Scourge of Naruto

Chapter 163 Yin Yang Escape and the Art of Six Paths

Pillar cells are rich in powerful vitality. With their numerical advantage, they were successfully integrated into Ye Zi's body and lived in harmony with the original cells. △↗Dingdian Novel, x.

Under the influence of Hashirama's cells, the lost arms and thighs quickly grew back, but it took some time to adapt to the new limbs.

It seems to be recovering well. Bai Jue leaned against Ye Zi's newly grown arm and chuckled.

Ye Zi slowly raised his pale arm. The fatigue was very obvious. He stretched it out in front of him and moved his fingers. The disharmony felt like a thorn in his throat, which was very uncomfortable.

Don't worry, it can be restored to its previous level. Seemingly seeing Ye Zi's worry, Bai Jue comforted him carelessly.

Ye Zi glanced at him and asked, Are you also created?

Bai Jue's eyes flashed and he said, Of course, but I'm not one of those low-quality goods without feelings.


Ye Zi responded coldly, and then began to move his limbs slowly and uninterruptedly, hoping to regain absolute control over his limbs as quickly as possible.

Under the dark underground, there is no concept of the passage of time. Perhaps because of Hashirama's cells, while the hair grew longer, those white hairs seemed to be rejuvenated and returned to black.

In order to restore the limbs to their original level, every day, some exercises need to be performed underground, such as wall climbing, jumping, short sprints, balance movements, and physical training. Day after day, boring rehabilitation training continues. It took a long time, when my long hair reached my waist, that the sense of disharmony in my limbs really disappeared.

However, even if the limbs have reached the level of arm control, their strength and strength are very weak, and they still need a long period of training.

Ye Zi picked up her long black hair and pinched it. Although she didn't deliberately count the days, she thought that a long time had passed.

The news of my death should have spread throughout the world. That's good. There will never be a Ye Zi from Konoha again.

Although he thinks that the people he knows in Konoha Village are just passers-by and not important at all, he still cannot be so indifferent in his heart. Even that heart cannot be truly hardened into steel. These remaining bonds , may become a stumbling block in the future.

Now, Konoha's Ye Zi is dead in the eyes of everyone. This is good, and it is more convenient to do some things without worries.

On this day, Ban, who had been ignoring Ye Zi's liveliness, suddenly called him.

Several thick pipes extended from the huge shadow behind him and connected to Madara's back. He was sitting on a stone chair, looking like a fossil when he was silent.

It's time, he said.

Ye Zi looked at him silently, waiting for the next sentence.

The demon behind me is the empty shell of the ten tails that I summoned when I opened the Samsara Eye. The purpose of collecting the nine tails is to awaken it...

Later, Madara told Ye Zi everything involved in the plan, including collecting the heretic golems after the tailed beasts. Of course, the matter of Nagato was indispensable. It was only through Madara's mouth that he learned about the reincarnation eyes that made him very jealous. , turned out to be Madara's own eyes, and they were also the key to resurrection.

A pair of eyes can make such a big difference in people. Then, if the thoughts continue to extend, it is natural to think of a possibility, that is, Madara wants to rely on the Samsara Eye to help him open up the space.

If you take these eyes as your own...

Thinking of this, he silently suppressed the greed growing in his heart and listened carefully to Madara's instructions.

After explaining all the matters carefully and carefully, Madara said calmly: Your arms and thighs are integrated into Hashirama cells, and you also have Uchiha blood in your body. Although it is not pure enough, if you work hard to pull it, you should be able to use it. Qualifications for Yin-Yang Escape and the Art of Six Paths, starting from today, I will teach you Yin-Yang Escape and the Art of Six Paths.

The always calm expression gradually became turbulent. In the end, Madara's words gave Ye Zi a huge surprise. He had never expected that Madara would teach him the art of Yin-Yang Escape and Six Paths. For a moment, he was overjoyed.

The power of Yin Escape, which is based on the spiritual energy of imagination, creates the form from nothing. The power of Yang Escape, which is based on the physical energy of life, gives life to the form. This is Yin Yang Escape, the spiritual transformation that you control and improve. The art is Yin Escape, and if your vitality is strong, you should also be able to master Yang Escape. If you have both, it is Yin and Yang Escape. As for the art of the Six Paths...

Madara's expression was calm. When he started to talk about this, it meant that the countdown to life had begun...

From the moment the Samsara Eye opened, the world in his eyes suddenly changed greatly, and death... became less scary.

After teaching Ye Zi the art of Yin Yang Escape and Six Paths, he would unplug the channel supplying chakra and then welcome death.

However, his expression was very calm, terrifyingly calm. Is it because he had absolute confidence that he could wait until the day he was resurrected?

After patiently and carefully explaining the art of Yin-Yang Escape and Six Paths to Ye Zi, the next to face the embrace of death and wait for the arrival of new life.

He stood up slowly, raised his head slightly to look at the darkness he was staring at, and said calmly: Your body is fused with Hashirama's cells and Uchiha's blood. Even if you can't open the Samsara Eye, you should be able to control the golem. .”

Ye Zi's expression was as calm as his, silently listening to Madara's words, while Bai Jue also stood quietly aside.

Madara suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on Bai Jue's right shoulder. Under the darkness and silence, a sizzling sound suddenly came out.

A jet-black color that symbolized ominousness slowly eroded half of Bai Jue's body.

With the ability to see completely in the dark, Ye Zi clearly saw that half of Bai Jue's body turned pitch black in a short period of time, forming a strong contrast between black and white.

I injected my will into this guy. He is now half of me. In the future, when necessary, you can use Yin Yang to create them and use them as chess pieces, and...

He formed a seal with his hands, stuck to the Bai Jue artificial body under the empty shell of the Outer Dao Demon Statue, and suddenly a black rod like an antenna extended out.

Madara pulled out the black stick and said: This is the black stick transformed by my will. If you want to use the Six Paths Jutsu, you can use him. can choose the weapons there.

He pointed with the black stick to a location where a pile of utensils hung, including four huge darts, three black robes, a sickle, a gourd-like fan, a chain, and two long knives.

Ye Zi had long known about the existence of these weapons and nodded without saying a word.

Madara looked at him and said: The Uchiha blood in your body is mottled and impure, and even awakening the Sharingan Eye may be a problem. However, there is also a possibility that one day, you may be able to open the Samsara Eye.

With that said, it's my turn to wait... The moment I wake up, the world will eventually change.

From now on, you can use the name Uchiha Madara to exercise all of this!

Ye Zi, who had been listening silently, suddenly refused: In your name? No, I will collect the tailed beasts and resurrect you. I will complete these things, but there is no need to do it in your name.

You are Uchiha Madara, and I... am Ye Zi.

Ban looked at Ye Zi who had an unquestionable expression. After a moment of silence, he said, Whatever you want, as long as you can complete all your plans...!

After saying that, he suddenly tore off the pipe behind him...

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