During the morning, most of the Medicine Pills were sold out, and only some were left to be given to Ah Zhu and Ah Lian.

And after Su Yun asked people to quietly spread the news that some people had Medicine Pill in their hands, he and Wen Bai quietly left the stage.

All kinds of excitement after that have nothing to do with them, it's time for scalpers to play their role.

What kind of price these Medicine Pills can get, also determines the pricing of the next Medicine Pill.

Belonging is to let the market determine the price! The price that consumers can accept is a reasonable price!

And in the future, you don’t need to sell Medicine Pill yourself, just resell it to a “reseller” known as an official scalper, which can save a lot of trouble!

As long as the pill recipe is in hand and the source is under control, there will naturally be a steady stream of Spirit Stones!

Su Yun is also planning to sell some new Magical Items in due course. He has done enough on the spiritual core, and he is not afraid that someone will be able to pry into the secrets! It won't work even if the master comes!

After all, although the Divine Sense is wonderful, it is extremely easy to be restrained, and the formation that isolates the divine sense can easily block it, otherwise the cultivation of the Immortal World will not be a mess!

Therefore, important buildings will be equipped with formations that isolate spiritual thoughts to prevent prying eyes!

It's just that the new Magical Item with a spiritual core is too shocking, and it's not too late to sell it when you have enough strength!

After leaving the Lingdan Pavilion, Wen Bai was going to find the head, and it was time for the half-monthly routine guidance.

Su Yun had no choice but to take the Spirit Stones and return to Cuizhufeng alone.

Now enjoying the treatment of the inner disciple, there is no need to complete the performance of the outer sect disciple, and there is no need to help others refine the weapon, and the own time will be much more generous.

I don't have any suitable materials at hand, so I can't refine other Magical Items in my mind.

"It seems that we need to purchase another wave of materials!"

But before that, there is one more thing to do.

After helping Wen Bai take care of the spiritual field, Su Yun returned to the Immortal Cave and took out the animal skin scroll obtained more than a month ago.

It's time to tinker with this blueprint too!

Although the promise is three or two months, it can't make people wait too long.

Due to the holes in the animal skin roll, the blueprint was missing a lot, so it must have gone through a lot of years.

And because there are a lot of Spirit Power lines without actual functions in this picture, they are only used to increase the complexity of the device pattern, and at the same time endow Spirit Power with unique characteristics, which can be regarded as an encryption method, so Su Yun estimates that this disc Magical Item should be Formation warrant.

Therefore, it is impossible to treat it from the perspective of ordinary vessel patterns, and many incomplete places cannot be deduced, and can only be traversed by exhaustive methods.

Before that, Su Yun took out the pass token of the Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams formation and wanted to learn it first.

There is no pattern or Restrictions on the token to isolate the spirit, but it is easy to spy on the internal situation.

While Su Yun was lucky, he couldn't help complaining.

"This Yunmu Elder has no security awareness at all, and the token does not block the divine sense, so people can spy on him, what should I do?!"

After using Divine Sense to detect the structure of the token, Su Yun reproduced it on the manuscript paper and began to ponder.

The token of the Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams array is divided into three parts as a whole - the receiving end, the transmitting end, and the key end.

When the token is close to the formation, it will receive the Spirit Power from the formation for verification and automatically activate the token.

Spirit Power flows and transforms in the key device pattern, and finally enters the transmitter with the unique characteristics of the device pattern, and feeds back to the formation. If the Spirit Power characteristics and the verification mechanism in the formation can match, it can be released.

In fact, it can be regarded as an automatic function!

The core part of the token is naturally the key pattern.

This is the same as the cultivator, the Spiritual Roots attributes, Realm, the cultivated Cultivation Technique, and even the different moods can make the cultivator's Spirit Power fluctuations and breaths vary in thousands of ways!

The same is true for the Spirit Power flowing through the device pattern, which will be endowed with unique Spirit Power fluctuation characteristics.

Su Yun calls it the Spirit Power signal!

It's just that this kind of signal is an "analog signal", and Su Yun's Divine Sense Realm can't deconstruct it, convert it into a "digital signal", and can't use technological means to identify the signal.

Most of the verification mechanisms in the formation of Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams are mysterious spiritual means.

But knowing the principle of the token, the next step is very simple.

Su Yun slightly modified the pattern of the device, adding a layer of miniature formation that isolates the spirit outside the pattern of the key device, and then used the miniature gathering spirit array as the source of Spirit Power. The amount of Spirit Power that can be gathered is limited, but it is enough to support the formation. .

After making the corresponding purple pottery clay photomask, Su Yun used a photolithography machine to make two tokens, and the material is ordinary refined iron.

After testing, the formation can be freely entered and exited using both tokens.

Refining succeeded!

At this time, I have a lot of experience studying the design drawings on the animal skin scroll.

However, unlike the warrants in the Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams formation, the tokens on the pattern are not "wireless connections", but have corresponding Spirit Power contacts, which should be embedded in some kind of mechanism.

Some incomplete parts that can be deduced have been supplemented by Su Yun, and the remaining five incomplete parts can each be deduced with more than ten possibilities. The five permutations and combinations total a total of three hundred and forty-three thousand two Hundreds of possibilities!

There is only one right!

If they are all refined, the light workload will be an astronomical figure! There is no way to take it to a business!

After much deliberation, Su Yun had an idea and came up with a brilliant idea!

Since there is no way to refine hundreds of thousands of tokens, then concentrate all possibilities on one piece!

Su Yun thought of the principle of the mechanical combination lock of the safe.

Inside the combination lock, there are several wheels, and each wheel corresponds to a code. With each additional wheel, the possibility of the code increases exponentially!

If a wheel-like structure can be added to each defect position, each rotation corresponds to a different Spirit Power circuit, as long as the running speed is fast enough, all possibilities can be traversed quickly.

However, the pattern of the token is extremely small and precise, the entire token is only the size of a palm, and it is even more impossible to place the corresponding structure in the original gap. Su Yun used the flying wire technique to lead out the corresponding line and connect it Rotating parts for "brute force cracking"!

The modified pattern has a double-layer structure. Without affecting the size, thickness and contact position, five sets of roulettes are inserted, and the gear structure is used to control the accuracy. It can be operated by inputting Spirit Power by itself.

Fortunately, there is a photolithography machine, otherwise, with Su Yun's Realm, it would be impossible to produce such a precise texture.

It took half a day, and the circular token was finally completed.

The outer shell is made of ordinary refined iron, and the internal precision mechanical parts are made of Tianxuan iron, dripped with lubricating stone essential oil, which has a sense of delicacy of a high-end mechanical watch!

Input Spirit Power, and the gears inside start to rotate rapidly "click click", extremely smooth, without any noise, very pleasant to the ear, the beating frequency is about 300 times per breath, even if the face is extremely dark, it can traverse all within half an hour Possibly, complete the crack.

Satisfied with keeping the token, Su Yun found that two days had passed, and Wen Bai's Immortal Cave was empty, with no one in sight. With nothing to do, Su Yun weeds the Lingtian, feeds the chickens, or sums up his experience in making weapons.

Time flies too.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the evening, Wen Baicai Yujian appeared outside the Yin & Yang Eight Trigrams and called Su Yun to "open the door"...

Su Yun flew close, handed over the new token he had refined, and let Wen Bai in by himself.

A smile appeared on Wen Bai's face for a short while, and thick clouds floated over again for a moment, and he lowered his head, drifting into the formation with a sad face.

"What? Was bullied by the head?" Su Yun asked softly.

Wen Bai shook his head slowly, and only looked up after a long while. He looked at Su Yun worriedly and asked, "Su Yun, do you think if I go to participate in the mission of the teacher, will I be a hindrance?"

Knowing that this was the reason, Su Yun wanted to laugh inexplicably, Wen Bai actually had this worry, "So the headmaster arranged for you to participate in the mission of the master?"

"How do you know? I'm just saying what if!" Wen Bai's eyes widened, and then he realized that he had asked a stupid question, and he lowered his head blushing.

"Why do you say you're holding back?" Su Yun asked while leading Wen Bai to the highest peak of Cuizhu Peak.

Wen Bai had something on his mind, subconsciously kept up, and shook his head at the same time to reply: "I've devoted myself to researching the method of pill refining, and I'm not good at fighting. I have the Foundation Establishment Cultivation Base, but I can't even fight against you. What is it if going down the mountain to perform tasks is not a burden?"

When she turned around, she had already reached the highest peak of Cuizhu Peak.

The field of vision here is wide, the vast land in the distance is all under your feet, and the red sunset floats and sinks in the mist.

Su Yun jumped off the Flying Sword right in front of Wen Bai's eyes, and stood on top of a rock, framed by the setting sun in a circle of gold, with a stalwart figure.

The dark long sword stopped in the air, and flew into Su Yun's hand a moment later like a natal Magic Treasures.

Immediately afterwards, a strong Spirit Power surged out of the sword, and the sword body was turbulent in the water, faintly accumulating power!

"This move is called Breaking the Sea, and it's a basic water-attribute sword move!" Su Yun didn't turn around. He was afraid that Wen Bai wouldn't know moves other than fire and wood attributes, so he explained, and at the same time put his left hand behind his back, showing With a relaxed posture.

Spirit Power continued to gather on the sword, and the momentum of the sword continued to rise, reaching the peak soon!

Before urging the sword move, Su Yun turned around and smiled at Wen Bai, "According to what you mean, wouldn't it be more of a burden for me to be only on the fourth floor of Qi Refining?"

"But..." Su Yun changed the subject, and said with full momentum: "If you deny yourself, then you are really a burden!"

After saying that, a sword slashed out, and a dark blue Sword Qi burst out, spreading in the space in front of him. The Sword Qi elongated, and its color gradually faded, changing from the deep blue of the ocean to the deep blue of rivers and lakes. Misty azure until invisible to the naked eye.

But when you use Divine Sense to investigate, you can still feel its majestic sword power!

In an instant, Sword Qi collided with a majestic mountain outside the Green Bamboo Peak, cutting out a white line.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to tremble, and the dull bang reached the ears of the two, making people feel tight in their chests and breathless. It turned out that the hundred-foot-high mountain on the opposite side was sliced ​​open by a sword and was sliding down the section.

In the end, a huge amount of rocks poured down, and the tremor of the land spread throughout the territory of the sect, stirring up countless birds and spirit beasts.

When all the dust settled, it was dozens of breaths later, Wen Bai stared blankly for such a long time.

The shock brought to her by Su Yun could not subside for a long time, how could a Qi Refining four-story cultivator do this?

"Wen Bai, have you realized the truth?" Su Yun retracted his sword and asked with a smile.

"Hmm!" Tears welled up in Wen Bai's eyes inexplicably, he was more or less shocked, and then nodded repeatedly, "I shouldn't underestimate myself and lose the ambition of a cultivator who walks in heaven-defying!"

"No, no, no!" Su Yun frowned, wedged his mouth open, with a mean expression on his face, "I actually want to say that science is the greatest power!!"

Then he pulled down the skirt of his Taoist robe, opened his shimmering spiritual core, and stretched out his hand in an inviting gesture, "Wen Bai, join the glorious evolution!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Bai still had tears in the corner of his eyes, but his expression froze, he couldn't figure it out for a while, "Science? Evolution?"

Suddenly, Su Yun couldn't stop laughing "hahaha", just because he was happy and proud of being born on earth!

"Yes, science!! Evolution! Hahaha!"

On that earth where Spiritual Qi is declining and Dao Dharma does not exist, human beings have created miracles one after another with mortal bodies in just a few Hundred Years.

Possess the great power of moving mountains and reclamation, and the speed of thousands of miles a day; go up to the Nine Heavens to capture the moon, and go down to catch turtles in the five oceans!

From the largest, we can see the brilliance of the Galaxy Cluster and the prehistoric universe; from the smallest, we can see the tiny details of atoms, a quantum wonder!

Many achievements, even repairing the Immortal World are beyond the reach!

Weak human beings are pursuing the truth of the universe with the power of "science"!

After a while, Wen Bai also laughed, "That must be a very powerful thing! You can create it, which means you are even more powerful!"

"No!" Su Yun shook his head, admiration flashed in his eyes, which is the reverence for countless sages of science, "I didn't create science, I'm just a humble learner, a believer in science!"

Even the most common sense scientific theorems have been researched by countless predecessors! Science is a ladder to the truth built by generations of scientists, brick by stone.

Su Yun is just that climber up the stairs!

Then Su Yun pulled Wen Bai to his side, and the two sat on the precipitous boulder on the top of the mountain.

"Let me tell you a story!" Su Yun pointed to the collapsed mountain in the distance.

"How long do you think it will take a group of mortals to level that mountain?"

"Mortal?" Wen Baisi thought: "I heard that in the kingdom of mortals, some emperors will let their people dig mountains and rivers and build palaces. Even if there are hundreds of thousands of people, it will take at least several years to complete a project. time."

"But if you want to evacuate this mountain, it will take at least ten years!"

"no~no~no~" Su Yun shook his finger, and said the strange words that Wen Bai thought, "If I said that a few hundred mortals can level this mountain in a few months, would you believe it? ?"

Wen Bai shook his head.

"Then, if a mortal could wipe out the entire mountain, and even razed the Luoyun Sect to the ground, would you believe it?"

"Destroy the entire Luoyun Sect?" Wen Bai's head shook like a rattle, "Moving mountains and filling the sea, isn't this something that can only be done by cultivating immortal power? It is impossible for ordinary people to have such ability!"

"They can!" Su Yun said calmly.

"With the power of science! The body of a mortal is comparable to a god..."

Wen Bai seemed to understand something, pondered for a moment, and thoughtfully said: "So the iron bump on your chest, and your strange Flying Sword, are all scientific methods?"

"Combine science with cultivating immortals!" Su Yun glanced at Wen Bai's beautiful face under the setting sun, and then looked at the sinking sunset, feeling comfortable and lazy, and leaned towards Wen Bai unconsciously.

Wen Bai didn't mind, his eyes sparkled, "If that's the case, then 'Alchemy' is my 'science', you can have such strength through science, then I can also become stronger with Alchemy!"

"Why did you suddenly figure it out? Didn't you feel depressed at first?" Su Yun tilted his head and smiled seriously.

"It's nothing more than worrying that I don't have much combat experience, and I'm afraid I'll hurt you..." Wen Bai blushed with shame, his neck was thick, and he stretched out his hand to draw a circle, framing the mountain that was cut off by Su Yun, and changed the subject: "That's right." , you just cut down a mountain like this, nothing will happen, right?"

"It's okay, it's not the mountain of Cuizhufeng anyway!" Su Yun didn't care, and replied casually.

"It's because it's not the mountain of our Cuizhu Peak... and there's such a big commotion..."

"..." Su Yun's face was full of black lines, "Forget it, if someone pursues it later, I will come out and explain... No one will pursue it... then forget it..."

"Wait!" Su Yun suddenly realized something was wrong, "Did you just say, 'I'm afraid I'll hurt you'? Is it about me?"

"I'm going, you are my Dan servant, can you not go?" Wen Bai covered his mouth and smiled.

Su Yun: "..."

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