"It's hard to lead a team when people lose their hearts! You just don't understand this truth yet!" Su Yun continued with a disappointed face.

"You're not the team leader, why put yourself up!" Wen Bai glanced at Su Yun from time to time, and asked with concern.

"Isn't this supporting your work? I'm your Dan servant! I must fulfill my duties and solve your problems!" Su Yun couldn't help laughing.

Wen Bai raised his nose, and while suppressing a smile, he gave Su Yun a gouged look, "Slick tongue! No one can compare to you in the ability to speak well!"


Shortly after.

The three approached Yanyun City, the imperial capital of Ruiguo, and Su Yun was shocked by the towering city walls at a glance! Who would have thought that the capital city of a mortal country would have a city wall of 100 meters high and stretch for hundreds of miles. From a distance, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a coiled dragon with its head and tail intersecting in the starry night!

He couldn't help sighing, "This city wall is more than enough to resist the Titan!"

"Titan?" Wen Bai was puzzled at first, and then nodded slightly, "But it does have the function of resisting the attack of spirit beasts. After all, the mainland is not safe, and there will be beast hordes from time to time."

"Has there been a beast tide before?" Su Yun was born in a remote place, so he knew nothing about this situation.

The only picture in my mind is the spectacular scene of wildebeest migration in the documentary. If it is a spirit beast swarm, I am afraid it will be more spectacular and more dangerous!

Wen Bai thought for a moment, nodded and said: "I only heard from the elders, but I have never seen it with my own eyes, but once a beast swarm occurs, thousands of spirit beasts will rush to the same place. No one knows what their purpose is, only that Where the beast horde passes through, the life is withered, and only a piece of scorched earth remains."

"Don't underestimate the beast tide!" Wen Bai frowned suddenly, and said mysteriously: "The catastrophe of Xiu Immortal World a thousand years ago was caused by the beast tide, but the spirit beast that swept Xiu Immortal World at that time was quite weird , not like the creatures on the mainland."

"Thousand Years ago?" Su Yun looked surprised, Thousand Years is a long time span for him.

At the same time, he was also puzzled, "Has Xiu Immortal World ever suffered a catastrophe?"

"That's right! It's not an exaggeration to say it's a catastrophe." Wen Bai complained softly: "Who told you that you are always studying weapon refining, and have never read historical materials and classics!"

"To be more specific, more than 1,200 years ago, countless ferocious spirit beasts suddenly descended on Xiu Immortal World, devouring everything along the way like locusts! Among them, there is even a cultivator comparable to human beings!"

"In order to end the catastrophe, repairing the Immortal World has paid a huge price. Countless peak powerhouses have fallen, and there are many half-step gods from the Transcending Tribulation Realm!"

Suddenly, a longing look lit up in Wen Bai's eyes, "At that time, there were countless strong people, Divine Transformation was everywhere, and Nascent Soul was not as good as a dog. It can be said to be a prosperous age of cultivation!"

As he said that, his eyes dimmed again, "It's a pity that we have encountered a catastrophe, and the cultivation of Immortal World has never recovered. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the end of the Dharma era. Otherwise, the current cultivator would not be struggling to break through a Foundation Establishment! In the past, Spiritual Qi Sufficient, I am a Gold Core real person at my age!"

"Is this the Dharma-ending era?" Su Yun felt a bit of sourness in his heart. The current Immortal World is already a prosperous Taoism for him. If this is said to be the Dharma-ending age, then what is the earth in his previous life?

Hearing the topic of interest, Jiang Mu, who was flying at the front, also slowed down and flew to Su Yun's side, "Brother Su, you seem to be very interested in repairing the heyday of the Immortal World!"

"No, I only care about the catastrophe, and the sudden horde of beasts." Su Yun lowered his eyes and had some thoughts in his heart, but he couldn't figure it out for a long time.

Su Yun tried to ask, "What do you know? Tell me."

Jiang Mu nodded slightly, "Senior was born in that era. Although she never participated in the battle when she was young, she has also seen the tragic battle and the changes in the Immortal World."

After contemplating for a moment, Su Yun asked deeply, "Those spirit beasts descended from the rift in space, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Mu was very surprised. He was stunned for a long time before slowly nodding his head, "Such a secret matter is rarely known. Even the senior heard about it occasionally from her elders. I never thought that you, Brother Su, could guess it."

"It's just a coincidence, isn't there a space crack in the Sect forbidden area." But after saying this, Su Yun couldn't help feeling very dignified.

The crisis seems to have come quietly...

Just as Su Yun was thinking about the stakes, Yun Yao's bored voice suddenly came from the headset.

"Su~Yun~~~ Please answer it... This Magical Item must be broken, I have called so many times, but no one answered!"

"Princess, why are you talking to a wooden object, as if someone can hear you!" A man with a rough voice spoke next to Yunyao.

"Go, go, what do you know! This is called Baili Messenger! It's even more powerful than a Messenger Talisman!" Yun Yao retorted.


Hearing the conversation, Su Yun was stunned, Yunyao finished her work so quickly?

After switching the communicator to free mic mode, Su Yun coughed lightly and replied: "Yunyao, are you looking for me?"

"Huh?" The other side was stunned for a moment, and then happily said: "Your Baili messenger is not very good, I called it more than ten times, why are you only replying now?"

"After all, it's just a Baili messenger. If you're outside the range, you won't be able to communicate, but you are really patient." Su Yun exchanged a few casual greetings, and then asked straight to the point: "Is the matter I told you finished?"

"That's natural. I'm the dignified third princess. If things are ordered, they will naturally take care of them obediently. I'm currently in the pill refining room, guarding the pill refining teacher to study the pill recipe given by Wen Bai!" Yun Yao was very proud, a little Little said playfully.

"Bold!" Someone next to Yun Yao suddenly reprimanded with a sharp voice: "Who dares to order the princess to do things?"

Yun Yao swears and swears, and she reprimands her, "Sect, don't worry about it as a courtier!"

Su Yun felt helpless, the outdated class rules of feudal dynasties really existed everywhere!

Immediately afterwards, Yun Yao spoke excitedly, "I talked to my father about this matter, and he praised you very much. You have solved the heart-wrenching epidemic that has been a headache for the royal family for a long time, so he specially sent some Foundation Establishment, Xu Dan's internal guards are here to help us!"

Su Yun pondered for a moment, then said in relief: "Forget it, then thank the Holy One on my behalf!"

Although Su Yun doesn't want to have some inexplicable helpers, but after all, it is in the territory of Ruiguo, so the face that should be given is still given.

"We are about to enter the city, come and join us!"

"Come here! Wait for me at the city gate, and I'll be there in a while." Yunyao heard the voice of packing up her things, and then came a stern order, "You guys must strictly abide by the pill recipe. Once it is leaked, take the pill recipe. You are asking!"

Immediately there was a burst of humility in response, and there was no reply after that.

Su Yun turned off the mic, clicked his tongue softly, "The royal family is arrogant!"

Hearing this, Wen Bai covered his mouth and laughed, and said maliciously: "Didn't Ren Yunyao invite you to serve in the dynasty? When you take power, you can also be arrogant!"

"Forget it!" Su Yun quickly shook his head, "If I go, I won't be called around by Yunyao! I feel uncomfortable living under the fence."

"Then what do you think of the helpers arranged by His Majesty?" Jiang Mu joined the conversation with a bit of a melon mentality. "Heh, what do you think?" Su Yun refused to comment, and said angrily, "Arrange some errands as you like, just leave."

Immediately, Su Yun accelerated and flew towards the gate tower.

"Just listen to Su Yun, he always has his reasons." Wen Bai said with a smile, then bowed and speeded up to catch up with Su Yun, leaving Jiang Mu alone in embarrassment.


Not far from the city wall, Su Yun felt the majesty of the tall city wall at close range. A single stone brick was the size of a car. When he looked up, there was a burning oil lamp every ten meters on the top of the gray city wall. The smoke billowed, releasing a chilling arrogance.

However, Su Yun would not be overwhelmed by the aura of the city wall, but thought of a way to get rich in an instant!

The dignified capital of Ruiguo is still using the original oil lamps!

First, the brightness is not enough; second, it is too troublesome to add lamp oil.

It's time for the people of Yanyun to enjoy the fun of technology!

However, Su Yun didn't want to promote the spirit core fluorite lamps. The more spirit cores there are in circulation, the higher the possibility of leaking core technology!

What's more, there will always be people who are cheap, and it's not a good thing to take apart the spiritual core and blow up people.

What Su Yun wants to promote is a complete power system!

Lighting is only a basic application, and more household appliances will enter the common people in the future!

So, isn't the Spirit Stones coming?

At that time, we can make Yunyao's travel more convenient and provide some policy support, which can also increase some taxes for the dynasty. It is a win-win situation.

Just when Su Yun was thinking about his grand business map and was a little lost in thought, there was a muffled sound from above.


Looking up, it was a huge flying boat breaking through the blockade of black smoke and passing the city wall from above. The flying boat is hundreds of feet long, and its whole body is wooden yellow. Its shape is the same as that of a merchant ship floating in the water. Even the oar boards and sails are reproduced in the same shape.

The huge whine came from above the hull, which was caused by the insufficient strength of the material of the hull and the inconsistent displacement of various parts.

This Flying Magical Item looks fancy on the outside, but in fact it is strong on the outside and dry on the inside. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is paper. The refining technique is not very good, and the grade is not high. It can barely be regarded as the best spiritual weapon.

What's more, paddle boards and sails are added to increase air resistance.

Thank goodness the giant spaceship didn't crash!

This spaceship is huge, and it looks quite bluffing, but it is all face engineering, so it can only bluff ordinary people. It is a joke in the eyes of insiders.

Still, the Luoyun Sect has more background and connotations, and Sect's flying boat is low-key and restrained, without showing off at all.

I don't know which clan or Sect's flying Magical Item this spaceship is.

When the giant spaceship flew by, Su Yun withdrew his thoughts and greeted the two people next to him: "Let's go, let's go up to the tower too!"

The Yanyun City Wall is majestic and majestic, and the doorway below is also resplendent and magnificent. It is ten feet high and wide enough to accommodate more than a dozen carriages passing side by side. The cast iron gate is gilded throughout, which is in line with the royal luxury.

It's earthy and luxurious.

There are mortals passing by on horse-drawn carts in the doorway, and cultivators pass by with swords or small flying Magical Items.

The city gate tower built on top of the city wall is equally magnificent, 50 meters higher than the city wall, showing the majesty of the royal family everywhere.

Su Yun flew up with the sword first, and went straight to the city gate tower. Wen Bai and Jiang Muduo took a look at the city gate hole, and quickly followed.

Near the crenel of the city wall, as soon as the plane of the corridor could be seen, a group of guards in iron armor flew from the city gate tower and various guard points, holding long spears, and surrounded the three of them.

"Who is here? How dare you leap over the city wall and violate the majesty of our imperial capital!" The leader led ten guards. The armor was red, gold, and silver. It was completely different from the gray armor of ordinary guards. It can reach the Foundation Establishment late stage.

The chest muscles are very developed, and she is a female general.

"We have an agreement with Princess Yunyao of your country to meet here, and please allow this female officer to accommodate me!" Su Yun bowed to the female generals.

The female general stared at Su Yun and the others, but before she could speak, the guard next to her sneered and mocked: "Just because you guys can still have an appointment with the third princess? I'm afraid it's a group of people with ulterior motives!"

"We are indeed disciples of Luoyun Sect, and we are of the same sect as Yunyao." Wen Bai replied patiently.

The guard probably got used to being in front of mortals, and then said rudely: "Sect disciple? Heh, did you see that spaceship just now? That's the style that cultivating Sect should have! You don't even have a decent flying Magical Item, Pretending to be a Sect disciple?"

"I'm afraid they are just some Rogue Cultivators, just go through the city gate obediently! If you try to leap over the city wall again, you will be thrown into prison!"

Wen Bai frowned, seeing that it didn't make sense, he looked at Su Yun and shook his head slightly.

But Su Yun was not surprised, because the three of them deliberately suppressed the Cultivation Base, making it difficult for people to see the depth. In addition, they acted in a low-key manner, which inevitably made people look down upon.

But even if they show their respective strengths, it will not help. It is estimated that they will only be regarded as Rogue Cultivators with a slightly higher Realm.

"Do you want to contact Yunyao again?" Jiang Mu touched the Baili messenger on his ear, asking for advice.

Su Yun waved his hand and looked at the female generals defending the city. To be reasonable, he had to find their leaders.

"This heroic female general, seeing that you are so heroic, must be..."

"Stop talking nonsense, wait for Daoming's true intentions, otherwise I won't be polite!" The female general lit up the silver dragon spear in her hand, and even at night, it was shining coldly, which made people dare not despise it.

"Forget it, let's just wait!" Su Yun stood on the dark Five Elements sword with folded hands, confidently said.

The female general couldn't help frowning, did this person want to stay here? Or is it really a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and there are other plans elsewhere?

She didn't dare to be careless, and immediately gave the order, saying in a majestic voice: "All officers and men obey the order, and quickly arrest the three of them!"

"Yes!" The guards responded one after another.

Ten guards are already approaching with long spears. Although they all have only Qi Refining Realm, they are obviously cultivated by the same Cultivation Technique. Their respective Spirit Powers echo each other, and even the long spears in their hands vibrate like resonance. Signs of the Establishment Realm!

This is the first time for Su Yun to see such a pure military strategist Cultivation Technique. Ten people have such an increase. If thousands of soldiers form a battle formation, the power should not be underestimated!

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