Scourge of Naruto

Chapter One Hundred and Six

The only threatening horns have all gone, and the remaining enemies are simply more in number. This number does not cause a qualitative change, but it is precisely the large number that poses a certain threat to Muzi, who has no power to defeat a chicken.

Ye Zi raised his thunder fang and laid it in front of his eyes, at eye level. Light blue lightning emerged from the body surface, twisting and trembling, and emitting an endless sound of birdsong.

The situation was clear. The sooner the enemy could be defeated, the better. So at this moment, Ye Zi tried his best, not caring about the instantaneous explosive output of chakra.


He turned into a bolt of lightning and traveled through the woods in the dark night. Wherever the lightning struck, a line of blood spurted out, leaving some traces in a corner as life passed by.

Ye Zi's high efficiency in killing enemies reduced the pressure on Yan Ye and the others. Only in moments of crisis can many things be revealed. That man was very strong, like a barrier in front of everyone, which made people feel at ease.

Yan Ye's Qianben had been completely consumed, and she lacked a more powerful means of attack. She stayed beside Muzi, watching Ye Zi who was killing the enemy. Her dark green eyes slowly showed a brilliant light, and her eyes followed. Ye Zi's figure moved, and he seemed to be left in his eyes.

What...what's left? Yan Ye suddenly smiled brightly.

She was like an old monk who suddenly gained enlightenment. Suddenly and without warning, at this moment, she understood something that didn't matter even if it cost her life.

This sudden smile caused Hong and Kai to be stunned. It seemed that this was the first time they had seen Yan Ye's pure smile.

The thunder in the night did not keep all the bounty hunters here in the end, because this group of desperadoes were not ninjas with absolute will. Most of them were expelled from the Ninja Village or betrayed the existence of the Ninja Village. For money, they can be ruthless, but they will not throw their lives away so stupidly.

After Ye Zi showed his astonishing intimidation, the remaining bounty hunters began to fear, so they retreated without hesitation, with the same turbulent momentum as when they came, retreating without hesitation or delay.

When the enemy retreated, both Hong and Kai, who had entered the battle for the first time, collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

The first battle was so thrilling, and it was of great significance to the two people who had just come out of the ninja school. This was not a simple lesson that could make them see the world clearly, but a more direct and brutal blood and corpse.

This is ninja, this is the battle between ninjas, this is the life and death road.

Ye Zi returned the sword to its sheath, returned to the group of people, glanced at them, and asked, Are you injured?

Yan Ye and Kai shook their heads, and then immediately looked at Hong, who was kicked away hard at that time.

Facing the gazes of several people, Hong covered his abdomen and said with a relaxed expression: It's okay, it's just...a little bit of pain, just a little bit.

Kurenai was just a genin, and a genin who was seriously partial to physical skills. How could that strong kick not be in the way? However, the nerves were tense before, and most of the pain was temporarily blocked. After the battle, the injury was relieved. The severe pain hit her nerves like waves.

It really hurts, and it seems like the injury was pretty serious.

This was her inner thought, but perhaps because of her worthless self-esteem, she didn't want to reveal any sign of her weakness.

That's good, I was scared to death at that time. Kai, who was slow to react, really thought that Hong's injury was not serious, and showed a happy smile.

Yan Ye looked at Hong who lowered his head slightly, and could vaguely see the fine beads of sweat on his white forehead. Then he looked at Ye Zi, who met her gaze and nodded slightly.

Yan Ye could tell that Hong was hiding her injuries, and Ye Zi could also naturally tell that. In the past, he would have simply and rudely made Hong understand that her behavior was stupid, but after this battle, he finally agreed. red.

The ninth team does not have a medical ninja, and the shortcomings of the accident during the mission are exposed.

We need to protect Muzi and get to Kyoto, the Land of Fire, as soon as possible, so there is no need to delay for a moment. If Kurenai is injured, it will affect the speed of travel. If there are medical ninjas, this kind of injury can be cured quickly.

Although there are no medical ninjas, there is Yanye from the Grass Ninja Village. She can use poison and heal some injuries.

There is no time to stay. Help her take care of her injuries and set off in ten minutes. Ye Zi looked at the dark woods around him.


Yanye responded, then took Hong to the side and sat down.

I'm really fine. Hong smiled unnaturally.

Yan Ye rolled his eyes and said, Stop pretending, it's too obvious. Only that idiot Kai will believe it.

Ha... Hong's smile froze, and she turned her head to look at Ye Zi's back. The black clothes seemed to blend with the darkness.

Yanye took out a green box from his ninja tool bag, which contained a paste made from mashed herbs, which has the effects of stopping bleeding, relieving pain, removing blood stasis, and accelerating the healing of injuries.

After taking out the medicine box, she glanced at Hong and found that the other person's eyes were looking at Ye Zi. She smiled helplessly. She could see that Hong was very eager for Ye Zi's recognition. This desire had evolved to the point where she would not hesitate to hide her injuries but also show them. To the extent that he is not bad at all.

He already agrees with you.

Yanye didn't say these words. She lifted Hong's clothes above her abdomen, then dug out green herbs and gently covered the bruises on Hong's abdomen.

As soon as the ointment made of herbal medicine was applied to the injured area, there was a chill immediately, which relieved the pain almost instantly.

Hong's frowned brows couldn't help but relax, and she cast a grateful look at Yan Ye.

After treating Hong's injury, the team rested on the spot for ten minutes before setting off again.

Tonight's attack made Ye Zi want to send Muzi to the destination quickly to end this difficult task, so he didn't care whether Muzi's spirit could support the night journey.

Generally speaking, a girl from a wealthy family can easily develop a coquettish and willful character, and her body tends to be weak. However, this girl from a wealthy family can be seen with a clear eye, but she is completely different from what Ye Zi knows. Same.

She is quiet and calm, and even when surrounded by enemies, there is no trace of panic or fear.

She was strong and reserved, and even though she was tired from traveling all the way and had to drive through the night, she did not show any objection.

Even though Kai was carrying her, Ye Zi noticed Muzi's many performances after setting off from Konoha.

Is she the fiancée of the next Fire Nation daimyo? She does have this background. Ye Zi thought silently.

Ye Zi was thinking about Muzi, and Muzi, who was carried by Kai, was not thinking about Ye Zi.

She could barely see Ye Zi's back in the night, and her beautiful eyes were slightly flashing with inexplicable emotions.

Give it to you...

She watched and thought quietly, and she couldn't help but feel abnormal pleasure in her heart.

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