With eleven rounds of water bombing, no one in Fang Ming's team was lost, and Su Yun washed their faces.

"Crazy Su, you really are crazy!" Fang Ming was carrying Spiritual Roots, a single-attribute fire, and he ran Spirit Power at will, drying the water on his body, "You will pay for it!"

"Let's catch up with me first!" After saying that, Su Yun ran away quickly.

Fang Ming was naturally unconvinced, "A mere fourth floor of Qi Refining dares to fight against others!"

His Cultivation Base reaches the ninth floor of Qi Refining, and the Flying Sword under his feet is a low-grade treasure with a violent fire attribute, so his flying speed is extremely fast, almost catching up with the mid-range Bibo Sword!

Su Yun suppressed the speed and formed a situation of chasing each other with Fang Ming.

Moreover, Su Yun's flight route mostly revolves around the people fighting below, and every time he passes by, he will launch a few water bombs to interfere with their offensive against the Fire Cloud Turtle.

Fang Ming didn't know why Su Yun's speed was so amazing, but what he thought was that Su Yun's Cultivation Base only had four layers of Qi Refining, so such a speed would not last long.

But after a detour for nearly a quarter of an hour, Su Yun's speed did not slow down.

Su Yun also said awkwardly: "That's it? How about you go together, walking one dog is a walk, and walking ten dogs is also a walk!"

Finally, Fang Ming took the trouble and shouted to the people below: "Stop attacking the Black Tortoise turtle, first catch Su Crazy at all costs!!"

But the people below hated Su Yun so much that they attacked him in groups, outflanking him in various ways.

With Bibojian's explosive speed advantage, Su Yun could barely handle it.

At this time, the Fire Cloud Turtle below, although not under attack now, has already accumulated enough energy earlier and is transmitting Spirit Power to its feet.

"It's almost there!" Su Yun hurriedly flew towards A'Zhu and A'lian, and shouted, "Let's go!"

At this moment, A'Zhu and A'Lian fully understood Su Yun's intention, without any hesitation, Yu Jian escaped.

Seeing the two of A'Zhu leaving, Su Yun then raised the altitude and flew away from this area at a straight speed.

Soon, everyone flew away from the woodland where the Fire Cloud Turtle was.

Just after the few people at the end of the team flew about a hundred feet away, a deep beast roar suddenly came out from behind everyone, "Woo~~~"

Then there was an earth-shattering bang, and then a violent tremor spread from the position of the Huoyun Turtle to the surroundings. The ground overturned, the rocks cracked, and the giant trees fell out one after another.

What followed was a scorching flame, burning everything that passed by, turning everything it went into a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the boulders that were blasted into the sky turned into meteorites, scattered all over the forest, sparks rained down.

The few people at the end of the team were affected by the air wave, and they all lost their balance, fell from the sword, and suffered serious injuries, but it was better than being trampled to pieces by the flames.

After the tremors subsided, the area within one mile of Fang Yuan had turned into a purgatory on earth, with thick smoke billowing, fiery red magma flowing between the fissures in the rock formations, and many affected spirit beasts were left with only their bones still burning.

"Oh my god!" A'Zhu was surprised for a moment, his mouth shut from ear to ear, "Is this really just a second-order spirit beast? Even a third-order spirit beast may not have such astonishing strength!"

Su Yun faintly appeared behind A'Zhu, folded his hands, and stood calmly on top of the Flying Sword, with an aura that was beyond dust, and explained: "Spirit beasts with spirit beast skills naturally cannot compete with ordinary spirit beasts. Generally speaking, let alone absorbing so many attacks from them, it is not surprising to have such lethality."

At this time, Fang Ming was astonished, but at the same time he was a little scared, if he hadn't run to chase Su Yun, his team would have been buried here!

Looking at Su Yun again, Fang Ming realized that the "Crazy Su" in front of him was somewhat unpredictable.

Those annoying actions just now were actually to save people!

But in front of outsiders, Fang Ming would not admit that he had misunderstood the spirit beast because of the pride and arrogance of the immortal cultivating family, and he would not give Su Yun the credit for escaping the catastrophe. Can it be no match for a Qi Refining four-story countryman?

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and snorted coldly to make amends: "I didn't expect this Black Tortoise tortoise to be upgraded and become the legendary volcanic Black Tortoise tortoise! ​​Heh, such a once-in-a-lifetime thing actually happened to me gone."

"Fortunately, I was wise and decisive, and asked everyone to give up attacking this volcanic Black Tortoise turtle, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

"If it wasn't for this lunatic Su making trouble, I might have discovered the clue long ago."

However, the others were not stupid, it was obvious that Su Yun took the trouble to save them with extraordinary means, and everyone felt that Fang Ming was not ashamed.

But due to Fang Ming's background, no one dared to speak out to be fair.

When Fang Ming recruited them earlier, they also wanted to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade, and they chose to form a team in order to pass this extremely difficult assessment.

But I never thought that I almost lost my life before I hunted down a few second-order spirit beasts.

The team has a tendency to fall.

But Su Yun doesn't care what other people think, he saves people only because of Ah Zhu's kindness, and he doesn't want her to be sad because of it.

"You all have water attribute Spiritual Roots, you know how to use Cloud and Rain Jue!" Su Yun turned to look at A'Zhu and A'Lian.

The two nodded, but they didn't know why Su Yun suddenly mentioned this.


"Because the protection of forest fire safety starts with me..."

Then Su Yun took the lead, using the blue wave sword to use the water attribute Cultivation Technique Yunyujue.

This technique can mobilize the surrounding water vapor to form rainfall.

The three of them cast spells together, and soon the clouds and mist surged, and it began to rain lightly, and then the rain increased.

Not long after, the fire caused by the flame trampling was extinguished, and the magma stopped flowing, turning into black rope-shaped rocks.

As dusk approached, the setting sun slanted, and after the rain stopped, a rainbow grew above the jungle, spanning the sky, which was truly beautiful.

If it wasn't for the Huoyun Turtle howling in the back, Su Yun would have the leisure to appreciate it...

"Let's go, go find other second-order spirit beasts!" Now Fang Ming was so afraid of the Fire Cloud Turtle that he didn't dare to stay here for a long time, so he called the team and prepared to leave.

And his team members didn't say anything, but they still bowed in the direction of Su Yun.

This behavior annoyed Fang Ming, "Who are you worshiping? I led you to hunt down five second-order spirit beasts. If you lose once, you will be ungrateful?"

"Heh!" Fang Ming shook his sleeves angrily, "Without me, just because you want to get a second-order inner alchemy?"

The fact is the same, Fang Ming still has some organizational skills, and being able to lead this group of people of varying strengths to hunt down several second-order spirit beasts is not useless.

Therefore, everyone has no intention of leaving the team.

Still a bright-minded disciple explained: "We are worshiping the rainbow for a good fortune..."

"Rainbow..." Fang Ming secretly gritted his teeth, but he couldn't say anything, "Let's go!"

Eleven people left one after another, and Su Yun waved goodbye.

"You guys have to be careful, don't look away again!" Su Yun decided to give Fang Ming another wave of disgust.

Fang Ming should have heard it, his speed suddenly increased a lot, and he quickly disappeared from sight...

After everyone left, Su Yun muttered: "It's interesting, and I know how to bow and thank you, it's not in vain."

"Su Yun, then let's go too, this Fire Cloud Turtle is not easy to mess with!" A'Zhu said with some fear, grabbing A-Lian's hand nervously.

And I don't know when, Su Yun has become the backbone of the team.

"Go? Why are you leaving?" Su Yun looked down and was still furious, and laughed at the Fire Cloud Turtle roaring at the three of them, "Now is the time when the Fire Cloud Turtle is weakest, take advantage of its illness and kill it! "

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