Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 229 Beyond The Speed ​​Of Light

Sensing the Sidu on Su Yun's face, he stared blankly and said, "Are you afraid?"

"Don't talk about fear, it's just planning." Su Yun raised his eyebrows and said.

"If you can really take away their right to the Dao, my spirit, body, and body will also be surrendered, so I don't need you to do it!" The expression on Ming's face faded, and he said lightly.

"Thanks in advance, Su Yun." Su Yun said sincerely.

Then Su Yun bid farewell to Ming, let Ming stay at ease, and allowed him enough range of activities, so he wouldn't be bored.

Then he used the identity of the creator to transfer the authority of the cloud realm, trying to create a black hole in the cloud realm.

But firstly, the rules of the cloud world are not perfect, and black holes cannot be formed spontaneously; secondly, it is also because Su Yun does not know the mysteries of black holes, and cannot create things beyond cognition without knowing the principles.

The Immortal World reappears in the main universe.

The invisible barrier originally molded by Ming is gone now.

In other words, it was the warning line that Ming built on his own.

The star gate is activated again, opening the space wormhole with Aino's transfer station.

Under Su Xiaoxiao's command and dispatch, a large number of people and machines came through the space wormhole, and a space station will be built near the star gate for daily maintenance and security defense of the star gate.

At the same time, as one of the nodes of the Stargate network, numbered "2-51", it will be included in future planning.

The "aboriginal people" in the cloud world serve as the main force of the station personnel.

The construction of the space station has begun to take shape, and the repair Immortal World continues to advance towards the center of the Guangji Galaxy under the farewell of thousands of people to start a very long war.

This is a battle over the power of the road, but the ultimate goal is to defeat the Ancient God.

At the same time, a carrier ship set off from the 2-51 space node, equipped with ten small star gates, and headed for the empty Universe area.

It will start a high-stakes project called "wormhole traversal."

As the name suggests, the ten star gates will constantly adjust various parameters, and use traversal to find unoccupied space gaps, so as to achieve random space jumps.

But it is not known whether the space wormhole is a stable space or an Ancient God, so it is extremely risky.

Therefore, the target area for setting up the star gate is carefully selected. There is a star system where life has not been born, and the blue and white white dwarfs are enough to supply the energy to open the star gate.

At the same time, another plan is also in full swing.

Through the induction when performing the way of Samsara, Su Yun can roughly determine the area where Guangji unites the civilizations.

But the nearest one is five thousand years away, so a technology research project was officially launched, with the purpose of mastering the superluminal propulsion technology.

The technology path that Su Yun can think of is still Xu Xizi.

Except for the cultivator's mastery of the laws of space at the soul level, only Xu Xizi can manipulate space.

So various studies on Xu Xizi began under the auspices of Su Yun.

Since the real ions in a pair of virtual ions can radiate out of the low-curvature space infinitely, the speed at which the space itself diverges between the pairs of virtual ions exceeds the speed of light, and the farther the distance between the pairs of virtual ions, the faster the speed.

And this conclusion is supported by observational data.

In other words, the speed of light is the lower limit of the speed when the space between the pair of hypochondriacs diverges!

So Su Yun built a huge vacuum laboratory on the Xiu Immortal World, and restrained a pair of Ukiko and Mikiko at the two ends of a kilometer apart.

A superluminal space flow is formed between the two.

It's like a river, but what flows in it is space, from Shixizi to Xuxizi, and the speed is ten minus eight times faster than the speed of light.

Various studies are carried out here.

"Xiao Xiao, let's put in the stationary object first!" Su Yun ordered through the communication channel through his thoughts.


Su Xiaoxiao controlled a mechanical arm, and slowly moved a small ball made of fairy-level metal materials to a quarter of the superluminal space flow close to Mikiko's side, which is 250 meters away.

The direction is perpendicular to the connecting line of virtual Xizi pairs.

"Sui Sui, what do you think will be the result?" Su Yun asked in the tone of a teacher testing a student, naturally through his mind.

"Sect Leader, do you think I'm stupid?" Murong Sui was dissatisfied, "Isn't this a conclusion that has been proven long ago? You can know it through pure theoretical calculations!"

"An object is stationary in a stable space, and it is naturally stationary in a space flow! The space flow is not a water flow, and it will not do work on the object!"

"That's a good answer." Su Yun nodded and smiled, "Xiao Xiao, let's release the ball."

The pincers of the robotic arm opened, releasing the ball into the air.

The simulated gravity is turned off in the laboratory, so the ball floats quietly in the air.

"Xiao Xiao, give the ball an initial downward velocity!"

Immediately, the mechanical arm lightly touched the ball, pressing it down, gaining a little speed.

The ball fell at a steady speed, and soon hit the ground.

"Sui Sui, why is this?"

Murong Sui said without hesitation: "This is because the spatial flow between pairs of Xuxizi only extends in the direction of the connection line, and it is normal in the direction of the cross section, or the influence is minimal."

"That's right." Su Yun asked again, "The ball was not torn apart because of the extension of the space in the direction of the connection line, and why?"

Murong Sui was stunned for a while, "You've made it difficult for me..."

Su Yun smiled faintly, "This only shows that in the absence of strong fluctuations in the space, the number of hypochondrion pairs that appear in the space due to quantum fluctuations has a stable mathematical relationship with the curvature of the space."

"Where the curvature of space is high, the frequency of the instant appearance and annihilation of virtual Hideon pairs in the Higgs field is high; where the space curvature is low, the frequency of appearance and annihilation of virtual Hideon pairs is low."

"And the mass of the ball is given by the Higgs boson or the Higgs field."

"The small ball has not been torn, which means that its mass has not changed, which means that the interaction between the small ball and the Higgs field is consistent and stable. Therefore, even if the space is flowing faster than the speed of light, the Higgs field and the Higgs field are consistent and stable. Object interactions are also fixed."

"The lower the curvature of space, the faster the movement speed of the space itself, and the lower the frequency of quantum fluctuations of hypochondrion pairs, but when various factors are superimposed, the number of hypochondrion pairs interacting with the ball per unit time is Changeless."

"This also shows that objects with mass cannot reach the speed of light, let alone exceed the speed of light."

Murong Sui couldn't turn his head around for a moment, "Sui Sui doesn't understand, Sect Leader, explain it!"

"It is easy to understand that if the small ball moves with the superluminal space flow at superluminal speed, the few hypochondrion pairs in the expanding low-curvature space cannot give the small ball enough mass, which violates the law of energy conservation. "

"It's not easy to understand..." Murong Sui was a little ashamed. Regarding these extremely cutting-edge scientific theories, she thought she couldn't think of them even with the bionic scalp on her head.

But after thinking for a while, she suddenly realized and exclaimed: "Could it be that we really can't exceed the speed of light? This is not good news." "Then it's the turn of the second experiment." Su Yun's eyes were deep He smiled, his eyes full of thought.

"Xiao Xiao, release the high-energy particle beam radially!"

After receiving the order, Su Xiaoxiao controlled the deployment of an electromagnetic rail to keep it parallel to the direction of the disassembled Xuxie pair, which was used to export high-energy particles in the particle collider.

There is a small particle collider built on the Immortal World, which is powerful enough to produce high-energy particles at a speed very close to the speed of light.

A beam of high-energy particles flew out in parallel, and also shot into the space flow at a quarter of the side close to Mikiko.

The direction of motion is consistent with the direction of spatial divergence.

These high-energy particles have charge and spin properties, which will generate a weak electromagnetic field, so their whereabouts can be detected by sensors on the cross-section, and they will be enlarged and displayed as simulated images in the holographic projection.

But what is surprising is that the beam of high-energy particles is moving in the space flow at an extremely slow speed, but in the opposite direction!

Energetic particles are receding! Reverse speed, three meters per second.

And as the energy dissipates, the receding speed of the high-energy particle beam is even increasing.

On the calculation interface, we can see that the energy lost by high-energy particles through electromagnetic radiation is the increment of the high-energy particle’s retreat velocity, or the loss of kinetic energy of the high-energy particle itself!

And the initial velocity of the high-energy particle receding is just the difference between the high-energy particle and the space divergence velocity.

After thinking about it, Murong Sui rushed to answer: "Is it because these high-energy particles can't run through the expanding space, they seem to be retreating!"

"Although the high-energy particle is in a low-curvature space, and the interaction with the Higgs field is extremely weak, its own speed is extremely high, but the static mass is transformed into a dynamic mass, which does not violate the law of conservation of energy!"

"Smart! As expected of a good student I have taught!" Su Yun praised with a thumbs up.

"Cut~ Self-promotion..." Murong Sui pouted helplessly, "However, this still proves that the speed of an object cannot exceed the speed of light, so it is impossible to propel faster than the speed of light."

But her little head didn't stop thinking, "Even the speed of the photon itself can't exceed the speed of light, and it won't work to reduce the mass to zero, or transport something with zero mass."

For a moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in her head, "The only thing that can surpass the speed of light is space itself! Then send a piece of space there!"

"That's right, that's what I thought." Su Yun nodded, rubbed his chin and said, "But it's hard."

After saying that, Su Yun used the power of the law of space to wrap the high-energy particles in the void. The speed of the high-energy particles' receding was only slightly slowed down, which was hardly noticeable.

Then he explained: "This is the method of spatial transition in the law of space. A trapped space bubble is created around high-energy particles, allowing the space bubble to move along the high-curvature position to the low-curvature position, but the propulsion efficiency is extremely low."

"Because the space between the pair of virtual Xizi is also balanced, and the curvature of the space at the real Xizi is only a very small value, it cannot meet the requirements of curvature advancement."

"Then how did your spatial leap reach thousands of miles away in an instant?" Murong Sui couldn't help asking.

Su Yun stared and said: "The transition can only be made within the range that my power of the law of space can sense, so that the curvature of one place increases sharply, and the curvature of one place decreases, and the curvature of space is balanced on a large scale."

"So I can only jump within the range of induction."

"It's like I'm on a boat, and I can reach any place on the boat, but I can't make the boat move forward. What we need is a pair of oars, oars that can borrow strength from a stable space."


Murong Sui quickly replied again: "Rowling does not rely on oars, it all depends on a wave! Find a huge wave that you can ride on!"

"Yes." Su Yun's mood was a little sad, "It's just that the above two methods need to overcome a technical problem, space anchoring."

"Spatial anchoring is the paddle, and also the hull for riding the waves!"

"Sect Leader, do you have any ideas?" Murong Sui said helplessly, his head was empty.

Su Yun shook his head, and said in a dazed tone, "In any case, we can only attack the Higgs boson, there is no other way."

Perhaps due to his enthusiasm for science, Murong Sui's eyes were burning with fighting spirit, "Then let's work hard!"



In the future, the difficult and long research began.

One Hundred Years passed, the space anchor technology did not make any progress, but the "Wormhole Traversal" project had good news, and Su Xiaoxiao started to yell in the laboratory.

"Good news, good news! We found a usable space rift on the other side of the Guangji Galaxy, 44,000 Qian Guang years away, numbered lx-3, the occupation is complete, and the universe detector has been sent out, the surrounding area is safe!"

"How far is the nearest civilization to Guangji Union?" Su Yun asked expectantly.

"According to the range you delineated, Su Yun, the distance to the nearest civilization is six thousand light years..." Su Xiao wrote, his voice weakened.

"Six thousand years? That's useless!" Murong Sui said in amazement.

After thinking for a moment, Su Yun frowned, "Xiao Xiao, open the star map and mark the location!"

In an instant, a holographic image appeared in front of Su Yun's eyes, and a line connected the Xiu Immortal World with the location of the space rift.

The connection spans 44,000 light years, avoids the black hole in the center of the galaxy, and passes through three civilizations.

The civilization closest to Xiu Immortal World is impressively connected.

After thinking for a long time, a very flirty idea popped into Su Yun's mind!

So the Xiu Immortal World docked, opened the star gate, transited through the Aino transfer station, and arrived at the area where the "wormhole traversal" plan was implemented.

At the same time, he also brought a large number of black and white two-color metal balls encapsulating virtual Kiko pairs.

Before the star gate connected to the space rift numbered lx-3, use the mechanical means to open the star gate to separate the paired black Baijin attribute balls.

The white ball is placed on the side of the star gate, and the black ball is sent to the side of the space rift.

At the same time, the detection robots located in the two locations were also deployed, arranged in a row, with the distance between the robots reaching several astronomical units.

"Close the stargate."

The star gate responded quickly, and the inner star ring began to slow down through electromagnetic induction.

Due to the harsh conditions for maintaining the stargate, the moment the stargate is closed, the wormhole disappears.

At the same time, the White metal ball instantly burst into light, which was the energy produced by the explosion of the turbid gas crystal encapsulating Mikiko.

Mikiko broke free from the encapsulation of the turbid gas crystal and escaped!

By measuring the spatial disturbance caused by the detection robot, its escape velocity was calculated, which was 30,000 times the speed of light!

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