Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 128: Far away heart

In the end, Ye Zi ended the crusade with twenty-six bowls of ramen.

Thanks for the hospitality.

Putting down the empty bowl, Ye Zi was quite satisfied. Sometimes it was good to kill someone who had been taken advantage of.

Minato didn't know that his sudden impulse to treat him to a meal this time became a reason to support the enemy. If he knew that Ye Zi missed him so much, he didn't know how he would feel.

After paying the money, they left under the adoring eyes of Shuda. The two walked side by side for a certain distance. There were not many people on the street at this time. When they saw Minato and Ye Zi walking together, they looked surprised without any surprise. and puzzled looks.

Why did Minato get together with that monster?

There is no need to deliberately interpret the meaning of the gaze, it is so obvious.

Everyone who walks with Ye Zi will always have different moods, either heartache, sadness, or powerlessness, but Minato's feeling is helplessness, and he also has questions.

Why can you face so many hostile looks so calmly? Why can you always be so calm?

This is unreasonable. Minato suddenly whispered.

Ye Zi raised his eyebrows. Everyone walking side by side with him on the street seemed to have something to say.

It's really unreasonable. Why does a person who has made so many contributions to Konoha have to endure such rumors and hostility? Many people know this, but no one stands up to change this, so it is very unreasonable.

If Minato knew that Ye Zi had an identity named Lei Ya in his roots and had performed many S-level missions, he would only feel that the village had treated Ye Zi extremely badly.

It doesn't matter. Ye Zi looked straight ahead, how could he tolerate these meaningless emotions in his eyes.

Minato just stopped talking. What kind of person are you? He was silent, thinking that the person Kushina liked was so powerful.

I'm going back. Ye Zi suddenly stopped at a crossroads. Although he and Minato had relatively few interactions, they were still friends who had known each other for many years.

Okay. Minato looked at him.

Ye Zi nodded slightly and walked towards home.

On the other side of that direction was the direction Minato was going. After Ye Zi walked a certain distance, Minato also walked towards his home.

At a crossroads, the two of them went in different directions, and there seemed to be two different roads extending out.

After returning to the house, Ye Zi went to the yard to perform ineffective physical training in a coping style. Until night fell, slight footsteps came from the wooden corridor.

When Ye Zi heard the sound, he threw away the stone dumbbell in his hand and looked at Orochimaru in the corridor.

How's it going? He stared at Orochimaru.

Dead. Orochimaru's answer was always so concise.

Ye Zi looked stunned. He died like this? How could it be so sudden? He died like this not long after he asked Orochimaru to ask for his help? Is there any hidden secret in this? Is Danzo's every move under surveillance? When he went to ask Orochimaru to ask for help, he immediately executed Nanako?

She is from the Shimura family after all. Ye Zi's eyes grew colder and he clenched his fists gently.

Orochimaru raised his head, looked at the flaming clouds on the horizon, and said calmly: Surname and bloodline are not things worth caring about in Danzo's eyes.


Ye Zi suddenly sneered, family ties and blood ties are the most inseparable. In this world, no, on the earth, in the vast sea of ​​​​people, in the fear of the unknown tomorrow, in the difficult road ahead, I can stand for you. The only people left to depend on are family members.

What a cold-blooded and heartless person. He slandered in his heart, and Danzo's ruthlessness of killing relatives for no reason was far superior to him.

Konoha Village, the place where he had stayed for so many years, could not give him a sense of belonging after all.

Regardless of those rumors, it was also because Ye Zi did not regard Konoha as a home at all. To put it harshly, Konoha was just a temporary place for him to stay, and it was a stepping stone.

This was a thought he had always hidden deep in his heart, and Nanako's death only made him maintain a deeper bad impression of Konoha.

Sooner or later I have to leave. At this moment, the thought came to mind.

Orochimaru looked at Ye Zi, who was slightly lowered and silent, with a calm expression and eyes. He would not tell Ye Zi that he was the one responsible for Nanako's execution. He believed that Nanako was not worth saving by Ye Zi. She was just a woman. If she died, she would die. If this caused Ye Zi to have a deeper dislike for Konoha, it would not be a situation he wanted to see.

Orochimaru didn't know that Ye Zi had long had a bad feeling towards Konoha. Originally, this bad feeling gradually faded away with the passage of time, but when the rumors had the shadow of being deliberately controlled, the bad feeling that was about to disappear was revived. And it's more serious than before.

Ye Zi could not care about the rumors, but he could not ignore the slander the village had shown towards him through the deliberately controlled rumors.


He has been through life and death so many times, put in so much effort for the cultivation of Konoha, and gained so many resources. Why should the village treat him like this?

Maybe there are people in this world who can be generous, but it won't be him. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they would have defected or committed suicide long ago.

Take care of the hidden dangers in your body in the past few days. Orochimaru said suddenly.

Ye Zi was startled and looked at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru said calmly: Shimura Nanako has found a way for you. According to research data, as long as you have Hashirama's cells, you can slow down your aging rate.

Really? Ye Zi's eyelids slowly drooped, and Nanako's smiling face flashed in his mind. Suddenly, back to the night before the war, facing the moonlight and night wind, the girl said firmly and loudly that she wanted to help him.

But... died, died for him, and he didn't even have a chance to say an unreserved thank you.

He thought of Danzo again, a being who was ruthless even to his relatives. One day, if he found an opportunity, he would definitely kill this person and avenge Nanako.

Orochimaru said: Cultivation of cells takes time. The current amount is not enough, but I will speed up and try to implant the cells into you within a week.

Okay. Ye Zi nodded.

Get some rest early. Orochimaru said the last words and walked to his room.

He left a glimmer of hope for Nanako. If the hope was activated, as long as Nanako was not stupid, she would be able to escape from Konoha. As for what happened next, he had no control over it. You know, his original plan was to deal with Nanako directly. , how could it give her a chance of survival?

After Orochimaru left, Ye Zi continued training, but his heart felt very dull, as if it was blocked by a stone.

I once made up my mind to never leave any bonds in this world, but unknowingly, bonds have quietly formed.

The more he thought about it, the more images of Nanako emerged.

From the appearance you can see every time you open your eyes on the operating table to the appearance you often see in the research room at the end, everything is like broken glass, turning into countless pieces and slowly disappearing.

Ye Zi stopped lifting weights and looked up at the moon. He had the urge to roar and just wanted to vent all the depression in his heart.

However, he suppressed it and at the same time he was no longer in the mood to train.

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