Like locusts, worker bee self-proliferating working robots will "swallow" all available mineral resources, and will "reproduce" themselves frantically, and can adapt to the environment and make corresponding "evolution".

Even Su Yun, the designer of this robot, doesn't know how many types of worker bees will eventually evolve.

But it is clear that the worker bee robots in front of us are evolving in the direction of adapting to deep mining.

However, there is indeed a clear division of labor within the worker bee robot like a bee colony.

The self-propagation production line is the queen bee responsible for reproduction; the drones are the ones who build and maintain the production line; and the most important worker bees are the ones who collect ore, perform security work, and transfer the ore to the transport ship.

It's just that in the eyes of outsiders, the behavior of self-proliferating robots is no different from locust plagues.

But the resources looted by them will become the cornerstone of building the future of Immortal World.

Murong Sui didn't understand, and asked with doubts on his face, "Is this the new robot of the Shenzong of Science?"

"It should be." Su Yun hesitated.

"But why so many?"

"Because the Divine Sect of Science needs a lot of resources, a lot."

After saying that, Su Yun jumped into the mine and flew down.

As the altitude decreased, the mine became hotter and hotter, and the air circulation also weakened a lot.

Only the worker bee robots around me are coming and going, stirring the thin air.

After tens of breaths of time, the sound of "stabbing and pulling" came from below, as well as words of people talking.

The bottom is the main body of the mine. Hundreds of worker bee robots are attached to the rock wall, and lasers are used to cut the ore body into small pieces of one meter square, which can be easily stored in the storage space.

The depth of the mine increases visible to the naked eye.

And next to each robot, there are one or two cultivators!

Seeing such a scene, what happened is obvious.

At this stage, worker bees' collection of resources is still very secretive. Only the transport ships that transport ore resources to Sect will move on the surface and hide their whereabouts throughout the process.

And they must have happened to discover the activities of the worker bee robots, so they came to pick up the leaks, and the five on the surface must be lookouts.

After all, the mining efficiency of the worker bee robot is extremely high, and it will not actively attack humans, but just avoid it. Therefore, by snatching food from its mouth and grabbing some small cubes, it can gain a lot.

However, the background that controls the worker bee robots, that is, A Zhu and A Lian, must be aware of this situation. Since they choose to ignore it, there must be a reason.

Firstly, because what these people robbed was innocuous, and secondly, it was unreasonable to wantonly dig up the resources that belonged to the Immortal World.

So choose indulgence.

That being the case, Su Yun ignored them and turned to leave.

But at this moment, a person blocking the way suddenly appeared in front of him, a Gold Core early stage Realm.

There are also two disciples of Xudan Apex by his side.

"Your Excellency, since you are here, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

"Just passing by, why not?" Su Yun held his natal Flying Sword in his hand, and said fearlessly in the face of danger.

"Beheading the five disciples of my Xuanyin Sect, it's not so easy to leave." Xuanyin Sect Master said in a threatening tone.

"Besides, you found out where this place is, and you can't let you go."

"Do you think the Sect of Science doesn't know what you're doing?" Su Yun asked tentatively.

"It's one thing for the God of Science to know, but another thing for you to know!" The head of the Xuanyin Sect shook his head with a sneer on his face, "Besides, the God of Science is also stealthy in doing this and dare not say anything, why can't we?"

"I'm afraid that this piece of fat will be picked up by dogs!"

As soon as he said this, he waved his hand, and the two disciples beside him rushed towards Su Yun, and the cold murderous aura emerged around them as Spirit Power turned into dozens of black air blades.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The sharp blade flew towards Su Yun without a sound.

Su Yun easily avoided the attack by relying on the Sword intent level of the Illumination Realm, but the two people on the opposite side were not vegetarians, and they sacrificed their natal Magic Treasures one after another, and the cold breath condensed on the long sword.

This knife is nothing else, it is the ghost head knife used to kill heads on the execution ground.

The sword qi of the two slashed at each other, and the speed was not slow, so Su Yun had no choice but to defend with his sword.

"铛~" The sound of metal colliding echoed in the mine, causing hundreds of disciples below to raise their heads and stand on guard.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Su Yun is ready to fight quickly.

For a moment, the Sword intent surged, and the aura condensed, and with the help of Lei Dian's true intention, a faint blue light appeared around Su Yun's body, and a faint thunder arc shot out.

His figure turned into a pale blue trajectory in the air, and appeared behind the two in an instant.

The two didn't realize it at first, but as their bodies separated, expressions of horror appeared on their faces, but it was too late, and the fear and unwillingness were frozen.

Facing the two Apex masters of Void Core in the instant that Su Yun crossed the border, the head of the Xuanyin Sect was terrified and said in disbelief: "You actually comprehended the Sword intent!!? And it's also the Thunder attribute Spiritual Roots!"

"Wrong." Without further ado, Su Yun used a fire attribute Cultivation Technique from Tianhuo Qimen Sect to burn the two falling corpses into ashes and spread them out in the air.

Since the establishment of the Science God Sect, he has extensively searched for various Cultivation Techniques in Luo Xiu Immortal World. It is not surprising that Su Yun, who has the highest authority in the Cultivation Technique database, knows more than 100 million Cultivation Techniques.

And they are all directly written into the soul, without learning costs.

"Fire! Thunder! No..." The head of the Xuanyin Gate shook his head in confusion, "I didn't feel the spirit power of the thunder attribute, how could it be?"

But he didn't hesitate too much, and immediately looked sinister and began to cast spells.

The face of the master of the Xuanyin Sect became terrifying, changing between pale and dark. Strange souls kept flying out of his body, making sharp roars.

These controlled evil spirits are what we call ghosts!

Su Yun also understood the reason why the master of Xuanyinmen was so afraid of the thunder attribute.

Thunder is the most evil thing!

At this time, the master of Xuanyinmen was surrounded by a group of Ghosts, and his own appearance became neither human nor ghost, and his voice was hoarse and hard to distinguish, "I don't know what method you used, but since you don't have Thunder attribute Spiritual Roots, then It will only be the dead souls of my men."

A group of Ghosts was dispatched, and they disappeared in the process of flying towards Su Yun, without any notice.

Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, the master of Xuanyin Sect actually blew up his weakness, it's really ridiculous!

"You underestimated the enemy." Su Yun said simply, and then the Sword intent faded away, and the Thunder intent began to gain the upper hand.

The ultimate of thunder attribute is the true meaning of thunder and lightning!

Since the three upgraded attributes of Fengleibing are actually a kind of "potential", they do not completely rely on the Spiritual Roots of the corresponding attributes.

Su Yun held the thunderbolt in his hand, illuminating the entire mine, and the thunderbolt swept around, forcing the masters of the Xuanyinmen to retreat several feet.

It should be solved!

Su Yun thought to himself.

But at this moment, Su Yun suddenly felt a pain in his left arm, and the scarlet blood soaked his sleeve instantly, oozing out of his white clothes, and dripping down.

I was bitten by something! Ghost! And ignore the Spirit Power of the body!

Then the right leg, the right arm...eventually even the neck.

A group of Ghosts just now rushed over!

Su Yun wrapped Own's body with a lightning arc, but the bite of the "ghost" still didn't stop, and the vitality was constantly being lost.

Soon, his Taoist robe turned blood red.

The only thing that can be done is to use the top wood attribute healing Cultivation Technique to restore the injury and form a confrontational situation with the bite.

"Jie Jie Jie! It's you who underestimated the enemy!" The Xuanyin Sect Master laughed wildly, "Do you think that my majestic Xuanyin Sect Master will be afraid of you, a cultivator at the early stage of Xudan?"

Immediately afterwards, more Ghosts rushed towards Su Yun!

Su Yun probed carefully, only to find that there is no soul fluctuation on the Ghost, it's just a weird Cultivation Technique!

Usually I am used to relying on various sensors to detect the situation, but now I am at a disadvantage because of this habit!

He used defensive Cultivation Technique to try to resist, but he still couldn't prevent this weird attack technique!

Going on like this is not an option, when the Spirit Power is exhausted, it is time to drink hatred!

I didn't expect the Gold Core cultivator to be so difficult to deal with!

Su Yun's eyes were fixed, and his eyes locked on the master of Xuanyin Sect surrounded by Ghost.

Capture the thief first and capture the king, all you can do now is to exchange injuries for injuries and kill the Xuanyin Sect master!

Standing in the void, Su Yun multi-tasked. While running the Cultivation Technique to heal injuries, the Sword intent and the true meaning of thunder and lightning were condensed on the Flying Sword of his life.

Soon, Su Yun was surrounded by swarms of ghosts!

Lei Guang was also submerged.

But immediately, the supreme Sword intent burst out, followed by a galloping long sword with two "intentions" condensed on it!

And the master of the Xuanyin Sect had already prepared himself. When the long sword flew towards him, he leaned back to avoid the vital point, avoiding the ending of being killed on the spot!

But Sword intent should not be underestimated, even a few feet away, the master of Xuanyin Sect was injured by Sword Qi, a bloodstain appeared from the central axis of his body, his skin was torn apart, and blood flew everywhere!

At the same time, Su Yun's figure also flew from below, caught the long sword that was flying back, and slashed at the master of Xuanyinmen.

Even though he is also covered in scars, his fighting spirit is getting stronger!

It seems to have entered a rather miraculous state, and there is a faint throbbing in the sea of ​​consciousness!

It is... the way of killing! !

Su Yun had an instant epiphany.

He couldn't help recalling the way of killing that the Great Elder practiced, which was the ultimate way of depriving one's vitality!

As the great Elder said—everything has life and death. If you understand life, you will naturally understand death.

The way of killing is the way of life and death!

The throbbing in the sea of ​​consciousness comes from the power of an ancestor who mastered the avenue of life and death!

And it all started with just using a wood attribute healing Cultivation Technique.

Even though Su Yun's realization is only superficial, it has already benefited him a lot, and the injuries all over his body heal instantly!

Correspondingly, his attack has the power to deprive him of vitality!

The two began to fight hand to hand.

The natal Magic Treasures of the master of the Xuanyin Gate is a huge ghost-head knife, which is full of blood and has a strong smell!

Since Su Yun's Sword Intent Realm is not low, he must be far better than the master of the Xuanyin Sect in terms of swordsmanship!

Even if he fell behind by a big Realm, Su Yun did not lose the slightest bit, and even became more courageous as he fought!

His Sword Qi can break through the Spirit Power of the Xuanyin Gate's bodyguard at will.

At the same time, the head of the Xuanyin Sect also noticed something strange, the attack by own ghosts was useless! And the injuries on his body are constantly accumulating.

For the first time, he felt afraid of the virtual alchemy cultivator in front of him, and the idea of ​​running away began to emerge.

So his battle thinking changed to retreating and gradually fleeing downwards.

There is no way out, but there are hundreds of disciples who can be used as shields!

"Xuanyin Sect disciples, fight the enemy with all your strength!"

The two quickly fought to the bottom of the mine, between the worker bee robots, swords interlaced.

The worker bee robot began to avoid the two, but there was no other reaction.

Along the way, many low-level disciples were affected and became the souls of Su Yun's sword!

However, the master of the Xuanyin Sect has the advantage of Realm after all, and Su Yun can't kill him quickly because of the Movement Technique ghost.

But more and more Xuanyinmen disciples died under the sword, and the throbbing in Su Yun's sea of ​​consciousness became even worse!

Su Yun's expression became more and more calm, and the enlightenment in his heart became clear.

Facing the master of Xuanyin Sect, he said calmly, "You should die."

"What?!" The head of Xuanyin Sect's words had just finished speaking, or before he could finish speaking, his face suddenly became lifeless, his eyes widened, and the movements of his hands suddenly froze and stiffened.

Because he was galloping at an extremely fast speed, he lost his ability to move, his body fell instantly, and hit the rock wall not far away heavily, creating a cloud of smoke and dust.

The worker bee robot just avoided it quickly, and then continued to dig ore.

He probably couldn't figure out how he died.

Su Yun activated the ability to control life and death, depriving the master of Xuanyinmen of vitality.

However, his control over the way of life and death is extremely shallow, and can only be used when the head of Xuanyin Sect is seriously injured and his vitality is weak.

It is similar to the killing effect triggered by residual blood.

At this time, a group of disciples of Xuanyin sect surrounded Su Yun, but no one dared to attack, they just surrounded Su Yun.

"Your sect master is dead, do you really want to go up?" Su Yun stood holding his sword, while the worker bee robot flew around ten meters away, he also remained motionless.

And the disciples of Xuanyin Sect began to break up, and each fled the mine with their swords.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

The move that deprived him of his vitality just now used up all his Spirit Power!

But in an instant he was worried again, Murong Sui was still on it!

If she had a face-to-face meeting with the Xuanyin sect disciples, she might be wiped out easily!

Su Yun used the Shenwei Yutu Jue, took a shortcut and flew up, and successfully found Murong Sui.

Murong Sui was still in the natural tunnel just now, nestled in a crack, holding his head, trembling.

Weak, pitiful and helpless, like a kitten trapped in the middle of the road.

She heard footsteps and stood up when she saw Su Yun. Seeing that Su Yun had become a bloody man, her expression instantly became worried, and she almost cried.

"What's wrong with you, Yun Shu? Did they beat you!"

Although half of the bloody coat was covered with his blood, he still smiled and said, "Don't worry, other people's blood."

"What are they doing?" Murong Sui asked tremblingly.

Su Yun simply said: "A moth that is not even as good as a locust."


After a while, the two returned to the ground and found a small river ditch. Su Yun soaked in the water without taking off his clothes, and the blood color instantly fainted in the water.

Then run the water attribute Cultivation Technique to completely wash off the blood.

Step out quickly, invoke the fire attribute Spirit Power, and steam your clothes dry in an instant.

As soon as Murong Sui started the fire, she picked up a handful of firewood. Seeing that the clothes on Su Yun's body were clean again, she frowned slightly, "I still want to help you dry the clothes, it seems unnecessary."

But when she found that Su Yun's clothes were in tatters, she frowned and said that she would sew clothes for Su Yun.

Then began to pick Su Yun's clothes.

Then came a very funny scene, Su Yun used the Shenwei Yutu Jue to create a set of stone armor and put it on his body.

The little girl was sitting on the ground, burying her head in sewing a suit of clothes, biting off the cotton thread with her teeth.

Su Yun joked: "It's really dangerous to take you this trip."

"What?" Murong Sui, who was sewing the patch seriously, raised his head and asked in confusion.

"I have to pay more."


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