At this moment, Su Yun's complexion was gloomy and his aura was full. Although he was holding the Flying Sword, in Zhang Li's eyes, he was no different from Black and White Wuchang holding a mourning stick.

"Su Yun, Su Yun, listen to my explanation, I didn't intend to reveal anything about you to Chen Yang! The Inner Sect master came to ask, how dare I refuse! They forced me to say it!" Zhang Li knelt On the ground, moving his knees, he crawled in front of Su Yun and hugged his thighs.

"Su Yun, seeing how much I took care of you before, please let me go!"

"Do you take care of me? Hmph!"

It's okay not to mention this matter, but I didn't expect Zhang Li to beg for forgiveness because of this, so Su Yun naturally wouldn't give it a good face, "Show me some face, deduct so much of my crafting fee, and have the face to say it!"

"What, you even know this!" Zhang Li was shocked, and his body fell back, as if he had lost his strength, his eyes were erratic, "Didn't I get along with those in the refining room? ? How would you know."

Just when Zhang Li was doubting his life, Su Yun controlled the Five Elements sword and flew to Zhang Li's neck, clinging to it, a blood mark was already drawn, "Don't move, just move your head and fall to the ground."

"Natal Magic Treasures!!" Zhang Li was terrified. He had never seen such a scene before. The little brother who was easily controlled by him was an expert above the Void Core Realm. He didn't hold back, and his crotch was wet.

Su Yun pinched his nose in disgust, "Answer me, why did you run away?"

Zhang Li fell into deep thought, and replied in a daze: "Chen Yang's subordinates came to inquire about your affairs, and I knew that Chen Yang was going to attack you!"

"It just so happened that your distant relative came to look for you. I took the opportunity to go to the Green Bamboo Peak to have a look. You are not there. I guess you are probably in danger."

"I was worried that Chen Yang would kill you. I was afraid that the matter would be revealed, and he would come to kill me to silence me. I packed my things all night and escaped from Luoyunzong. I ran all night, but I didn't expect to be caught up by you."

Su Yun couldn't help wondering, "Why don't you need to fly?"

"The flight of Yujian is too eye-catching, and it's better to run in the forest to hide..." Zhang Li said tremblingly, then changed his mind, and said cleverly: "Su Yun, you are still alive, does that mean that I have not harmed you?" You, you will let me go, right? I will find a way to repay the Spirit Stones that are greedy for you!"

"That's right, if I kill you, I won't be able to get back the Spirit Stones I lost." Su Yun thought while pinching his chin.

"Ah, yes, yes, only when I'm alive can I earn enough Spirit Stones to repay you!" Zhang Li smiled obsequiously.

Just when Zhang Ligang breathed a sigh of relief, Su Yun frowned, and said coldly: "You haven't told anyone about Chen Yang, have you?"

"Of course not, I thought about running away, so how dare I tell others!" Zhang Libei laughed.

"That's good." Su Yun curled his lips, smiled indiscriminately, and said, "But now you know that Chen Yang fell into my hands, and he can't live either, sorry."

"You killed Chen Yang?!" After saying that, Zhang Li panicked and covered his own ears, "I don't know, I didn't hear anything."

Seeing that he was in a fatal situation, Zhang Li's canthus cracked, and bloodshot eyes began to spread in his eyes, as if in a daze, "I don't know, I don't know anything."

"Sad, lamentable, let's end your suffering as soon as possible!" Su Yun picked up the Spirit Power, ready to give Zhang Li a good time.

"Brother Su, wait a minute." Jiang Mu shot suddenly and stopped Su Yun.

Seeing this, Zhang Li seemed to be grasping at straws, and begged: "Little brother, please persuade Su Yun, I never neglected you yesterday, please help me say good things, I swear to leave Luoyun from now on Zong, and will not mention this to anyone!"

But when he saw the coldness oozing from Jiang Mu's immature face, his mood fell to the bottom again.

Jiang Mu ignored Zhang Li at all, and turned around and said, "Brother Su, I have a secret skill of the soul, which can be used on one of the seven souls, 'Fu Shi', to erase its subjective consciousness and become a person who obeys my orders." Human puppets."

"It's not too late to kill after he pays off the lost Spirit Stones."

"..." Su Yun was terrified, "You are still ruthless! But since this is the case, there is no need to rush to kill him, maybe it will be useful."

"Brother Su, please restrain his body, the process will be very painful." Jiang Mu said nothing, but stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Li's head.

It was said that Zhang Li struggled again and again, but he couldn't get rid of Jiang Mu's palm no matter what. Although the child in front of him only had Qi Refining level strength, the strength in his hand was surprisingly strong.

"No, I don't want to become a puppet, you should kill me!"

At this moment, countless bright yellow vines grew out of the ground, seemingly tender, but in fact they were extremely tough. In an instant, Zhang Li was tightly tied up, unable to move an inch, and his face was covered, leaving only the nostrils and vines for breathing. Two frightened eyes.

In his eyes, the little boy seemed to be transformed into Rakshasa, tall enough to stand between the sky and the earth, braving the dense Ghost Qi.

Jiang Mu slowly closed his eyes, a wave of tyrannical spirit and soul leaked out, and even Su Yun beside him was confused for a while.

But Zhang Li's eyes were full of pain at first, and then gradually lost their emotions, from pain to fear, then slowly became dull, and finally empty, dusty, without a trace of light.

Jiang Mu withdrew his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead. It seemed that he was exhausted.

"It's done."

Sensing that the strength resisting the vine had disappeared, Zhang Li stopped struggling, and Su Yun released the restraint.

I saw Zhang Li standing up slowly, and then there was no movement, no expression could be seen on his face, he really looked like a walking dead.

"Now Zhang Li is completely at my disposal."

Su Yun froze for a moment, frowned, looked at Jiang Mu tentatively and asked, "You won't use this trick against me, will you?"

"How could it be..." Jiang Mu said in embarrassment: "Brother Su's soul is pure and innocent, without any flaws. If I use your method, I'm afraid I will be backlashed on the spot, and my soul will be injured!"

"Hey, you really checked!" Su Yun questioned with displeasure on his face.

"Hehe..." Jiang Mu squeezed out a dry smile, "Sorry, I'm used to it... But that's why I'm willing to pledge my soul and make friends with you, Brother Su."

"Shenhun, is it pure?" Su Yun recalled that the five Elders also said similar words to him, and at that time they used the method of "questioning the heart with the sword".

But Su Yun couldn't help frowning, "But I've killed many people, isn't there any stain or blemish on the soul?"

"Life and death are the laws of nature. How can there be a blemish?" Jiang Mu explained quite maturely: "Have you ever killed innocent people indiscriminately, and your intentions are wrong?"

"Chen Yang and the others made the first move, and it's their own fault; Fang Ming's words are also for my own protection, and I have no choice but to do it." Su Yun recalled the dead soul who died in his hands, "And there is Lan Zhi, he is purely looking for death..."

Jiang Mu: "..."

"Brother Su, can you be behind my back when you say this..."

"I mean Lan Zhi, why are you so excited? You are Jiang Mu!" Su Yun pretended to be puzzled.

"Okay..." Jiang Mu lamented that Su Yun can really do what he says.

No longer entangled in the matter of the soul, Su Yun turned to look at Zhang Li, "Does he have no human feelings like this? If it is just a pure machine, there is no way for him to continue to return to Luoyunzong to work and earn money. It is better to sell Spirit Let the Stones Mine be a coolie." With a thought in Jiang Mu's mind, Zhang Li's expression instantly brightened again, cupped his hands to Su Yun, and said on his behalf: "No!"

"Zhang Li" continued to explain: "I didn't erase his emotions, but just cleared his personality. I can give him a personality again, and he looks like an ordinary person, but the behavior is completely up to me. Of course , I don’t need to control it, he can act on his own.”

"What a powerful method, an incarnation outside the body? This is simply a perfect tool man!" Looking at Zhang Li's familiar face, Su Yun's surprise soon faded away, and said in a deep voice: "That's okay, at least his Consciousness is not trapped in the depths of the soul and suffers endless torture."

Hearing this, Jiang Mu himself was a little surprised, "Are you pitying him?"

"To some extent, in the final analysis, he is just an unlucky guy who got involved in the incident, and he is not guilty of death for being greedy for Spirit Stones." Su Yun paused and continued: "He died of mediocrity."

Hearing this, Jiang Mu fell silent. If it wasn't for the Nascent Soul senior, he would be just an inconspicuous person among the mediocre people.

"Let's go, you let him go back and continue his Outer Sect deacon, just pretend nothing happened." After saying that, Su Yun turned around, and the Five Elements sword also flew to his feet by itself.

Jiang Mu followed up subconsciously, one foot had already stepped on the Five Elements sword, but was driven off by Su Yun, "There is no hurry to go back, you control the sword yourself."

After finishing speaking, Su Yun left Jiang Mu and soared into the sky.

"Brother Su, I'm only on the first floor of Qi Refining after all. It's too much to fly so far!" Jiang Mu shouted from below, but couldn't wait for Su Yun's response, only heard a crackling sound.

"Brother Su is really decisive, let's go." Jiang Mu looked at Zhang Li helplessly, "Forget it, I can only rely on you..."


Su Yun returned to Cuizhu Peak as quickly as possible, and found Wen Bai who was busy in Immortal Cave.

"Quickly, quickly, let me set up a formation for you to isolate the divine sense in the Immortal Cave!"

Wen Bai, who was in the process of pill refining, didn't know anything, so because he was busy controlling the heat, he could only look sideways from time to time, "What are you doing?"

"Arrange some means to prevent Divine Sense from prying eyes, house thieves are hard to guard against!" Su Yun replied while carefully observing the pattern of Wen Bai's Immortal Cave.

"House thief?" I don't know what Wen Bai thought of, her face turned red suddenly, her mind was so chaotic that she couldn't control the firepower of the pill furnace!

"Could it be that you are talking about yourself? Could it be that you often spy on me to take a bath? Now that my conscience has found out, I have decided to change my past and completely cut off the way out?"

Su Yun: "???"

When did Wen Bai's imagination become so rich?

Su Yun was slightly speechless, "What are you thinking? I mean guard against my distant relative!"

"That's right, you have a distant relative!" Wen Bai suddenly realized, smiled unwillingly, then used Divine Sense to poke into the alchemy furnace, shaking his head regretfully. Seeing that the furnace of Medicine Pill had been exhausted because of the Fractionated Divinity just now, she simply turned off the heat to cool down, got up and came to Su Yun's side.

"Where are people?"

"We'll be there soon! It's imperative to be cautious, and I'll set it up for you right away!" After figuring out the layout of Wen Bai Immortal Cave, Su Yun immediately started to set up the formation.

Since the ordinary formation and the small artifacts in the Magical Item are of completely different magnitudes in scale, it does not require a very elaborate design, but only needs to be willing to pile up materials, and the final formed formation is definitely enough to cover the entire mountain where Wen Bai is located.

Soon, the layout of the three-talent hidden heart formation at the macro level was completed, and the Spirit Gathering Formation provided Spirit Power. Outsiders could not penetrate the Divine Sense at all, and it would not affect the release of the Divine Sense pill refining by Wenbai.

After testing the formation, Su Yun thought about what happened just now, and said with guilt on his face, "I'm sorry, I made you waste a batch of Medicine Pill."

"Why should you care? It's just an experimental low-level medicine pill, used to release the fire palm." Wen Bai tilted her head and said, she is actually not worried about wasting medicinal materials, but feels that Su Yun is out of touch up.

However, out of curiosity, Su Yun went to the pill furnace to take out the used Medicine Pill to have a look.

The unfinished Minghuo Palm Pill is fiery red in color and is all refined from fire-attributed medicinal materials. Use the fire-attributed Spirit Power inside to release this Cultivation Technique.

Because there is no pill, the body of the pill is full of cracks, which is not round enough.

Su Yun glanced at Wen Bai, and saw that she was checking the situation in the pill furnace, so he secretly licked the Medicine Pill.

"I'll go, it's so spicy!"

With just one bite, Su Yun felt a scorching heat spread from the tip of his tongue to his mouth, as if he had eaten a hundred devil peppers!

It's been a long time since Su Yun felt such an explosion of spiciness!

Spicy is not a sense of taste, but a sense of pain, which has an addictive magic power.

Wen Bai saw that Su Yun's face was flushed, the Medicine Pill in his hand was wet and drool-stained, and he instantly knew what happened, "Oh, what are you doing? Why are you licking the Medicine Pill?"

"The Medicine Pill did not become a pill, and the properties of the medicine were not restrained. Firstly, it has no medicinal effect, and secondly, it did not remove the pungentness of the medicinal material itself. In addition, the fire attribute Spirit Power is already scorching hot, and when two pairs intersect, your Qi Refining physical body can't bear it at all! "

With that said, Wen Bai started to work, "You wait, I'll make some soup that clears away heat and relieves spicy heat."

In just a moment, Su Yun's lips swelled into sausages. This is the body's own reaction, which cannot be resolved with Spirit Power, just like basic physiological phenomena such as breathing and heartbeat.

Even a Foundation Establishment cultivator whose body has been refined by Enhancement will be suffocated to death! It's just that I can endure it for a while.

But brother Su is fortunate that the cultivator also has the physiological reactions of ordinary people, otherwise it would be less fun, and it understands everything.

Like eating spicy...

"Wen Bai, I will take away the rest of the useless pills! I have other uses." Su Yun said with difficulty, pressing his big lips.

"Are you still addicted to licking?" Wen Bai crossed his hips, his eyebrows squeezed into a character horoscope, and then he looked like "I really can't do anything about you", "Forget it, let's take it."

"Wen Bai, you're so kind!" Su Yun said happily.

At the beginning, he felt that the chili in Xiu Immortal World was not enough, which caused the hot pot to lose a little Fractionated Divinity charm. Now that he has harvested such a strong spicy seasoning, he has the opportunity to arrange the extra spicy version of butter hot pot and abnormal spicy chicken wings!

Seeing Su Yun with the sausage mouth on his face, looking excited, Wen Bai looked at it with great joy.

"Hahahaha goose goose goose goose goose..." Goose screamed with a laugh.

Wen Bai laughed for a long time before calming down a little, but from time to time he would chuckle and burst out a few hahaha.

Soon, the spicy soup was ready, Wen Bai couldn't bear to look at Su Yun's face, he gave the soup to Su Yun, and said with a suppressed smile, "Hurry up, drink the don't need to give your Immortal Does Cave have a formation too?"

"No, I just need to increase the output power of Spirit Power, and the Restrictions in the spiritual core in my chest are enough to cover the entire Immortal Cave, and will be turned on when necessary."

After explaining, Su Yun took a sip of the soup.

The freshly brewed medicinal soup was blown cold by Wen Bai himself, but now it is only warm, with a mint-like refreshing feeling in the mouth, and the burning heat in the mouth instantly dissipated a lot.

The feeling in his mouth was icy, but Su Yun's heart was warm.

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