Xiu Immortal World did not discover the existence of electromagnetic waves at all, and naturally there is no way to shield it.

Therefore, the electromagnetic wave repairing the Immortal World is like a ghost, and it will not be noticed by people.

Safe, efficient, high bandwidth, long distance, perfect for communication!

Moreover, the electromagnetic wave communication of Immortal World is blank, and all frequency bands are usable frequency bands!

Electromagnetic wave frequency Duan Ye is a precious resource, now it belongs to Su Yun!

However, long-distance electromagnetic wave communication relies on communication base stations or satellites to achieve wide-area coverage.

It is impossible to build a complete communication network now, and there are many technical difficulties in it, which need to be overcome one by one.

However, short-range communication methods like walkie-talkies have a simple principle and are easy to refine. Although the distance is limited, it is sufficient for the immediate use scenario.

Looking back, I need to refine more, so that I can use the voice in the team...

But now, the other four didn't come back, and there was no means to inform them, Su Yun decided not to wait for the king to reply to them, but left a letter on the spot, explaining the purpose, the meeting place and time.

Yu Jian flew away.

The flying speed of the two evil cultivators was not fast, Su Yun and the others kept their speed and followed them from a distance.

With Jiang Mu's soul imprint, he is not afraid of being lost.

It's just that Xiexiu was quite cautious, went around and circled several times, and then went straight to a small town, and the Qi machine disappeared in an inconspicuous building that seemed to be a restaurant.

Except for the door that was open, all other doors and windows were tightly sealed.

Moreover, a small three-story building in such a remote location has also set up means to cut off the breath.

You must know that the formation of cutting off the Qi machine is a higher level than the formation of cutting off the divine sense, and the consumption of formation is much higher.

The four hid behind the porch of the house in front of the restaurant, and took out the array disk to hide their whereabouts.

"Even the air machine must be isolated! It seems that this is really a stronghold of the Chaos Cult!" Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the inconspicuous house in front of him, "There is not even a signboard, and it seems that there is no sign at first glance." What a strange thing."

After all, this is a town at the foot of the imperial city. It is far more prosperous than the small town of Luoyun Town. Some mortals who come from all over the world to do business or cultivators who do not have a lot of money will choose to stay in this small town, and it is not far from the imperial capital. .

Yunyao, leaning against the pillar, looked around, her brows gradually sinking, "This is Qixia Town, one of the important towns outside Yanyun City, the only place for mortals to enter the city, I didn't expect that such a land would be infiltrated by Chaos Teaching Already! The garrison army stationed there doesn’t seem to be playing its due role!”

"Don't say it's a small town, there must be a stronghold of the Chaos Cult in your Yanyun City, but their actions have always been secretive and have never been noticed." Su Yun has no doubts about the ability of this cult to infiltrate.

"Tsk, that's really finished!" Yun Yao clicked her tongue.

Wen Bai shrugged his nose, with a thoughtful look on his face, "Sure enough, there is a smell of medicine coming from the opposite house, maybe it's a medical clinic! And the Calabash hanging on the door is clearly the symbol of a folk medical clinic .”

"To be precise, it's a hospital on the surface." Su Yun added.

For cultivators, there is Medicine Pill that can heal wounds, but for the majority of common people, they can only treat diseases with decoctions made from herbs.

The prescription is just a poor pill recipe, there is no need to use the pill refining method to condense the medicinal power, let alone the many changes of Alchemy, it only needs to be stewed according to the recipe of the medicinal materials.

As for the medicinal effect, it is entirely related to the Spirit Power content of the medicinal material.

The elixir is beyond the reach of mortals, but Spirit Power is contained in common herbs.

Su Yun was really indignant that Chaos Cult used it as a stronghold for harming people, which was supposed to be a medical clinic that could help the world.

Before Su Yun could speak, Wen Bai was overwhelmed with anger, clenched his fists and said angrily: "These people have sullied the way of medicine, damn it!"

"Why don't we take this stronghold away! Kill all the evil cultivators! Rescue those bewitched subjects." Yun Yao was always impulsive and irritable, and said indignantly.

"That's what other teams do. We want to find the leader and eliminate the Chaos Cult from the source! Don't act rashly until you find the trace of the leader!" Su Yun said calmly, after thinking for a moment, he already had a plan.

But he was also afraid that Yunyao would contradict him, so he added: "If you find the trace of the leader, you can't act rashly!"

But before the plan was implemented, a sudden accident disrupted his plan.

I saw a carriage turning into this alley, driving in a hurry on the uneven stone road, the frame of the carriage seemed to be shaking and falling apart.

In the end, they stopped at the entrance of the "Medical Center" on the opposite side. A person got out of the carriage, together with the driver, and the two of them lifted out a stretcher from the carriage. A person was tied to the stretcher, struggling and twitching, his mouth was stuffed with cloth strips , blue veins burst out, it seems that he is going crazy.

"Is this a believer kidnapped by Chaos Cult?" Wen Bai whispered.

"No! They are all mortals, and the person on the stretcher is obviously - sick, it really seems to have come to the hospital for treatment." Su Yun is not quite sure about the situation now, so he can only continue to observe.

After the three of them went in, they came out within a quarter of an hour.

It's just different from the beginning, three people came out now, the one who was on the stretcher went in lying down, and came out standing upright.

Although he looked weak, he was able to walk with support.

"Could it be that he really came here to treat illnesses? But the evil cultivator clearly disappeared inside!" Wen Bai couldn't believe the scene in front of him, ordinary medical clinics would not have such strict formations, so he could only look at Su Yun helplessly, wondering what Su Yun could do. Yun means.

After meeting Wen Bai's eyes, Su Yun thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Not necessarily."

The symptoms of the person on the stretcher just now felt familiar to Su Yun.

Yunyao turned her head around, nodded firmly and said: "Is it possible that Chaos Sect is short of money, so they have to rent the territory of this medical center? Yes, it must be the case! The house price in Yanyun City is not cheap."

"That's why you worry too much!" Su Yun said in a bad tone, then restrained his breath, tried his best to restrain the fluctuation of Spirit Power, and walked into the street openly.

He stopped the three people who were about to get into the carriage.

The tone was joyful and eager to ask: "My dear friends, this disease can really be cured here!? I saw just now that this brother's disease is exactly the same as that of my friend!"

The coachman who helped the people saw that there were people who were sick and sympathetic, so he enthusiastically narrated: "I just heard that at the beginning, I sent my young master here with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but I didn't expect it to be cured here! You will soon Send that friend of yours here! After being infected with the disease of losing one's mind, one will die in pain like ten thousand ants eating one's heart!"

"The effect is so fast, what panacea did the doctor prescribe?" Su Yun asked impatiently.

"There is no need for any medicine. The immortal master here has a unique method of curing diseases. We can't tell. You will know when you go." Then the coachman thought of something again, and he paused for a while and added: " It's just that the fees here are quite high, one hundred low-grade Spirit Stones! It's not something ordinary people can afford."

Then he sighed bitterly, "If you can't come up with so much money, you should end your friend as soon as possible, so as not to suffer."

At this time, the young master urged the coachman to leave weakly, and Su Yun cupped hands to see him off. After the carriage left, Su Yun muttered to himself: "One hundred low-grade Spirit Stones, do you make money like this? All the hospitals in Putian are open to build Immortal World?"

Back to Wen Bai, Su Yun looked at Wen Bai, frowned and said: "You heard it too!"

"Yeah." Wen Bai nodded, with an indelible solemnity on his pretty face, "This heart-wrenching disease is the disease mentioned in the mission. It spreads widely and is bitten by a patient. As long as it sees blood, it will kill you." be infected!"

"Really? I don't know why." Su Yun showed a look of reminiscence.

"You were dizzy then!" Wen Bai complained again.

"Hahaha, you continue." Su Yun said haha.

Then Wen Bai shook his head slightly, "In fact, the information only said that he suffered from mental illness, and the symptoms were madness and bloodthirsty. He gnawed on everyone he saw, and finally died violently, but he didn't mention anything about Chaos Sect!"

"It seems that this epidemic is inextricably linked to Chaos Cult!"

"In short, we need to go to this stronghold for a break." Su Yun is also hard to make a judgment, so he can only practice the true knowledge.

It's best to be able to detect the news smoothly, no matter how bad it is, even if there is a battle, he is worthy in terms of strength. I'm just afraid that the situation is too complicated, and I can't kill all the evil cultivators in an instant, let go of one or two, and leak the news.

But at this moment, a thin figure suddenly broke into the street, with a stooped figure and ragged clothes, walking forward with difficulty on crutches, with a child bundled like a big rice dumpling on his back.

The child only missed his head, bit a piece of bamboo in his mouth, and tied it behind his head with a rope.

The thick bamboo has also been bitten to the point of cracks, the teeth in the mouth bared horribly, and a lot of blood flowed from the lips.

And the dried and solidified blood scabs had already appeared on the bamboo.

"Is this woman carrying a child?" At this moment, Yunyao showed great kindness and felt sorry for her own subjects. She was about to leave the formation and stepped forward to help, but was stopped by Su Yun.

"You first see where she is going?" Su Yun said in a deep voice.

"Are you going to the medical hall?" Yun Yao looked in the direction of the woman's gaze, and it was clearly the small building where the evil cultivators of the Chaos Sect were entrenched.

"Her child should also be infected with heart-wrenching disease, and wanted to seek treatment, but..." Su Yun couldn't continue in the end, knowing the outcome already in his heart.

Wen Bai, who had been silent for a long time, asked inexplicably: "Su Yun, don't we go help her? It is my duty to treat the mental illness!"

"Wait first." Su Yun said two words dryly, they can't make a move yet.

Although the woman on the opposite side was struggling to move, she approached the gate of the medical hall, she didn't know where the strength came from, she suddenly quickened her pace, crossed the threshold, and disappeared into the darkness inside the shop.

Several people did not dare to breathe, waiting for what happened next.

But things did not go as Su Yun expected, and soon, the woman and her child were thrown out by two strong men in black robes.

The woman was lying on the ground with several bloodstains on her face and arms. She wanted to check on her own children, but she crawled and hugged one of the strong men's thighs, begging: "Please fairies Master, do me a favor, save my child, she is only eight years old!"

"If you don't have a hundred Spirit Stones, you won't be saved at any age!" The strong man's face was hidden in the shadow of the hood, and his tone was cold.

"Save first, save first, even if I risk my life, I will pay back the one hundred Spirit Stones!" The woman refused to give up, even if she was kicked or beaten.

"Go away! You're just a peasant woman, you won't be able to earn so many Spirit Stones in your lifetime!" The strong man cursed, then kicked her into the middle of the road with a heavy kick.

Then the two went into the house without looking back.

"Yunyao, go and save people." Su Yun said calmly at this moment.

Even though the situation was urgent, Yun Yao gave Su Yun a first look, and said angrily, "You are happy to see people suffer, aren't you?"

Then he rushed over regardless, picked up the unconscious woman, and picked up the wrapped child at the same time, heading this way.

Wen Bai next to him was puzzled for a moment, "Su Yun, what do you mean by doing this?"

"Are you sure you can cure the mental illness?" Su Yun asked with difficulty forcing a smile.

"It's not good if you don't diagnose it yourself." Wen Baiqian shook his head and said.

"That's why! If we stop her directly and say that we can try to save her child, will she believe it?" Su Yun looked into Wen Bai's eyes and frowned.

Wen Bai thought for a moment, then said sadly: "She may think that we are delaying her child, because there is a medical center next to it that can treat mental illness."

"You're still smart! If you do this, it will definitely waste your mouth, and it won't be good to attract evil cultivators to notice." Su Yun smiled softly: "Sometimes, giving people despair can make them cherish the hope in front of them even more."

Wen Bai silently nodded and smiled bitterly.

When Yunyao brought the two back, Su Yun took a look at the medical center, took a few people to find a teahouse, asked for a secluded box, and placed the child on a reclining chair.

The woman was dizzy from the fall just now, and now she came to the teahouse with a few people in a daze, so she went to lie on the own child and looked at them vigilantly, "What do you do?"

Wen Bai showed a kind smile, "We are cultivators passing by. Seeing that your daughter is infected with heart failure disease, maybe we can try to save her."

"Cultivator? Immortal teacher?" The woman was still very vigilant. She couldn't tell the difference between immortals and ordinary people, but she saw that the clothes of several people were very bright, and then asked suspiciously: "Why do you want to be kind and save people? Don't you want to One hundred Spirit Stones!"

The price of low-grade Spirit Stones is 1 to 100 in mortal money. Ordinary people can earn two to three hundred silver in a year, which is regarded as the upper-middle level. After deducting expenses, there is not much balance in a year, and most ordinary people cannot afford it. Such a high price.

"Don't worry, I won't take any money." Wen Bai was not in a hurry, and said eloquently, "We go down the mountain to travel, isn't it just to be a hero, and I practice Alchemy, and treating more patients is also a kind of practice!"

With a gentle and pleasant smile, it's hard not to let people off their guard. The woman said with doubts: "If all the immortal masters can really save my daughter, I will repay you even if I am a cow and a horse, Mrs. Hu!"

Then the woman stepped aside and let Wen Bai go to make a diagnosis.

Wen Bai also used the method of calling the pulse, and could use his spiritual thoughts to check the situation in the patient's body.

As a result, Su Yun saw Wen Bai's complexion visibly serious to the naked eye.

"I saw countless wisps of weird Spirit Power in her Bloodline! These Spirit Powers are slowly eroding her soul, and... they are multiplying like living creatures!"

Then Wen Bai took out the silver needle, tapped on the girl's fingertip, and released a drop of blood, said it was blood, but it appeared a strange black.

"This weird Spirit Power can be released through blood and infect other people!"

Listening to Su Yun's description, a word suddenly popped up in Su Yun's mind - Spirit Power virus!

"Spirit Power Virus" is the best way to describe this disease-causing Spirit Power!

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