At the same time, King Eaton's car was speeding away from the front line, heading for a fort near the border.

The medieval-style fortress is a huge single building, with a height of more than 20 floors, a width and depth of more than 200 meters, and a high defensive wall around it, which is enough to run a horse on the top.

The fortress is all built of light-colored hard granite, but it feels inexplicably chilling.

It was originally a frontier defense building, but now it is the palace where the king and queen stay.

There are two lines of guards at the gate, and a soft red carpet is laid in the middle. The color is extremely bright red, as if dyed with blood, and it looks out of place with the surrounding buildings.

Soon, Luanjia surrounded by guards approached, and the wheels ran over the red carpet and entered the castle.

Before the car stopped, Edin Eaton got out of the carriage and walked down the ladder.

Then Queen Hera also opened the curtain, leaned out and drilled out.

Aidin scolded: "Hera, go back!"

"No, I want to see my daughter, my only daughter!!" Hera said decisively.

Aidin fell silent, waved his hands to the two servants beside Hera and said, "Take the queen back to rest, sleep, everything will be fine after sleep."

Then he turned and left.

Hera's heart-piercing roar came from behind, "Aidin, you bastard!! You can't do this to Noel, that's our daughter!!"

But for a moment, Hera's roar came and went like a shower, and she was physically hypnotized by the own servant.

Ai Ding went underground into a secret tunnel without looking back.

There are oil lamps embedded in the granite walls on both sides of the tunnel, and the flickering lights made the ceiling black with smoke.

Soon, Aidin walked to the end and came to a huge square underground palace.

It was extremely dark here, and there were only two huge pots of flames burning in the distance. What was burning was not oil, but a red-burning ore.

And surrounded by two piles of flames was a ten-meter-high stone pillar with a person tied to it.

Aidin walked over slowly in the dark, and saw a magic rune faintly lit around the brazier, and the center of the rune was the pillar.

"Nor, are you... okay." Aidin couldn't bear it, showing a fatherly look.

But he only got Noel's cold and resentful eyes.

Noel was tightly bound to the stone pillar by the green vines covered with thorns, his hands and feet could not move at all, his soft skin was a little swollen and pale, but the purple-red strangle marks were particularly frightening.

Moreover, the sharp thorns on the vines pierced the clothes and pierced into the skin, and the blood had already smeared everywhere, soaking the broken clothes to a sticky state.

These vines sprouted from the pearlwood necklace, and the pearlwood became the medium for magic.

So Nuoer raised his head to express his resentment to Aidin with some reluctance.

"Sorry, Noel, but this is your own choice." Aidin withdrew her pitiful gaze, shook his head and sighed, "Why don't you just want to come back and be the honorable Princess Noel?"

"I never thought of being such a shitty princess!" Noel said weakly, "It was you who completely destroyed my original Life!"

"No, you have Eton's blood on your body, you should be Eton's princess by birth! This is an inescapable fate!" Aidin roared ferociously, and the wrinkles on his face deepened a bit.

"That traitor John George took you, damn him!"

"And that Roy Kahn, who dared to reduce the royal family of Eaton to a lowly magician, should die!"

"Arrogant, domineering, disgusting!" Noel spat at Aidin's face as he sucked up the dirty blood in his mouth.

Aiding wiped his face and sighed, "I thought I had already lost you, but today I am sure that I really lost my precious daughter."

He paused, "But I can't lose any more..."

Immediately, Aidin raised his hand and used brute force to pull away the vine on Noel's chest, ignoring the several deep cuts made by the sharp thorns on the soft part of her chest.

Then he tore open the rags on his chest, reached out and took out a pendant, pulled it hard, and pulled the pendant off.

It was the same necklace that Noel had been wearing, and the pendant was a small leaf-shaped metal clasp engraved with runes.

The necklace was covered with drops of blood, and the rune on it had emitted green light, which was extraordinarily dazzling in the dim environment.

Ai Ding looked at the necklace in his hand, and said with a sneer, "It seems that part of the seal has been lifted."

Noel clenched her teeth and struggled a few times, trying to get back the necklace, but she couldn't move. Without Roy by her side, she was just an ordinary person, a weak woman.

With the green light from the rune on the necklace reflected in Aidin's eyes, he said regretfully, "Noel, you could have owned it and become the heir to the Kingdom of Eaton."

"When the kingdom was in turmoil, I asked my most trusted knight commander John to escape from the rebels with the two most important things in my life."

"One is you, and the other, as you can see, is this necklace, Eaton's Supreme devil armaments'—the Leaf of Life."

He subconsciously shook the necklace in his hand.

Noel's eyes followed the green light of the pendant, and a sad smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "John is right, you just want to get back your Supreme devil armaments'!"

"No, it's just that Eaton can't lose the Supreme devil armaments', it's a chaotic world!" Aidin explained almost yelling, and finally shook his head weakly.

After a long silence, Aidin showed a calm face, and said softly: "In order to prevent the Supreme devil armaments from being used easily, a magic seal is placed on them, and the bloodline of the Eton royal family is needed to loosen the seal."

"If you want to completely remove the seal, you can only use blood sacrifice."

While speaking, Aidin raised his hand to caress Noel's pale face, "Originally, I was the one who planned the blood sacrifice, but it's a pity."

Ai Ding withdrew his hand, his fingertips were inevitably stained with bright red blood, he put his finger close to the leaf of life, and the stained blood was sucked up in an instant.

Immediately, Aidin's face turned cold, he took a few steps back, and began to chant words in his mouth, and the necklace in his hand floated into the air, echoing with the magic circle on the ground.

Then, Noel's painful wailing echoed in the underground palace.

Strands of blood were pulled out of the wound alive, forming interlaced blood lines in the air, forming a bloody cage that trapped Noel.

The sticky blood finally merged into the Leaf of Life, and the magic power around the Leaf of Life began to become restless, and a very oppressive atmosphere permeated the underground palace, which was gradually revealed by the Supreme devil armaments' majesty.

And then dissipated, is Noel's life.

Noel let out a final whimper, calling Roy's name.


At this time, outside the fortress, the guarding Eaton soldiers saw something strange far away in the sky. It seemed that a huge storm was brewing.

The wind that should not appear in this season is howling on the grassland.

"What's going on? How can there be a hurricane on land?"


"Yes, a hurricane at sea."

"I remember Norton Lake over there, can a hurricane form on the surface of the lake?"

"No, that should be magic!"

During the conversation between the soldiers, a very dazzling flash of light suddenly lit up at the position of the storm in the sky, the brightness even overshadowed the sun hanging down in the sky on the other side.


"Bright Judgment!"

Roy, who was flying in the clouds, roared out the names of the moves in ordinary language, so as to cheer up his own spirit.

A hundred sun-like dazzling and scorching light spheres were aggregated and compressed into a hundred firefly-sized light spots, and shot towards Naga, and shot into Naga's body like a projectile in an instant.

And Roy had to exhaust the last of his magic power and cast a magic barrier to resist the sharp wind and rain around him.

Naga just howled a few times in pain, and was immediately engulfed by the orange light.

The light spots that shot into the body of the big snake finally exploded, forming a hundred huge fireballs, which were strung together by the big snake like beads.

In just a split second, the big snake was blown to pieces and was broken into countless pieces.

The power of the explosion was not enough to directly destroy the huge storm covering hundreds of miles, but Shenyuan Snake Dance lost the power to maintain it, and its power was instantly reduced a lot.

But the remaining power was enough to turn the big snake's wreckage into a pulp, and rolled up into the sky along with the storm.

Roy, who was inside the golden magic barrier, lowered his eyes slightly. The difficult battle made him exhausted, lacking in energy, with little magic power left, and the magic barrier was on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Roy suddenly sensed that the connection with Noel was interrupted, so there was only one possibility, Nour died.

"Noel..." Roy murmured softly, his frail body was no longer enough for him to express such intense emotion as sadness.

And the explosion from the Judgment of Light also swept over, and finally shattered the precarious magic barrier into powder, and his body was also blown away.

Roy fell into a coma for an instant, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

Even at the edge of the storm, the knife-like wind blades and raindrops instantly twisted him into a bloody man.

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