Without further ado, Shen Feiyu flew down one step ahead of others, and then a group of people scrambled to be the first, and the stars fell towards the cave.

Su Yun flew unhurriedly at the end, and fell at the end of the line together with the Supreme Sect disciple named Wu Xing.

The two glanced at each other, each thinking.

Wu Xing speeded up, quickly got rid of Su Yun, and only coldly said, "Yun fellow daoist, at the end, may not be safe."

Su Yun was treated coldly, but since he was an ally, he chose to ignore it.

In a blink of an eye, several people went deep into the hundreds of feet of the cave, the light became dim, the air was damp, with the salty smell of sea water, all kinds of stranded marine creatures struggled on the puddles on the cave wall.

There is still sea water that cannot flow away at the bottom of the cave, hiding unknown fears.

The entrance to the ruins is at the bottom of the water.

As the organizer of this search for the ruins, Shen Fei Yulang said: "Everyone, do you still have a fellow daoist who is good at the water attribute Cultivation Technique? We need to disperse the sea water."

A group of people looked at each other, but no one said anything, Su Yun was about to stand up, but Wu Xing turned on the Spirit Power, and moved the sea water cleanly, and flowed into the sea along the cracks in the rock wall.

The bottom of the water is gradually revealed, except for various reefs, there are dense bones.

Looking at the bright red flesh on the bones, it can be seen that they died not long ago.

Judging by the quantity, there are barely five people together.

And at the bottom of the cave, you can see the passage going in horizontally, which seems to be eroded.

"They were eaten by the weird spirit beast here, wait for me to lure them out." Shen Feiyu was not timid, and flew into the cave.

Everyone was worried along with Molly.

In a blink of an eye, there was a muffled sound coming from inside the cave. Su Yun probed with his divine sense, and in the winding passage, a giant beast galloped out in a snake shape. thin.

And this giant beast is not wriggling, but crawling with countless joint-like feet.

It's like a centipede with 360-degree feet.

Sure enough, it is not surprising what the things in the sea look like.

In a blink of an eye, Shen Feiyu flew out of the cave, and the giant beast also slid out of the passage, lying on the bottom of the cave, its head stretched ten meters like a telescopic fishing rod, biting upwards.

Shen Feiyu turned sideways to dodge the attack, shouting, "Attack!"

The active people activated Spirit Power one after another, using their own spells to attack the giant worm, but they couldn't hurt it, at most it lost a few legs.

The giant worm was also quite cautious, and quickly retracted into the cave.

The first plan failed, and Shen Feiyu looked at the few people who hadn't made a move with some resentment.

"It's all for the secret of the year, and I hope everyone can contribute!"

"Which fellow daoist will seduce next?"

No one said a word.

In the end, Shen Feiyu's eyes fell on Su Yun, "Yun fellow daoist, I knew that your Movement Technique is fast when you just tried it, please go and lure it out, everyone is also fully prepared to attack and kill this spirit beast entrenched in the ruins .”

Su Yun frowned, this is the disadvantage of forming a wild team, it is difficult for everyone to work together, and everyone has their own ghosts.

"It's easy to talk about." Su Yun readily agreed.

Anyway, he already knew the existence of this place, so he just took this opportunity to get rid of them and act alone.

Su Yun flew to the entrance of the cave, and when he probed with his divine sense, he found that the giant worm was huddled in a dark place ten feet away, waiting for an opportunity to move.

A ring of eyes on the head is constantly staring out of the hole.

If Su Yun enters rashly, it will be ejected like a spring and swallow Su Yun in one gulp.

There was a chill in Su Yun's heart, no wonder Shen Feiyu wanted to take the initiative to ask for Ying, and was the first to be the bait.

Now that the giant worms have begun to take precautions, the risk is doubled.

As soon as Su Yun made up his mind, he drilled into the cave without hesitation.

In the blink of an eye, the giant worm rushed out of the cave, still chewing something in its mouth.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but there was no feeling of intolerance on their faces, just a little fear.

"Kill!" Shen Feiyu roared.

A group of people reacted and launched an attack.

This time they didn't hide their clumsiness, and went all out to show their power, bombing with various Cultivation Techniques in turn.

Wu Xing even took out a silver gun, which was longer than a person, and had an electronic sight.

It is the 52mm psychic cannon exclusively for Supreme Sword Sect from the No. 1 merchant in the world!

It can destroy the Gold Core, so it's no problem to deal with the fourth-order spirit beast.

The electronic sight locks on the weak point of the giant worm, that is, the chewing and wriggling mouth.

"Boom!" With a bang, the cannonballs turned into light spots shot at the giant worm, and poured obliquely from between the sharp teeth. In an instant Cultivation Technique, the blue-green flesh of the giant worm was filled with blood-red pieces of meat And White's bone dregs gushed out of his mouth.

I can no longer recognize the original appearance.

Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion from the inside out, which split the giant worm into two pieces, and the upper half crashed to the ground.

The two-section body of the giant worm wriggled for a while before finally falling.

Shen Feiyu also sighed sadly: "Yun fellow daoist was out of luck, and he fell. Hey, what a pity! He was an opponent who was obviously comparable to me, but he couldn't have a good fight!"

Then he pretended to throw down a jug of wine, the jug shattered on the ground, the wine mixed with the sea water, but he couldn't tell what was what.

"Go ahead."

Others naturally wouldn't think that Shen Feiyu was really showing mercy.

The so-called fellow daoist never dies poor, as long as the fire does not burn himself, he will see through it without telling it.

They will all think that Su Yun is too honest and is being used as a gun.

Then Molly flew close to the corpse of the giant worm. Everyone thought she was investigating the situation of the giant worm, until she said, "Where's Yun Shu's Flying Sword with the cloud character II shape? Why can't I find it? It's not cheap!"

Shen Feiyu felt a little anxious, pretending to cough and said: "Cough! Let's talk about it when we come back, the business is important, and we don't have much time."

After saying that, he took the lead and flew into the cave so that the others followed.

Waiting for Wu Xing to fly in vigilantly, a group of people went deep into the ruins.

At the same time, Su Yun who was hiding in the stone was stunned.

Just now, as soon as he entered the cave, he used the divine power to control the earth, drilled into the Black Tortoise rock, and at the same time threw out the corpse of a fourth-order merman who had been beheaded while crossing the sea.

As he expected, the giant worm rushed over in an instant and swallowed the merman in one gulp.

Only then did I see the good show.

Then, Su Yun chased the direction of the group of people and went deep.

The tunnels where the giant worm hides are indeed formed by the erosion of the strong corrosive body fluid secreted by the giant worm, and are intricately formed in the rock.

Moreover, rocks can block spiritual thoughts. Without Shen Feiyu, who is familiar with the situation, to lead the team, it would be really difficult to find the right direction.

It's just that the right path was tested by Shen Feiyu with other people's lives.

In addition to the one at the entrance of the cave, there are actually dozens of giant worms hidden in the cave. This was detected by Su Yun through the vibration feedback from the Shenwei Yutu Jue.

So he just wants to say that these people are asking for their own blessings.

However, these giant insects did not threaten Su Yun at all, and he was safe and sound when he moved in the rocks through the Divine Might and Soil Control Technique.

He just wants to know in what direction the mural is. It's just that Shen Feiyu and the others are flying with swords, so it's rare for them to hit the rock wall and make vibrations.

After a while, Su Yun lost the bearing of the target.

This was something he didn't expect, and he complained, "These people have learned the second subject of Yujian flying well!"

In this way, Su Yun can only go blindly to kill the mouse, but it is a little troublesome.

Su Yun flew in the Black Tortoise rock for a while with his head sullen, and suddenly felt a violent shock. It should be a fight. Obviously, they ran into the giant worm again.

This is a good time to fish in troubled waters.

There is no fork in the cave where the group of them are located, so the direction they are going to is clearly revealed.

Su Yun had no choice but to go ahead.

In the blink of an eye, Su Yun overtook more than a dozen people, entered the tunnel at a corner, and accelerated his flight.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or some other reason, all the tunnels opened by the giant worms will eventually lead to the location of the ruins, which is the largest underground cavity.

But before reaching the cave, Su Yun found the mural that Shen Feiyu mentioned in the tunnel opened by the giant worm!

In other words, the ruins were built in the giant worm's lair.

Su Yun didn't know why the ruins were built here, but the contents of the murals in front of him were enough to make him forget these questions.

In his hand, he held a white bead used for lighting, which is the inner alchemy of the merman. The pale light shone on the mottled mural, giving a feeling of oppression.

The murals are made of pigments ground from ore, which can be waterproofed, but after a thousand years, many details and colors have been lost.

At first glance, the painting style is completely different from the murals that are common in Immortal World. It is a bit two-dimensional?

Su Yun was a little stunned, and abandoned this absurd idea. In short, the mural painting is not like the painting style of Immortal World.

But the stories on the murals are still clearly identifiable.

To put it simply, a group of people witnessed an extremely beautiful woman Indistinguishable Dao ascend, and then a vision was born, and all people worshiped.

But upon closer inspection, Su Yun found clues. This woman didn't even look like a human cultivating the Immortal World. She was tall and her skin was painted with bright white mica powder, obviously to show her fair skin.

The clothes on his body are cyan or yellow-green gauze, and the style is very novel.

The main thing is her pair of ears, which seem to be pointed ears.

Is it a monster race or... an elf? !

At least it fits well with the elf image in Su Yun's image.

But no matter what, at least not the human race.

And on the last mural, the star field that the female ascendant went to looks quite strange, with only a few dozen Stars painted in black.

But it is indeed in the position of the sky.

And in the lower right corner of this mural, there is an inexplicable color block, green, blue, yellow, and red are scattered in disorder, as if the palette has been overturned, but a big red "x" is marked in the center, of course , now eroded to a dark brown.

The lines of the "x" are extremely clear, and it is obvious that this seemingly smudged colored square is also intentional.

Su Yun showed a look of surprise in an instant. This colored block is actually a contour map, using color to express the magnitude of the value on the plane.

Blue is the lowest, followed by Green, transitioning to yellow, and Red is the highest value.

Graphic content such as gravity anomaly map, atmospheric pressure map, etc. will use this form of expression, and science students must be familiar with it.

And this contour map and starry sky map are what this mural really wants to express.

There is no legend for the contour map, so Su Yun has no choice but to study the star map first.

Su Yun noticed that the female ascendant's fingers were pointing in the direction of the starry sky, probably marking a coordinate point in the universe.

But in the vast sea of ​​stars, it is impossible to mark the exact position in the universe with only one picture, fifteen Black Stars.

Although the position of the Star is relatively fixed, to mark the coordinates in the Universe, a star projection map in three directions is required.

Counting the contour map, but only two.

The most important thing is that there are only fifteen Stars, which is really too few, and the possibility of repetition is too high.

Confused, Su Yun stared at Black's Star, lost in thought, "Black... Black's Star..."

"Could it be a luminous star, but a black hole!!"

If the star map represents a black hole, then the range will be reduced a lot.

Moreover, the sizes of these Black circles are different. If the size of the circles represents the relative size of the horizon range of the black hole, the range will be reduced a lot.

But there will be another problem in this way.

If you take Immortal World as the origin, even if you find the area marked by the black hole, you can only get the range of a cone, and you still can't get the exact position.

Then, the key lies in another contour map.

The value on the contour line is not regular, like countless color spots mixed together, but what Su Yun imagined in his mind is the water surface covered with ripples in the rain, some places are high, some places are low.

Not long after, Su Yun vaguely had an idea, and his eyes lit up.

Maybe the star map represented by the position of the black hole is not important at all, it is just used to guide the thinking!

Even if it indicates the correct position, it is not critical.

Su Yun thought of the gravitational waves generated by the merger of black holes through the ripples on the water surface, and then thought of the distortion of space in the universe.

As we all know, space has curvature, and it is not zero, which is an inherent property of space.

Because there are objects with mass in space, mass will cause space distortion, and the object with the largest mass is a black hole.

Moreover, due to the uneven distribution of stars in the universe space, it will lead to different spatial curvatures in different regions.

And because the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate, there will be an expansion center, whether it is the singularity that triggers the big bang of the universe, or some other origin, the curvature of space is at least regular in the radial direction.

That is to say, you only need to intercept the section perpendicular to the radial direction of the expanding sphere, mark the relative size of the space curvature, and you can accurately mark the coordinate position in the universe!

The huge Universe can actually be seen as a large net drawn by countless large and small stars. The farther away from the expansion center, the smaller the curvature should be. In addition to the influence of stars on the space curvature, the space curvature of each area of ​​the Universe are different!

This contour map is actually a gravitational network navigation map! !

Those who can draw a map of the gravitational net obviously have a high degree of civilization, which cannot be achieved by cultivating the Immortal World civilization.

Therefore, the mysterious "elven" female ascendant actually came from an alien civilization, and it is located in the starry sky marked by the contour map of space curvature!

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