However, for the convenience of trading, it still needs to be exchanged for lower-tier Spirit Stones.

"Please exchange the five mid-tier Spirit Stones for low-tier Spirit Stones."

"Good to say!"

The money was old and rich, and he took a Qiankun bag with a space of one foot, put five middle-grade Spirit Stones and 500 low-grade Spirit Stones in it, and threw it to Su Yun.

After confirming, Su Yun cupped hands to leave.

"Little friend, if you need to buy or sell things in the future, just come to our No. 1 merchant in the world. My master and servant will be waiting here from now on." Qian Lao replied politely.

Su Yun also paid attention to the products in the store, most of them were finished products such as Medicine Pill and Magical Item, and left with Wen Bai as he didn't have the necessary refining materials.

After the two left, Mu Ling snatched the account book, checked it carefully, stomped his feet and complained, "Mr. Qian, your price is too high!"

"It's okay, it's worth it to make this little friend." Mr. Qian stroked his beard and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking.

"What's worth it? It's just two Outer Sect disciples, grab a lot!" Mu Ling closed the ledger, pouted and sulked.

"It's precisely because they are Outer Sect disciples! So it's worth it!" Qian Lao stroked Mu Ling's little head, and explained with a chuckle: "The old man's vision of people can't be wrong."

"If the inner disciple can come up with these things, I won't be surprised! But the Cultivation Base who made the decision is only on the fourth floor of Qi Refining. I think he is the only Qi Refining among the 33 passers this time. Refining middle stage disciple, Su Yun, the younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome!"

"Tch, 80% of them are just lucky, maybe these things are also found by chance!"

"Hehe! Just treat it as an investment. It doesn't matter if you lose money. If you make money, it will be a huge benefit!"


After leaving the shop, Su Yun was in a good mood, it was the first time he saw so much money! According to his previous income, it would take him ten years to earn so much.

Moreover, he also got the middle-grade Spirit Stones, so Su Yun planned to purchase some materials for refining the middle-grade spirit stones!

Taking advantage of the many stalls today, you can also find the materials for refining the new Flying Sword.

"Go, let's go shopping!"

"What blood?" Wen Bai didn't know why, so he was pulled away by Su Yun.

The two of them first went to a herbal medicine shop, Wen Bai often visited and got close to the boss, there were prepared medicinal materials here, with a complete range, enough to meet Wen Bai's needs.

The Medicine Pill that Wen Bai wants to refine is called "Xuanming Qingdu Pill". Refining with slow fire, concentrating its essence, and it will be ready in seven days.

It took more than a hundred Spirit Stones for a pair of medicinal materials, and Su Yun paid generously.

As for purchasing refining materials, Su Yun decided to go shopping at the booth.

Unlike Medicine Pill, which has a fixed formula, refining equipment pays attention to randomness, follows the natural principle of Good Fortune, and uses the characteristics of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to design Magical Items as much as possible, so as to fully exert the aura of the material.

In short, "This dumpling is only made for this bit of vinegar!"

Therefore, there are tens of millions of Magical Items in the world, except for the inferior products such as standard Magical Items, each of which is different.

Su Yun took Wen Bai for a walk, only to be pleasantly surprised.

"Senior brother, how do you sell your spirit-inducing gold?"

"Junior brother, you have good eyesight. This is the third-order spirit-inducing gold, an excellent texture material. I was born and died, so I just mined it from the Yanlong Mine. It's not too much to charge you fifty Spirit Stones, right?"

"But you are only as big as half a fist, and you, senior brother, have the strength of the Foundation Establishment early stage. How can it be difficult to take out a piece of spirit induction gold!"

"Don't come here, fifty Spirit Stones, I won't sell one less!"

Although Su Yun felt that it was a little expensive, the third-tier refining material, Yinling Gold, was hard to come by, and this small piece was enough for a long time. The weapon pattern of the middle-grade spirit core has to be filled with it, and ordinary second-order materials may not be able to withstand such a powerful spirit power flow.

Finally gritted his teeth and bought it.

"Young brother is quite majestic." The Outer Sect brother with Foundation Establishment strength weighed the fifty Spirit Stones in a cloth bag on hand, feeling very happy, and then mysterious Xixi took out a dark red ore, "I have a treasure here , do you want to take a look?"

This stone is spherical in shape, with rough skin, covered with diamond-shaped crystal clusters, partially flawed, wrapped in black stone skin, and looks like a spoiled lychee fruit as a whole.

"Earth Fire gall?"

"Brother is knowledgeable! I took this thing out of the lava with great difficulty, and it is perfect for refining magical items with fire attributes!" Brother Foundation Establishment boasted for a while.

"Earth Fire gallbladder is good, but senior brother, yours is so poor that it can only be regarded as a second-order material. I want 20 Spirit Stones!"

"Even the second level is Earth Fire guts! Fifty Spirit Stones, how about it?"

"It's too expensive, don't want it." Having said that, Su Yun still longed for this Earth Fire gallbladder, and was thinking about how to negotiate the price.

At this moment Wen Bai interrupted suddenly: "Su Yun, I seem to have heard that there was a Sect mission some time ago, that is, the three Elders sent a group of Outer Sect disciples whose Cultivation Base reached the Foundation Establishment to go to the Yanlong Mine to collect Earth Fire guts."

Then he smiled evilly, "However, how do I remember that the disciples have to hand in all the Earth Fire gallbladders. I don't know where the brother got this one from?"

"You..." Brother Foundation Establishment's complexion became tense for a moment, his eyes wandering.

Su Yun understood, and added insult to injury: "It seems that the three Elders have better quality, let's go to him to buy! Let's go!"

"Wait a minute!" Brother Foundation Establishment's face was darkened, his veins were bulging, "Twenty is twenty, take it!"

"Forty!" Su Yun showed four fingers.

This operation stunned Brother Foundation Establishment, why is there a price increase!

Then he nodded happily and said, "Okay, okay, deal!"

"I'm talking about hush money!"


Wen Bai was taken aback, he didn't expect Su Yun to be worse than her! What she wanted was a discount, but Su Yun wanted to whore for nothing!

However, in the end Su Yun still paid 20 Spirit Stones for the deal.

In this way, both parties feel that they have made money, but Su Yun has actually made more money.

Fortunately, this Foundation Establishment brother is not a student of the refining room, otherwise he would know that the material of Earth Fire gallbladder is the same as the second-order and third-order materials in terms of utility, but the second-order one has more impurities, which is a bit more troublesome to deal with. That's all.

A reasonable price should be around forty Spirit Stones.

Make money this wave!

Brother Foundation Establishment was about to close the stall for a speed skate, but Su Yun was attracted by a stall not far away.

It was surrounded by people, noisy and noisy, and words such as "space spar" and "thousand peaks desert" could be vaguely heard.

"Let's just take a look!"

With Wen Bai, Su Yun squeezed in through all kinds of hardships.

On the stall surrounded by the crowd, there was a large piece of black ore, round and shiny, full of pores, and its general shape was somewhat similar to that of a potato. It was larger than a fatty and weighed thousands of catties!

It can be seen from the obvious molten shell and gas imprint on the surface that this is a genuine meteorite! !

The person who sold the ore was a gray-robed Inner Sect male disciple, with a stern and stern face, folded his hands, and stood upright, as steady as Mount Tai.

Su Yun can't see its strength, but judging from the tyrannical Spirit Power fluctuations, it is at least the Foundation Establishment late stage, and even has the Void Pill Cultivation Base!

"Buy it now, one thousand low-quality Spirit Stones!"

"Why is a broken stone so expensive?" Many people sneered.

"Because I am the virtual alchemy cultivator, I risked my life to retrieve it from the Thousand Peaks Desert!" While speaking, a tyrannical breath spread from his body to the audience, like a real Spirit Power airflow that made a gray robe flutter .

Afterwards, a crystal clear emerald Flying Sword pierced through the void, more than three feet away, flying up and down around him, full of momentum.

"Is this the natal Magic Treasures sacrificed from Dantian's inner palace?" Su Yun looked at it with greedy eyes.

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