Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 138 Breakout

The huge Iwa Ninja Village, located in the Tsuchikage office building, was surrounded by nearly a thousand Iwa Ninjas. The formation was very frightening. The ability to quickly gather such a large number of people in the middle of the night was most likely possible because of an ambush in advance. But in fact, these nearly a thousand Iwa Ninjas were gathered temporarily. In the short period of time Ye Zi sneaked into the office building and entered the secret room, it was clear how terrifying the mobility and discipline of the ninjas in the Iwa Ninja Village were.

The Tsuchikage office stone building that originally stood tall in the village was tightly surrounded by a layer of yellow rock formations, and its original appearance was no longer visible. The person who made such a grand gesture did not mind at all that it represented the symbol of Iwa Ninja Village. The stone building was destroyed just to trap the target first, instead of crushing the target into pulp.

Naturally, the only person who used this method was Tsuchikage Onoki. His move made all the Iwa ninjas present widen their eyes in shock.

Is it necessary to do this? Huang Tu glanced at his father and sighed in his heart. He had already begun to calculate the cost of rebuilding the office building.

Nearly a thousand Iwa ninjas radiated to the surroundings with the office building as the center point, and were very scattered, so the range spread far away, while Ohnoki was floating in the air, with his arms folded and staring coldly at the rocks. office stone building.

Be it Little White Fang of Konoha or White Fang of Konoha, these two people are a big threat to Iwa Ninja Village and even other Ninja Villages, and it would be best to get rid of them.

He was not sure whether the trapped person was Konoha White Fang or Konoha Little White Fang, but he was certain that it was one of the two.

Last time I used forced questioning as a means, but this time I just sneaked in. It's really naive.

Onoki looked at the stone prisoner coldly and was not in a hurry. In his opinion, the Konoha ninja trapped in the rock could not escape. This was mainly because he did not want the Konoha ninja trapped inside to turn into dregs.

He was full of confidence and was not worried about Ye Zi escaping at all. If he was surrounded by nearly a thousand rock ninjas and allowed others to escape, it would be really embarrassing if word spread.

In the secret room, Ye Zi heard Ohnoki's slightly mocking voice and did not respond. He silently released the transformation technique and transformed back into a black tight-fitting combat uniform and a thunder-striped fox mask.

The face covered by the mask was expressionless. He raised his head slightly and looked at the messy environment around him. There was no extra time to think about whether the other party was waiting for him, and whether this mission was a dead end designed by Danzo for him.

Although his face was expressionless, there was solemnity in his eyes as he was thinking about how to escape from this heavy siege.

With his senses, he could detect at least nearly a thousand Iwa Ninjas outside the stone building. No, it should be said that the power of the entire Iwa Ninja Village was outside, and he was like an ant trapped inside by a heavy steel container. Unable to move.

Tsk, tsk, you are in big trouble this time. I can sense that there is a big guy outside. It seems to be the same existence as that little girl in Konoha. A voice of gloating suddenly came from his mind.

Ye Zi listened to Nao's voice, and the solemnity in his eyes dissipated a little. His life was tied to Gao. If he died, Gao would also die. And now Gao can still gloat about his misfortune. I think there should be a way to help him escape. go out.

Do you have any idea? Ye Zi asked.

Nao sneered: There is a way.

any solution?

Nao said: Break open the rock, I will turn into a giant, hold you and throw you out. At most, you will be slightly injured. Then you can find a way to escape.

Ye Zi realized that he had overestimated it and said unceremoniously: Stupid method.

Nao Nu said: I told you not to come. You deserve to be trapped here.

Ye Zi ignored him. He did think of a few ways. One was to reverse spiritualism and go to the world where he was. However, he didn't stay there for a long time and he would be in the same place when he came back, so he rejected it directly.

Another one is to use thunder escape to stimulate the cells to escape directly, but you have to block the first wave of offensive, otherwise you will be in a certain death situation.

To withstand the attacks of the Tsuchikage, the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and nearly a thousand Iwa Ninja Villages, the giant Nagashi could only be used as a shield.

This is the most appropriate method at the moment, and he can also sense the strength and weakness of the ninja outside. Although it is only a rough range, judging from the power distribution at the front, the Tsuchikage is located directly in front, which is the strongest. The position is not suitable for a breakout, and the left and right sides of the Tsuchikage belong to the backbone and are also in positions that cannot be broken out. So the only way to break out is from the rear, but that direction will continue to penetrate deeper into the Kingdom of Earth. It seems that we can only break out first, and then If you escape from the Land of Earth in a roundabout way, you will inevitably face the fierce pursuit of the Iwa Ninja Village.

Here, help me resist the first wave of damage. Ye Zi said.

Nao understood what Ye Zi meant, and although he was reluctant, he had no choice but to cooperate since his own life was at stake.

This mission is considered a failure...

Joining Gen's mission career, Ye Zi ushered in his first failure.

Now that he was planning to escape, he no longer hesitated and decisively took up the chakra to change its nature. Violent thunder suddenly arose on the blade of Thunder Fang.

Immediately afterwards, thunder light also appeared on Ye Zi's body, and wisps of thunder seemed to dye his eyes.


The brilliant and dazzling thunder light turned into a sharp blade and cut through the stone layer in front of him. With a bang, the stone building suddenly split into two halves. The bright moonlight penetrated through the gap and fell on Ye Zi's Thunder Pattern Fox Mask. above.

The moonlight comes and the figure goes away.

The lightning flashed, and Ye Zi turned into a bolt of lightning and flew out from the gap. Behind him, a cross of light tore through the space. The one-eyed and long-armed man jumped out. His rock-like muscles swelled, and his entire body grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye. , followed Ye Zi's figure, roared out from his big mouth, stretched his long arm forward, and kept up with Ye Zi's speed.

The Iwa ninja outside had already prepared his ninjutsu to attack Ye Zi when the building was split open. However, Ohnoki did not use his signature dust escape because he wanted to keep Ye Zi's body. Because of this, he lost This is the only chance to kill Ye Zi.

You can't blame him for this. No one knew that Ye Zi had such a huge psychic beast. This was the first time that Ye Zi had a ghost appear in such a form.

Under the astonished gazes of many Iwa ninjas, Gho's huge body faced Ye Zi and protected Ye Zi with his hands. At this time, anywhere on the ground, on the roof, on the telephone poles, anywhere where Iwa ninjas were standing, they all used their After mastering the ninjutsu, countless earth escape techniques instantly fell on Nao's huge body.

Stones shattered and flew into the air, smoke and dust flew into the air. He raised his head and let out a howl full of pain. He was not invincible now. He had received so many attacks at once, and he almost couldn't bear it, but it was enough.

After withstanding this wave of attack, he went back directly.

A bolt of lightning shot out from the smoke, like a sharp arrow, and passed through the rock ninja in the front row, looking like a breakout.

Ohnomu's eyes widened, his figure disappeared, and suddenly appeared next to Ye Zi, grabbing Ye Zi's shoulder with one hand.

Ye Zi turned his head to look at Onomu, his eyes narrowed slightly, his wrist turned around, and his thunder fangs slashed towards Onomu's wrist.


Onomu snorted coldly, and a large number of stones instantly condensed on his palm, forming a huge rock fist, which slammed into Ye Zi.

The thunder tooth that slashed past was a feint, and Ye Zi immediately retracted his sword. When Ohnoki slowed down due to the condensed rock fist, he ran out like a wild horse, widening the distance between them.

Being fooled?

Onomu looked at Ye Zi who had pulled out several positions in an instant, and anger suddenly appeared in his eyes.

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