This is not a scam! !

Su Yun couldn't help feeling sad, this scene was like a fight between trapped beasts, and he was the trapped beast!

Above, the golden thunder and lightning gathered on Mu Ling, and the two spirit powers of gold and thunder were intertwined and fused together. It has both the sharpness of the metal and the swiftness of the thunder!

In the end, the thunder and lightning wound up into a golden dragon, not too big, only more than one foot long, coiled behind Mu Ling, stared at Su Yun, and uttered dragon chants!

The golden thunder and lightning trigger the thunder in the sky, and the silver snake dances, making people fearful!

Under the protection of the Thunder and Lightning Golden Dragon, the little Mu Ling was able to float in the air, with a kind of majesty on his body, and a faint aura of a noble Sacred!

"Su Yun, accept!!"

"Pick up? Pick up the fart!" Su Yun felt helpless the whole time.

Mu Ling's use of his spirit beast skills is still very superficial, but the power shown is no longer what Su Yun can deal with head-on!

Don't look at Muling Realm's first entry into the Qi Refining layer. She doesn't have much Spirit Power, but when she releases this move, she can actually borrow the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth. The power should not be underestimated!

It has to be said that the Demonic Beasts Bloodline carried by Mu Ling is indeed terrifying!

On the sidelines, Mr. Qian looked like he was watching the excitement, and said, "Xiaoyou Su, you can deal with it with all your strength. If you lose, the old man will take action and keep you safe!"

At this point, Su Yun understood that Qian always wanted to use the opportunity of Mu Ling's breakthrough to test himself!

But it has already been pushed to the shelves, so I can only bite the bullet and put it on!

If you don't even have the courage to face it, wouldn't it be embarrassing, and I'm afraid you will be laughed at by Mu Ling in the future!

Pulling out the black Five Elements sword, Su Yun stood holding the sword. He was naturally small in front of the sky full of thunder, but his body still stood upright!

The thunder and lightning golden dragon protecting Mu Ling's body circled and flew out, flying high into the sky with the momentum of a dragon flying Nine Heavens, accumulating the power of the final blow!

Seeing this, Su Yun was suddenly enlightened and had a countermeasure!

The spiritual core in the Five Elements sword entered the highest operating power, and with the full output of the cultivator at the peak of the Foundation Establishment, it performed the True Flame Slash, and the flames on the sword burst out, reaching a length of more than ten feet!

Elder Qian, who was watching the battle, was quite surprised and couldn't help nodding his head in admiration: "That's right, the Cultivation Base on the fourth floor of Qi Refining can display the peak strength of the Foundation Establishment, which is no worse than those peerless geniuses on the mainland."

Then he smiled helplessly, "But it's not enough."

As Qian Lao said, this True Flame Slash is not enough to compete with the astonishing golden dragon in the sky, but Su Yun has no intention of using this move to fight!

He took out a large piece of refined mithril from the storage bag, which contained very little Impurities, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was 24K pure mithril.

Under the roasting of Zhen Yan Zhan flames, even without the need for a furnace, the mithril melts instantly into a liquid state, and Su Yun Divine Sense is fully activated, using own thoughts to refine the molten mithril into the shape you need!

At first it was shaped like a large blazing red net, then rolled into a curved surface, closed all around, and finally formed a sphere, leaving only an opening at the bottom.

The rest of Zhen Yan Zhan's power is still there, and it can't be wasted. It was hit by Su Yun to the outer formation.


After the explosion, the remaining heat wave stirred in the formation, and the formation was unscathed, but Su Yun was terribly hot.

He also resorted to a water-attribute Cultivation Technique to cool down both himself and the Mithril Ball Cage.

Mu Lingben above was still on guard, and found that the fire sword was not aimed at him, and was a little puzzled.

"You don't want to defend or counterattack, why did you suddenly refine an iron cage! I dare not attack with all my strength!" The tone complained.

Seeing that the mithril ball cage had been cooled and annealed to silvery white, Su Yun stepped forward to check it a few times, then smiled satisfied, and shouted to the top, "Just let the horse come over, you little bug can't hurt me! I have a Faraday cage!!"

Originally, Mu Ling hesitated, but now the last worry in his heart has disappeared.

It doesn't matter, anyway, Qian Lao will make a move when the time comes!

"Su Yun, you asked for this!" Mu Ling then controlled the golden dragon to attack Su Yun without holding back.

"I'll go!" Seeing this, Su Yun quickly hid in the cage.

He was still not at ease, he used the Divine Might and Soil Control Technique to sink the mithril cage into the ground for three minutes before he sank down.

At this time, Jinlong's speed was extremely fast, and it turned into lightning and rushed towards Su Yun, with thunder billowing behind it, as if thunder pools from the sky were pouring down on the world.

A golden dragon acts as a guide, accompanied by thousands of silver snakes, intertwined with silver and white, like a huge tree of fire descending from the sky!

The golden dragon collided with the Faraday cage first, and exploded. For a while, thunder and lightning surged, dazzling golden light, and then a bunch of thunder fell down!


The thunder and lightning were like a chain, tying the dark cloud to the Faraday cage.

All this happened in an instant!

Under the glare of the light, it was already impossible to see the situation in the formation clearly, and only the sound of thunder and explosions remained in my ears!

Qian Lao stood with his hands behind his back. Although he frowned tightly, he didn't take any action.

After a while, the thunder dissipated, and the heavy dark clouds in the sky also dissipated, and the sunshine in the autumn afternoon lazily returned to the earth.

After the smoke and dust in the formation were blown away by the wind, an incandescent Faraday cage was revealed, and there was also a faint blue deep seawater shield inside the cage.

After a while, the water shield was dismissed, and Su Yun was unscathed. He looked down at his feet and found that from the position where the Faraday cage was in contact with the ground, the ground was broken and extended a terrifying crack, several feet wide, under the induction of Shenwei Yutu Jue , has gone deep into the ground, criss-crossing like tree roots, beyond the scope of Su Yun's divine sense.

"After all, the earth has carried everything, and Mithril has withstood such a strong current!" Su Yun regarded this as a precious scientific experiment, and carefully observed the results of the experiment.

The golden thunder around Mu Ling dissipated, and he lost his aura just now, and his body also fell to the ground. Su Yun saw her, and jumped up lightly to catch her.

Although Mu Ling's spirit beast technique has the mystery of using the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, it still emptied the weak spirit power of her Qi Refining layer, and passed out.

"It's really your fault that there was such a big commotion during the walk after dinner!" Su Yun looked at Mu Ling who was unconscious in his arms, and smiled helplessly.

At this time, the formation was also resolved, and Su Yun walked out of the ruins and entrusted Mu Ling to Mr. Qian.

Looking at the gradually cooling Mithril Faraday cage, Mr. Qian couldn't help asking curiously: "What kind of magical Magical Item is this? There doesn't seem to be anything special about it. It can actually resist Xiao Muling's Golden Dragon True Intent?"

It turns out that this trick is called Jinlong's true meaning! Could it be that Mu Ling is a dragon? Su Yun thought so.

But he didn't want to ask in detail, it was like asking whether another family's dog was Teddy or Erha, it seemed impolite...

He just replied: "This is called a Faraday cage, and it is a special magic item created by the Supreme Faraday Electromagnetic Heavenly Venerable!"

Hearing this, Mr. Qian nodded slightly, "The name is a peerless power! It should be Su Xiaoyou's real master, if possible, can Su Xiaoyou recommend it?"

From Qian Lao's point of view, with such strength, Su Yun must not be just an ordinary Outer Sect disciple of Luoyun Sect, and definitely has another inheritance.

Su Yun thought about it, and said that it seems that there is nothing wrong with the master. After all, a lot of knowledge is inherited from the big brother Faraday. He did not deny it, "The teacher has passed away for a long time." It is almost two hundred years...

"Oh...sorry." Elder Qian said no more.

Then Su Yun took back the Faraday cage and repaired the ground with the Shenwei Yutu Jue, and bid farewell.

Walking out of the backyard, Su Yun saw that the outside of the store was already full of people, all attracted by the movement just now, to watch the excitement.

Among them are two Inner Sect inspection disciples responsible for maintaining the law and order of Luoyun Town, and the Cultivation Base of the late stage in Foundation Establishment. There were people fighting in Luoyun Town, they definitely wanted to take care of them, but because of the terrifying aura just now, they didn't dare to offend them easily, they just stood at the front of the crowd and waited.

Su Yun lowered the Cultivation Base, restored Qi Refining to the fourth floor, and walked out calmly.

Seeing someone coming out, the crowd instantly became active. One of the inner disciples with slightly higher Cultivation Base breathed out, suppressing the restlessness of the crowd, and asked, "Su Yun, what happened inside?"

Su Yun's eyes were empty, he scanned the crowd, shook his head and said, "I don't make it! I'm just here to buy things!"

"How could you not know? You are inside!" the inner disciple couldn't help shouting.

"After a burst of flashes, I passed out and just woke up." Su Yun said calmly: "However, the various Magical Item Medicine Pills here are of high quality and low price, and there are faint signs of breakthrough just by feeling their breath. After experiencing the Power fight, it’s not a loss, and I will come here often in the future!”

Hearing this, the crowd was ready to move again.

"That's right, this is a shop, shouldn't you go in and shop around? What's the matter with us blocking the door!"

"Rational, reasonable, this fellow daoist on the fourth floor of Qi Refining can walk out safely, and what happened inside is definitely not a power deathmatch!"

"Go, go in and have a look!"


Some people took the lead, and many courageous people responded one after another, walked into the store and began to check the products.

Mr. Qian, who had arranged for Mu Ling, found that there were so many guests inexplicably, so he still greeted him politely.

Su Yun took advantage of the chaos and left.

However, Su Yun is more or less the "popular man" of Luoyun Sect now, and his whereabouts have been captured by those who are interested.


It was still early, and Su Yun walked around Luoyun Town for a while. To his surprise, because of the picture scroll, Luoyun Town was extremely lively today, and the stall area was full!

Since many cultivators are disciples of Rogue Cultivators or other Sects, it is not an exaggeration to say that they come from all over the world.

The stall area has become the site of an unprecedented cultivator trade fair.

Even if you don't occupy a booth, you can still trade.

The items traded are all-encompassing, including rare spirit beast alchemy from various places, and local specialty refining materials.

This is Su Yun's first-hand experience of the vastness of cultivating the Immortal World!

Compared with the cold words and pictures in the classics, seeing it with your own eyes can better understand the uniqueness of the refining material.

"Soul Stone! Input Spirit Power to generate a huge mind power between a pair of Heart Stones!" Su Yun was pleasantly surprised when he saw a pure white ore with integrated union crystals.

"Fellow daoist has good eyesight. This listening stone is a building material used by many Sects. It can be used to build magnificent buildings suspended in the air. The famous thirty-six sky islands of the Shangling Sword Gate on the mainland are floating with listening stones. Empty!" The stall owner introduced enthusiastically.

"I'm not big, I'll charge you fifty Spirit Stones!"

"That's right, I bought it!" Su Yun said generously, the price given by the stall owner was considered affordable for third-grade materials.


"Haipojing!" Su Yun discovered another material that surprised him.

Haipojing is a fourth-order Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, the size of pearls, and its round shape exudes a blurred multicolored luster. It is only produced in the abyss in the extreme south of the mainland, and is occasionally brought to the shore by tides or deep-sea spirit beasts. .

It is rumored that the inner alchemy of some kind of spirit beast was compressed and formed under the extreme environment of heavy pressure on the seabed.

It can be refined into a defensive Magical Item, which Su Yun desperately needs.

It's just that the price is not beautiful, asking for 300 Spirit Stones, but Su Yun had to reluctantly get it!

After shopping for a long time, Su Yun collected a lot of materials, enough to meet the needs for a long time in the future.

Many materials are not expensive, but they are regional, and it is not easy to obtain them outside the place of origin, so Su Yun also took this opportunity to store more.

Spirit Stones also spent seven or seven hundred and eighty-eight, and there were only more than two hundred left.

I have to save some Spirit Stones for emergencies, so Su Yun has no plans to go shopping, just strolling casually, which is a good insight.

In addition to refining materials, Su Yun is more interested in various Magical Items.

What Rogue Cultivators can get is nothing more than spiritual weapons, but I have to say that the types of Magical Items are also flourishing. In addition to ordinary swords and weapons, there are also all kinds of strange Magical Items, defensive armor, and even flying boats and shuttles. The flying Magical Item.

This actually inspired Su Yun.

Since he only has one sword, his combat effectiveness is greatly weakened while flying!

If it is refining the second Flying Sword, it is true and boring. After thinking for a long time, Su Yun has an idea that is amazing to Deva, and he can implement it when he goes back! !

Thinking of this, Su Yun was in a good mood, and became more interested in shopping.

He began to think carefully about the refining methods of various Magical Items on the booth, hoping to benefit from it and gather the strengths of all the manufacturers.

Although, in Su Yun's eyes, most of the Magical Items sold are inferior, but he still understands the principle of "don't be ashamed to ask".

Can get some new ideas, new methods, it can be regarded as very fruitful!

But some people were dissatisfied with Su Yun's behavior of Magical Item, and they scolded impatiently: "fellow daoist, don't buy it if you don't buy it, don't touch it! If you don't buy it, someone will buy it. If you touch it, can you afford it?"

Su Yun laughed angrily, stood up and said in dissatisfaction, "How do I know if it's the Magical Item I need if I don't touch it?"

"Brown Robe, the fourth floor of Qi Refining, this is a high-grade spiritual weapon." The stall owner Yin & Yang said strangely: "You can't even afford it!"

"Just say how many Spirit Stones!" Although Su Yun didn't have the idea of ​​buying a spiritual weapon, he also wanted to know the market price of the Magical Item on the mainland.

I used to refine Magical Items for Sect. I only talked about the remuneration, but I didn't know the price of Magical Items.

"Five hundred Spirit Stones!" The stall owner quoted a price.

"No way! You're a fool!" Su Yun was shocked, even a high-grade spiritual weapon dared to sell at this price, "I think the material cost of this Magical Item is only a few dozen Spirit Stones! Profiteer!!"

Just when he was about to get to the bottom of it, a familiar female voice came from behind, "Su Yun, the market for Magical Item is like this. The price is not expensive."

At first, Su Yun thought that the person who spoke was invited by the stall owner, but when she looked back, she found that she was a graceful woman in red. She was tall, well-proportioned, and her chest was so full that she could almost see it.

The face is unfamiliar and not stunning, but it can be called beautiful, belonging to the kind of mature Onee-san with winking eyes like silk.

But this figure is very familiar to Su Yun.

"Mother Yin?"

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