Well, Lan Zhi is really a pervert!

Su Yun subconsciously retreated a few steps, opened the distance, and was ready to say goodbye at any time.

"So you're entertaining me, right?"

"No such intention!" Lan Zhi first defended urgently, then her tone became more and more low, she sat on the ground slumped, and began to speak steadily.

"Brother Su, you don't know. I grew up in Yizhuang. I have sent away countless dead people. I have been tainted by death for a long time. My body is weak and I am already a dying person. But I have Spiritual Roots, so that the chance By coincidence, I was almost taken away by a Nascent Soul powerhouse, but that Nascent Soul Power spirit was seriously injured, and in the end, I couldn't survive it, and completely died in my body!"

"Thus, my comprehension of the soul is much higher than that of ordinary cultivators!"


Lan Zhi was taken aback for a moment, but she also understood Su Yun's meaning, and then explained: "So I want to try rebirth!"

Hearing this, Su Yun's jaw almost dropped from shock, the little Qi Refining cultivator actually wanted to take over? For Nascent Soul cultivator, winning the house is not necessarily a success.

"Since you have obtained such an opportunity, you only need to work steadily and steadily, and practice along the way, and you will definitely achieve something in the future. Why do you take such a risky move?"

"You still want to drag me into the water... Killing a fellow disciple is a felony, and even the inner disciple cannot escape punishment!"

Seeing that Su Yun was worried about this, Lan Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled sinisterly, "Brother Su, don't worry, even if you fail, you will never be implicated. Let's find a place where there is no one, just the two of us. Do it without anyone noticing!"

"For example, now, there is no one else in this charity room..."

At this moment, Su Yun couldn't help thinking about the deep meaning of Lan Zhi's words, and suddenly he was startled, realizing that something was wrong, he took a few steps back and took out the Five Elements sword.

Take the house and rebirth, who else can take away the house here?

This person in front of him is definitely not as simple as he thought! Maybe what is hidden in Lan Zhi's frail body is actually the Nascent Soul Power who seized the house!

Pointing at Lan Zhi with the sword, Su Yun raised her eyebrows and said vigilantly: "Could it be that you tricked me here and wanted to take it away from me!"

Lan Zhi thought for a moment, then said calmly: "This is also one of the plans, but it is not my first choice!"

"Then why ask me to come here! If you want to die, you can kill yourself. I was almost deceived by you!" Su Yun probed to the roof with his divine sense and found the weak point of the building. The sword escaped through the roof.

If Lan Zhi really wins the Nascent Soul cultivator, even if he only has Qi Refining eighth-layer Cultivation Base, the means he can use are far beyond what Su Yun can guess, and only by escaping can he have a chance.

Lan Zhi was unexpectedly calm, she stood up straight, smiled wryly and slowly shook her head.

"If it wasn't killed by your own hands, it would be meaningless to die."

Then he sighed, "That's the case, anyway, I want to try it now! Brother Su, you only have Qi Refining fourth-floor Cultivation Base, you have to be so favored by the head and the Elder, I want to see if you are really capable, It's still Tongtian with an extraordinary family background!"

Then he cupped his hands on his chest, bent slightly, "Brother Su, I've offended you!"

After finishing speaking, Lan Zhi's figure disappeared from Su Yun's eyes in an instant.

"What a weird Movement Technique!"

Fortunately, Su Yun had already locked on Lan Zhi with Divine Sense, and knew that he had circled behind him, with a formula in his hand, ready to launch a surprise attack.

Since the Realm gap is not small, Su Yun's body movements can't keep up with Lan Zhi's speed at all, but the divine sense is connected with the Five Elements sword. In a single thought, several water dragons gushed out from the sword, lingering around Su Yun's body in an instant , merged into a water shield, bounced Lan Zhi away, and knocked a huge hole in the wooden wall.

Su Yun took the opportunity to jump up, stepped on the Flying Sword, broke through the blue tiles on the beam, and left the building of the Charity House, with the sound of bricks and tiles collapsing behind him.

Just as he was about to speed up his escape, he saw a blood-red gleam not far away, and the color became more intense. It was a huge light shield that was lighting up, like a dome, covering the charity room inside.

There was still something faintly flowing on the mask, so that the scene outside was slightly distorted and fluctuated.

"It turns out that there has always been such a tyrannical formation here!"

The aura from the formation is better than that of Cuizhu Peak, but not worse!

At the same time, there was a jingling sound from below, and finally there was a loud bang, tiles and pieces of wood scattered in all directions, and Lan Zhi flew out of the smoke, leaving a trail.

In a blink of an eye, he stopped in front of Su Yun.

Lan Zhi stepped on the standard Flying Sword, holding his unusual long awl Magical Item in his hand, his expression was still calm, and he smiled slightly, "Very good, such strength is indeed beyond the reach of an ordinary Qi Refining four-layer cultivator!"

"But it all depends on the strange Magical Item you have in hand! Your Cultivation Base alone can't use such a strong water dragon shield!"

"If you take it away, it's mine too."

"Stop talking nonsense! It also depends on who owns the sword!" Su Yun said angrily.

Since Su Yun didn't have many Flying Swords, it was especially unfavorable to fight in the air, so he turned around and flew to the ground. When he landed, he put the sword in his hand, ran with the momentum, and rushed to the edge of the formation.

Then he played Gengjin Sword Qi, wanting to test the strength of the formation.

The metallic Cultivation Technique is the most unstoppable, mainly attacking, and is often used to break the defense. Although this Gengjin Sword Qi is just an ordinary Qi Refining-level Cultivation Technique, under the use of the Five Elements sword, it already has the power of a Foundation Establishment-level Cultivation Technique Prestige!

The light golden Sword Qi still has the shape of a sword, just like the replica of the Five Elements sword, its whirling speed is enough to produce an afterimage, wrapped in the sound of breaking the wind, it slashes towards the already blood-red formation light curtain.

But even so fiercely, when Sword Qi hit the light curtain, it made a short muffled sound and then disappeared instantly, leaving only a circle of ripples on the light curtain, which then spread.

Sure enough, ordinary Foundation Establishment-level attacks cannot threaten this fourth-order formation!

Unless it keeps attacking and consumes its Spirit Power, who knows how many Spirit Power reserves there are behind this formation!

Lan Zhi, who saw what Su Yun was thinking, also chased after her, with a corner of her mouth curled up, and jokingly said: "If you want to consume the Spirit Power of the formation to break the formation, you'd better give up as soon as possible!"

He was standing less than ten meters away from Su Yun, holding the long awl in his hand, and he was not in a hurry to attack. Instead, he explained: "This formation is called the Soul-Draining Blood Demon Formation. Although it is a remnant formation, it is also four Formation at the first level is supported by the Blood Qi of the corpse and the dissipated spirit."

"In this charity room, the most indispensable thing is these two things!"

"So..." Lan Zhi raised her hand and pointed at Su Yun with a long awl, "Brother Su, don't try to escape, we can only live as one today."

"Actually, this is a dead end!" Su Yun sneered, "If you kill me, you can naturally take me away, but if I kill you, it's according to your wishes. Will take me away!"

"No!" Lan Zhi shook her head helplessly, "Brother Su, I said before that you are not my first choice for Duoshe. I am telling the truth, why don't you believe it?"

Lan Zhi's expression changed, her brows were frowned, her expression was as cold as frost, and she pressed on step by step.

"Brother Su, please enlighten me!"

"Then let's fight." Su Yun had no fear.

The Five Elements sword in hand is already full of Spirit Power at this moment, and you can use it to release powerful moves with just a thought! Su Yun took a few steps forward, and first slashed out a swinging water sword, which has a lethality exceeding the Foundation Establishment early stage!

And it was just a random feint!

When he ran to Lan Zhi's right side, he slashed at his neck with a sword—Zhen Yan Zhan!

This is the strongest sword move that Su Yun has mastered now!

In an instant, flames shot out from the black sword body and merged into a flaming long sword more than ten feet long. The air waves scorched the thread of Su Yun's brown robe to curl up and burn.

Faced with such a fiery sword move, Lan Zhi couldn't keep her face unchanged, and her face showed fear.

But when Sword Ray fell, Lan Zhi used his weird Movement Technique to dodge at an incredible speed.

The Zhenyan Chop burst open on the ground, creating a gully five or six feet long, which is as wide as a person. After the flying sand and rocks have dispersed, unsolidified lava can still be seen in the crack.

At the same time, Su Yun's divine sense had captured Lan Zhi's movement, and he came round from the side, the expression on his face gradually showed excitement after being terrified!

And when his already nimble figure approached Su Yun's position of five or six meters, he accelerated suddenly, and at the same time stretched out a long awl, black air came out from the awl tip, and stabbed at Su Yun.

Can't hide, can't hide at all!

Su Yun didn't dare to be careless, and used a more powerful defensive Cultivation Technique - deep sea water shield.

The faint blue water polo instantly enveloped it.

The defensive power of this move is astonishing, the only disadvantage is that it cannot move, and it can only be a shrinking turtle.

The moment the long cone touched the water polo, the momentum exploded. The long cone pierced through the defense of the water polo and pierced halfway in, but finally died down.

Su Yun reckoned that Lan Zhi's move was enough to instantly kill an ordinary Foundation Establishment early stage cultivator. It seemed that he had hidden his strength during the Sect competition.

Due to the characteristics of the deep sea shield, the stronger the attack, the stronger the rebound. Lan Zhi could hardly grasp the own long awl, and the force was fed back to him, which also made him lose his balance in the air.

"good chance!!"

Seeing this, Su Yun immediately turned from defense to offense, broke the water polo, and the water wave directly blasted Lan Zhi into the air. The person and the long cone were separated by more than ten meters, and Lan Zhi fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yun inserted the Five Elements sword into the ground, and three cracks spread across the ground at the speed of lightning, and then sharp stone thorns pierced through the gaps, and the farther the distance, the longer the thorns.

When it reached Lan Zhi's body, a single spike was three feet long!

After a short breath, the power of the ground thorn is gone, and the thorn also slowly disappears, disappearing into nothingness.

But there was no sign of Lan Zhi, and even Divine Sense couldn't catch him.

Su Yun looked around, but couldn't find him.

After a few breaths of death-like silence, a twisted black mist appeared next to the place where Lan Zhi fell. Lan Zhi appeared from it, standing hunched over the rocks, with blood slowly flowing from the corner of her mouth.

"The connection between Cultivation Technique is so smooth, without stagnation, is this something that Spiritual Roots with five attributes can do? It's amazing!"

He smiled sinisterly, and then disappeared into the black mist, and soon the black mist also dissipated.

Such a method is by no means an ordinary Cultivation Technique!

Su Yun put all his energy into it, and immediately deployed the deep sea shield again, and began to defend.

Afterwards, the black mist randomly appeared from all over the place, and Lan Zhi appeared from it to attack, using the same method, but the force was not strong, the tip of the awl shrank back after touching the water polo like a dragonfly. It seems to be testing the weakness of the water shield.

But the strength of the Deep Sea Shield is its strict all-round defense!

But after half a quarter of an hour of defending, Su Yun finally understood Lan Zhi's intention!

Lan Zhi's scraping-like attack is nothing more than making Su Yun continuously cast defensive shields, such a deep sea shield does not consume low Spirit Power.

When he can't hold on anymore, it's time for Lan Zhi to launch a fatal attack!

If he only used his Qi Refining four-layer Cultivation Base, he would almost collapse to the ground after half an hour.

Just as he expected, Lan Zhi outside also launched a psychological offensive.

"Brother Su, I think your Spirit Power is about to bottom out. Even if you have the blessing of the Black Sword, no matter how powerful your Cultivation Technique is, with your Qi Refining four-layer Cultivation Base, even if you keep taking Qi Refining Medicine Pill, I'm afraid it won't last long."

"What's more, the moves you used earlier, the Spirit Power consumption is not low!"

Su Yun sighed, this is in his arms!

With the Spirit Power reserve of Zhongpin Spirit Core, it is not a problem to go on for three to five days.

At that time, it will depend on who can't hold on first!

Lan Zhi's grotesque escapism may also consume a lot of Spirit Power.


After another quarter of an hour, Lan Zhi realized that something was wrong. Most of her own Spirit Power had been consumed, but why Su Yun on the fourth floor of Qi Refining didn't show signs of exhaustion, and the water shield was still unabated.

Lan Zhi had no choice but to take a qi invigorating pill.

At this time, Su Yun caught Lan Zhi's decline, only to realize that Lan Zhi did not have the strength of the Nascent Soul boss he thought, and could not even break through the deep sea shield that he used wantonly.

"Forget it, there should be a break!"

Su Yun took the initiative to explode the deep sea water shield, and then fully activated the power of the middle-grade spiritual core, using the Spirit Power output by the peak cultivator of Foundation Establishment to display the water dragon shield.

He also wants to try his current limit!

I saw the Five Elements sword flowing like a column of water, and a huge water dragon as thick as a bucket and three feet long drilled out, surrounding Su Yun's body, and then the second, third, and fourth water dragons appeared one by one!

Using the vigorous Spirit Power of the cultivator at the peak of Foundation Establishment to perform this move, coupled with the power increase of the Five Elements sword with 256 patterns, this move even has the level of the early stage of Void Dan!

Only one water dragon can give Su Yun complete protection, and the remaining three swim in the space around Su Yun, really like a dragon!

Although this move is called "Water Dragon Shield", the water dragon made of torrents is not a tyrannical attack method!

Looking at Lan Zhi again, he was so shocked by the strength shown by Su Yun that he couldn't even close his jaw. He didn't even have the will to fight. He stared blankly at the water dragons circling in the air, wondering what he was thinking.

Afterwards, Su Yun controlled the three water dragons and rushed towards Lan Zhi's direction with overwhelming momentum.

At this time, Lan Zhi did not resist, but threw away the long awl, sat cross-legged, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and closed her eyes, as if preparing to meet Death.


Three muffled sounds erupted, the ground trembled, and the remaining shock wave reverberated within the formation for a long time.

But Lan Zhi on the other side was safe and sound.

Lan Zhi slowly opened her eyes, because he was connected with the eyes of the soul-draining blood formation, and he naturally knew what happened just now.

The three water dragons finally hit the formation.

He raised his head, watched Su Yun getting closer, and asked the doubt in his heart, "Why don't you kill me? Between the two of us, one must die!"

Su Yun didn't answer Lan Zhi's question directly, but praised: "Your formation is really extraordinary, even an attack of the xudan level can't shake it!"

"Xu Dan level... You only have Qi Refining level 4 Cultivation Base, it seems that your background is more terrifying than I thought... No wonder the head takes such good care of you..." Lan Zhi muttered a few more words.

Only then did Su Yun reply: "I didn't kill you because you didn't intend to take me from the beginning, but you just kept forcing me to take action so that you could kill you with your own hands!"

"No, I said before that seizing you is also part of the plan. If you don't want to kill me, I can do it." Lan Zhi still said in a disputed tone at this time.

"Then you can start now!" Su Yun said, dismissing the water dragon shield around him, stepped forward a few steps, and sat opposite Lan Zhi.

Lan Zhi froze in place, looking at Su Yun dully.

"Oh! What? Due to my identity and background, I dare not?" Su Yun sneered.

Lan Zhi lowered her head in shame, looking depressed.

Then Su Yun took out a jug of wine, took out two cups, filled them with the clear immortal wine, took a cup by himself, and took a sip.

At some point, he also learned the habit of drinking from Wen Bai.

Then poured the whole glass of wine down his throat, poured it back comfortably, put his hands on the ground, and said sadly: "Actually, my strength comes from my knowledge and ideas, not my identity, status, or background!"

"I don't have any of those things."

"If you take me away, you will only become the lunatic Su with the worst aptitude and strength in Sect!"

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