Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 153 The Law of Cause and Effect (410)

Yesterday's heavy rain has passed, and today most of the sunshine is still hidden in the haze, but there is no sign of rain again.

On the street, two people were squatting.

One was crying silently, and the other looked at the crying person with pity in his eyes.

The residents who had been talking about Ye Zi watched this scene silently, and many women automatically imagined an epic drama in their minds.

On top of a building, Jiraiya and Tsunade stood side by side, both looking at the two juniors squatting on the street.

Tsunade frowned slightly and rubbed the sun in distress. The sudden news of his death surprised her, and she never expected that the disciple with a strong heart would become so fragile.

Ye Zi, he died like this. Tsunade's tone was slightly low. As one of the first people to know Ye Zi, she felt sorry for Ye Zi's death.

That day, Ye Zi came over rarely to say hello, but he never thought that it would be a farewell forever.

People will die one day, but in different ways. As a ninja, it is not surprising that death will happen in the next second. Jiraiya crossed his arms, with a look of regret on his face. As a junior, Ye Zi, He is one of his most optimistic people. He hopes that Ye Zi and Minato can become the pillars of Konoha side by side in the future and take over the responsibilities they shoulder.

Tsunade sighed and whispered: Orochimaru has been a little strange these past two days.

Jiraiya was silent for a moment, and then said: He values ​​Ye Zi very much.

Tsunade did not speak anymore, but looked at Kushina silently. She did not go to comfort her, and allowed Kushina to vent her sorrow on the street.

Kushina has a strong character and a strong heart, so Tsunade knew that Kushina would be strong enough to get through this sad experience.

The old man, after all, is no longer the same as before. Jiraiya looked at the two people on the street and said suddenly.

Tsunade glanced at him and said calmly: You are not in his position, you are not in charge of politics, and you are not in the position of a teacher. How can you understand the origin of his actions?

No matter what the old man did is reasonable or not, it is still a very unfair thing. Jiraiya said solemnly.

Indeed. Regarding this matter alone, Tsunade could not find any reason to refute it. Regardless of who wrote the initial rumors, it was always a hurtful thing. Fortunately, Ye Zi did not mention it at all. Take things into consideration. However, just because the person involved doesn't care, it doesn't mean that he can do whatever he wants. Now that Ye Zi sacrificed his life for the village, he still has to bear these harsh words after his death.

If you think about it carefully, this is really unreasonable, and why didn’t the teacher stop it?

Tsunade thought silently, unable to help but be attracted by Jiraiya's remarks. Maybe the teacher who was a great teacher in her mind is really old now. Under the influence of the village, she is no longer so courageous, and her decision-making has been suppressed. Faced with any Things began to hesitate when being influenced by the village. This unreasonableness seemed to show a trace of clues.

She suddenly thought that maybe it was time for the teacher to step back behind the scenes and let the younger generation inherit that position and continue to protect Konoha.

After Tsunade thought about it, Jiraiya was no different.

He also has a good impression of Kato Dan, but he thinks Minato is more suitable to be Hokage than Kato Dan.

In his opinion, Minato is the person with the most ninja quality in history. Although he is very gentle, he has a strong will. Therefore, over the years, he has not only worked hard to pave the way for Minato, but also made great achievements in the growth of strength. strength.

If Orochimaru wants to see the scroll of forbidden arts, he must cooperate with Danzo and ask Danzo to help him open the way to view the scroll of forbidden arts. However, Minato, with the help of Jiraiya, can easily view the scroll of forbidden arts. From here It can be seen at all that Sarutobi attaches great importance to Minato.

Therefore, in order for Minato to become Hokage, Jiraiya can be said to have done his best.

On the street, Kushina buried her head in her hands and stopped crying. She stood up slowly, ignoring the people around her, and walked towards home.

Kushina. Minato chased after her.

Kushina seemed to have not heard Minato's words, walking as if she was a little lost. She still has difficulty accepting the news of Ye Zi's death, and even feels angry and intolerable at the comments of people in the village.

Seeing that Kushina ignored him, Minato didn't care and followed her silently. He wanted to comfort Kushina, but he knew very well that it was useless to say anything at this time. All he could do was silently Be with her.

After walking for a while, Kushina suddenly said: Don't follow me.

Minato was stunned for a moment, then said worriedly: I don't trust you.

I'm fine, let's go. Kushina stopped.

Minato also stopped, his expression slightly hesitant. After a moment, he did not choose to continue to pester, but nodded slightly and said, Okay, if you are tired, just go back and take a nap.

Kushina said nothing and walked forward.

Minato looked at her back and sighed softly.

It wasn't until Kushina's figure disappeared from his eyes that he turned and left. In that direction were the woods in the village. There is his own training place there.

He didn't know why the village allowed rumors to target Ye Zi so much. What he wanted now was to have the strength to become Hokage as soon as possible, and then let everyone in the village know that Ye Zi was the hero who saved his friends.

Furthermore, he really didn't want to see Kushina so sad.

Minato went to the mountain forest alone and came to a quiet and remote place. Trees grew scattered around, leaving an open space in the middle.

Under the surrounding trees, there is a wooden humanoid object, eight in total.

Minato stood in the open space and glanced at the location of the humanoid object. Then he took a deep breath and took out eight weird-shaped kunai from his ninja bag. The kunai looked like a miniature dagger. On the handle, there is a circle of mysterious spells written on it.

Holding four in each hand, eight in total.

Not far from the training ground, Jiraiya came here quietly, leaning against a tree, looking at the kunai held by Minato in his hand, his eyes twinkling.

This time, is it eight?

He stared at Minato's figure and was filled with admiration.

Minato's eyes slowly became serious, and he suddenly waved his hands, and eight weird kunai flew to the tree behind the wooden puppets, piercing directly into the trunk, and he quickly took out another weird kunai. Minato's figure disappeared in vain. The next second, he appeared behind one of the wooden puppets. The kunai in his hand quickly slashed the wooden puppet's head. Then, Minato's figure disappeared again. The next moment , appeared behind another wooden puppet, struck again with a knife, and then disappeared again, appearing behind the next wooden puppet.

The sound of kunai scratching across the wood was heard in rapid succession, and behind the eight wooden puppets in different positions, Minato left a trail of yellow figures. In that brief moment, the eight wooden puppets were Each wooden puppet had a slash on its head.

Jiraiya looked at this scene in shock. What kind of speed was this? What a terrifying technique.

In a short period of time, the eight wooden puppets were successfully scratched and returned to their original places. The technique was a perfect success.

Minato raised the corner of his mouth and showed a faint smile.

You are indeed my disciple, haha. Jiraiya suddenly walked out and looked at Minato in amazement, I never thought you could improve this technique like this.


Minato looked at Jiraiya and said modestly: The main reason is that the Second Hokage has perfected this technique, and I just improved it a little bit.

Why are you so modest? With your talent in developing and improving ninjutsu, you may be able to surpass the Second Hokage. Jiraiya patted Minato on the shoulder. He was very satisfied with this disciple.

Minato shook his head slightly. He had read the scroll of forbidden arts, and he could be said to be inferior to the Second Hokage's ability to develop ninjutsu.

He looked at the kunai technique and said seriously: I want to become Hokage!

you can.

Jiraiya smiled slightly and responded seriously.

The prototype of the yellow flash appeared at this moment.

Where there is light, there will be darkness.

This is the law of cause and effect.

And where is that darkness?

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