Scientific Cultivation Of Immortals, Mechanical Ascension

Chapter 48 The Immortal Sword Asks The Heart

"From my point of view, the number one seed must be Li Su, who is at the peak of Cultivation Base Qi Refining, has middle-grade treasures beside him, and has a mature mind, which is far beyond what ordinary disciples can compare!" Su Yun analyzed clearly.

And Ye Buxiu's expression became more and more distorted. He was very angry but still smiled and said: "Hehe, Nephew Su Yun is right."

"Then the second and third seeds are A-Lian and A-Zhu." Su Yun continued talking.

Ye Buxiu: "..."

He passed Su Yun, glanced at Wen Bai, and found that Wen Bai was looking into Su Yun's eyes and smiling, as if his eyes could not tolerate other people at all.

Ye Buxiu felt very uncomfortable, he was so handsome and his Cultivation Base was so high, why couldn't he attract Wen Bai?

At this moment, his mind was disturbed, or it could be said that Wen Bai's appearance made his already peaceful heart stir slightly.

The women I met in the past, there are many talented people, the generation of the aristocratic family, but no one can give Ye Buxiu such a feeling.

Ye Buxiu is a swordsman who can read people's hearts best. In his eyes, Wen Bai is like a piece of pure jade without a trace of Impurities. He has a stunning body, an outstanding Alchemy Talent, but without a trace of pampering and domineering.

In short, it is completely different from those "coquettish sluts" outside...

But looking at Su Yun again, Ye Buxiu feels the same...

For the first time, Ye Buxiu wondered if Own Jianxin wasn't pure enough!

He subconsciously said, "Who are Alian and Azhu?"

Su Yun stretched out his finger and pointed in two directions.

"The Cultivation Base strength of these two people is not outstanding, why did my nephew say that?" Ye Buxiu asked in puzzlement.

"Because they are my friends!" Su Yun giggled.

Ye Buxiu: "..."

"Eh? Chief, why do you carry the sword on your back?" Su Yun asked immediately.

Speaking of own sword, Ye Buxiu had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said proudly: "Don't you think it's handsome to carry a sword on your back?"

Su Yun said cheaply: "Whether handsome or not, you can score!"

Ye Buxiu: "???"


Afterwards, Su Yun said something else, so that Ye Buxiu had no chance to hook up with Wen Bai, then his goal was achieved.

However, Su Yun found that although Ye Buxiu is arrogant and conceited, he is not a bad person, there is no twists and turns, it's just that he is too straightforward to make people feel annoying.

At this time, in the field.

Seeing that the time was about the same, the inner disciple who was in charge of the teaching shook the giant bronze clock by the side of the field with Spirit Power. The deep and distant bell rang three times, and the second round of assessment began.

Immediately, a burst of breath swept over, and the audience was silent.

The headman got up from his seat, turned his hands behind his back, and his words were like a proverb.

"Since the patriarch established the sect, the Luoyun sect has surpassed a thousand years. There are countless disciples. The three-year assessment has never stopped. I have also entered the forbidden area for trials, and I have also discussed skills with my colleagues."

"But it coincides with the unprecedented change in Thousand Years, so the difficulty of the assessment is increased, and no new disciples will be recruited. The reason is hard to explain, and it will be clear in the future."

"Disciples here, you will take on important responsibilities in the future. Time does not wait for you, whether it is the Inner Sect or the Outer Sect, I hope you will practice diligently, do it and cherish it."

After the master's speech, there was no warm applause as it should have been, but a bewildered silence. Everyone was so shocked by the master's words that they were speechless.

Then there was the rustling sound of speaking.

"Could it be that Sect is about to usher in catastrophe?"

"But the Sect is peaceful, the sea is clear, the rivers are clear, and even the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth shows no signs of restlessness or exhaustion. Where is the catastrophe?"

"What if someone offends some powerful force and seeks revenge from Sect?"


"Anyway, it's better to be cautious."


It was supposed to be a lively scene, but after the head's words, the atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

As one of the few people who knew the inside story, Su Yun didn't expect the situation to be so serious that the leader would say this.

At this time, the elder Elder added from the side: "Disciples, don't panic, everything is business as usual, the head just wants to alert everyone, keep a sense of crisis at all times, and be prepared for danger in times of peace, so that you can make great achievements!"

"Let's start the assessment!"

Then he winked at the second Elder Zhengqing.

2 Elder got up and called out a huge screen, more than ten feet long and three feet high, on which was a painting of ink and wash landscapes, with fine brushwork and grand momentum, comparable to the painting of a thousand miles of rivers and mountains.

The screen is suspended in the air, and the ink on it smudges and changes, and the clouds are turbulent for a while, and finally lines of strong ink brushes slowly emerge, which are the list of this assessment.

At this point, Su Yun's focus is on the screen itself.

The refining method of this Magical Item has never been recorded in the ordinary refining books that Su Yun has read, so he had to do his best to imagine several feasible technology routes.

If it can be refined, wouldn't there be ink and wash movies to watch?

At that time, Wen Bai can see something new.

It's just that these methods all have high requirements for Divine Sense, so Su Yun had no choice but to give up.

At this moment, Wen Bai suddenly excitedly said: "Su Yun, you have your name!"

"My name?" Su Yun was surprised for a moment, "I don't need to participate in the second round?"

After recovering, Su Yun saw the name of Own listed on the screen as the first one!

And the one fighting against him is... Li Qingran!

Some disciples had discovered something strange long ago, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is this lunatic Su going to fight five Elders?"

"Hahaha, even the leader can't stand it anymore, let the fifth Elder teach Su Yun a lesson!"

"Five Elders, five Elders!"


Shouts gradually spread to the audience, and the atmosphere became active again.

Perhaps the joys and sorrows of people are not connected, Su Yun just feels noisy...

He had a dark face, "No wonder the second Elder insisted on letting me watch the battle, so he was waiting for me here!"

Ye Buxiu next to him was even more suspicious. Could it be that there is something special about Su Yun? There is no need for the dignified master and Elder to be so concerned about mediocre people.

Wen Bai covered his mouth and smiled lightly, jokingly said: "Don't worry, with the strength of five Elders, you won't have any pain!"

Su Yun: "..."

When did Wen Bai learn to speak witty words!

At the same time, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the coaching disciples in the arena, and they couldn't understand the intention of the master's arrangement for a moment.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and announce to the audience, "In the first match, Outer Sect disciple Su Yun vs five Elder Li Qingran! Please enter the arena..."

The entire audience was boiling instantly, such a scene is rare!

Immediately afterwards, Li Qingran, who was watching the battle from above, jumped lightly, as if a lotus was growing under his feet, tapped his toes a few times in the air, and then fell lightly into the arena. generally.

Su Yun couldn't help being amazed.

Although Li Qingran is an Elder, she doesn't look serious at all, she has a slight smile on her face, and her appearance is no different from that of a woman in her early twenties. If it wasn't for her extraordinary strength, outsiders might mistake her for an ordinary female disciple. Criticize Yun by name here, whose surname is Elder, whose strength is not as good as that of five Elders, and who likes to pretend so much!

Su Yun gets angry just thinking about it!

But at this moment, Li Qingran stretched out his right arm, the forearm was exposed from the sleeve, it was slender and tender, not full of muscles as Su Yun thought.

Immediately afterwards, a long sword with a wooden scabbard came out of the void, from top to bottom, first the tip of the sword, and finally the hilt, until Li Qingran firmly grasped it in his hand.

The appearance of the sword is simple, but its brilliance flows endlessly, and its aura is compelling. It is the Kaiyang Sword, the rumored Five Elder's natal Magic Treasures and Half step fairy artifact.

Seeing this, everyone in the field was shocked.

"My God! Five Elders even took out their own Magic Treasures, so what!"

"Where does Crazy Su have such a big face!!"

"Today is a long experience!"


Afterwards, the five elders stared at Su Yun with fixed eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Boy Su Yun, let's fight!"

Her eyes seem to have sword intent, maybe Li Qingran's eyes can really kill people!

With just one glance, Su Yun felt a icy cold, as if countless ice needles were pierced into his body, his blood froze, his mind froze, and then he turned into an ice sculpture and was blown into dust by the cold wind!

This is obviously not physically cold!

Feeling the slight shaking of the seat, Wen Bai realized that it was Su Yun who was trembling all over, and comforted him with a frown: "Su Yun, are you okay, why are you trembling!"

Li Qingran's glance was aimed at Su Yun, so others couldn't detect it.

And Su Yun forcibly suppressed the trembling of his body, and said bitterly: "I just want to shiver... Bah, I don't want to tremble either! But my body is out of control!"

But Ye Buxiu next to him was so shocked that he looked at Su Yun in horror.

He naturally knew what kind of methods the five elders used. In terms of talent in swordsmanship, Ye Buxiu boasted that he was inferior to Li Qingran. In terms of swordsmanship, five elders were still half his master!

When he took this move of "Cold Sword True Intention", his whole body was almost paralyzed and unable to move, but this Su Yun can still sit upright!

This move is made up of Li Qingran's ice attribute Spirit Power combined with pure Sword intent, it has the effect of testing one's character in a silent manner, the more determined one's mind is, the less affected it will be.

As a result, Ye Buxiu didn't even understand where Su Yun was Sacred!

Seeing that Su Yun didn't feel relieved, Wen Bai stood up and took Su Yun's arm, "How about I help you end!"

"Don't!" Su Yun declined politely. Although he has a thick skin, he can't afford to lose this person!

Gathering her mind, Su Yun stood up tremblingly, took a step at a time, and walked towards the field.

Seeing his appearance, others naturally ridiculed him constantly.

"Haha, this Su Yun is already trembling before even playing, it's just too ridiculous!"

"Maybe I peed my pants already!"

"Haha, how about you smell it!"


Only Ye Buxiu knew how amazing Su Yun's performance was!

He glanced at Wen Bai, and seeing the worry in Wen Bai's eyes, he suddenly doubted himself.

Am I really inferior to Su Yun? Not as good as a mere Outer Sect disciple?

However, the pure sword heart told him that there is no doubt about his admiration for Wen Bai, if he does not follow his heart, he is afraid that the immortal journey will be damaged!

"It seems that you are qualified to compete with me!"

Hearing Ye Buxiu's sudden words, Wen Bai frowned, and moved away from Ye Buxiu.

Heart Road: Stay away, stay away! Don't get Su Yun into trouble because of me!


Naturally, Su Yun didn't know what the "true meaning of the cold sword" was, what kind of trial it was, and he only knew that he was in a mess right now.

At the same time, I was very unhappy with the arrangement of the head.

What's the deal with directly letting an Elder at the peak of Gold Core to give himself a blow?

Or is this an entertainment program before the assessment? Play him like a monkey?

The more he thought about it, the more he became unconvinced, Su Yun held back his energy, and his steps became more and more steady. After passing through all the spectator seats and reaching the circular martial arts arena in the center, the icy cold pain in Su Yun's body disappeared. Successfully overcome by him!

But before he knew it, cold sweat had soaked the skirt of his clothes.

Then Su Yun casually wiped the sweat from his forehead, jumped up lightly, and landed firmly in the martial arts arena, pretending to be relaxed, cupped hands and said: "Disciple Su Yun, meet the fifth Elder!"

"Papa papa!"

He was greeted by Li Qingran's applause and a slightly cold smile.

"Very good, such a determined mind is really rare!"

Su Yun smiled slightly on his pale face, "You're saying I have a thick skin! That's right, if it were someone else, I'd be ashamed to stand on the martial arts arena where everyone is watching!"

"Although my Cultivation Base is insignificant, I will never run away!"

"Teach me! Five Elders!"

Li Qingran felt a little stunned, but didn't pay much attention to it, then Guan'er smiled, "Then you have to catch my sword!"

After saying that, Li Qingran grasped the hilt of the sword, and moved his wrist lightly, but with a huge force, the scabbard broke away from the sword body, and pierced the ground more than a foot straight into the ground with lightning speed.

Several cracks spread from the center, and half of the field was broken like a spider's web.

The long sword held in Li Qingran's hand is like autumn frost, with a cold light overflowing, and the material of the sword body is the most simple metallic white, which can be said to be back to basics, and perfectly fits with her true Sword intent.

And with the blade Expanding Aperture, and Li Qingran's rising aura, he himself is like a sharp sword, with the aura to pierce the sky!

Immediately afterwards, Li Qingran stood still, his clothes were windless and automatic, he raised the sword finger of his left hand and put it on the tip of his nose, and swung his sword-holding right hand back, a sword sound pierced the air, resounding throughout the audience.

Then point the sword to the sky!

Spirit Power and Sword intent are condensed on the sword body!

The color of the world suddenly changed, with Li Qingran as the center, a Spirit Power vortex was formed, black clouds were low pressure, wind and thunder burst, and even a chill began to permeate, making people tremble uncontrollably, and all the disciples present felt a threatening threat Pressure, like a sword hanging from the top, wanton Sword intent makes people terrified!

Wen Bai couldn't help standing up, his pupils widened, revealing the panic in his heart, "Five Elders didn't suppress Cultivation Base! There is no way Su Yun could catch this sword! He will die!"

Then he began to shout loudly, "Brother Coach, stop the game!"

However, the few coaching disciples who were on duty at this time had already hid far away, and they were also shocked!

Seeing this, Wen Bai had no choice but to yell at Su Yun, "Su Yun, throw in the towel!"

"It's useless." Ye Buxiu on the side also stood upright, crossed his arms, looked at the two people in the distance, and said indifferently: "Five Elders will never stop when they draw their swords, but you don't have to worry. The Elder has his measure."

Hearing this, Wen Bai regained his senses, and the Fifth Elder is not someone who acted recklessly, there must be her reasons.

However, Wen Bai was still anxious like an ant on a hot pot, pacing on the spot with small steps.

Not only Wen Bai, but the rest of the disciples were also extremely shocked by the scene in front of them, feeling fearful in their hearts.

"How did Su Yun offend the Fifth Elder! What a heinous crime!"

"Five Elders have brought out all the strength of the peak Gold Core! If this sword is cut off, will there still be a martial arts arena! Why don't we avoid the edge for now!"

"Don't worry! The Martial Arts Field has defensive formations, and attacks won't hurt us!"

"This is the sword Chi Wu Elder's full strength sword, can this formation be blocked?"

"That's right, even the head of the sect may not have time to save people! Get away!"


Gradually, some people flew away from the martial arts arena, and some inner disciples also had to avoid their edge temporarily!

Only the master was stroking his beard above, smiling, "It seems that junior sister's kendo has improved again!"

At the same time, Su Yun was stuck in place, as if he had lost his mind, and only the imposing Li Qingran could be seen in his dull eyes.

In his eyes, only the sky, the earth, and Li Qingran standing between the sky and the earth remained.

The ultimate Sword intent seemed to have cut off his five senses and even his emotions, and Su Yun was in an ethereal state.

"Su Yun, my sword is called Wenxin. If you don't catch it, you will die! If you catch it, you can still live!"

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