The carriage didn't stop all night, Roy and Noel took turns driving, trying to take advantage of the late night to drive more.

"Fate" didn't seem to tease the two of them anymore, and the journey went smoothly, at least they left the range of Clay Town smoothly.

The warm sun rising from the east shone on the tired faces of the two, and when they arrived at a pasture, Roy untied the horse and let them graze, and also got some food for himself and Noel.

Not far away in sight, a group of sheep wandered out from behind the bushes, followed by a shepherd, a skinny child.

Roy picked up a piece of heated bread and bacon and handed it to Noel, "Noel, go back to the carriage."

Noel, who hadn't been active for a long time, took the food and quickly strolled back to the carriage.

Roy approached the shepherd and greeted him eagerly, "Hey, shepherd, how far is this from the border of the Roy Federation?"

The shepherd glanced at the carriage and said in a childish voice: "For a horse, it only takes two days. If it is a carriage, it may take four or five days."


The shepherd looked serious, "A flash flood broke out not far ahead, and the road was broken! You also know that the weather is warm in spring, and it will inevitably happen after the ice and snow melt. If you want to take a carriage, you have to go around far."

"Thank you, Shepherd." Roy thanked casually.

"Is there no reward?" the shepherd asked without hesitation.

"What do you want?" Roy suddenly felt amused and asked with a smile.

The shepherd pointed to the glass kerosene lamp hanging in front of the carriage, "Give it to me, and I won't report on you."

Roy looked wary, but not yet hostile to a child, "Did you see the reward notice?"

"Everyone in Clay Town knows." The shepherd said with a blank expression, "The notice has already been pasted on the buttocks of my sheep."

"You are not afraid that I, a vicious robber, will silence you." Roy asked with a smile.

"The robbers will not carefully prepare breakfast for the hostages, and let the hostages walk around." The shepherd shook his head.

"But this glass kerosene lamp is not cheap." Roy pretended to be embarrassed.

The shepherd frowned, and whipped the passing sheep, "Then add another message."

"I heard that there are many demons coming from the border. I don't know if they are here to arrest you."

"Thank you." Roy simply took off the kerosene lamp and threw it to the shepherd.

After a brief tidying up, the carriage started again. Noel poked his head out from behind the curtain, "What happened in Clay Town has spread to the border."

"After all, there is a lot of movement." Roy thought about it, "I guess there are quite a few chasing soldiers behind."

Just at this moment, a flock of crows flew over in the sky, coming from the border.


These ravens had red eyes. When they saw the carriage, they suddenly gathered around and hovered over the carriage.

Even became agitated.

Roy instinctively felt uneasy.

Suddenly, a few more crows broke away from the group of circling crows and returned to the direction of the border.

"Things are wrong!" Roy immediately strangled the reins and stopped the carriage, "These ravens might be their means of detection!"

Roy looked around. The left side of the road was the prairie, and the right side was the primeval forest. To escape the crows' pursuit, he had to go into the forest.

"Noel, get out of the car, you can only ride the horse from now on."

"No problem, I can!" Noel jumped out of the cart neatly and began to help the horses untie the rope and install the saddle.

After a while, the two rode their horses and turned into the forest. The three ravens followed as if they were being controlled by someone.

The trees in the forest are tall, their branches grow high, and the bottom is a thick trunk, neither of them may be able to hug them.

Moreover, the branches and leaves on the top are extremely lush, almost Shrouding the Heavens to block out the sun, so the forest under the forest is a bit dark and even cold, no grass grows, but a thick layer of Liu Ye-shaped dead leaves is piled up.

Therefore, the two horses couldn't run fast, and couldn't get rid of the raven's pursuit at all.

Roy took out the iron crossbow with his backhand and aimed at one of them, but the raven was very flexible and couldn't predict its position at all, so it missed three shots in a row.

"Wow~Wow~Wow~" sounds like a mockery of him.

Roy had to give up, and at the same time he was thinking of a plan quickly.

And not long after they went deep into the forest, a group of hundreds of cavalry rushed towards the position where the raven hovered.

The Mage that Roy met earlier in Clay Town was among them.

The ravens neighed and flew into the forest one after another.

After a while, Roy suddenly heard the sound of stepping on dead leaves behind him, very hurriedly, accompanied by barking one after another.

"There are hunting dogs!"

At this time, the sound of birds walking among the leaves came from the top of the forest, and there was a lot of noise.

Animals like horses are not suitable for running on thick and soft humus layers, and horseshoes often sink in, which increases resistance for no reason.

Gradually, the sound of the hound was getting closer, but the speed of the horse had reached its limit.

Roy looked back a few times, and saw that three black and brown slender hounds had jumped out from the cover of the giant tree, their eyes were blood red, as if they were mad.

Taking advantage of its speed, the hound leaped high and rushed towards Roy on horseback.

Seeing this, Roy had no choice but to draw out the hunting knife and wave it over.

But the hound seems to have overestimated the speed of its own, so it rushed to nothing, lost its balance, slid on the ground for a while, stopped, and the hunting knife's slashing also failed.

But immediately, the other two also rushed from the side, and the target was changed to a horse.

After two snorts on the horse's legs, the horse raised its head and neighed. Roy almost grabbed the rein and fell off the horse's back.

And the pain sent the horse kicking hard, kicking the hound away.

The two hounds flew upside down, rolled a few times on the soft dead leaves, belly up, twisted a few times before returning to normal, and continued to chase.

The hounds were safe and sound, but the blood from the horse's legs spurted into a jet of water and splashed all the way.

Roy could clearly feel the speed of the horses beneath him slowing down.

Just as he was holding the rein in one hand and the hunting knife in the other, Noel shouted in front: "Roy! There's a cave ahead!"

"It's useless! If you go in, you will be trapped to death." Roy shouted loudly.

"But there's water coming out, maybe it's okay!" Noel turned his head with an anxious expression on his face, "There's no other way, so I'll be caught sooner or later!"

Thinking about it again, Roy seemed to be in a desperate situation and could only take a gamble.

"Go, enter the cave!"

The two horses went straight to the cave, one behind the other.

After stepping through the shallow water in front of the cave, there was a chilly wind, damp, cold, and seemed to have some kind of fishy smell. I don't know if it came from algae or something else.

The good news is, with moving air in there, there must be a way out.

"Noel, find a place to hide and cover your ears!"

After getting away from the entrance of the cave, Roy got off his horse, looked at the bright world outside, and a few hounds running wildly, he squeezed the fireball rune, muttered softly, and read a string of chant words from his mouth. The fireball technique took shape very quickly, and Roy was right on time, and when the hound was approaching the entrance of the hole, he shot the fireball out.

After a bright white flame, a shock wave followed, knocking Roy into the air and falling into the cold water, which relieved part of the impact.

Amidst a burst of tinnitus, Roy struggled to raise his neck, seeing the light in the cave dimmed in the next few seconds until it was completely dark, he breathed a sigh of relief and lay back in the icy water.

The shock wave of the explosion made his mouth smell fishy and sweet, and his lungs felt like they were being torn apart. In addition, the smoke and dust from the collapse of the hole also floated over, making it difficult to breathe.

The brain also swayed for a while, and the feeling of dizziness filled the whole body.

Hearing is impaired, and he can't see his fingers. The feeling of water flowing around him seems to be magnified several times, and it is very clear. He can even feel the fine hairs on his skin floating in the water like water plants.

The running water gradually took away the heat, so that he no longer had the desire to move, and let the running water do everything to him.

Suddenly, he felt irregular fluctuations in the water, and then he vaguely heard the sound of feet stepping in the water, and Noel's shout.

"Roy~ Roy!"

Then, there was a "pop" sound when the human body hit the water surface in a large area, breaking the surface tension.


After a brief struggle, Noel crawled over and touched Roy's face after a long time.

"Roy, are you okay!"

"It's okay, but it's only okay." Roy managed to escape the words.

After hearing loss, listening to himself, it was like someone whispering in the ear, not very real, and he was not sure if Noel could hear it.

Then Roy found himself being dragged from Noel's armpit to a dry spot by the water, where he sat against a wall.

It took a while for Roy to feel his tinnitus and dizziness get better, at least he can move his body.

He took out the oil lamp he had used for lighting from the storage bag, lit it with a flint and steel, and restored the light in the cave.

Noel was sitting on the ground in a duck position, watching himself worriedly.

"It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise I don't know what to do."

Roy also noticed that the exposed skin on Noel's body was covered with bloody scratches, especially his fingers, which were still oozing blood drop by drop, "I'm sure, don't worry, it's you who insisted on crawling on the ground and got hurt all over your body." .”

"I'm afraid of stepping on you." Noel frowned.

"Be bold next time." Roy laughed.

Then I found that I was still holding the rune in my hand, but there were no flowing lines of fire on the rune.

But he still put the rune away.

But at this moment, there was another explosion sound outside the cave, and it was a bit dull to hear it through a pile of rocks.

The rocks and dust on the roof of the cave began to fall sparsely, and even the flame of the oil lamp shook.

"It seems that someone wants to blast the hole open with magic."

"Let's go in, and you can't catch it?" Roy declined Noel's help, stood up by himself, endured the severe pain in his lungs, and walked in with the oil lamp in his hand.

But Noel still snatched the oil lamp in hand, carried it by himself, and walked forward cautiously.

Only at this time did Roy realize that own's knee was injured by the splashing stones, and he was still a little numb, so his speed was slower than Noel's.

The inside of the cave is fairly flat, but the accumulated small stones are not perfectly round, and most of them are sharp and angular.

The two walked one in front and one behind. They walked for an unknown amount of time, but the cave was still very flat. Maybe this cave was an abandoned mine.

Turn a corner, there is light ahead!

Noel excitedly blew out the oil lamp, trotted over, turned the corner, and disappeared.

Roy couldn't help quickening his pace.

Just entering the bright light, Roy was still a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously covered his eyes with his arms. After a while, he saw Noel raised his head, stepped back in a daze, and pulled his hands back, meaning to let Roy go quickly! !

Roy would not leave alone, he stepped forward quickly, turned his head and found that his field of vision was completely occupied by a giant beast, it was a dragon, a giant dragon!

This place is a huge karst cave, the top of which is like a patio revealing the blue sky White Cloud, only surrounded by lush shrubs.

This place seems to be the lair of a giant dragon. The bottom of the cave is full of large and small bones, exuding corruption and stench.

And the dragon in front of him was a giant lizard dragon like the one in the west. It stood two stories high, and its flapping wings were as huge as the mainsail of a sailboat. Except for the wings, other parts of the body are covered with gray-black scales with metallic luster.

The dragon's head has horns and some spike-like protrusions, and the eyelids open and close to keep watermelon-sized Amber-colored eyeballs moist.

But its left leg was broken from the knee, and it could only stand on one leg by flapping its wings, approaching the two of them little by little.

The dragon roared at the two of them, spattering saliva.

Roy was about to leave immediately, but found that Noel was so frightened that his legs were weak and he couldn't move. Roy rushed to take her away, but at this moment, the dragon slapped Noel with its wings.

Roy only felt a strong wind blowing against his face, and then the light dimmed.

There was a chill in his heart, but the chill in his heart was soothed by a burst of green light that was suddenly lit up, and there were whispers in his ears like a girl praying.


I can't understand the meaning of the words, but they are very profound and mysterious.

Roy didn't know what happened, only that the dragon's wings didn't flap.

After the green light faded, Roy saw the situation in front of him clearly.

The dragon backed away, and Noel was so frightened that he sat on the ground with his legs limp, holding her necklace in his hand, and the light of Green on the rune was fading.

Nothing seemed to happen, no blood, no flames, not even a loud bang.

However, something did happen, and Roy was surprised to find that there was no tearing in own lungs and no pain in his legs.

Looking at the giant dragon is even more shocking.

The dragon's original mutilated left leg has been restored!

Roy's heart skipped a beat, how could Noel's healing technique be indistinguishable from the enemy? The milk went opposite!

At this time, the dragon folded its wings and approached Noel with its feet. Roy hurried over to hug her, and the dragon's head stretched out.

Then a bright red, slender and flexible tongue sticks out from the gap in the mouth, and it flicks on Noel's face, making his face drool.

For a moment, Noel closed one eye, looked back at Roy and said, "It doesn't seem to be malicious anymore!"

"It's true for you, but it's hard for me." Roy said, looking at the dragon vigilantly.

"I'll cover you!" Noel squinted and smiled.

After a short period of relaxation, there was another discordant sound in the cave. It was the crashing sound of soldiers' armors as they ran. It seemed far away in the cave, but it was actually very close.

In a blink of an eye, a group of iron armored soldiers rushed out, all holding torches. When they saw the dragon, they were surprised at first, and then drew their swords. The elderly knight commander said to Roy, "Spy Roy Kahn, you have already You are desperate, accept the king's judgment obediently!"

"Since when did I become a spy?!"

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