Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 143 Crazy Thoughts

Ohnoki withdrew his dust escape and looked at the empty space without leaving any traces. For a moment, his mood was slightly complicated. Konoha's little White Fang died like this? So simple, so hard to believe.

This is where ninjas belong, he whispered to himself.

Although Ye Zi is still young, he has already been registered in the major ninja villages, and is listed on the list of those who must be eliminated when encountering him. This is a genius, no one can deny it. Even today, Ohnoki has seen it with his own eyes and feels that there is no good person under the reputation. However, even geniuses fall too easily before they have grown to the extreme.

Every ninja village has intelligence channels. What they know may not be so detailed, but for example, Ye Zi has dual identities. Ohnoki knows it. He knows very well what Ye Zi's position is. Just like Konoha White Fang, it is a mission. Talent, this kind of person, is what every Ninja Village lacks. An efficient task talent can bring many things to the Ninja Village.

Go back. Onomu stared at the location where Ye Zi was for a long time, and then said to Han who looked dissatisfied.

Han twisted his neck without saying a word. He had been chasing Ye Zi for so long, just because he wanted to beat Ye Zi to vent his anger, but he was evaporated by the old man's Chendun.

Precisely because it is dust escape and not other escape techniques, some things are unclear, such as some tricks.

Ye Zi, who was annihilated by the dust escape, was just a shadow clone whose chakra was almost exhausted, and the real body was already in the stream.

From the time he summoned Nao, Ye Zi started to avoid Ohnoki's deception, which was considered a few tricks.

He used Nao to create smoke bombs, and Ye Zi took the opportunity to create a shadow clone. The main body was transformed into a kunai with a transformation technique. Gao acted like he had failed to resist, and even spoke to the shadow clone, all for the sake of He deceived Onoki, and his true body had long been turned into a kunai and was held by the shadow clone. After the shadow clone disappeared, the shadow clone pretended to run away in a slight panic after the trump card disappeared. Then he threw a kunai and pretended to delay Onoki, but in fact The kunai above is Ye Zi's true body.

After being dodged by Ohnoki, the kunai fell into the stream.

While Onoki chased the shadow clone, Ye Zi waited patiently in the stream. When Han passed him, he took the military ration pill and went straight down the stream.

Along the way along the river, I passed by many Iwa Ninjas. It seemed that there were Tsuchikage and Jinchuriki chasing me ahead. Therefore, when the Tsuchikage and Jinchuriki did not turn around, the chasing elite Iwa Ninja disappeared along the way. No matter how careful he was, he only wanted to catch up with the Tsuchikage and the Jinchuriki as quickly as possible. Because of this, Ye Zi was smoothly pushed by the current and swam not far from the Iwa Ninja Village.

Chakra recovered a little, and after Ye Zi sensed that there were no rock ninjas around, he came out of the river and came to the shore.

The location of the lower river is vertical to the Iwa Ninja Village, so Ye Zi fled a long way before he found the river. When he followed the river to this place, the distance from the Iwa Ninja Village was horizontal, and the actual distance was not that far apart. .

Ye Zi stood on the shore, soaked all over, and glanced down at his severed right arm. His expression looked gloomy. The impact of losing an arm was too great. Even if Orochimaru helped, he was lucky enough to be able to reattach an arm, but due to the incompatibility, It will definitely be incongruous.

Right now, let's think about how to escape from the Land of Earth. All the way here, there are so many rock ninjas chasing in that direction, huh?

Ye Zi was thinking about the next plan, and suddenly thought that the Tsuchikage and the Jinchuriki were led far away by him. On the way down the river, he sensed many Iwa ninja chasing in that direction. In other words, now The number of Iwa Ninjas in the Iwa Ninja Village has been conservatively estimated to have dropped by half, so...

A thought took root at this moment, suddenly sprouted wildly, and then grew into a towering tree.

A crazy idea came about.

If we go back to Iwa Ninja Village now... it might be feasible.

Ye Zi's eyes flickered for a few times. He was completely out of control now. He couldn't help much when necessary. And currently, his chakra amount was limited. Even if he wanted to return to the Iwa Ninja Village, he would have to find a few targets to absorb the chakra. Moreover, time is very limited and the shadow clone has disappeared, so the Tsuchikage and the Jinchūriki should also be on their way home.

This decision is risky. However, it is possible.

Ye Zi has never thought that he is a generous person. On the contrary, he feels that he is a person who must pay for his flaws. How can the debt of an arm be ignored? This is a great opportunity. After all, You can't sneak into the Iwa Ninja Village at any time. The Tsuchikage, Jinchuriki and most of the Iwa Ninja are not in the village. The opportunity now is rare.

When ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, their first priority is to take the opportunity to escape from the land of the earth. However, people like Ye Zi who cherish their lives should not hesitate and will escape directly. But in the end, he had such a crazy idea. It can be said that , past experiences have made Ye Zi develop a character that must report flaws.

One arm, he really couldn't let it go like this. Even if the mission failed, he would still take this opportunity to cause trouble in the Iwa Ninja Village, or even set a fire at the worst.

Without hesitating for too long, Ye Zi made the decision to return to Iwa Ninja Village!

After making a decision, he found his direction and headed towards Iwa Ninja Village.

Soon, the outline of Iwa Ninja Village appeared in front of me. Ye Zi looked at Iwa Ninja Village with a crazy light in his eyes.


He once again transformed into Shi Gang's appearance. This time, he did not enter through the gate, but came to the wall on the side. After ensuring that there was no barrier, he entered with the Earth Escape Technique, and then transformed into Shi Gang's appearance. , walking swaggeringly in the Iwa Ninja Village.

There is not much chakra left, we need to find the target quickly...

Ye Zi had the confidence to remain undetected, but he would not walk directly on the avenue. He would choose alleyways between buildings.

Because he was not familiar with Iwa Ninja Village, Ye Zi, who entered through the side wall, could not find his way home, so he could only run around in the alleyway in the general direction of the Tsuchikage's office building.

With his perception ability, he could sense that the Iwa Ninja were still on alert at this time. In every area, there were always several Iwa Ninjas on alert. It seemed that the Tsuchikage, Jinchūriki and some elite Iwa Ninja were pursuing them. Leaving the village made them very wary.

However, none of the Iwa Ninjas in the Iwa Ninja Village would have thought that the target pursued by the Tsuchikage and the Jinchūriki would actually come to the Iwa Ninja Village again under their noses.

No one would have thought…

Including Ohnoki and Han who thought to get rid of Ye Zi.

At this moment, the defense of Iwa Ninja Village is very weak, which is measured by the strength of the entire village. Therefore, even though the defense is weak now, Ye Zi cannot severely damage Iwa Ninja Village, but he can make a big fuss.

The scroll is not in the secret room in the office building. There is lack of information and it is impossible to judge, but it is possible that the Tsuchikage's residence is there. You can go there. Even if you can't find the scroll, you can take revenge. Since you broke my arm, then I will... Ye Zi's eyes gradually turned cold.

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