Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 132 Leaving

Iwa Ninja Village is located in a steep mountain. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

Ye Zi took the scroll recording the infiltration route and information storage location from Danzo, and then got ready to go. Instead of taking the main entrance, he left Konoha Village along the root member's unique passage.

After walking some distance away from the village, I looked back silently at the hidden corner of the village wall. The step I took from here may be a real departure, and a departure without any attachment.

Konoha Village is an important cornerstone for him since he came to this world. It is incomparably important. However, it just cannot make him feel a sense of belonging. This is due to various experiences and impressions.

Hopefully this isn't the last time.

Whispering sounds sounded above the dimly lit grass. Ye Zi slowly withdrew his gaze and turned around to leave.

First of all, he has to complete the mission while ensuring the safety of his life. If he cannot complete the mission, then he will give up the mission directly. Then whether to defect or return to Konoha to accept the consequences of the mission failure requires some consideration.

If possible, he didn't want to leave Konoha so soon, because he had to find a chance to get Konoha's forbidden technique scroll.

What he didn't know was that one of the bargaining chips between Danzo and Orochimaru was a scroll of forbidden arts. In other words, Danzo didn't think Ye Zi had the capital to trade with him. For Danzo, Ye Zi was at best Just a sharp sword.

Thinking back to the beginning, if he didn't think Ye Zi was useful, Danzo would have made Ye Zi hate him on the road outside the village.

But it is undeniable that Ye Zi has paid too much for Konoha over the years.

As the Third Hokage, Sarutobi still has some control over the village. When Ye Zi left Konoha through a hidden passage as a root member, he was the first to know.

Thunder Fang…

This little-known identity on the stage is famous among Gen and Anbu. The completion rate of a single task is 100%, which can surprise many people, not to mention the number of tasks and the proportion of S-level tasks. .

For the many Anbu who wander in the darkness and walk on the edge of life and death, as a senior, Raiya is a very scary junior, and as a junior, Raiya is a very scary senior.

This dazzling mission resume is probably unbreakable by anyone. If it weren't for the special characteristics of Ye Zi's body, he would have stepped into the door of death many times.

In addition to his identity as Raiga, Ye Zi is also an elite jounin in Konoha. As a team teacher, he once led Uchiha Ninzu and Uchiha Hyou, two entities that are now becoming famous. Now he is the leader of the ninth team. Team teacher.

Wandering under light and darkness with a dual identity is something Sarutobi and Danzo agree on. To a certain extent, Ye Zi's contribution to Konoha can be compared to that of the Sannin and White Fang. As the same Bai Ya, who is a task-oriented talent, is comparable to Ye Zi. If analyzed in terms of age, Ye Zi is stronger than Bai Ya.

Such scarce talents suffer unfair treatment from the village.

Sarutobi put his hands behind his hands and looked at the scenery outside, his brows furrowed tightly.

It's always unfair.

He was talking to himself, to the two people sitting on the sofa, and to Danzo who had turned into darkness.

After all, he is an outsider from the village. The bespectacled Mito Monobu said calmly, hitting the nail on the head. Koharu went to bed and did not speak, but his expression already expressed agreement.

To outsiders in the village, this is the conclusion.

Konoha's little White Fang and Genri's Thunder Fang, no matter how much they work for these two identities, they can't change the fact that they are outsiders in the village.

An orphan brought back by Orochimaru from the war-torn Rain Country. Although he was still young at the time, judging from the war-torn era, his initial values ​​​​had already been established.

Although... Ye Zi had been treated harshly by the interrogation department at that time, it could not change Ye Zi's identity. After all, he was an outsider from the village, an orphan from the Country of Rain that was sandwiched between several big countries.

Does he have a family? So how did you die? Died at the hands of which ninja village? Maybe Konoha?

There are many questions. No valid information was obtained in the original interrogation. Is it because you are still young? This is not an acceptable reason.

Because of his insignificant status, do we have to ignore the contributions he has made over the years? Sarutobi's brows never loosened. That year, Orochimaru brought back a skinny child, who bluntly said that he would become a towering tree in the future. Now indeed, as Orochimaru said, Ye Zi really became a towering tree and became one of the trees that protects Konoha.

Watching Ye Zi grow up step by step and even come close to death many times, Sarutobi has long regarded him as an indispensable part of Konoha. However, others do not think otherwise, so despite his objections, he can only choose to compromise.

Of course not, it's just that his reputation needs to be suppressed. There are so many talented people in Konoha now, and it doesn't take too many people to stand out. Mito Kadoen looked calm, and Koharu, who moved to bed, made a decision that differed from Sarutobi's. Naturally, They had their considerations, and this decision coincided with Danzo's, so even if Sarutobi had objections, he would not be able to guard Ye Zi.

Indeed, the current backbone of Konoha is very terrifying. The three ninjas who gained such fame in the Second Ninja War, Kato Danzuki with weird and unpredictable abilities, Konoha White Fang who is no less than the three ninjas, the dazzling Namikaze Minato of the new generation, Uzumaki Kushina, Ye Zi, and the new jonin of many families. Among the several families, the Uchiha clan is the most outstanding.

In this case, there are enough people who can have a heroic effect, so the reputation of outsiders like Ye Zi must be restrained.

Sarutobi could understand what Men Yan and Koharu were thinking, but he didn't agree with it, just like the rumors after White Fang's mission failed, which made him resentful.

I'm very worried. Something I don't want to see might happen. Sarutobi sighed. It seemed that he was really getting old and it was time to consider his next successor. In his mind, he wanted to let Jiraiya He also inherited this position as soon as possible, but Jiraiya has no intention of becoming Hokage. Instead, he has always praised Minato. Speaking of which, Minato is indeed very suitable to be Hokage, but his age and qualifications are far from enough. On the contrary, Kato Dan will be the first candidate. .

The aging Sarutobi doesn't know where to start, and he urgently needs someone to succeed the next generation of Hokage. And the relationship between Kato Dan, who is excellent in all aspects, and Tsunade's boyfriend is even turning into a fiancé, is Very suitable for the next Hokage, but due to Jiraiya's private message, and more likely because his favorite Tsunade was taken away by Kato Dan, he has always strongly respected Minato and even patiently paved the way for Minato, so Sarutobi was delayed. By not making a decision, and only by delaying the decision, Minato had the chance to make his credentials irrefutable.

Men Yan and Koharu seemed to see Sarutobi's mood of resigning. After looking at each other, Men Yan comforted: Ye Zi is indeed outstanding, but it is not to the level that requires special attention. Even if something happens that you don't want to see, The situation, with the current strength of the village, he can't make any trouble.

After hearing this, Sarutobi no longer wanted to continue this topic, because it was impossible to change his opinion in front of people who had preconceived ideas.

After all, Ye Zi's identity is like a fishbone that can never be pulled out in the eyes of Men Yan and Koharu. Based on this alone, even if Ye Zi is far better than Minato, and no matter how much he thinks about Konoha, he will never reach the level of Hokage. , and can't reach the height of being side by side with Naruto.

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