The sun and the moon are not seen in space, but the passage of time does not stop. Gradually, Xiu Immortal World approached the galaxy where the wreckage of the planet Aino is located. On the original orbit of Aino, a sparse small Planet belt has formed. The part of the astral matter shed from the debris of the planet.

As for the Aino planet itself, it is no different from the previous observation results, it is a cloud of fragments that is engulfed by a gradually cooling core.

The direction of the original seed is somewhere in this wreckage.

During the process of decelerating the Immortal World, it was inevitable to emit dazzling star light. The sudden extra sun naturally caught Arya's attention.

She wasn't vigilant, and she didn't even have much expression on her face, like an indifferent bystander.

When the distance is so close that the Star engine needs to be shut down and the engine is powered to slow down, the Immortal World will turn from a dazzling star into a cluster of blue will-o'-the-wisps and drift quietly towards Aino.

"Lifeforms detected ahead, Spirit Power level, Transcending Tribulation Realm, at least in terms of Realm strength." Su Xiaoxiao suddenly reminded.

"It's her." Su Yun replied casually.

After a short hesitation, Su Yun took the crystal ball and flew out of the Xiu Immortal World, heading straight for the central area of ​​Aino's wreckage.

He didn't use the method of space jump, but walked through the dust and gravel all the way, like a fly flying between rotten bones.

These fragments vary widely in size, ranging from dust to giant peaks and even fragments of Earth's crust.

The remnants of the atmosphere are filled between the fragments, and Su Yun can vaguely hear the sound of the collision of the wreckage, which is low and distant, like the long low sound made by titan Death.

Ainuo's sun was shining as usual, but the cloud of dust made the sunlight dim, and Ainuo seemed to have only the setting sun left.

The deeper you go, the less light diffuses between the fragments, making it seem like it's night.

Until Su Yun found Arya who had been waiting in the depths for a long time.

Arya's body actually glowed, as soft as the moon, more and more like an elf in mythology. She is an Indistinguishable Dao powerhouse, but Su Yun doesn't see how strong she is. Whether it's the fluctuation of Spirit Power or the breath she shows, Su Yun thinks that she can't lose to her.

But this is also normal, after all, the Indistinguishable Dao powerhouse is the Transcending Tribulation Realm powerhouse who controls the power of the Dao.

However, Arya is tall, half taller than Su Yun, full of oppression, and as if she came out of a painting, noble and glamorous.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Arya smiled, and said in the Immortal World language: "Arya!"

The three words of Arya in her mouth are read consecutively.

"Uh... Nice to meet you, Su Yun." Su Yun raised his head and subconsciously replied, then he was stunned and smiled, "Is our Immortal World cultivator so recognizable?"

"Because, there is no other possibility." Arya's flawless face showed calmness, "Travel Thousand Years, the only remaining civilization in this star field is you who are left to repair the Immortal World."

Then she smiled bitterly, "I'm really sorry, you are a guest, but I can't entertain you anymore. There used to be a lot of delicious things on Aino!"

Su Yun's expression froze, "Arya, why are you still guarding this ruined wall?"

"Aren't the abandoned people and the ruins left after the destruction of civilization a good match?" Arya laughed self-deprecatingly.

Su Yun was silent for a while, "You Ainuo are not completely destroyed."

"But it's no different from being destroyed." Arya said indifferently, and then looked at Su Yun a few times, "Su Yun, you must have come here for the power of the Dao."

"That's right." Su Yun didn't hold back, and said bluntly, "In other words, they are here to kill you."

"Oh." Arya's tone was flat, and she smiled, "Isn't it in a hurry now? If not, I want to finish some things."

Su Yun was quite surprised. After hesitating for a moment, he still replied, "It's not in a hurry."

"That's good. I want to collect the traces of the Aino civilization, seal them up in my Minor World, and bury them with me." Arya said in a surprisingly relaxed tone.

Su Yun nodded in agreement.

The Minor World will not disappear due to the fall of the Transcending Tribulation Realm powerhouse, because it is an independent Universe, just incomplete.

But he couldn't help being a little stunned. Arya seemed to have long wanted to die, and had been building a grave for herself.

The means used to threaten her, namely the captured Aino fleet, seemed pointless.

Then, Arya started to get busy, scanning around with her divine sense, finding traces of the existence of civilization from countless messy fragments.

Su Yun floated aside, watching indifferently. He couldn't help being curious, so he said: "You left for the continuation of Ainuo civilization, and your people know it well."

Arya's movements were obviously sluggish, and Mingli's face suddenly became dark, "If only I had thought of this earlier, it would be great."

"Ancient God, came because of the Indistinguishable Dao." Arya turned her head and looked at Su Yun with clear blue eyes.

Su Yun has already known about this.

The appearance of an Indistinguishable Dao can attract the attention of the Ancient God. As for the destruction of civilization, it is just a matter of convenience.

Then, Arya's eyes showed emptiness and loneliness, "After traveling through these years and seeing how cruel the universe's picture is, I realized how fragile civilization is."

Seeing Arya's face lost, Su Yun actually comforted her, "The Ancient God is not as scary as you think, it is not an invincible existence, and it is not an omniscient and omnipotent God!"

Arya frowned, mockingly, "Ancient God is nothing more than civilization itself."

"In the history of our Aino race, there is no dispute, and all the people are united. It is foolish to think that the entire Universe should be like this."

"Until the Ancient God appeared, until I saw with my own eyes that several civilizations were destroyed due to fighting, until I could not see where the future of Aino lies."

"Are you disappointed in Universe?" Su Yun asked.

"There is a saying in your Immortal World that the world is not benevolent and treats all things as dogs." Arya said with a smile: "Universe itself is not wrong, and it will not disappoint people. It's just that Ainuo can't adapt, and I can't adapt."

"There are too many surprises in the Universe."

Su Yun was silent.

For Ainuo civilization, he is the accident that Arya said.

Arya is like a frustrated child who goes out in search of light and hope, only to plunge headlong into the dark forest.

Fortunately, Su Yun has long been aware of the "inhumanity" of Universe.

At this time, Arya used a spell to divide a pile of stones several kilometers thick into two, and found a white granite slab with intricate patterns carved on it, like words or a painting.

She happily began to introduce, "This is the stone slab of the Hall of Valor, the main city of our Aino civilization! During the time of Samsara, the reincarnated people faced the world again here."

Hearing this, Su Yun couldn't bear it a little, and asked for confirmation: "Your authority is Samsara, right?"

"Why do you ask that? If you don't understand the rules of Samsara, it's useless to kill me?" Arya asked suspiciously.

"Hahaha." Su Yun laughed, "Of course there are!" "That's even more strange! I bear the authority of Samsara. If you master the rules of Samsara, you should be suppressed by me, right?" Ellie Ya moved her mind and did something, but finally shook her head helplessly, "But I can't do it."

"My situation is a bit special, but don't worry." Su Yun released some mysterious power of the way of Samsara, which is a kind of power to control life and death Samsara.

Arya pondered for a moment, her brows stretched, "That's good, that's good, I won't die in vain! It's better to give up the authority to the neighbors than to be picked up by someone who doesn't know!"

"But I want to remind you! Although Samsara's authority is not strong, it will attract coveted people, and the Ancient God will also come to the door."

"Thank you for reminding me." Su Yun smiled wryly, feeling helpless.

Through the following communication, Su Yun learned that Arya is actually the most primitive mother tree Ajiali on Ainuo planet, and the real mother of countless Ainuo people.

It is cruel for a mother to personally collect the remains of her own children.

Su Yun could have asked the worker bee robot to help, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

To prevent a mother from doing this is even more cruel.

Arya is still "scavenging", Su Yun is going to give her enough time, anyway, there are still many things to do here.

After returning to Xiu Immortal World, Su Yun asked Su Xiaoxiao to park the spaceship into Aino's orbit, and then sent the Universe probe to measure the parameters of the space rift next to it.

The space rift is less than 0.7 astronomical units away from Aino, and the orbits are almost synchronous.

In addition, the Galaxy where the Aino civilization is located has a young and robust Star, and dozens of rocky Planets, which can be described as rich in resources.

So Su Yun plans to build an interstellar transfer station at the former site of the Aino civilization as a connection node for the wormhole.

Although stargates can consume a certain amount of energy and establish connections at any time, if they want to stably occupy the space rift opened by Ancient God, the stargates connected to it must also be opened at any time.

Therefore, compared to establishing a "point-to-point" connection, it is better to build a transit node, which is energy-saving, high-efficiency, and more secure.

Soon, the parameters of Ainol's space rift were measured, and the star gate of Xiu Immortal World was opened.

A steady stream of Xu Xizi pairs of cores are transported through the star gate.

However, due to the large amount of energy needed to open the stargate, the ships of the space fleet do not have the energy supply capability to open the stargate, so a small particle collider was built near the Aino civilization to produce antimatter—the same as the common matter. Substances with opposite charges.

These antimatter are encapsulated in antimatter batteries, and a battery can be used to open a stargate once.

It is said to be a battery, but in fact the mass of the antimatter battery has reached tens of thousands of tons, and its interior includes positive and negative matter fuel for annihilation, turbid gas, and a device that converts annihilation energy into electrical energy.

After symbolically seeking Arya's consent, the scientific Divine Sect officially began resource development for the Aino Galaxy.

Used to mass produce stargates and antimatter batteries.

So, one day thirty years later.

A stargate 8,000 kilometers away from the ruins of the Ainuo civilization suddenly opened, establishing a connection with Xiu Immortal World.

The space fleet that arrived at the 4.2 light-year wormhole transited through the Immortal World, and finally arrived at the location of the Aino civilization.

Among the star gates, giant steel ships flew out of the wormholes and lined up outside the ruins of the Aino civilization in a mighty fashion.

Arya also completed her final mission to the Aino civilization and was invited to repair the Immortal World as a guest.

Su Yun and Arya flew to the star gate to repair the Immortal World with their physical bodies, followed by the Immortal World repair.

When Arya was hanging in front of the huge metal ring of the star gate, she couldn't help feeling emotional, and communicated with Su Yun with bio-electromagnetic waves: "Unexpectedly, you have mastered the means that Ancient God possesses!"

"When you know the underlying operating principle of the universe, you can do a lot of things. This is science." Su Yun explained with a chuckle.

"I understand! Our Ainor civilization also gave birth to science!" Arya said a little unconvinced, but then frowned, "Compared with your Immortal World, we are like children playing house, still in the It's the pastoral stage."

Her blue eyes saw the peaceful Immortal World through the star gate, and she couldn't help being stunned, "I remember when I left the Immortal World, the Immortal World was just a pure cultivation civilization, but how could it be just over a thousand years?" , science has developed to such a height."

"We at Aino developed Ten Thousand Years, but that's about it."

Su Yun smiled, and didn't tell her that the technological level of Immortal World has developed to the present level, in fact, it only took more than a hundred years.

Seeing the snickering expression on Su Yun's face, Arya roughly guessed something, "It seems that there is no Thousand Year time!"

Su Yun smiled lightly: "The form of civilization determines whether civilization can light up the technology tree and what type of technology it lights up."

"Just like you Ainuo, isn't biotechnology far superior to repairing the Immortal World?"

"But if it is a civilization that relies too much on Spiritual Qi and the power of the soul, since everything can be done through the means of Spiritual Qi or the soul, it will never explore the mystery of the material world itself, and it will never be able to awaken science."

"Science is the search for essence, and other means are pure empiricism."

Arya nodded her head, "Su Yun, do you say that there is a purely scientific civilization?"

Su Yun hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile, "Of course there are, but it's not far away."

After a brief reply, Su Yun took Arya into the star gate and headed for Immortal World.

Everyone in the scientific Divine Sect also gathered briefly, except Jiang Mu.

Yan and Mu Ling traveled the Hundred Year with the space fleet, and experienced many stories and accidents, but they were considered safe and sound.

Mu Ling has finally grown into an adult, more like a dragon.

The hair has become pale gold, and the clothes on his body are made of dragon scales. There are only two colors of Baijin, and there are faint gold scale patterns on the skin, which is quite dragon-like.

But his temper has not changed at all! Reckless, not a positive type.

Li Su, Ye Buxiu, Yin Niang, and Zhang Qiang, who stayed in Xiu Immortal World, managed the rear area of ​​Xiu Immortal World very well.

Ye Buxiu and Yin Niang happened to have two newborns, twins, just before the universe's spiritual change.

A group of people gathered together and enjoyed themselves happily, so Arya seemed even more lonely.

It took Su Yun a lot of effort to let her blend into the joyful gathering.

As a guest, let her take a good tour of the brand-new Xiu Immortal World, and also revisit the old ruins on the edge of the Tianhen Strait.

Until one day, Arya found Su Yun and said the words that she had prepared for a long time, "I, it's time to go."

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