Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 121 The so-called giving

That crucial wind caused Danzo to have murderous intentions. Before that, he needed to know the reason. It didn't matter if it was the truth or a lie. Now, he only needed an explanation.

The two of them looked at each other silently in the heavy rain, and the memory that suddenly jumped out could play a role at this moment.

They gave me three cookies once when I was about to starve to death.

Danzo's eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of Ye Zi's birthplace. Thinking about it carefully, although there is no way to verify it, Ye Zi was indeed discovered by Orochimaru from a village in the Land of Rain.

There is no way to verify it, but this is a reason that is both reasonable and unreasonable.

The so-called feelings are a burden...

The members of the Roots didn't need it, and neither did Konoha's ANBU Raiga.

Although he didn't know much about it, Danzo knew Ye Zi's character very well. He sealed his whole body with a thick layer of ice. This was Ye Zi.

Repay a favor?

It's possible, but it's very low.

Danzo nodded and did not pursue the issue further.

Go back to the village.

On the surface, there is no pursuit, but the murderous intention that has sprouted will never disappear.

His figure disappeared into the rain.

Ye Zi followed him silently.

Back then, when he was about to defect from Konoha, Danzo blocked him and forced him to join Gen. After joining Gen, he found that Gen's environment was exactly what he wanted.

The method of obtaining power, the scrolls with astonishing storage capacity, the rigorous and demanding training ground...all of them are what he needs.

Over the past few years, the soaring strength is inseparable from Gen. He is like a task machine, constantly performing tasks. From the beginning of being on the verge of death many times to the current level of success, he has truly stepped on the pace of death.

Ye Zi is very clear about the position Danzo has given him, and also very clear about the control Gen has had over him.

A gust of wind helped Akatsuki's Nagato, so Danzo had murderous intentions, because this was information that Danzo did not control. However, Ye Zi also had many trump cards that Danzo didn't know.

Danzo thought he could control Ye Zi, but he didn't know that Ye Zi's growth exceeded his imagination.

If it happened again, Ye Zi came to the avenue in front of Konoha's gate, and Danzo standing in front of him would no longer be able to keep him.

This is change! How could Ye Zi be so uncool if he had no support?

The class teacher went out and came back defeated. Only two people came back.

Sarutobi knew about it, but didn't do anything. Fortunately, among the people who came back, Ye Zi was the only one.

He didn't know why Danzo was out this time, why dozens of people went out and only two came back. He didn't know, and he couldn't possibly know later, because it was Danzo.

After returning to the roots, Ye Zi went straight to Nanako's research room. Of course, he did not see Nanako there. In the research room with the same decoration, except for the text that should be there, everything else remained unchanged at all, and there was even a trace of dust. nothing.

I have never paid serious attention to the research room, so I naturally can't notice the difference.

Every time I come to the laboratory, I always see Nanako, as if this is Nanako's home, but this time it was all in vain. In spite of himself, Ye Zi felt a little bit disappointed, or maybe he was not used to it.

Some people are slow on purpose or unintentionally.

For some reason, that young girl in her prime years was willing to live in darkness, huddled in a small research room day after day.

Just because that first encounter, that moment of looking at each other, was so charming that it attracted Nanako to give so much?

Perhaps, at that moment, Nanako kept him in her heart for a lifetime.

The girl who could always be seen in the research room was not here this time, and Ye Zi didn't know how to ask her whereabouts.

Looking for Danzo? Obviously unrealistic.

Is there any other way? I don’t know where Nanako lives, I don’t know Nanako’s social circle, I don’t know where Nanako is usually.

So there is no way. When problems arise, more problems will arise.

It turns out that I really don’t know much about this girl until now.

Ye Zi silently looked at the empty research room, stayed for a moment, then turned and left.

If the dust hadn't been wiped away carefully, Ye Zi might have noticed something strange. Now, he had no idea that Nanako was imprisoned by Danzo, and that the research information for him was in Orochimaru's hands.

Ye Zi simply thought that Nanako only rested occasionally, thinking that it would be the same tomorrow, so she planned to go back to rest.

As dusk approaches, orange-red light falls on the street, and the people passing by are dyed with an orange-red coat.

As always, when she saw him, her eyes of disgust that could not be concealed truly fell on him.

Ye Zi still ignored these glances. He faced the twilight and looked up at the setting sun, whose temperature had become weak. He suddenly stopped and his shadow stretched far behind him.

Two bouncing children, one boy and one girl, came up behind him playfully, looking like a pair of twins. They were jumping in Ye Zi's shadow with their smiling faces.

The child only jumped for a while before being pulled away by a panicked young woman. As she walked, she taught the child not to get close to the monster.

Ye Zi could hear the conversation, and his mood did not change at all. He stared at the twilight at sunset, thinking about the equal relationship between effort and gain.

Giving without asking for anything in return is so dreamy, so dreamy that it cannot shake the values ​​I have grown up with since childhood.

However, the girl named Shimura Nanako really paid for him without asking for anything in return. Then he thought of Kyukina with beautiful crimson hair, Orochimaru who liked eating eggs, and would rather die. Bei Xingye, who also doesn’t want to be a burden to his teammates...

Because the girl in the research room was rarely absent, my thoughts seemed to be pulled by an inexplicable force, thinking about things that I would never think about at ordinary times.

On the other side of the street, Kushina silently looked at Ye Zi's back. Her dark red hair had a different kind of beauty under the setting sun.

She heard the twins, the twins' mother, and the few short sentences of the conversation. She couldn't help but think of that crazy young man when he was in deep crisis. Several years later, she still has a deep impression.

It was obviously Ye Zi who saved everyone, why would he spread such slanderous remarks?

It was obvious that Ye Zi could have escaped on his own at that time, and there was no need to devour human flesh to fight, but he stayed for the sake of everyone.

Kushina stared at Ye Zi's white hair that was beginning to grow, and her heart ached. She kept trying hard to get closer to him, but was always rejected indifferently. She kept getting closer, but seemed to be getting farther and farther away.

Perhaps noticing the distressed look that stood out among the many eyes, Ye Zi suddenly turned around, his back to Twilight, and his handsome face like a knife fell into shadow.

He saw the girl.

Seeing Ye Zi looking over, Kyu Xingna immediately put away the sadness on her face, put on a big smile, and walked quickly towards Ye Zi in the twilight. When she took the first step, she habitually waited for Ye Zi. He turned and left without saying a word.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps...

Ye Zi was still looking at her.

Kushina's eyes slowly widened, and then she quickened her pace, which soon turned into a trot, and then turned into a run. Hundreds of meters became so long at this moment. She wanted to run across the distance of several hundred meters quickly, for fear that Ye Zi would turn around and leave again.

Facing the beautiful eyes, she came to Ye Zi, and when she wanted to look at him, she actually raised her head slightly.

It turns out that it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you so close.

You're back. Kushina smiled, but there was a little nervousness in her beautiful eyes.

Ye Zi lowered his head slightly and looked at the nervousness in the girl's eyes. For a moment, his mood was extremely complicated. Ever since he decided to set a boundary with Kushina, he had deliberately reduced his contact with Kushina. Many times he would pretend not to see Kushuna. , and then left quickly.

Yeah. Ye Zi responded.

have you eaten?

not yet.

Then, I'll treat you to dinner. The nervousness in the girl's eyes suddenly became extremely obvious.

Ye Zi was a little hesitant when he heard this, so the girl's hand couldn't help but clenched.

Although Ye Zi didn't see Jiuxingna's clenched hands, he felt it faintly. Then, he raised his head and looked back at Jiuxingna.

At this moment, Jiuxingna's expression darkened, as if she had already seen Ye Zi's answer.


But unexpectedly, Ye Zi agreed.

Huh? Kushina was stunned, looking very cute.

Let's go to the Tongtong House. Ye Zi tilted his head and looked in one direction.

Jarbar House...that's the barbecue restaurant we used to go to together.


Kushina smiled slightly.

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