Kai is a line of defense protecting the carriage, and so is Hong, but she seems to be easier to bully than Kai, who showed off just now.

Maybe it's due to talent, or maybe it's due to blood inheritance. Ever since she was a child, Hong has shown excellent talent for illusions.

Illusion is her method and her reliance.

She is not stupid, she can see that Ye Zi despises her, or despises illusion.

From that moment on, she had long made up her mind to make Ye Zi look at her with admiration, and to make Ye Zi understand that illusion is very scary, so she worked hard for it.

Facing the approaching black shadow, Hong suddenly felt no fear at all. She blocked the carriage with a weak figure, and her beautiful ruby ​​eyes deeply reflected the eyes of the approaching people.

It was a pair of eyes, like the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, but it was not. The pupil color of those eyes was more beautiful than the Sharingan, and it was so beautiful that it caught people's attention.


Facing these beautiful eyes, the existence of the Uchiha clan emerged in the minds of those people. Then they were startled and subconsciously wanted to avoid looking, but it was too late.

These are not Sharingan, just ordinary eyes, but they are born beautiful.

Those people fell into Hong's illusion within a few breaths.

They paused in place, but maybe it only took a few breaths to unlock this weak illusion. However, even if it took just one breath, they had no chance. When they saw the eyes that were as red as rubies, they were already halfway there. Stepped into the gate of hell.

Several pale green Qianbon came silently along the night and pierced the necks of those people.

The poison quickly took effect, and those people woke up from the illusion. With inexplicable surprise, they fell to the ground and died, clutching their necks.

Several enemies were killed simply and neatly. This was the power of the combination of illusion and Yan Ye's assassination methods. It only took that short moment of stagnation, and the Senbon with astonishing poison would take away the lives of the enemies.

It was so simple to stop the enemy's attack. Even if Hong saw it with her own eyes, it was a little hard to accept. She turned her head and glanced in the direction of Yan Ye, thinking that this was the scary thing about Yan Ye in the public.

She didn't realize her own growth. Due to Ye Zi's influence, she was led in another direction, a direction more inclined to the illusion ninja.

Well done!

Kaihao did not hesitate to praise him. He put one hand on his waist and extended his thumb to Hong with the other hand, grinning to reveal his shining white teeth.

That gesture was so beautiful that Hong couldn't bear to look at it, so she covered her forehead and avoided looking at her.

This was also the first time Yan Ye saw Kai showing such an ecstatic expression, and he couldn't help but draw a few dark lines.

All the little fish after Rao were dead, but more enemies were still coming towards the carriage.

After all, Ye Zi was alone and unable to stop the scattered enemies. He could only kill each enemy with the fastest speed and the simplest means.

He didn't dare to use Thunder Escape because he was afraid that it would be too obvious and cause the enemy to avoid him consciously.

On the other hand, Gho is overjoyed and has a very urgent need for food, but he doesn’t have as many worries as Ye Zi. Even though Ye Zi asks him to fight as hard as he can, he enjoys it and seems quite leisurely. Because of this, Ye Zi That's why Zi's pressure is so great.

Ultimately, the existence that Ye Zi wanted to protect had nothing to do with him.

While the two sides were fighting in the night, a person also came here.

This man was dressed in black, with a black mask covering his light green eyes, and the Ninja Village logo of Taki Ninja hung on his forehead, but the logo was covered with a line, indicating that this person was a rebel ninja.

Kakuzu, this is the name of this person. He possesses the secret technique stolen from Taki Ninja Village. He loves money. After betraying the Ninja Village, he has been active in the black market and likes targets with high rewards.

He also came, aiming for the two heads worth 150 million taels.

Others came for 50 million heads, and if he had the chance to take off Ye Zi's head, then he wouldn't mind spending a lot of effort.

It's a pity that the bounty hunters who came for 50 million heads are just a bunch of scattered sand. If they can't unite, they can't target Ye Zi. If they unite to target Ye Zi, maybe Kakuzu still has a chance to take Ye Zi's head. .

Tsk, tsk.

With the faint light, Kakuzu looked at the corpses scattered in every corner and the strong smell of blood, and a cruel smile appeared under the mask.

A head worth 100 million taels should be like this.

His eyes looked through the trees, and he seemed to be able to see the figure of Ye Zi fighting in the night.

Then, can I have the honor to take off your head and dig out your heart?

He let out an inexplicable and cruel laugh, and his figure rushed into the night.

He was not in a hurry to get Ye Zi's head. If he wanted to get it, he had to get the 50 million heads first.

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