Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 204 Don't Forget The Original Intention And Keep The Mission Firmly In Mind

Thousands of miles away, in an unremarkable small town, Su Yun appeared from space fluctuations, but because he was flying with his sword at the beginning, his speed was not slow, and as soon as he came out of the space passage, he bumped into a slightly A dilapidated house.

Since the space jump technique cannot be precisely positioned, it can only roughly specify the direction, so Su Yun does not know his specific landing point.

After a sound of "jingle jingle" collapsed, the dust settled, and Su Yun got up and dusted off the dust on his body with the dust-free technique.

In front of me is a dilapidated ancestral hall, half of which collapsed, and the ruins and broken tiles are piled up on the ground. The green bricks and green tiles are wet. Obviously, it was also in disrepair for a long time, leaking wind and rain, so it was covered with moss.

Even the tablets on the tribute platform were scattered all over the place. After being exposed to the wind and rain, the tablets had already become a pile of rotten wood, which would shatter when dropped.

Fortunately, there was no one around, except for the chirping of birds, there was no other sound.

The remaining half of the ancestral hall is also crumbling, and the inside is still dry, but it exudes a strong musty smell.

Su Yun suddenly saw a firepit with a pitted copper pot set on top of stones.

The pot was filled with batter mixed with chopped wild vegetables, and the fire was still warm.

Next to it is a neatly folded crimson blue quilt, which is placed on the straw mat, and some simple Life items are placed in an orderly manner beside the pillow.

The bedding was thin, but it was washed clean and faded, and it didn't fit in with the messy surroundings.

Of course, before Su Yun appeared, it wouldn't be so messy...

And these objects obviously do not belong to the cultivator, and the cultivator can't be so miserable.

Su Yun felt a little owed, and wanted to take out some Spirit Stones to make up for the sufferer, but when he thought about it, he suddenly realized, "Damn! The Magical Item is stored on the breastplate!"

The inner mansion is also empty, there is nothing.

Apart from a suit of clothes and the cloud-shaped Flying Sword falling aside, he has nothing else beside him.

Helpless, Su Yun had no choice but to cut some wood, cast bricks and tiles with the Shenwei Yutu Jue, and repaired the ancestral hall in the blink of an eye.

It's just that the difference between the old and the new halves is huge, a little strange, even abrupt.

After the completion of the work, Su Yun simply sacrificed the Flying Sword of the cloud character II type into the natal Magic Treasures, flew to a high place, found the direction of the town, and flew directly.

not for a while.

"Weian Town..." Su Yun landed outside the town, looked up at the archway and said.

I have never heard of this town before, but it is still in the territory of Yunguo.

Su Yun completely concealed the Cultivation Base, disguised as a mortal, and walked into the town. The scene in front of him was just as he expected, with heavy traces of scientific progress.

He tried his best to escape from the power of technology, but technology had already taken root everywhere, and he didn't know whether to be happy or stunned.

Even a small town with not too many people is powered by a small controllable nuclear fusion power station, with complete power facilities and even a communication network.

The automated glass greenhouse replaces the traditional spring plowing and autumn planting, and can produce fresh grain, vegetables and fruits throughout the year.

On the old streets, the goods are pulled by self-driving vehicles, and the horseshoe prints that have been embedded in the stone slabs for years are being worn away by the wheels.

It's hard to imagine that the development process that took hundreds of years on Earth was completed in only a few years under Immortal World.

The more prosperous the scene was, the more puzzled Su Yun felt.

It stands to reason that after the productivity is fully developed, the life of a mortal should be rich! Why are there still people who live in dilapidated ancestral halls and eat wild vegetable batter?

In order to find the answer, Su Yun searched in many ways and inquired around, only to find out the clue.

Wei'an Town is a mortal town, and the number of cultivators may be less than one percent.

But now there are fewer people, and a large number of cultivators have left.

Following someone's guidance, Su Yun found a Rogue Cultivators in a restaurant who was about to leave Wei'an Town. His name was Sun Jue, and he owned a Foundation Establishment Cultivation Base, which was not bad for Rogue Cultivators.

When he found him, he had ordered a table of delicacies at the best restaurant in Wei'an Town, and was feasting on them.

Although the posture of eating is not very elegant, but looking good, it is informal.

"Immortal Master Sun Jue, I found you after many inquiries. I have something to ask you." Su Yun cupped hands.

Sun Jue looked Su Yun up and down vigilantly, with a look of avoiding strangers, "Who are you? Could it be that you want to grab a meal?"

"Yun Shu." Su Yun said with a smile, "By the way, I don't want to eat."

Sun Jue saw that Su Yun's attire was pretty decent. Although he didn't have a Realm, he was just a mortal, but judging by his demeanor, he was more or less a son of a noble family. When he thought about it in his heart, he greeted him familiarly: "Brother Yun, come here, come here, have a taste." As soon as I taste this unique mountain delicacy in Wei'an Town, I like this one, so I think about eating it before I leave."

Seeing Su Yun not moving, still standing upright, Sun Jue urged: "You don't seem to be begging for help!"

Su Yun had no choice but to sit down and said with a helpless smile: "Hehe, you are being too polite, brother. I just ask about some trivial matters, and I will work in a while!"

"It doesn't matter how big or small, food and drink come first." Sun Jue poured wine for Su Yun, "I'm rather bored drinking alone, so if you accompany me for a few drinks, you'll know everything."

After Su Yun and Sun Jue had a drink, they cut to the chase and said, "Master Sun, I found out that you were originally a cultivator resident in Wei'an Town, why are you leaving now?"

"It's easy to say, I've lost my livelihood." Sun Jue murmured, "Actually, the Spiritual Qi of Wei'an Town is not bad, and it can be regarded as an outstanding place. , get some Spirit Stones."

"Times have changed... Ever since the God of Science came to cultivate the Immortal World, the idea that mortals and cultivators are equal has become popular. The status of our low-level cultivators is getting worse day by day!"

"For example...!" Sun Jue stretched out his full wine glass and clinked it with Su Yun, then smiled self-deprecatingly, "Even mortal women and children can easily kill us with the Magical Item of the God of Science."

"I used to be a master in the realm of these mortals! Anyone who sees him will call him an immortal master!"

"But now, heh!"

After saying that, Sun Jue swallowed a mouthful of bitter wine alone.

"But it's all a good thing." Su Yun had a drink with him, then frowned, and added incredulously, "At least for relatively weak mortals."

"That's true for cultivators, do you think mortals will not be affected?" Sun Jue shook his head sarcastically.

"Now that the electrical and mechanical tools of the Shenzong of Science are so powerful, why do we need so many mortals to do the work!"

"My family has fields and land, so I can still live a prosperous life, but what about those tenants, which landlord wants them now? In the end, they end up leaving their hometowns to seek a livelihood elsewhere."

"It's actually like this?" Su Yun fell into deep thought. Although he expected such a disadvantage in the process of development, he never expected it to be so serious.

Even if productivity develops to a very high level, development is a point-to-point process, and there will always be some places and some people who are later.

Moreover, although the area of ​​Immortal World is quite large, there are not many places where mortals can really recuperate.

The harsh natural environment, the activities of the spirit beast, the agitation of the Spiritual Qi, and the struggle of cultivators all limit the living space of ordinary people. Villages or towns will be formed in suitable places, and land is also a precious resource.

Where there is land, there will inevitably be landlords, and with the development of productive forces, they will evolve into capital.

Only then did Su Yun realize that in the development of civilization, in addition to the breakthrough of technology, the form of civilized society is equally important.

However, with the leap in productivity and the sudden change in the level of civilization, these will eventually be resolved.

It's just inevitable "labor pains".

Su Yun finally said firmly: "Science Shenzong will finally solve these problems."

"Heh, Shenzong of Science?" Sun Jue's mocking expression became even more serious, "I'm so angry when I talk about Shenzong of Science! Now this Immortal World is his family!"

"Originally, our Rogue Cultivators could obtain a lot of cultivation resources by hunting spirit beasts, mining Spiritual Qi ores, and accepting commissions, but now it's good! The torrent of steel from the God of Science is raging in Immortal World, and most of the Spirit Stones are all earned by them."

"We little cultivators, even if we fight over our heads, we may not be able to drink a sip of the soup."

Hearing this, Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the hidden secrets in it are hard to explain, so he can only talk casually, "It's quite cruel."

"However." Sun Jue suddenly changed the subject, showing a philistine face, "If you can sneak into this Shenzong of Science, you will be able to eat meat! Sure enough, you still have to be close to the organization!"

Hearing this, Su Yun had to say, "Shenzong of Science has its own mission."

"Mission? I guess it is to earn Spirit Stones for their Sect Leader." Sun Jue joked, "Hey, but you are always defending the Sect of Science. Are you from the Sect of Science?"

"No." Su Yun said against his will.

"That's right, those who can enter the Sect of Science are all powerful people, how can they come to this small town!" Sun Jue shook his head mockingly, "They keep saying that they are for the cultivation of the Immortal World, but they stand too high. You will not see the suffering in the world, you will be blinded by the false scene of prosperity, you will think that everyone in the world is blessed by it, and they are all grateful, forgetting that there are still people who are suffering, and there are always corners where the sun does not shine.”

Then, Sun Juehao drank a pot of wine and said in relief: "The Immortal World is so big, there is always a place to live, I should go too."

He stood up suddenly, "That's all I know, but what doubts do I have?"

"Thank you, Brother Sun, for your guidance." Su Yun also got up, and said politely with cupped hands.

This trip really came at the right time.

Su Yun always wanted to bridge the gap between ordinary people and cultivators, but he forgot that there are differences among ordinary people.

Those who are behind are also part of the Immortal World civilization and should not be abandoned.

The standard for measuring the development level of a civilization should not be the level at the top of the pyramid, nor should we look at the average, but at the lower limit.


Sun Jue waved his hand casually, and said casually: "Brother, eat slowly, Sun Mou will leave first, and see you by fate."

"See you by fate." Su Yun smiled lightly.

Sun Jueyujian flew away, and there was no need for Su Yun to stay.

Just as he was about to leave, the waiter suddenly stood beside Su Yun with a smile on his face, "Guest officer, are you ready to eat?"

"Well, it tastes good." Su Yun said with satisfaction.

"Just as long as you're satisfied, here's the bill. There are two Spirit Stones in total." The waiter wanted to greet Su Yun at the counter.

"Two Spirit Stones!" Su Yun gasped, no wonder Sun Jue was so familiar, so he was digging a hole here!

He couldn't help cursing, "It's just two Spirit Stones, what about it?"

The shop clerk was stunned for a moment, then straightened his posture, and said imposingly: "As for, very as for!"

Su Yun blushed and pretended to touch the Spirit Stones, but finally he had to sacrifice the Flying Sword in the shape of Yunzi II, which was refined into the Magic Treasures of his life, and placed it on the table.

"Boss, put the sword here first, and come and redeem it when I earn Spirit Stones."

The waiter frowned, "Guest officer, what do you mean? Do you think I'm stupid? As soon as you leave, the natal Magic Treasures will fly to you!"

Then his eyes narrowed, "Could it be that you want to be rough, sir?"

Su Yun is justified now and can't tell.

You can't afford two Spirit Stones, what a penny for a hero!

Seeing that Su Yun was thinking about something secretly, the waiter took a step back and pressed the button in his sleeve, making a "click".

Then, Su Yun noticed a small red dot appeared on his head.

Su Yun is too familiar with this thing, and now he is locked by the special version of Xingyun Drone!

In order to facilitate the maintenance of the peace of the towns under its rule, Yunguo has purchased a large number of castrated version of Xingyun drones, one of which is enough to deal with the strong in the Gold Core environment.

Let the cultivator not dare to cause trouble in the towns of Yunguo, so as to keep the people in one side peaceful.

But Su Yun never expected that one day he would be targeted by the Magical Item he designed...

Fortunately, drones have sufficient insurance mechanisms, so there will be no "fire escape".

Su Yun had no choice but to give in, "Boss, you can deal with it..."


A moment later, the kitchen of the restaurant.

Su Yun followed the waiter to the sink for washing dishes.

"There just happened to be a dishwasher who asked for leave today. You should deal with it first! Remember, you have to wash it by hand, don't use any magic method, it won't be clean!" The wages are only worth two Spirit Stones, but you are a cultivator, and you can earn some Spirit Stones by yourself when you are off work, and you can leave only after paying the bill, don’t have bad intentions, those iron bumps are watching!"

"Okay, I'll wash it now." Su Yun reluctantly agreed.

The waiter asked him to wash the dishes, obviously wanting to blow his arrogance.

And by the sink where the dishes were washed, there was another person, who looked young, thirteen or fourteen years old, dressed in light blue-gray coarse cloth, dressed like a boy.

But her smooth face and the slight bulge of her chest all revealed her identity as a girl.

When she saw Su Yun, she stopped what she was doing and laughed, "Are you a cultivator?"

"Yes." Su Yun replied casually.

"The cultivator has to wash the dishes." The girl said disdainfully.

Su Yun squatted down, rolled up his sleeves, and started to work, "You are so young, you don't study well, and you don't pay for your meals?"

"What's the deal? I'm a regular worker! I can earn one Spirit Stones a year!" the girl said proudly.

"Where's your lord? Why don't you go to the school opened by the God of Science to learn scientific knowledge, but work as a small worker here!" Su Yun asked curiously.

"It's too early to die. The two cultivators' fighting has affected them." The girl said indifferently, without even a trace of sadness on her face.

But when it comes to the Science School, I am quite excited, "As far as the knowledge taught in the junior school, I have learned it thoroughly! It is not difficult at all! I feel that I can go directly to the Science Sect!"

"Then why don't you go? Is it because you don't like it?" Su Yun asked.

"Of course you're earning money! The domineering big iron bird of the Shenzong of Science, I heard that you can get to the Shenzong of Science in a few hours, but the ticket is more expensive, five Spirit Stones!"

The girl's eyes showed longing, "Science Sect is too powerful, let us mortals turn over! Look again, how can there be a cultivator who dares to mess around in the town!"

Due to long-term fatigue, the girl's body is slightly rickety, with her breasts in her mouth, and her posture is not good.

But her eyes are extraordinarily bright, which is the hope for the future.

The girl in front of her was just like the little boy in Su Yun's memory who walked out of the mountain village with Li Su.

Su Yun smiled knowingly, "If you want to go to Shenzong of Science, I will test you first to see if you are qualified!"

"Just you?" The girl looked skeptical, and then said without timidity: "Let the horse come here!"

"What are the types of decay of radioactive elements?"


"As an elementary particle, what are the types of neutrinos?"


"What are the elementary particles that transmit the strong force? How many kinds are there? Do they belong to bosons or fermions?!"


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