Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 2 She's Just My Little Sister

Yu Jian returned to Immortal Cave, and Su Yun saw a tall and thin figure standing at the door. Unlike Su Yun, a brown-robed Outer Sect disciple, this person was also wearing a brown robe, but he was indeed the person in charge of the Outer Sect. Some Outer Sect disciples who cannot be selected into the Inner Sect in terms of aptitude, but have profound qualifications, are called Outer Sect deacons.

Su Yun was very familiar with this person, and he had a lot of dealings with him on weekdays, so maybe he came here to inquire about his crimes.

Unlike the previous Su Yun who was dull and ignorant of the world, now Su Yun has been working hard in the workplace all year round and has a lot of social experience. He will be cowardly before meeting him, and he cupped his hands and said in a low voice: "Senior Zhang, what advice do you have for coming here this time? Why don't you drink tea first?" Take a break, come, come, this way please!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhang Li's simple and honest eyes, and then he regretted: "Now I have become enlightened! But this time I am not here for accountability, and you don't have to play such small thoughts."

Then he turned his hands away and looked at the messy furnishings in Immortal Cave.

The huge Immortal Cave lobby was filled with various refining materials, ores, and Magical Items that failed to be refined, and the bed and desk were crowded in the corner.

It is so different from the ordinary cultivator's elegant and quiet residence, which makes Zhang Li feel embarrassed.

"Junior Brother Su, your Initiation is almost three years old, what is your Cultivation Base now?"

Hearing that, Su Yun was a little surprised. Could it be that the senior brother came here today with other intentions?

"Return to Senior Brother Zhang, Qi Refining Level 3."

"Most of the colleagues who initiated with you have already reached the Qi Refining middle stage, and even those with outstanding talents have reached the Qi Refining late stage, but you are only at the third stage of Qi Refining." Zhang Li looked worried, "After three months, it will be the third stage of Qi Refining." If you fail the assessment for the new disciples in the Outer Sect, you will be expelled from the Sect, reduced to Rogue Cultivators, and lose Sect resources. No matter how difficult it is to advance to the Cultivation Base, your life will be ruined!"

Then he advised earnestly: "Your aptitude is actually not bad, it's just that you didn't work hard, didn't practice well, and spent all your time on these insignificant things!"

"You didn't do well in the exam, and I don't look good either!"

Su Yun inexplicably has a sense of being reprimanded by the head teacher, and is afraid that he will be asked to invite parents next.

However, Su Yun could also feel Zhang Li's kindness, so he respectfully thanked him: "Senior Brother Zhang's teaching, Su Yun will definitely remember it in his heart, and will definitely do his best for the Outer Sect assessment in March!"

Seeing Su Yun's serious face, Zhang Li waved his hands, his face couldn't hold back a smile, and he coughed lightly: "Ahem, actually you don't have to be so serious, just do your best."

"Come on, this is the list of Outer Sect disciples who lost their Flying Swords recently. You can refine some Flying Swords for them and deliver them before the assessment. The rewards will remain the same. Go ahead!"

Not only asked him to step up his cultivation, but also asked him to refine the Flying Sword. Sure enough, the sudden concern had another purpose.

However, Su Yun was quite happy after receiving the list and a Qiankun bag full of refining materials, and respectfully sent Zhang Li away.

As a handyman in the refining room, he does not have the monthly salary of an ordinary Outer Sect disciple, but distributes Spirit Stones on a piece-by-piece basis according to the number of Magical Items refined.

But Magical Item is not easy to break, and he is just a handyman, not even an official refiner, and he can only earn six or seven low-grade Spirit Stones a month on weekdays. You must know that the most common Outer Sect disciple can also have ten Spirit Stones a month.

However, this time there are 20 standard Flying Swords in the order, one can be refined in two days on average, and one can earn a piece of low-grade Spirit Stones!

It was just that the practice was delayed, and it took more than 40 days to rush to work day and night, and it was extremely difficult to upgrade the Cultivation Base to the fourth floor of Qi Refining in the remaining one and a half months.

Then again, Cultivation Base is not exactly equal to strength, and low Cultivation Base does not mean that strength must be weak! Su Yun has developed a spiritual core, which can somewhat make up for the gap in the Cultivation Base, and refining more equipment may not be impossible.

This involves a question that was often discussed in the previous life, who is better at the eighth-level without equipment or the first-level six gods? !

Su Yun decided to give it a try and practice his true knowledge.

Then happily ran back to Immortal Cave and got busy.

And Zhang Li, who flew away from Yu Jian, looked back at the happy Su Yun, felt guilty, and murmured: "I just came here to remind you today because of the performance of the Outer Sect assessment..."

"As long as your aptitude is better, you won't be assigned to the refining room. It's a pity."

" can eat less this time and get some kickbacks..."


Su Yun in Immortal Cave naturally knew nothing about kickbacks, so he took out the materials and prepared to refine Flying Sword.

The Flying Sword used by Sect Outer Sect disciples is the lowest-ranked Magical Item—a low-grade spiritual weapon.

Injecting Spirit Power can use the most basic Sword Technique without any increase.

The ranks of Magical Items are divided into Lingbaoxian Shendao, and each rank is divided into lower, middle, upper and ultimate.

Spiritual artifacts can be used by ordinary cultivators, and most of the low-grade treasures can also be obtained by cultivators with hard work.

However, it is estimated that only a small number of cultivators above the Foundation Establishment period can afford middle-grade and above treasures.

There are thousands of cultivators, and none of them are Foundation Establishment ones, which shows the preciousness of Magical Items above middle-grade treasures.

Not to mention fairy artifacts, even the legendary fairy artifacts, Dao Item!

The birth of any fairy artifact can attract many sects to fight for it.

However, with Su Yun's current strength, it is still easy to refine low-grade spiritual weapons, but it is a bit difficult to refine mid-grade spiritual weapons.

Cultivation Base is the foundation of everything, it is inevitable.

But in fact, based on Su Yun's current understanding of refining weapons, as long as his strength improves, it is not difficult to refine top-quality spiritual weapons!

Of course, this is all for later.

Flipping through the list given by Zhang Li, Su Yun took a rough look.

Outer Sect has many disciples, most of whom are unknown, but one name is quite familiar.

"Junior Sister Li Su."

In addition to the name, there are also detailed physical data and Spiritual Roots attributes on the list. Although it is a standard Flying Sword, minor adjustments must be made according to each person's figure and Spiritual Roots characteristics in order to be handy.

But why do female disciples still have measurements in their information? Probably brother deacon's bad taste.

Out of curiosity, Su Yun paid more attention...

Most of the female disciples have impressive figures, only Li Su's measurements are mediocre.

At the beginning of Initiation with her, the two of them are only over sixteen years old now. I can only say that the future can be expected, the future can be expected...

"Junior Su Yun, where are you!" The girl's unaffected voice suddenly came from outside the Immortal Cave.

Su Yun was startled and said Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!

After hiding the list, Su Yun greeted her with a smile. Although he is a time traveler, his intimacy with the junior sister is true.

"Li Su, everyone said that I am older than you, you should call me Senior Brother!"

Li Su at the door was sniffing the small yellow flowers on the wild vines, her eyes were filled with mist, and under the dim light of the oil lamp, her face was still white and pink, soft and one couldn't help but want to pinch it.

She has a well-proportioned figure, with loose black hair, and has begun to take on a slender figure. Unknowingly, Li Su has grown to a height of 1.6 meters, only a head shorter than herself, and a rough women's brown robe is more lined. A bit refined.

She turned around and smiled at Su Yun with a smug face, "Sect is ranked according to Cultivation Base, and now I am the peak strength of Qi Refining, should you call me Senior Sister Li Su?"

Then he squeezed his fist the size of a bean bag, grinned his teeth, "Come on, I'm not going to hit you!" "Have you reached the peak of Qi Refining yet?" Su Yun knew that Li Su's talent was extraordinary, but she was still amazed by her speed of practice.

Now Li Su is only one step away from the Foundation Establishment, which is a height that most cultivators will never reach in their lifetime.

"Last month you were only the Cultivation Base on the ninth floor of Qi Refining!" the tone was sad.

"That's right!" Li Su replied briefly, walked into the Immortal Cave, and began to play with some interesting but inferior things that Su Yun usually made.

Su Yun couldn't bear to disturb her, and just watched quietly.

After a long time, Li Su turned back and asked, "You know about the Outer Sect assessment in three months' time!"

"Senior Brother Zhang just came to notify you." Su Yun said truthfully.

"Then why don't you start cultivating with all your life!" Li Su glared at Su Yun resentfully, with a feeling that iron could not be made into steel.

Then he seemed to remember the fact that Su Yun's qualifications were shallow, he frowned, and changed his words: "But at least you have to work hard! How will you know if you don't try?"

"After the assessment is over, I will be promoted to the Inner Sect, and you will have to call me Uncle Shi when we meet! How embarrassing to panic!"

It was said, Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

There is a rule in Sect, Outer Sect disciples have to address the inner disciple respectfully as uncle, otherwise they will be regarded as disrespectful and punished accordingly.

But he knew that Li Su was afraid that the two of them would have differences in the future, and it would be difficult to see each other again.

At the beginning, Su Yun and Li Su supported each other and traveled thousands of miles to seek immortality, and the various hardships they experienced together are still fresh in Su Yun's memory, and he will never forget this deep friendship.

"Isn't it just the Inner Sect? Let's go together then! I'm not willing to be just a handyman in the refining room!"

"Cut~" Li Su rolled his eyes, "You're talking big, you're more likely to be a sword servant for me than you are to enter the Inner Sect!"

Then Li Su looked at Su Yun and chuckled, "Anyway, you are thin-skinned and tender, so you should be pretty when you pretend to be a female disciple, maybe the Elder can't see it?"

"Really?" Su Yun really took out the mirror and looked at himself for a while, "It's true that he is a little handsome. Although the Initiation has been two and a half years, it hasn't reached the level of kunhua!"

Li Su looked at Su Yun's pretentiousness, really couldn't help laughing, leaning on the wall with his arms akimbo, his face flushed with laughter.

The two played around for a while, and Su Yun got down to business.

"Li Su, your Flying Sword is damaged?"

"That's right!" Li Su took out a broken Flying Sword from the Qiankun bag on his waist. There were four or five cracks on it, and the pattern of the weapon was also damaged a lot.

"Barely able to fly with a sword, but it's not enough to fight."

Su Yun patted his chest, "Don't worry, I will definitely do my best to refine a top-notch Flying Sword for you!"

Hearing this, Li Su's smiling eyes flashed with crystal light, and then she pursed her lips on purpose, complaining in a tone, "You should spend more time on cultivation! Don't be so stupid."

However, Li Su couldn't beat Su Yun, so she was dragged to make a model for Flying Sword.

Compared with the rigid physical data, the most suitable Flying Sword can only be created by personally tailoring the sword shape.

Su Yun took out a piece of shadow iron wood. This kind of wood is thick in texture, not as heavy as refined iron, but easy to cut. It is most suitable for customizing Flying Sword.

First roughly cut out the shape of the long sword, and then let Li Su hold it in his hands to adjust the most comfortable shape of the hilt.

Then let her use this sword model to perform a set of Sword Technique, so as to gradually refine the shape and weight of the sword body.

A set of Luoyunzong's basic Poyun Sword Technique is displayed through Li Su's graceful figure, which is full of beauty. Su Yun can't tell whether it is a set of murderous sword skills or a beautiful dance.

He couldn't help but read it several times.

It was already late at night when the sword mold was formed, and both sides were very satisfied.

The crescent moon hung high, and the two sat on the top of the mountain to blow the wind, chatting about the past time, laughing and crying.

In the end Li Su reluctantly said: "Su Yun big brother, you can't forget me, you know!"

"How could I forget." Su Yun smiled sarcastically, already understanding that Li Su came to say goodbye today.

When she enters the Inner Sect, the status and status of the two will be different from now on, just like clouds and mud.

In Immortal World here, Cultivation Base decides too many things.

Accompanied by the breeze, Li Su stood up and said resolutely, "Su Yun big brother, I'm leaving."

Looking at the back of Li Su Yujian going away, Su Yun stretched his waist and lifted his spirits, thinking about refining other people's Flying Sword as soon as possible, so as to spare time to practice and create high-grade spiritual weapons.

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