirit beast Body Refining, cultivator Qi refining, Soul Refining.

Of course, there are also cultivators for Body Refining, but they are rare, because the journey of Body Refining is extremely difficult, and they are not the opponents of ordinary cultivators under the same Cultivation Base, which is thankless.

If any child says that he wants to become a Body Refining cultivator in the future, he will be beaten by his mother!

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