How should I put it, this woman has a good figure, her front is convex and her back is curled up, and her face seems to be more mature than her body... There is a kind of beauty in the dying days...

But Su Yun's words angered the woman, her complexion changed instantly, and deep wrinkles formed between her brows, "What do you mean by that?"

"Hmph, it's not interesting, I'm just afraid that if I look at it a few more times, I won't be able to extricate myself!" While speaking, Su Yun deliberately covered his eyes with his hands, and made a struggling expression, "Quick, put it on! Ah, the eyes are going to be beautiful blind!"

"You are too good at talking!" The woman smiled and put on the mask, and she looked a lot better in an instant.

"Yin Niang, stop messing with this kid, we are still short of three first-order inner alchemy!" the strong man urged.

"Let's go, Su Yun, see you again when we have a chance." Yin Niang waved her orchid finger.

The three left to find the next robbery target.

And Su Yun couldn't help but think of Wen Bai when he saw Yin Niang's face. Although Wen Bai hadn't aged to such an extent, the situation should be similar.

If Wen Bai gets rid of the erysipelas and recuperates, she should be able to restore the appearance of a young girl. Her bones are very good, and her original appearance is definitely not bad!

Originally, Su Yun planned to hand in the inner alchemy of the Green Viper as a proof of passing the assessment, but now that he thinks about it, he should hand in the inner alchemy of Xuan Tianhe.

Although the inner alchemy of the Xuantian Crane has a certain chance for people to comprehend the spirit beast skill "Wind Feather Blade", but because the Xuantian Cranes come and go in groups and have strong reproductive ability, the inner alchemy of the Xuantian Crane is far less rare than the Fire Cloud Turtle , and the Green Viper Neidan is almost the same, and it is not a loss to give it out.

And the green viper's inner alchemy and snake gallbladder are good detoxification products, and then leave it to Wen Bai!

After wandering around for a while, Su Yun found that he still prefers the vast world outside, and being in a low cave is really aggrieved.

But he worried about the hidden threat.

At this time, the moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky is full of dark clouds, and the whole forest is shrouded in mist, which is a bit gloomy. There is silence as far as the eye can see, but who can be sure that there is not an undercurrent surging under the silence?

But at this moment, a flame in the distance pierced through the fog and rose into the sky.

"Scarlet Flame Sword Technique!"

This move is just an ordinary Outer Sect fire attribute Sword Technique, but the power displayed by this sword in the distance is far beyond the comparison of ordinary Qi Refining cultivators, as if you can feel the scorching heat of Sword Qi after more than ten miles!

Its power is comparable to that of the Dangshui Sword when the four cores of the Bibo Sword are fully activated!

"Foundation Establishment cultivator?"

Only the Foundation Establishment period cultivator has such ability. When did the Outer Sect disciples produce a Foundation Establishment cultivator? Could it be a breakthrough in the forbidden area?

In Su Yun's impression, there are less than ten disciples of Qi Refining ninth floor Cultivation Base, Li Su is the only Qi Refining ninth floor peak student, and she is a water attribute Spiritual Roots.

The closest person is Fang Ming from Pure Fire Spiritual Roots, Qi Refining Nine-Layer Cultivation Base.

Could it be an adventure to cross a large Realm in a short period of time?

Su Yun thought about it for a moment, and decided to go and have a look.

It's just that the Flying Sword under his feet has been replaced by Bibo Sword, and he is always ready to run.


"Scarlet Flame Sword Technique has such power! Is this the strength of the Foundation Establishment period!"

Just now Chen Yang escaped the sword by chance, and broke out in a cold sweat. After he extinguished the burning corner of his clothes, he squatted on the ground and panted heavily.

Chen Yang struggled to hold on, following the Spirit Power mark left by the thin man all the way, and almost lost his way several times, before he attracted Fang Ming. Ming really fought bravely.

"Is it going to fall short?" Chen Yang pinched his own hole card, if he still can't find Su Yun, he can only use his hole card to get rid of Fang Ming's entanglement.

At this time, there was a rustling sound from the surrounding woods, and a tall and thin figure jumped out. He heard the sound and came over, "Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

"Don't talk nonsense, where are they?" Chen Yang squeezed the long sword in his hand tightly, speaking urgently.

The thin man noticed Fang Ming's strength at the Foundation Establishment level, and was quite surprised. He subconsciously took a few steps back, and then he settled down and said, "This way!"

The two jumped up and down the hills and rocks, one in front and one behind, followed by Fang Ming, who had a raging breath.

"In the cave ahead, I only saw the two female disciples who were with Su Yun, one of them was seriously injured, and there was no trace of Su Yun!" On the way, the thin man reported the situation.

"Is Su Yun here?" Hearing this, Chen Yang's heart sank, but then he thought of a possibility, his face clouded, "One of the women was injured... Could it be that something happened to them, and Su Yun is already dead? !"

At this time, Chen Yang felt an indescribably complicated emotion in his heart. If Su Yun had died, he would be happy, but the planning of these few days was a mistake.

However, it was worth it after all. Although I didn't see Su Yun being tortured and killed with my own eyes, the result is not unacceptable!

"It's cheaper for him! Let's go and have a look first!" Chen Yang imagined in his heart the scene of Su Yun being torn and chewed by the spirit beast, and finally there was no bones left, his words were brisk, and his steps were even more windy.

Arriving in front of the cave where Azhu Alian was hiding, Fang Ming was still relentlessly releasing sword moves from behind, but before he could catch up, Chen Yang took advantage of this gap to condescend and playfully looked at the two women beside the fire in the cave.

There is a not-so-deep ravine between the low hills, and there is an empty cave on the opposite mountain wall. The two of them set up a simple stove in it and are boiling Medicinal herbs.

Because of the astonishing Sword Qi that soared into the sky just now, Azhu had been on guard for a long time, but because of Alian's injury, she couldn't move quickly. As soon as Azhu put the sleeping Alian on her back, the Divine Sense appeared in the released Divine Sense. The two stood on the top of the hill overlooking her.

Looking back, among the two of them, A'Zhu only knew Chen Yang, who was quite high-profile and had conflicts with Su Yun, so she naturally recognized him.

She couldn't help feeling uneasy in her heart, why did Chen Yang come to me?

"Where is Su Yun?"

"Su Yun..." As soon as Su Yun was mentioned, A'Zhu was unavoidably annoyed, with a gloomy and ugly expression on his face.

If he hadn't been separated from Su Yun at that time, he wouldn't have been attacked by a spirit beast on the road, and Alian wouldn't have suffered such serious injuries...

If own is tougher, maybe he can still follow Su Yun! With his strength, any spirit beast can easily deal with it!

Thinking about it, Ah Zhu's little girl mentality started to make trouble, and he was still a little angry.

But obviously it was Su Yun who insisted on driving us away, all of this was his fault!

Then she lamented: "Su Yun has gone somewhere!"

Hearing this, Chen Yang no longer concealed his own joy, "Hahaha, good death!!! God help me too!!"


A'Zhu didn't understand what Chen Yang was laughing at, but then she thought again, if it wasn't for Su Yun, just relying on her and A'Lian, let alone hunting down a second-level spirit beast, they might have died in the giant mouth of the green viper. middle.

Immediately, guilt welled up in my heart.

Seeing Chen Yang's smug face, A'Zhu felt sorry for Su Yun and said, "What? Are you happy that Su Yun is dead?"

"Haha, I'm not only happy, I'm very happy!!" Chen Yang folded his arms and laughed wildly, "I'm going to have a big feast when I go back! Congratulations!"

A'Zhu listened, feeling baffled.

"Is this the meal?"

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