Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 151 He is dead

If the only way to pass is death, then there is nothing to fear. (Preface)

A few days later, an arm from the Iwa Ninja Village was placed on Sarutobi's desk, and news of death came one after another.

Maybe it was because the sealing was done well, but the arm seemed to have no signs of blood. It was just that the color of the skin was very pale, with no blood at all, and the entire arm only showed a small amount of pale skin, because other parts were stained with blood. It forms a strong contrast with the pale skin exposed.

A short knife was held tightly by this arm. The fingers seemed to have been soaked in blood for a long time and turned red. The blade of the short knife, like the fingers, was stained with deep blood, except for the handle. Still as dark as ink jade.

This short sword is called Thunder Fang, and it is Ye Zi's sword. It is now held by a severed arm, just in front of him.

Sarutobi squeezed the armrests of the chair with both hands, his eyes fixed on the broken arm, his brows furrowed, a groove forming between his forehead, he just stared at the broken arm, without saying a word for a long time, holding the armrests. The blood in his fingers faded away due to excessive force.

He was suppressing his anger, and he didn't know who to target with this anger.

Maybe he needs an explanation, but no one can give him this explanation.

As a root member, Ye Zi was sent by Danzo to perform a mission, and now, the Iwa Ninja Village sent this severed arm to Konoha.

Therefore, Ye Zi died.

Why, just die like that?

Even Sarutobi, who was used to seeing death, couldn't help but sigh after forcibly suppressing his surging emotions.

He didn't know what kind of mission Danzo sent Ye Zi to perform. Now, he regretted it, but it was too late.

If he had been tougher at the beginning, he would not have put Ye Zi in a dilemma, causing him to be blocked by Danzo when he escaped from the village, thereby intimidating Ye Zi to join Gen.

If he had protected Ye Zi forcefully, then Ye Zi would not have joined the roots in the darkness, but would have followed him as an Anbu.

In this way, it won't be like a task machine, performing so many tasks for Konoha and Gen.

Sarutobi knew that Ye Zi's mission history in the root contained many records of Ye Zi wandering on the edge of life and death. Now, this information would be put to the final touch.

Orochimaru, you once said that this child will become a towering tree in Konoha in the future. You are right. But I am old after all. He should have a better destination and path, but because of my concession ... Sarutobi slowly let go of the hand holding the armrest and sighed softly, feeling even more guilty when he thought of the arrangements ahead.

The identity of a hero may be the best blessing for the deceased.

What achievements and contributions must be made to be worthy of being a hero?

This is very general, but as long as Ye Zi's mission resume is published, no one can refute Ye Zi's qualifications to be called a hero.

However, this mission resume can only be sealed in the scroll, sinking into darkness, never to see the light of day.

Because he is a member of the roots, wandering in the darkness and unknown to everyone. Although he has made many contributions to Konoha, people can't see it, because the roots have always been under the ground, not those who have been Leaves shrouded in sunlight.

He is Ye Zi, a disciple of Orochimaru, but from the moment he joined Gen, he spent more time with the darkness, and thus could not have the same positive reputation as Namikaze Minato who was active in the sun.

Ye Zi is Konoha's hero, there is no doubt about it. However, after his death, not only could he not leave his name on the memorial tablet, he could not even clarify the rumors in the village.

How unfair this is to Ye Zi!

A strong look of self-mockery appeared on Sarutobi's face. He suddenly slapped the table hard, his expression looked so tired, like an old man who was about to reach his twilight years.

He is getting old after all.

Therefore, the idea of ​​giving up was so strong at this moment.


Sarutobi lowered his head slightly, and the bamboo hat with the word fire on it hid his tired expression.

At this time, the door suddenly opened.

Just opened the door without knocking.

The person who came in was Orochimaru, and he walked to the desk expressionlessly.

Hearing the noise, Sarutobi slowly raised his head and looked at Orochimaru. The tired and helpless look he had before turned into nothingness at this moment.

Shouldn't you do something? Orochimaru's expression was cold, and his tone was also very cold. There was no emotion in those cold snake eyes.

Sarutobi's old face trembled slightly and remained silent.

You are old. Orochimaru's calm snake eyes finally showed anger, and he said coldly: Why don't you abdicate. What you can't do, I will do.

Once upon a time, Orochimaru longed for the position of Hokage, but after experiencing so many twists and turns, the pure original intention no longer exists. If he still wants to be Hokage, it is only for some convenience. As for protecting the wood as Hokage, Ye's thoughts have long since disappeared in an unknown corner.

Now, he wants to become Hokage more urgently than ever, because he wants to clear up the malicious rumors for Ye Zi. At least in the end, this is what he can do and what he wants to do most.

Sarutobi was no longer silent. He raised his head and looked at Orochimaru, his most proud disciple in the past. He gradually grew up in his expectations and was named the Sannin. He had made many contributions to Konoha with his hard work and blood. The true mainstay of Konoha.

However, Orochimaru is not suitable to be Hokage.

There are many people suitable for this position, including Kato Dan, Namikaze Minato, Tsunade, and Jiraiya, but there is no Orochimaru, because Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo are the same kind of people.

There is a more suitable person to take this seat. Sarutobi's tone was slightly tired, Ye Zi, it's me who feels sorry for him.

Haha. Orochimaru let out a hoarse laugh, and a strong sense of ridicule appeared on his pale face, This is my teacher. Things like time are really mysterious.

The profound words, at this moment, reflected a corner of Orochimaru's values.

Human life is so fragile.

Human life is so short.

Time controls a person's life, and in the process, many things can be erased.

If you want to fight against time, you can only live forever...

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Ye Zi's death was sudden bad news. When Sarutobi sent someone to tell him, he couldn't accept it. In that cold and empty house, there was a figure more than ten years ago, and he had become accustomed to the existence of this figure over the years, and now, he is like this left.

He was silent for a moment at home, then quickly accepted the fact, and then came to Sarutobi's office.

Ye Zi is dead.

As a member of the Root, Orochimaru knew very well that the achievements Ye Zi had made over the years would sink into darkness with death.

This kind of thing doesn't matter at all. The only thing that needs to be solved is the ridiculous rumor. To clarify this rumor, even with his identity, there is no way. Only the Hokage's voice is the fundamental solution.

He came for this and came back disappointed.

Disappointed in the teacher I once admired, disappointed in the position of Hokage, disappointed in the village of Konoha...

Sarutobi looked at the open office door and remained silent.

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