Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 10 First acquaintance

People are social creatures, and even children will consciously form groups, which can be as large as seven or eight, or as small as two or three.

Minato has an excellent appearance and a gentle and lovable personality, so he has many friends around him.

Ye Zi glanced at the slightly crowded seat next to Minato, then silently looked away and walked towards a quieter corner.

He never thought about integrating into the group. Even if he joined a bad group in society, it was because he had no choice. From childhood to adulthood, he relied on himself step by step to get through, so he firmly believed that only he could rely on himself.

Seeing that Ye Zi ignored him again, Minato slowly lowered his arms in the strange eyes of many people, turned to touch his head, smiled awkwardly, and then sat down, but at the moment of sitting down, he quietly glanced at Ye Zi's eyes were full of doubts.

The gentle man was not angry because of this, but instead was puzzled by Ye Zi's obvious loneliness.

After he sat down, his friends of the same age next to him asked Minato whether he was acquainted with Ye Zi, but Minato ignored them vaguely. It was his attitude that made his friends feel that Ye Zi was very rude. .

The seat Ye Zi chose was in the last row on the left side of the classroom. It was next to the window and there was no one there. After he sat down, he looked out the window at the playground. It was summer, the sun was dazzling and hot, and the bright A ray of light shines into the eyes as if it can produce reflections.

About ten minutes later, the classroom door was pushed open with a crash, and a slightly fierce-looking one-eyed man walked in. When he closed the door with his backhand, the originally noisy sound in the classroom stopped instantly.

The one-eyed man saw that the classroom became quiet immediately after he entered. He nodded without any trace, glanced at everyone with his sharp eyes, and then walked to the podium. His pace was a bit uncoordinated.

The teaching staff after the end of World War II was excellent. The ninjas who served as teachers were all elites who had retired from the battlefield. The reason why these elites retreated behind the scenes was because they had no choice. As long as they went to the battlefield, except for those who could escape unscathed, The rest are either dead or suffering from hidden diseases that affect their strength. Like the one-eyed man, the chakra transmission vein in his left leg has become necrotic. Even if he has the level of a chuunin, he may not be able to defeat a genin.

The one-eyed man has an exceptionally strong build. He wears a Konoha forehead protector on his forehead, and his hair is wrapped in a blue turban. His facial features are very fierce, and the cross scar on his right eye adds a bit of ferocity.

My name is Sawamagi, and I will be your teacher from now on. I won't say any unnecessary nonsense. If any of you behave in an unsightly manner, then go home as soon as possible. Sawamagi's eyes were cold. , the dull voice knocked on everyone's heart, and his appearance and attitude when he first appeared made many people subconsciously feel timid.

At the same time, the Hokage's office.

After Sarutobi finished approving a document, he suddenly stood up and walked to the window, looking in the direction of Konoha School, towards Sawama's character, and whispered to himself: The real time for them to grow up is three years from now, not now. , don’t be too strict.”

What he didn't know was that Sawamagi gave all the children a heavy blow as soon as he appeared on the stage. If he had no other choice, Sarutobi would not appoint Sawamaki as a teacher.

There was silence in the classroom. Faced with Sawamagi's domineering momentum, many people lowered their eyes. Only a few did not look away, including Ye Zi and Minato.

In a few breaths, Sawama remembered these children who were not overwhelmed by his own momentum. He then restrained his own momentum, clapped his hands, and his tone became a little softer, but still seemed dull.

Okay, from left to right, give a brief introduction to yourself.

It didn't take too long. After the self-introduction time was over, Sawamagi immediately started teaching.

Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of mental energy and physical energy. It is also the energy necessary to use ninjutsu. The first condition for becoming a ninja is to be able to absorb chakra and make it controllable. energy.

There was nothing exciting about Sawama's tone, but his speaking speed was neither urgent nor slow, and his articulation was extremely clear, which was quite suitable for giving lectures. He suddenly raised three fingers and said in a low voice: Three years, you have three years to come. Learn how to be a ninja.

Sawamagi suddenly lowered two of the three fingers he raised, and his tone suddenly became stern: But you only have one year to verify whether you have the qualifications to become a ninja. If you can't even condense chakra in one year, Come out, then go back.


The moment Sawama stopped speaking, the classroom was very quiet, so quiet that even the sound of someone swallowing saliva seemed a little clear.

Ye Zi's heart skipped a beat. If he couldn't condense chakra in a year, then he would lose all possibilities. He quietly clenched his fists and his eyes were solid.

Becoming a ninja is not that easy.

Sawamagi's eyes became deep, as if he remembered something, which made his tone become more and more dull.


After half a day, Ye Zi didn't learn anything. Anyway, he got a general understanding of the world's system from Sawa Jianmu's explanation.

Ninja, this is the collective name for people with strange abilities.

Genin, Chuunin, Jounin, Hokage...

There is a clear hierarchy among ninjas, and the key to measuring the hierarchy lies in the amount of chakra and the use of ninjutsu. People who can use ninjutsu well are extremely talented. These people are born with outstanding abilities. Chakra controls sex.

After Ye Zi returned to the residence, his whole head was thinking about the word ninja. Now he has just come into contact with the profession of ninja. He is not even the most ordinary genin. According to Sawamagi, he needs It takes three years to have the opportunity to become a genin, rather than becoming a genin directly. What's more, if you can't even condense chakra, you can only be isolated from the profession of ninja.

Sawamagi who serves as a teacher is a chuunin, so Orochimaru who adopts him is at least a jounin. As long as he can condense chakra, he can ask Orochimaru for advice if he has any questions. He will definitely be better than Sawamagi's follow-up teachings. Come on, thinking of this, Ye Zi's young face couldn't help but raise a faint smile.

It was not a bad thing to meet Orochimaru, although the initial encounter made him feel dissatisfied.


Ye Zi stared down at the small palm, his eyes full of motivation.

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